On the theoretical basis of physical culture in schools of Azerbaijan (on the example of schools in Nakhchivan)

Disclosure of the theoretical and methodological basis of the development of the main types of sports in the schools of Nakhchivan. Implementation of scientific and technical achievements in the practice of competitions in the form of a social phenomenon.

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Дата добавления 15.04.2024
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Nakhchivan State University

On the theoretical basis of physical culture in schools of Azerbaijan (on the example of schools in Nakhchivan)

Salmanov Vidadi

Senior Lecturer

Salmanova Konul

Senior Lecturer


Modem mass sports in any civilized state, not excluding, of course, free, independent democratic Azerbaijan and the autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, is a phenomenon in an industrial society. It includes many different factors of development, among which we include urbanization, the spread of rural and urban lifestyles, significant changes in socio-cultural spheres.

This also includes industrial production, the establishment of new industrial and economic relations, all kinds of socio-political and economic transformations, and the democratization of public life in general. It is absolutely unambiguously perceived that achieving high sports results is impossible without competently conducted preliminary physical training.

Keywords: sport; teaching methods; physical education; school; student; methodological base.

Салманов Відаді Керім оглу

старший викладач, Нахчиванський державний університет

Салманова Кенуль Мухтар гизи

старша викладачка, Нахчиванський державний університет

Про теоретичну базу фізичної культури у школах Азербайджану (на прикладі шкіл Нахчивана)


sport school practice competition

Сучасний масовий спорт у будь-якій цивілізованій державі, не виключаючи, зрозуміло, вільний, незалежний демократичний Азербайджан та автономну республіку Нахчиван - це феномен в індустріальному суспільстві. Він охоплює безліч різноманітних факторів розвитку, до яких належить урбанізація, поширення сільського і міського способу життя, істотні зміни в соціокультурній сфері. Сюди відносяться промислове виробництво, утвердження нових виробничих та економічних відносин, усілякі соціально-політичні та економічні перетворення, демократизація суспільного життя в цілому.

Мета дослідження - розкрити теоретико-методологічну базу розвитку основних видів спорту в школах Нахчивана.

Методи: при студіюванні зазначеної проблеми використовувались історико-порівняльні методи, аналіз чинної практики, теоретический анализ і методи узагальнення.

Оригінальність. Масовий спорт - це один із структурних складників фізичної культури. Його інтерпретуємо як особливу і абсолютно самостійну культурну сферу, що історично виникла і далі розвивається разом із загальнолюдською культурою як її органічна частина. Фізична культура та соціальні відносини у нерозривній єдності впливають на тіло людини. Зі сказаного вище можна дійти висновку, що поміж інших культурних сфер - фізична культура інтегрує в особистості розвиток як природнього, так і социокультурного початків.

Результати. Слід зазначити, що фізична культура сучасної людини формується, з одного боку, залежно від цього, які вимоги до розвитку психофізичних особливостей особистості висуває суспільство. А це, як ми розуміємо, дуже тісно пов'язане із рівнем соціальних досягнень, особливостей економічної системи, промисловості, науки, освіти, культурних традицій. Причому це однаково стосується як Азербайджану, так і Нахчивана. З іншого боку, кожна людина вибірково долучається до цінностей культури фізичної, виходячи зі своїх потреб та інтересів, що формує у людей власне відношення до фізичної культури та специфічну систему залученості до фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності.

Висновки. Сучасний масовий спорт у світовому масштабі підводиться під соціальну структуру суспільств. Крім того, стає очевидним, що масовий спорт - це справжній феномен, оскільки крім практики у теоретичних працях вивчається вплив спорту на соціальну структуру сучасних суспільств загалом. Проблеми спорту аналізуються у всеосяжному ключі, пов'язуючи перспективи його розвитку з вирішенням великомасштабних проблем, що стосуються суспільних норм та цінностей.

