Features of the joint flow of the era of industrial evolution with the stages of development of financial technologies. Creation of investment resource for technological innovations of the digital economy in Ukraine. Use of Fintech and Blockchain tools.
Опис проблеми юридичної правомірності застосування процедури "squeeze-out", якою передбачено примусовий викуп акцій дрібних акціонерів, у сфері правовідносин на фондовому ринку. Аналіз конкуренції правових норм та визначеності інституту "squeeze-out".
Анализ открытости бюджетной информации в России по сравнению с другими странами. Разработка предложений по совершенствованию процесса реализации принципа прозрачности бюджетов в субъектах федерации посредством информационного ресурса "Бюджет для граждан".
Вивчення категорій "бюджетне регулювання" та "бюджетна діяльність", визначення їх взаємозв’язку. Розгляд особливостей структури бюджету. Побудова бюджетної системи держави при регулюванні витрат, доходів на прикладі Азербайджанської Республіки й України.
Налоговые доходы бюджетов – доходы от предусмотренных законодательством РФ о налогах и сборах федеральных налогов и сборов. Дотации из других бюджетов бюджетной системы России. Структура налоговых доходов государственного бюджета Республики Саха.
- 6. "Зелені" облігації як перспективний інструмент залучення інвестицій в екологічні проекти в Україні
Аналіз світових тенденцій на ринку "зелених" облігацій та пошук шляхів збільшення обсягів фінансування за допомогою "зелених" облігацій в екологічні проекти в Україні. Забезпечення комплексного законодавчого врегулювання ринку "зелених" облігацій.
Основні питання щодо визначення офшорних зон та компаній, причини їх виникнення, функціонування. Їх загальна характеристика, а також основні переваги й недоліки. Розповсюджені схеми ухилення від оподаткування за допомогою використання офшорних компаній.
Понятие капитальных вложений, методы их анализа, преимущества и недостатки. Информация, необходимая для первичной оценки и отсева инвестиционных предложений. Номинальные и реальные денежные потоки. Стратегия и риски принятия инвестиционного решения.
Электронные средства платежей. Виды товаров и услуг, для оплаты которых клиенты используют "электронные" деньги. Технологии взаимных депозитов с помощью системы TrustBay. Преимущества "электронных" денег по сравнению с оплатой пластиковыми карточками.
Покупай только то, что можешь перепродать. Никогда не покупай под давлением. Спекулируй на собственности. Не упускай свою прибыль. Советуйся со своим банкиром. Покупай, когда цены падают, продавай, когда цены растут. Постоянно держи деньги в обороте.
Description the three indicators: the mutual funds cash ratio, the short interest ratio, and the odd-lot ratio and their behavior during the 1955-1970 period. Examining the simultaneous relationship between three stock market indicators and stock prices.
- 12. Actualization of the process of strategic budgeting, management accounting system of the university
The model of functional-strategic budgeting, focused on the result, is considered as a basic element of the management accounting system of the university. Organizational-methodological model of functional strategic budgeting, focused on the result.
Development and formation of indirect taxation in Ukraine as a whole and widespread form among universal excises. The role of indirect taxes in the tax system, direction of adaptation of domestic practice of indirect taxation to the European experience.
The place and role of the tax administration mechanism in the system of ensuring the effective implementation of the tax policy of the state. Study of the principles of tax policy formation as an important component of the country's socio-economic policy.
The role of debt in motivating organizational efficiency at the enterprise. Evidence from financial restructuring, leveraged buyout and going private transactions, the oil industry. Takeovers in the oil industry. Free cash flow theory of takeovers.
Analysis of a fixed agricultural tax as the basis of the system of agricultural taxation in Ukraine. Characteristics methods of its accrual. Dynamics of the ratio of incomes and the level of tax efficiency of land tax and fixed agricultural tax.
Learning the Budgetary Code of Ukraine. Providing the stowage of projects of estimates on the centralized measures which are carried out directly by managers. Description the types of estimates: individual, the erected and on the centralized measures.
Regression analysis of panel data, which was performed using GRETL software, was chosen as the main research method for analyzing the impact of determinants on financial performance indicators. Features of using four different dependent variables.
Analysis of foreign experience of legal regulation of the formation, management and servicing of government debt obligations. Optimization of Ukrainian debt policy. The mechanism of solving the problems of external and internal public debt in Ukraine.
Determination of the degree of maturity of the Polish venture market and demonstrated the success of firms that secured venture support for such funds. Statistical material on the number of such firms, the volume of financing and types of divestiture.
Modeling of financial time series with significant balances. Using co-symmetry as a risk assessment tool. Justification of investment feasibility and risk assessment of foreign exchange portfolios of Pakistani investors. Advantages of the GARCH model.
Consideration of technological innovations as the driving force of development, the main optimization technology, with high growth rates of industrial enterprises. Assessment of the profitability and risks of Chinese shares, recommendations to investors.
The article considers methodological aspects of assessing the effectiveness of monetary policy and proposes a comprehensive approach to its research. Inflation targeting, as the central bank's obligation to adhere to quantitative indicators of inflation.
Consideration of the state of the budget of Ukraine and the sources of its filling. The main problems of functioning and losses of small and medium-sized enterprises of Ukraine during the war. The main strategic tasks of management under martial law.
The consideration of the elements of the State's legal system. The relationship and interdependence between all elements of the legal system. The elements of the financial law system, as a branch of law. Legal means of regulating public finances.
The model of stimulating the crediting of fixed assets of the processing industry of Kazakhstan. The analysis of their impact on lending and key determinants of credit risk. Basic principles and elements of the model, the recommended interest rate.
The study the significant factors of bank selection criteria in Malaysia: people influence, communication technology, convenience, personnel, easy process, variety, service quality and cost. Differences in banking conditions for demographic classes.
The review of banking sector of the United Kingdom (AAA/Stable/A-1+ unsolicited ratings) under updated Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment (BICRA) methodology. Peer BICRA scores. Analysis of government support of banking system in United Kingdom.
Determination of the Employee Profit Contribution. Projection to the Employee Cash Flow. Possible application and interpretation of the results. Hierarchy of indices of the potential perspective "employees". Berliner Balanced scorecard Approach.
The objectives of accounting. The separation of the management functions: planning, coordination, communication, controlling. The main advantages and limitations of budgeting. The types of budget: unlimited, production, cash, budget of sales, purchases.