Description, meaning of Richard Rorty's "final dictionary". Research of the final vocabulary as a basis for projective vocabulary. Considering language primarily as a tool by which people discover a new range of meanings. Analysis of the final vocabulary.
A new vision of personal data processing, human rights to require the removal of information about themselves from databases as a requirement of the modern world. The legal basis of the right to be forgotten. Balance between legitimate interests, rights.
Definition in different international systems of the right to strike. Analysis of complex elements involved in the evolution of supervisory bodies. Current debate on the status of the right to strike. Assessment of the scope and limits of this right.
Factors that influence public attitudes towards environmental problems in the states of Central and Eastern Europe. Expression of skepticism about environmental issues. Environmental pollution, perceptions of climate change and environmental activism.
Hilbert scheme of points and induction scheme. Cellular decompositions for various nested Hilbert schemes of points. Hodge classes on self-products of K3 surfaces. On the cotangent sheaf of Quot-schemes. Algebraic families on an algebraic surface.
Characteristics of the criminal justice system in Denmark. Description of the structure, functions of the investigating authorities, the activities of the prosecutor's office. The basic mechanisms of the functioning of the penitentiary system of Denmark.
- 277. RISC-архитектура
Современное состояние RISC-архитектуры, причины ее меньшинства на рынке компьютерных комплектующих. Предпосылки популярности систем на базе архитектуры Sun Microsystems. Анализ возможностей Solaris 10, пути обеспечения бесперебойной работы приложений.
- 278. RISC-процессоры
Микропроцессоры с архитектурой RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers). Наиболее известные RISC-микропроцессоры. Начало развития архитектуры "RISC". Повышение тактовой частоты. Программа, ограниченная лишь восемью регистрами для каждой процедуры.
Most effective way to cope with the rise of manufactured risk is to limit responsibility by adopting the "precautionary principle". Variations on the precautionary principle can nevertheless be a significant way of the reintroducing responsibility.
Risk factors for acinetobacter baumannii bloodstream infection in patients with severe thermal injury in a burn intensive care unit where A baumannii was endemic. The need for effective infection control measures for this emerging nosocomial problem.
The study included patients with coxarthrosis of the III-IV radiological stages, aimed at total hip arthroplasty for the period 2015-2018. Several variants of the course of the disease were identified, taking into account the age factor of the patients.
Depersonalization and derealization as one of the depressive symptoms of suicidal intent in patients with withdrawal syndrome in alcohol dependence. The main factors which characterized the incidence of mental and behavioral disorders in Ukraine.
The use of psychoactive substances - the reason for the increase in mental and bihevioral disorders in Ukraine. Pronounced manifestations of insomnia like one of the main obligate symptoms of depression in patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
Characteristic manifestations of systemic risk in the banking sector, including its impact on activities of systemically important banks. The list of systemically important banks in Ukraine in several ways. Proposals to reduce systemic risk in the Bank.
Consideration of theoretical aspects of the implementation of state regulation projects for the development of innovation clusters. Building a scheme for the risk management model of state regulation projects for the development of innovative clusters.
Evaluation of the specificity of regional development risks. Determination of the negative effects of these risks. Features of social and economic development of regions. Review ways to improve the risk management system of regional development.
Research and analytical characteristics and assessment of the impact of migration factors on the socio-demographic development of the region. Determination of the riskogenic features of the increase in the external migration activity of the population.
The need for technical modernization of agriculture. Risks of functioning of the enterprises of agricultural mechanical engineering in Russia on an example of the company "Rostselmash". The requirement of the standardization and technical regulation.
The essence of the concept of inflation targeting. Identification and analysis of potential risks the implementation of inflation targeting in Ukraine, their background and ways of overcoming. The use of foreign experience of inflation targeting.
In this article we have analyzed the current state of the ecosystems of Polesye rivers in Ukraine, the causes of their degradation. We have primarily made recommendations for urban planning and the reclamation of coastal areas of Polesye rivers.
The main components of water resources of Kyrgyzstan are the rivers, lakes, glaciers, groundwater, mineral springs. In general, the country has more than 2,000 rivers with a length of 10 km and above, the total is their length is almost 35 thousand km.
Problem of activation of innovative processes in national economy of Uzbekistan. Directions of “road map” of further development of activation of innovative processes in the economy. Implantation advanced methods of management by the planting innovations.
Biography of Robert Koch. Education and work at Berlin University. Study of microscopic organisms. The wording of the postulates that bind a particular organism with a particular disease. The Nobel Prize for their discoveries in relation to tuberculosis.
Comparative study of two models of portfolio optimization: Brandt and Santa-Clara, Black-Litterman. Objective function and statistical inference in the Brandt and Santa-Clara model. The market equilibrium and investor’s views in the Black-Litterman model.
Rock like a musical style and a youth teenage culture, its revolution in lifestyle of the people of twentieth century. The history of rock-n-roll, the first musical form given to a teenager. The rebirth of rock in Liverpool by the group "Beatles".
Analysis, studying of rock group as trademark. Consideration of rock group in dynamics of internal and external communications with representation in the form of special hyper structure with horizontal and vertical communications in sociocultural space.
The characteristic of serious instability of the borehole, which often occur during drilling in shale gas reservoirs. Research anf analysis of features of the collapse pressure, which is the lowest during drilling to the maximum horizontal stress.
Description of modern systems of astronomical and rocket terminology and research of features of translation of relevant terms into Ukrainian. Analysis of the use of lexical equivalents in the translation of one-component and multicomponent foreign words.
The philosophical and legal analysis of the positive and negative factors that determine the role and place of the new elite in the process of formation in the conditions of functioning of a multidimensional and often contradictory information society.
The essence of practical training of students as an integral component in modern technologies of graduate education. Increasing competition in the market of educational and scientific services. Integration of Ukraine into the European educational space.