Неправомірно також заперечувати, що масовий спорт у наш час фактично перетворюється на частину глобальної економічної системи, суб'єкта політичного та ідеологічного життя, коли науково-технічні досягнення втілюються у практику змагань у формі соціального явища, що привертає увагу мільйонів людей у світі. Це своєю чергою реально і достеменно формує позитивний вплив на розвиток та вдосконалення теоретичних основ у соціології масового спорту.

Ключові слова: спорт; методика навчання; фізичне виховання; школа; студент; методична база.

Formulation of the problem

The first scientific research on the sociology of mass sports in the world, followed by bright bursts of research interest in this field, correlate with the turning points of modern history. In essence, these are the phases of the formation of a mass modern society, the development and improvement of mass cultural and social movements; the processes of commercialization, economics and standardization of public life in general.

A curious historical fact: if young people at such sports did not show heroism, did not defeat rivals in the fight from other localities, then for the time being they were not given heroic names.

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without physical education and sports. And taking care of the health of the population of any state in the world is undoubtedly the primary task of its government. In Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, this is primarily associated with the development of the physical and intellectual potential of young people. Encouraging active healthy lifestyle among the youth of the republics effectively ensures integration into the world community. Using the example of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, this is clearly confirmed in the regulatory framework for improving sports. In order to maintain the systematic development of physical education and sports in modern Nakhchivan, councils are being established under the heads of executive authorities. In them, the management monitors the creation and recruitment of sports clubs and associations. The training of reserves of sports personnel in Nakhchivan is facilitated by advisory bodies and local municipalities. It is clear that experienced coaches, psychologists, and consulting doctors are at the head of various sports organizations, but the backbone - the composition - was and remains youth.

The purpose of the work is to reveal the theoretical and methodological basis for the study of the main factors of sports in Na- khchivan schools.


In studying this problem, historical and comparative methods, analysis, theoretical analysis and generalization methods were used.

Presentation of the main material

Both in Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, the main goal of physical culture is to educate a healthy and cheerful generation and prepare them for active work and social life. In order to achieve this overall goal, physical fitness has the following specific objectives:

The normal physical development of the younger generation and ensuring a healthy lifestyle;

Skills and habits are the most important for the life of schoolchildren and students of the two republics. Such as: proper gait, running, throwing, swimming, etc.;

To develop the habit of children and adolescents to exercise daily, thereby strengthening their body;

To instill in schoolchildren and students the habit of physical culture, personal hygiene and medical knowledge. (The latter is in strict accordance with the age limit of the trainees);

To instill in the younger generation important labor, moral and volitional qualities, including those necessary for the protection of the motherland. (Although in the last paragraph we may be accused of a typically Soviet socialist formulation, we are convinced that without these qualities it is difficult to talk about warrior defenders. But there were many Azerbaijanis and Nakhchivans who brought victory in Karabakh in November 2020 and defended the land during the new Armenian aggression in September 2022).

We cannot get away from the fact that it is necessary to negate such negative properties as fear, lack of will, infantilism, impatience. Sports and physical training play a special role not only in the psychological or labor upbringing of the younger generation. And this, by the way, finds its clear confirmation in world practice these days. Physical upbringing is an integral, large and extensive system in strengthening the body and developing moral, strong-willed qualities of people of all ages without exception. At the same time, this system helps to develop the mental abilities of the individual. Health is also an important condition for successful mental activity. It stimulates the brain, negates fatigue, restores work activity.

First of all, we would like to say a few words about the fact that the sports component cannot do without two central concepts: “sport”, on the one hand, and “physical culture” - on the other. As we understand it, it is necessary to identify the essential characteristics of each of these phenomena, to distinguish these concepts and, thus, to identify their specifics. We consider this task to be a priority, since there is still no single point of view on the relationship between sports and physical culture and the definition of these concepts. Therefore, we are convinced that it is difficult for us to do without an overview of the above question.

