Анализ тональности текста, определение и происхождение понятия, цели, основные свойства и области применения. Подходы к классификации тональности. Машинное обучение с учителем и без, тестирование различных параметров. Классификаторы и выбор признаков.
The amount of radioactive substances released from the soil in the plant depends on the contamination of the territory, the type of soil, the supply of elements. The factors is great practical importance in predicting the accumulation of radionuclides.
Consideration of the guidelines of social cohesion of society to ensure the integration of efforts of economic growth, social support and ecological, rational nature use. Conceptual provisions of green social work as a modern model of social work.
The ways of organizing the sleepy work of the sim's, the school and the support of how to prevent the deviant behavior of high school students are analyzed. The model of prevention of such behavior is described, as well as directives of preventive work.
Calculation of the coefficients autopilot unit for homing rockets based on genetic algorithms in which the autopilot block (AB) quality parameters are considered as the criterion for evaluating the optimality of the AB. Optimality of AB coefficients.
- 126. Optimal scheme of distribution on road equipment construction to reduce emissions to the atmosphere
Greenhouse gases emissions. The large number of heavy diesel-engine equipment involved in the construction industry. Emission estimating of construction equipment. The operation-level emission reduction scheme for on-road construction equipment.
The optimal method of teaching trigonometric equations in the high school mathematics course based on the curriculum. The place and meaning of trigonometric equations and inequalities in the school mathematics course, features of their solution.
Calculation of main electrical value and determination of isolation distances. Determination of the mass of the active part of the magnetic circuit, building materials and oil. Description of the design of transformers. Calculation of the HV winding.
The question of ensuring the safety of shipping in the aspect of the captain's management activity. Elucidation of the importance of taking into account psychophysiological factors in the selection of sea captains in combination with their qualifications.
Reforming of higher education. The main task of the clinical departments, and the Departments of General Surgery, is the formation of students' clinical thinking, sufficient volume of theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for nurse.
Events held before the loading and unloading of heavy cargo, including taking into account the fact that the ship has an initial roll angle. The position of the keel when loading. The main criteria of ship stability during heavy lift operations.
Parameters characterizing the development of shoots, leaves and roots in two-month plants of each studied genotype on each variant of a liquid or solid medium. Development of a regression equation describing the average value of plant development.
- 133. Optimization of monitoring the growth and development of students of nursing staff in the school
An electronic questionnaire to increase the efficiency of monitoring the growth and development of school-age children. Place control in physical development, education of students in the school of nursing. Use of resources and the working time nurses.
Finding out the relationship between the test structure and the academic performance of English language students in a professional field. Study of the influence of other potential factors on the indicators of differentiated functioning of tasks.
Tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon that exerts a influence on the development of information society and of all related infrastructure and members of the population. The state of the global tourism industry. Implementation of service projects.
Development of optimization method for wind power stations using integral assessment of the object and the method of dynamic programming. The stability of the system, the percentage capacity increase. To determine the optimal structure of a wind station.
Increasing the efficiency of strategic transport management. Application of mixed integer programming using OpenSolver tool to determine the optimal waste collection route in small cities and rural areas. Reduction of fuel consumption and emissions.
- 138. Optional devices
Description of the main optional devices. TabletPC, processing power and hard drive. Scanner is an input device to the PC color or black and white images from paper. Basic user data: resolving power, scan speed, specifications. Printer, mouse, keyboard.
Види eкoнoмiчнoї дiяльнocтi тa ocнoвнi нaпpямки їx poзвитку. Пpoмиcлoвe пiдпpиємcтвo тa мeтa йoгo дiяльнocтi. Виpoбничa пpoгpaмa, пoкaзники oцiнки oбcягiв випуcку пpoдукцiї пiдпpиємcтвa. Eкoнoмiчнa cутнicть, клacифiкaцiя i cтpуктуpa ocнoвниx зacoбiв.
Общая характеристика и объекты приложения Oracle Power Objects - современной и оригинальной системы управления базами данных. Подход к разработке баз данных, реализуемый в Oracle Power Objects. Проектирование пользовательских классов и библиотек.
Analysis of the peculiarities of the formation of schoolchildren’s oral and written communicative competence at the lessons of literacy, Ukrainian language and reading and foreign language in terms of blended learning due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Comprehension of military discourse in the context of the Ukrainian war. Mediatization of modern oral history of Ukraine. Analysis of the online Internet platforms. Involvement of the media in the collection and distribution of interviews of eyewitnesses.
Study of the sequence of modifiers in the English multicomponent noun phrase (MNP) / (PNP). A model of the semantic sequence of modifiers. Transformation matrices MNP/PNP when translated into Ukrainian using the example of the novel "Angels and Demons".
Analysis of the use of large tank formations during Red Army offensive operations in the middle of the German-Soviet war. Features of the use of mechanized corps, self-propelled artillery regiments and infantry divisions during the Orel operation.
Analysis of chemical composition of leaves, young and old tea bush branches. Content, balance of mineral nutrients in leaves and young brunches, left on the plantations after light formation trimming. The average yields of leaves on the tea plantations.
Integration of Ukraine into the European Community. Reducing the unemployment rate, providing social protection of the population. Humanization of the crime prevention system. Reducing of property thefts by minors. Recording the of investigative actions.
Analysis of the report of the world-renowned scientist in the field of experimental molecular physics and molecular spectroscopy. Systems of financing of scientific activity in Sweden. Consideration of the procedure for awarding the Nobel Prize.
Determination of the main directions of modern modernization of the mechanism of innovative development of industrial complex. Evidence of the need for innovation and its focus on improving the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic enterprises.
The problem of learning in the context of the organization. Streamlining the exchange of information between its employees on the example of Apple and Google. Consideration of the essence of the concept of organizational learning in modern business.
Implementation distance learning into training the specialists of practical pharmacy, based on the experience of Management and Economics of Pharmacy Department of Institute of Pharmacy. Spread of communication possibilities in the educational process.