История создания и развития "Bentley Motors" - одной из крупнейших английских автомобилестроительных компаний. Разработка и совершенствование модельного ряда легендарных автомобилей. Жизненный путь Уолтера Бентли, его страсть к автомобильным гонкам.
Основные принципы 3D моделирования. Изготовление деталей двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Послойное создание модели при FDM-печати. Распечатка деталей двигателя на 3D принтере Picaso. Сборка частей в единую конструкцию так же при помощи программы T-Flex.
The method of aerodynamic condition of the aircraft on the thermal fields was developed. There are identified diagnostics the regularities of formation of temperature gradients in the boundary layer of air that occurs after damage of external contours.
Изучение основ авиации, организации полетов в гражданской авиации, структуры Единой системы организации воздушного движения. Характеристика влияния параметров атмосферы на полет воздушных судов и методы прогноза опасных для авиации явлений погоды.
Sound like the result of pressure changes in a medium, caused by turbulence. Maximum permissible industrial noise levels by Occupational Safety and Health Act. Schematic of airport runway showing approach, and sideline noise measurement stations.
The causes of non-symmetric modes in networks. Single-ended and non-sinusoidal modes. Compensation of reactive power. Power factor in the ac electric traction. Installation of the crosswise, longitudinal and transverse-longitudinal compensation.
Обоснование актуальности проведения технического сервиса автомобилей, эксплуатируемых в условиях пересеченной местности с помощью мобильной мастерской. Определение систем, необходимых для оборудования на автомобиле, выполняющем функции мастерской.
Особенности проблемы контроля действий оператора в системе управления при возникновении критических ситуаций. Основные методы по повышению надежности работы оператора. Особенности системы предупреждения ошибок управления летчика в тяжелых условиях работы.
Deflagration-to-detonation transition is interesting both for explosion safety. The pulse detonation engine designing. Such engines are energetically favorable at flight Mach numbers exceeding 3. The engineering of detonation engines (rocket engines).
Development of domestic and global transport science. Contemporaries and modern researchers of the history of technology of Ukraine. The chronology of works of Ye. Blokhin for the period of 1954 to 2013 and the stock of scientific and technical library.
Evidence of causal influence of social capital on road safety, measured by the number of road accidents. Vertical and horizontal channel of the concept of social capital. Collective actions and self-organization of society. Index of road congestion.
Применение системы динамической стабилизации движения (ESP) в опасных ситуациях, когда возможна потеря управляемости переднеприводного автомобиля, для компенсирования ошибки водителя, нейтрализуя и исключая занос, когда контроль над автомобилем потерян.
The quality of the track as a factor for assessing the effectiveness of the vehicle track with regard to safety, quality and service trips. The parameters that define the quality of the track geometry include track and track stiffness are measured.
The issues of statistical evaluation of goods delivery schedule efficiency. Classification, stochastic analysis of the costs associated with delayed delivery are set. Stochastic model to assess the deviation of the actual delivery time from the minimum.
Air cargo transportation and operations: theory and global practices. Conceptual framework of air cargo transportation structure. Modern practices in airfreight management. Identification of factors affecting the efficiency of air cargo in Russia.
- 16. Flat gear units
Gear transmission mechanisms. Basic terms and definitions. Parameters of cylindrical helical gears. Construction materials and gears. Use bevel gears to transmit rotational motion between shafts. The value of the gear ratio for kinematic transmission.
Функции складской расписки - унифицированного складского документа, который является доказательством исполнения контракта купли-продажи. Мероприятия, осуществляемые при приемке имущества уполномоченными сотрудниками организаций и составлении расписки.
Development of method of estimation by the transmitter of architecture on the stage of swimming with the refuse of receiver. Different going near the use of the surplus measurings of phase bearing with a few receivers. Use of measurings of bearing phase.
The way to speed traffic of Ukrainian railways. The experience gained by TSIs – the working group of UIC and appropriateness of its use in research on high-speed railways of Ukrainian. Operational length tracks of high-speed railway traffic in the world.
Studies of the electric drive features with indirect speed measuring associated with the presence of the positive current feedback, with the significant voltage feedback pulsations in DC motor and with display of instability of the induction motor.
Consideration of the efficiency improving of the automated process control of helicopter flying simulator training by means of the knowledge base of computer control system of helicopter flying mastering. Investigation of humen-machine systems.
Creating an integrated system of the public and the private transport. Analyzes the system of integrated public and private transport, which is generated on the basis of the developed metro network. Investment attractiveness of the Almaty Conurbation.
The examination of the dynamic properties of the gondola car with bogies, model 18-1711 when it moves on straight and curved sections of a track. Comparative analysis of the gondola car with bogies 18-1711 and the gondola car with bogies 18-100.
The famous Japanese Almanac for 1945 year is a compilation of coordinates celestial objects used in modern navigation are Local Hour Angles and Declinations, and contains a necessary data for determining these coordinates at the time of observation.
The importance of meteorology for the functioning of the aviation industry, their impact on flight safety. The need for research in aviation climatology, especially the training of highly qualified meteorologists to meet the standards of aviation safety.
The development of transport infrastructure in Ukraine. Effective use of all types of transport. The introduction of logistics to reduce costs and improve interaction between trading partners. Simplification of customs procedures, reduction of duties.
Noise from highway traffic is an environmental problem in both metropolitan and rural areas and has become an element of the tension between economic development an quality of life. Tire and pavement noise generation. Reduced noise pavement principles.
Basic methods for calculating the capacity of the city's street-road network on the example of the city of Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan. Advantage and use of the method for calculating the main indicators of the traffic capacity of the road network.
Рассмотрение главных возможностей компьютерной программы PC-Crash для прогнозирования и реконструкции механизма дорожно-транспортных происшествий. Физические основы и практические научные данные, на которых базируется данный программный комплекс.
Features Rassmotrenye goods Or transportation materials through a pipe. Description history pipeline transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Business Kazakhstan-China pipeline, Kaspyyskoho Tengiz consortium transportation in Novorossiysk oil and gas.