So, what is “physical culture”? Modern scientists, first of all, traditionally consider it as a broader concept in terms of scope, compared with “sports”. We can also say this: mass sports is one of the structural components of physical culture. We interpret the latter as a special, but absolutely independent cultural area that historically arose and then simultaneously developed with universal culture as its organic part. Physical culture and social relations in an inseparable unity have an impact on the human body. From the above, it can be concluded that from other cultural areas, the physical one integrates both natural and socio-cultural principles into the personality. The connecting link between the human body and the socio-cultural environment is precisely a person who possesses not only biological, but also social qualities.

Now, having clarified the essence of this subject (the body transformed by physical culture, and the nature of these transformations, that is, the achievement of physicality), it is necessary to focus attention on the fact that physicality cannot be viewed outside of connection with spirituality. The spiritual culture is those phenomena that are associated with consciousness, with intellectual, as well as with the emotional and psychological activity of a person.

We speak about the existence of a personality provided that there is a mind, consciousness, and it is the sports personality that acts as an important integrative link between physicality and spirituality. In other words, it is incorrect to consider the possibilities of the impact of physical culture on a person only from the point of view of reproduction of his physical resources. It is equally important to take into account the factors of influence of physical culture on the spiritual and moral development of a person. This is manifested in the fact that people engaged in physical education, as a rule, organize and spend their free time in a more diverse way, engage in self-improvement. According to the methodologist and sociologist L.I. Lubysheva, “... among them, as a rule, there are noticeably fewer people who have stopped in their general cultural and professional development, who are finally satisfied with what they have achieved in life. And, consequently, sports and physical activity mobilizes and stimulates not only physical, but also intellectual human resources” [6, p. 99].

In connection with the above, a one-sided view of physical culture as a sphere of development of only human motor qualities, leaving aside his personal development, is subjected to reasonable criticism. The modern socio-cultural approach to the problem we have identified is clearly oriented towards a comprehensive understanding of the unity of its spiritual and motor sides, aimed at the harmonious development of personality.

It must be said that the physical culture of a modern person is formed, on the one hand, depending on what requirements society imposes on the development of his psych- ?physical characteristics. And this, as we understand it, is very closely related to the level of social achievements, the peculiarities of the economic system, industry, science, education, and cultural traditions. Moreover, this applies equally to both Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan. On the other hand, each person selectively joins the values of physical culture, based on their needs and interests, which leads people to their own system of relations in the field of physical culture and a specific system of involvement in physical culture and sports activities.

Its specifics can be judged primarily by the following criteria: first, how a person (or a social group) treats their body and health. Secondly, what is the meaning of individual physical qualities and health for them? Thirdly, what do they know about the ways of physical development and recovery. Fourth, what exactly is the personal or group activity associated with physical development or wellness? Based on these criteria, it becomes possible to typify the physical culture of an individual or a social group, depending on which values are brought to the fore. If the values of achieving certain parameters of bodily development prevail or the desire to have a good time doing physical education and sports, then we can talk about an aesthetically hedonistic type of physical culture. If the values of health are put in the foreground, then we are talking about a purely physiological type of sports culture in general. If the main meaning of sports is related to the desire to achieve material rewards, gain a certain social status, and health and physical qualities are considered only as means to achieve these goals, then this type of physical culture can be called pragmatic. True, such a gradation is quite conditional, since these types of physical culture are a kind of ideal models, but they allow us to identify specific features of people's motivation in the process of physical education (we mean light gymnastic exercises) and mass sports.

It should be noted that at the previous (former Soviet) stage of the historical development of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, physical culture was formed by two independent republics in terms of their pragmatic concepts. In other words, these were government guidelines for improving the psychophysical nature of a person, optimizing his legal capacity in relation to the requirements of his chosen main activity (labor, military, etc.), in its main organizational forms, physical culture had to solve the tasks of the state.

