- 121. Stock Valuation
Factors determining the intrinsic value. The size and timing of the expected future cash flows, their rate of discounting. Required rate of return of an individual. Evaluation of common shares. Dividend-growth model (DGM). Steadily rising dividends.
The importance of creating an effective startup ecosystem, based on a study of the world's leading ecosystems according to the Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2023. The peculiarity of creating favorable legal support for startup entrepreneurship.
Search for promising tools to achieve the goals of taxation payers voluntarily comply with tax laws. Determination of the place of application of measures of influence in relation to tax agents in order to ensure tax compliance in the Russian Federation.
Tax logistics as an activity that consists in managing the state's tax resources in accordance with the state and budget system. its formation from the micro level to the level of philosophical understanding of the importance of taxes in modern society.
The challenges facing the country in adapting to European standards in the field of taxation. The goals of tax policy formation are reflected, taking into account the requirements of Ukraine's integration into the European Union. The areas of tax reform.
Providing state taxes, financing the production of public goods and redistribution of income. Dependence of the real economic growth and the level of taxation according to the undivided sample of 117 countries. The composition of the tax populations.
The concept and features of the implementation process of taxation in modern Switzerland, its function and meaning. Income from capital gains. Wealth tax is levied only on the communal level, accordance with relevant tax canton and the established rates.
An study on the ambiguities and the risk on the Russian stock market. Portfolio theory, linear relationship between risk and return and the known probabilities of outcomes. The relationship between risk and return of uncertainty intraday observations.
The theory of random walks in stock prices actually involves two separate hypotheses: successive price changes are independent, and the price changes conform to some probability distribution. Implications of independence the bachelier-osborne model.
Definition and justification of the process of implementation of a tax on paper documents. Characteristics of the range of subjects of taxation, procedure of calculation of financial calculation. Analysis of the implications of the introduction.
Leveraged buyout transactions: definition and core characteristics. Valuation techniques in leveraged buyout transactions. Hypothesis of leveraged buyout activity. Determinants of LBO activity. Empirical research: sample and data selection, methodology.
The dawn of international investing. The intuition behind diversifying across nations. International portfolio diversification benefits: Cross-country evidence from a local perspective. Returns in emerging markets. The development of the financial market.
The systematic study of the theoretical principles and practical aspects of the financial efficiency ensuring the implementation of government programs in Ukraine. Eefficient using of the financial instruments for the saving resources stimulation.
- 134. The legal support for the financial capacity of territorial communities’ associations in France
Increasing the viability of French communes. Optimization of intercommunal cooperation of territorial communities on the basis of voluntariness. Reconciliation of local and national interests in France. Obtaining additional fiscal revenues to the budget.
Determining the nature of financial leasing in Ukraine, analysis of the leasing market and identifying inhibitory factors in the development of leasing. Dispensation of the ongoing financial leasing in agriculture for the period from 2007 to the 2013.
Study of the stabilization of fiscal policy through the analysis of the supporters of the New Classical Economics and the supporters of New Keynesian Economics. The conditions for the adoption of restrictive budget, especially reformatting of public debt.
Arbitrageurs play a central role in standard finance. Essence and characteristic the two types of risk limit arbitrage. The first is fundamental risk. The second source of risk that limits arbitrage comes from unpredictability of the future resale price.
The analysis of features of financing of the education sector from the local budgets of the Carpathian region and identification of changes in the management of the educational sector due to the implementation of the administrative-territorial reform.
All corporate liabilities can be viewed as combinations of options, the formula and the analysis that led to it are also applicable to corporate liabilities such as common stock, corporate bonds, warrants. The valuation formula. An alternative derivation.
Interventionist trends in financial regulation. Cases and regulatory frameworks of extraterritorial sanctions resulting in fines. Analysis of regulatory components: category, mode, and geographical scale. Components and patterns of regulatory conflicts.
The concept and purpose of stocks and bonds, their differences. The issue of bonds, their characteristics and types. Features of bonds issued in foreign currency. The procedure for trading and rating of bonds. Investing in bonds and their indices.
- 142. The profitability of trading strategies in the currency market that are based on the Taylor rule
Building a strategy based on the difference in interest rates and the month forward prediction of exchange rates. Evaluation of profitability of carry trades, based on the Taylor model’s modifications analyzed for predictability by Molodtsova and Papell.
Functioning of the world financial market in conditions of strengthening of global processes and emergence of new economic challenges. The essence of debt security as an economic concept. Debt securities, their linking to financial market instruments.
The problem of optimizing budget control. The methodology for its implementation in assessing the costs of the social sector on the example of the analysis of control reports of the Accounts Chamber and the Control and Auditing Department of the RU.
Determination of the place and role of non-bank financial institutions in the development of the financial services market. Development of special systems of insurance and protection against financial risks. Increase in the return on loan capital.
Revealed of the essence of financial provision. Determined of peculiarities and distinctions of financial-credit activity of an agricultural enterprise. Research and characteristics of elements of the mechanism of financial provision of enterprises.
Theory of warrant and option pricing. The foundations for a rational theory of option pricing. Principal difference between valuing the call option. Effects of dividends and changing exercise price. An alternative derivation of the formula Black-Scholes.
The aim of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the transition of small business enterprises to international accounting and reporting standards and to find practical recommendations for improving the transformation of financial reporting.
- 149. Transformation of monetary institutions and policy credibility in Ukraine: retrospective analysis
The directions of development of institutional bases of monetary policy in Ukraine are investigated. The aspects of forming confidence in monetary policy are considered. External factors influencing the development of the monetary sphere are determined.
- 150. Treasury form of budgets servicing of Ukraine in the context of ensuring a balanced financial policy
The useful for financiers-practitioners, representatives of academic circles, students, are interested in treasury budget service. The State Treasury Service of Ukraine occupies a decisive place in the process of effective management of local budgets.