A modern house built using materials that "smell of the past, but strive for the future." The use of mechanical ventilation with dehumidification, radiant floor, photovoltaic panels with energy storage and heat pump. Creating a comfortable temperature.
- 302. Royal London
About Royal London. Monarchs: Henry V, Queens Victoria, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II, Royal Family. About Buckingham Palace, The Palace of Westminster, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul Cathedral. The Changing of The Guard at Buckingham Palace.
Описание свойств RR-винной кислоты и её производных, в качестве лигандов различных металлов. Расширение познаний в области химии. Составление представлений о гидролизе органических соединениях. Экспериментальное получение производной винной кислоты.
Analysis the spatiotemporal distributions of the vegetation cover and plant communities based on the Landsat and MODIS13Q1 remote sensing data of Sino-Mongolian transects at typical steppes of the Mongolian plateau with the use of 3S technology.
Визначення доцільності врахування частоти запитів зацікавлених сторін у ЗВО як показника інформаційної активності цільової аудиторії засобами фрактального аналізу. Персистентність, трендовість часових рядів тих ЗВО, які очолюють рейтинг "Топ-200 Україна".
The correlation between the concepts of the rule of law and the state of exception in the context of the question of the nature of law and its correlation with force. The need to reinterpret the idea of the rule of law, in the context of a pandemic
Political discourse as one of the tools for legitimizing the soviet power. The tasks of rural administrations are to use force and intimidate the peasants during state campaigns and to prevent protests and persuading the peasants. Study of village life.
А significant modernist movement is the literature of the "stream-of-consciousness" that is justly considered to be "the epitome of modernism". The initial goal of the literature of the "stream-of-consciousness" is to reproduce the complexity of human’s.
Ruppia maritima L., або рупія морська як водна однодольна рослина з родини Ruppiaceae, яка мешкає в солонуватих водоймах і мілководдях морів. Включення рослини до списків рідкісних рослин. Моніторинг популяцій та створення охоронних зон локалітетів.
Research of the role of rural entrepreneurship as an important factor in accelerating the socio-economic modernization of 1861-1914. Prerequisites for the development of private initiative, the spread of market relations and rural entrepreneurship.
The essence of such a specific socio-economic phenomenon as rural tourism is analyzed. Its features and peculiarities that distinguish this type of tourist activity from others are determined, the main organizational and territorial forms are revealed.
Рассмотрение сочетаемости слова: коллокации и работа скетч-грамматики. Проведение сравнительного анализа скетч-грамматики ruskell 1.3 и скетч-грамматики Araneum Russicum. Определение особенностей депиктивных конструкций. Обзор похожих и однокоренных слов.
- 313. Russia
Россия - страна с многовековой историей, богатой культурой и удивительной природой, расположена в восточной части Европы и в северной части Азии. Россия вымывается двенадцатью морями и тремя океанами. Природные ресурсы определяют развитие экономики.
- 314. Russia
Characteristics of Russia as a country with a huge variety of scenery and vegetation, the steppe in the south, plains and forests in the south, tundra and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the east, occupying about one-seventh of the surface.
Russian-Chinese relations in the system of international relations. Analysis of the perceptions of Russians about China and the Chinese about Russia among student youth. Stereotypes and determining factors in the development of Russian-Chinese relations.
Russia and the international trade system. Regulation of external economic activities. Foreign trade pattern. Volumes of Russian Foreign Trade with Countries Outside Former Soviet Union in Value Terms (without unorganized trade, in billions dollars).
Development of proposals for the reform of legislation in terms of corporate income tax in the context of the formation of the digital economy. International experience in the implementation of international digital tax reform. Adaptation of tax systems.
- 318. Russia Purpose
The development of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Problems and challenges of social, economic and political transition. Characteristics of natural resources and political priorities of Russia. Comparing Russia with the United States.
Threats and challenges for Russia in socio-political reality. Analysis of the new National Security Service in the context of the strategic culture of the state, as well as the narratives present in the strategy. Forecasting the future policy of Russia.
The study of Moscow's motivation in its policy towards the BRICS as one of the key geopolitical associations for Russia, the priority areas of the Russian strategy within this group. Russia's policy towards, within the BRICS, Priorities for Cooperation.
Analysis of the state policy of Russia and China to combat poverty. Analysis of the strategies of the two countries in solving the problem, main directions, social programs, measures of social support of low-income categories of citizens is carried out.
Strategic approaches of the state policy of Russia and China in the field of poverty alleviation and in the provision of state social assistance to low-income categories of citizens. Weaknesses and strengths of social policy to overcome poverty.
Analysis of current trends and levels of development of social investment and corporate social responsibility in Russia. Analysis of the classic "Carroll pyramid" and its compliance with the Russian realities of doing socially responsible business.
Information about the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, which can be gleaned from publications of the Russian press during this period. The first Korean envoy who permanently resided in Russia, Lee Beom-jin (1852-1911). History of his life and activities.
Adverbs as a structure and functioning group of significant words having a tendency to replenish. Adverbs like the semantic core that integrates around itself the words which are different in morphological structure, derivational characteristics.
The main trends of the labor market. Economic losses associated with human losses as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Migration as a key factor affecting the labor market. Assistance to refugees and migrants who left Ukraine.
Analysis of the international situation and Russia's relationship with the Qing Empire. Strengthening the prestige of the Russian Empire in East Asia. The study of the activities of diplomats A.P. Cassini and P.M. Lessar at the turn of the 20th century.
The dictatorial policies of Lenin`s government. Active opposition of to the Soviet regime as the balance in favor of the counterrevolutionaries. Active resistance to the Bolsheviks through passive neutrality to collaboration. The role of Bill Shatov.
A study of horror literature. Comparative and genre analysis of horror literature in the USA and Russia. The study of some narrative strategies used by the authors of this genre. Characteristics of the basic principles of teaching horror literature.
Russian collectivism and communality, patriotism. Attitude to the rules and law. Human relations in Russia. Religion of this countri. The attitude to money and wealth. Social relations in Russian society. Public behavior. American National Character.