Later, that is, already in our days, a special scientific direction has developed in science, called the theory of physical culture and sports. Most of the research in this subject area has been carried out through the prism of this - in principle correct - theory. Sociology in this direction has significantly enriched scientific research in a broad social context. Finally, a few words about the different understanding of “physical culture” and “sports” in Azerbaijani and foreign scientific literature. If our domestic researchers use both of these concepts, thus being able to operate with more subtle scientific tools, then Western scientists do not distinguish between these concepts, focusing only on the “competitive” or “non-competitive” nature of sports.

The second vision of the problem does not seem to us to be quite correct. Here, in a nutshell, we emphasize that mass sports should be considered as a social institution of education, which has a playful nature of physical activity. It is closely related to the comparison of levels in the development of spiritual and physical abilities. And yet: sport is also a desire to achieve the maximum possible results, the presence of competitions with subsequent analysis of the results shown in them. In Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, the overwhelming majority of authors nevertheless objectively consider the most important system-forming quality of sport to be its “competitiveness”. According to reputable theorists, the elimination of the competitive moment completely destroys sport as a type of social activity.

Simultaneously with the firm establishment of the concept of “competitiveness”, we note that physical education in the moral and volitional development of a person is the most important tool, since it tempers the will, first of all, develops such a quality in a person as endurance. Next, order, collectivity, friendliness, all these qualities of personality character, undoubtedly play a very important role in its formation precisely through physical education. Therefore, special attention should be paid to it.

In this case, in our opinion, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors or ways of instilling physical education and the basics of sports. For example, in schools and universities of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, board games are also being actively introduced into the practice of study in parallel. Taking into account the help in the development of muscles, they strengthen the health of children in addition to physical exercises. And this, of course, is an integral part of physical education. In addition, scientists agree that physiological and psychological studies clearly show the role and importance of physical exercise, which increase the work activity of the individual, strengthen health, have a positive effect on physical development in general. It is well known that “one of the conditions that increase working abilities is precisely physical exercises, which in schools and universities, according to the curriculum in Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, should be reasonably combined with a break" [1, c. 4445]. The famous Azerbaijani scientist, educator and psychologist S. Seyidov writes in his central work: “In national folk pedagogy, one of the most valuable monuments is the national games. Moreover, the vast majority of games created by our ancestors throughout history have been very carefully guarded for centuries, improved from time to time and have reached our days. They play an exceptional role in shaping a person as a person. Especially for children, play is a serious educational tool, a school of physical perfection” [7, c. 108-109].

Nowadays, there are a considerable number of national games in Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan that prepare schoolchildren and students for work and family life, teach them to keep the environment clean. The phenomenon of national sports games is not only in their mass orientation. It is also a very valuable source of mental, physical, moral, aesthetic, environmental, economic and labor upbringing. That is, in the literal sense of the word, we have before us a conglomerate of various types of education, which are most closely related to physical education and sports.

The value of mass sports in our time is also that it is a companion of health. In order for a person to feel happy and full-fledged, useful to society, he needs full-fledged health and a high level of physical development. The main indicator of the external and internal physical level of a person is his activity, more precisely, a social function. As we know, in modern conditions, the greatest danger to people's physical health is nervous overstrain and stress. They haunt a person almost everywhere. Hence the various diseases, which are mostly generated as a result of negative emotions. There is an acute and painful task for all progressive humanity: a person, in order to restore physical health, must learn to use reserves of moral inner energy. The solution to this fateful problem is, in principle, in the hands of a person. This is axiomatic, but it dictates different ways to solve implementation into the practice of life. At the moment, one of the important tasks, especially facing the younger generation in the field of general education, is to achieve comprehensive personal development.

A person with a high physical level is healthy, physically strong. Such a person is considered a comprehensively developed personality. In Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, much attention is paid to the development of these qualities in schoolchildren and students, that is, for those who regularly play sports, they grow up vigorous and physically healthy.

