Origin and development of accounting in the ancient world. Characteristics of economic activity and demand for information. The system registers the financial registration in pristine Rome. Stagnation era in the bookkeeping in the early middle ages.
A study the grammar rules of English. Consideration of the established order of prepositions and adverbs in the sentence. Analysis of lexicalization and grammaticalization processes as a diachronic mechanism that has led functional-semantic transposition.
Development of corporate structures in Ukraine. Formation of adaptive global economic structures in the world. Introduction of the integrated corporate structures. The approach to the creation of a favorable investment environment and information.
Construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The feature of the consecration of the Peter and Paul Cathedral June 28, 1733. The creation of the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas. The work of the library of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.
Analysis of the problems of the Orthodox Church against the background of the growing role of religiosity in Ukraine. Challenges of religion to the position of the ideological basis of society. The perception of Orthodoxy as an ethical, moral standard.
"Мы - сотрудники с Богом" для распространения евангелия для славы Его имени и спасения наших братьев. Трудности Миссионерских действий. Божественная литургия в хижине. Семинары и переводы. Строящиеся проэкты. Филантропическая работа. Медицинская забота.
Рассмотрение понятия OSINT и оценка важности практического применения разведки по открытым источникам сотрудниками правоохранительных органов для оперативного сбора криминалистически значимой информации при раскрытии и расследовании преступлений.
To elucidate the feasibility of using modern systematics of Gobioninae names Rheogobio as a synonym of Romanogobio, or as a separate taxon. Clarification of the systematic status of the subgenera Rheogobio for approval of environmental documentation.
Formation and growth of recurrent polyps, consisting mainly of edematous tissue infiltrated by eosinophils. Chronic disease of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Preconditions for the widespread use of laser therapy in the treatment of ENT diseases.
- 190. Out and about
Активизация в речи лексико-грамматического материала, развитиеь умения диалогической речи. Повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, формирование устойчивой познавательной мотивации и интереса к учению. Совершенствование фонетических навыков.
- 191. Outbound student mobility in Russia: creating a path for brain circulation through higher education
Ambitious national strategies for the development of science, innovation and universities in Russia. A set of initiatives to tackle the brain drain among Russian students pursuing degrees abroad. Motivation of promising Russian graduate students.
In article Kripke showed that a language can consistently contain its own truth predicate, which was deemed impossible by A. Tarski, a pioneer in the area of theories of truth. A proof of the existence of the minimal and of various maximal fixed points.
In Bulgarian companies the direct marketing and its application is guided by the principles of maintaining the information actual for customers, analyzing the customer’s response, different proposals for different clients based on their for the company.
Obstacles to the process of localizing social media content to a specific linguistic and cultural context. Presenting solutions to ensure accurate and culturally appropriate translations. Combining technological resources with human understanding.
The identification of the features of the post-truth phenomenon in the Ukrainian information space, the specifics of presenting information. Trends and problematic aspects of the functioning of the post-truth phenomenon in Ukrainian information space.
The features of the post-truth phenomenon in the Ukrainian information space, in particular, the specifics of presenting information. Trends and outline problematic aspects of functioning of the post-truth phenomenon in the Ukrainian information space.
Распространенность и факторы риска функциональной диспепсии, синдром раздраженного кишечника. Характеристика факторов риска overlap-синдрома. Качество жизни при изолированных и сочетанных функциональных нарушениях. Терапия функциональных нарушений.
Reducing the amount of required memory, reducing the time for data processing and reducing the number of copies of documents when updating information in the automation process. Analysis of the choice of technologies for application development.
Definition of Informal Economy. Main Types of Financial Relations in Informal Finance. Benefits and Limitations of Informal Financial Relations. Implementing the digital technologies into Informal Financial Relations. The case of M-Peso, Kenya, UAE.
Basic methods for calculating the capacity of the city's street-road network on the example of the city of Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan. Advantage and use of the method for calculating the main indicators of the traffic capacity of the road network.
- 201. Overview of migration changes in Europe in the last years and projections for the future (2019-2021)
The definition of the essential characteristics of the concept of "migration policy" and examination of the formation of migration policy in the context of the development of scientific theories of migration. The general factors influencing migration.
Analysis of the main elements of the NATO and European Union strategy to combat Russian hybrid threats against Ukraine since 2014. The preparation of the West for a possible hybrid war. Resilience of the West against the backdrop of hybrid threats posed.
- 203. Ownership
Types of owners. Liability for the group or for others in the group. Sharing gains, ownership models. General characteristics. Property rights, personal rights. Types of property: corporations and legal entities, modern western views, ownership society.
- 204. Oxford University
One of the oldest and most highly revered Universities in Europe. A Brief History of University. Structure of the Oxford University. The University Church of St. Mary the Virgin. Staff of the University. Teaching and Research. International Links.
- 205. Oxford university
A brief history and structure of the Oxford University. Description of the architectural complex of its constituent buildings and infrastructure of the town. Principles of formation of its academic policy. The level of development of their science.
The Sun provides most of the energy needed for life on Earth. Photosynthesis bases. The food web. Electromagnetic Spectrum and Visible Light. Photosynthesis in chloroplasts. The location and structure of chloroplasts. Cyclic Photophosphorylation.
Рaзвитие oснoвных физических кaчеств шкoльникoв-вoлейбoлистoв. Изучение и сoвершенствoвaние техники и тaктики игры. Сoвершенствoвaние и пoвышение урoвня всестoрoнней и специaльнoй физическoй пoдгoтoвленнoсти. Техникa oбучения пoдaчaм и приемaм мячa.
Понятие и разновидности фразеологизмов, их источники и лингвистическое обоснование. Специфика отражения в творческом языке Л.Н. Толстого, функционирование общенародных и книжных фразеологических единиц романа "Анна Каренина", а также их трансформация.
Верховенство права як основа демократичної системи, аналіз особливостей. Розгляд організаційно-правових засад формування і реалізації державної політики публічного управління в Україні. Знайомство з головними процесами демократизації владних відносин.
Прoфoриентaция как слoжный динaмический прoцесс фoрмирoвaния личнoстью системы свoих oснoвoпoлaгaющих oтнoшений к прoфессиoнaльнo-трудoвoй среде. Психoлoгические oсoбеннoсти стaршеклaссникoв, теoретические aспекты прoфессиoнaльнoгo сaмooпределения.