In addition to on the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan, we note that mass sports, in addition to its textbook quality - health, is also an important condition for longevity and active life. In our opinion, it is pointless to deny the fact that there are many centenarians in the East, in particular, in the mountainous areas of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan. This is evidenced by elementary statistics. It is for this reason that the time allocated to sports is, rather, not lost, but acquired time. Sport, especially if it acquires a mass character in the republics we have named, unambiguously raises the general mood of a person, tempers the will, increases endurance. This is the basis for the future of Azerbaijan. At the same time, if young people are physically strong, prepared and healthy, they will be able to work well, cope with their duties and, as a result, will successfully defend their homeland. Young people who play sports are also a healthy army.

The President of Azerbaijan, I.H. Aliyev, said this well. Here is a quote from his speech by Turkish Konya. “Today, Azerbaijan is recognized in the world as a strong sports country, and our victories at the Olympic Games, as well as at the world and European championships have already become commonplace. Azerbaijani fans have somehow gotten used to this for a long time. I am sure that our athletes will show good results this time”, the head of state said at a meeting with Azerbaijani athletes preparing to compete at the Islamiad. He recalled that Azerbaijan has already won its first gold medal. “I am sure that this excellent result will be a great incentive for other athletes”, said I.H. Aliyev. According to him, “The Islamic Solidarity Games are not only a sporting competition, but also a factor of unity, solidarity and friendship of Muslim states. The official opening ceremony of the V Islamic Solidarity Games will take place in Konya, Turkey, today. Azerbaijan is represented by 281 athletes at the competition, and the delegation from Baku is the largest among the foreign participating countries. 4,2 thousand athletes from 56 countries will take part in the competitions, which will last until August 18, 2022” [5].

Although the head of state did not specifically name the athletes from Nakhchivan in this statement, it is quite obvious to us that what was said also applies to them. After all, I.H. Aliyev stressed the importance of “unity, solidarity and friendship of Muslim states”, which, of course, includes Nakhchivan.


What, in our opinion, do all the theories we have cited indicate? Firstly, most researchers of different nationalities consider it as a means of socialization of an athlete. This means that modern mass sports on a global scale are being brought under the social structure of societies. Secondly, it becomes obvious that mass sports are really a phenomenon, because, in addition to practice, theoretical works study the influence of sports on the social structure of modern societies as a whole. Thus, the problems of sport are analyzed in a comprehensive way, linking the prospects for its development with the solution of large- scale problems related to norms and values.

It is also wrong to deny that mass sports in our time are actually becoming part of the global economic system, a subject of political and ideological life, when scientific and technical achievements are embodied in the practice of competitions in the form of a social phenomenon that attracts the attention of millions of people in the world. This, in turn, has a real and reliable positive impact on the development and improvement of the theoretical foundations in the sociology of mass sports.


1. Jafarov, H. (2011). Education in Nakhchivan: development path and possibilities. Baku. 544 p.

2. Some conditions for increasing the efficiency of the physical education lesson (2002): conference materials. Baku, ADPU.

3. Preparation for teaching begins with pedagogical experience (2000). Azerbaijan teacher newspaper, 15. April 13-19.

4. Guliyev, B.S. (2009). Fundamentals of theoretical-methodical and practical works of physical education. Baku. 314 p.

5. Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan is known as a strong sports country in the world. Sputnik, 09.08.2022. Retrieved from https://sputnik.az/20220809/azerbaycan-prezidenti-lham-eliyev-turkiyeye-isguzar-sefere-gedib-444827047.html.

6. Lubysheva, L.I. (2004). Sociology of physical culture and sport: Teaching manual. - 2nd edition, stereotype. Moscow: Publishing center “Akademiya”.

7. Seyidov, S. (2009). Phenomenology of creativity (History, Paradoxes, Personality). Baku: Qashioglu. 304 p.

Список бібліографічних посилань

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6. Лубышева Л.И. Социология физической культуры и спорта: учебное пособие. 2-е изд., стереотип. М.: Академия, 2004.

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