Clarification of the peculiarities of the functioning of civil society institutions of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law. Determination of certain aspects of the constitutional provision of the right of citizens to association during martial law.
The constitutional debate over the status and role of economic and social rights in Israeli constitutional law. Key interpretive human rights strategies adopted by the Supreme Court. The results of the constitutional imbalance in the Israeli law.
History of constitutional regulation of marriage, divorce in Palestine. Analysis of the norms governing the field of family law in Palestine under the British mandate and the State of Israel from the beginning of the British mandate to the present day.
Acquaintance with the comparative analysis of the contents of the articles fixing the rights to medical aid in the constitutions of various foreign countries. Consideration of the main provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine in a comparative context.
The legal specifics of the information rights of citizens, proclaimed by the Constitution of Azerbaijan. Substantiates the need to consider the constitutional and legal foundations of information security as a complex political and legal phenomenon.
In the present paper, author examines the way philosophical discourse constituted itself in post-Soviet Moldova, analyzing the discursive position present in the Journal of Philosophy and Law (as it was called in 1992 – 2006) and Journal of Philosophy.
Banking system as one of the main parts of the economy. The credit rating which given by authorized agencies - the most popular and reliable instrument for measurement of banks’ financial stability. Modelling probabilities of the default separately.
Analysis of the prerequisites for the emergence of a social phenomenon is indicated by the concept of "simulacrum." The main methods of its creation in the media. The mechanism for creating a simulacrum for the active functioning of the information war.
The principles and strands of the grammatical theory. The assumptions include the recognition that all linguistic knowledge is of the same type as knowledge in general and follows the same principles such as categorization, abstraction and generalization.
Any industry as a system characterized by integrity, from obtaining the needed work resources and tools through to the making of finished products. Energy efficient reconstruction - the important direction relevant for both preserving mono-towns.
One of the basic primitives in cryptography and of computer science is a pseudo-random generator. The number of important applications, including the construction of a private provably secure key cryptosystem. The construct a pseudo-random generator.
- 552. Construction of categories ‘strength’ and ‘weakness’ in Russian and Polish foreign policy discourse
The body of scholarship on international relations as they are viewed from the discourse-analytical perspective, specifically in terms of oppositions are constructed between nation states, the qualities of strength, weakness in foreign policy discourse.
Studies on interactions of nanomaterials with components of biosystems, development of new medicines based on magnetite, their application efficiency, chemical engineering of multilevel magnetosensitive nanocomposites with a hierarchical architecture.
The article shows сonsidering the global spread of the use ofmodern technologies, the Internet is increasingly gaining popularity as a platform for trading. That is why the need to protect consumer rights when buying goods via the Internet keeps growing.
Сonsideration of the problem of realization of consumer rights during the purchase of goods in online stores in Ukraine and Moldova. Study of the legal framework in the field of protection of the rights of consumers who buy goods via the Internet.
The exercising consumer rights when purchasing goods in online stores of Ukraine and Moldova. Trends and comparison of the legislation of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova in the context of consumer rights protection when purchasing goods on the Internet.
Sociological discourse on consumption problems. Philosophical theories, in which focus is on the consumption problem. The provisions on consumption and its connection with production in the theory of K. Marx, the concept of "commodity fetishism".
Review of literature devoted to the current state of medical terminology research in linguistic science. Representation of thematic groups of medical terms. Systematization of the nomenclature of medical terms for the designation of disease names.
Exploring workplace interactions and building effective relationships with intergenerational staff. Determining the needs of employees, their values. recommendations to company managers on establishing communication and cooperation with the workforce.
The festival and competition activities of opera houses in the socio-cultural context (on the examples of national opera houses of Kyiv, Odesa, and Lviv in recent years). Festival and competition activities of opera houses in the sociocultural context.
Analysis of integrative interpersonal theory of personality, possibilities of its use in practical psychology and psychotherapy. Implementation of an interdisciplinary approach to the diagnosis, therapy and treatment of pathopsychological conditions.
Globalization as a factor in changing the structure of the world economy. Global network market economy as a set of national farms, which leads to the collapse of the geoeconomy. Review of theories about the approach to the international system.
A comprehensive review of the main problems of management in small enterprises, highlighting the peculiarities of marketing and management in small businesses. Consequences of deteriorating business conditions due to the military situation in the country.
The issue of forming the personality of a student as a patriotic leader in the educational space of a university. Analysis of the availability of methodological approaches in different models of patriotic and military-patriotic education of youth.
Providing training of conscious class which will encourage renovation and enrichment of intellectual nation’s gene pool - one of the main tasks of the modern university. The concepts of learning which based in the methodology of pedagogical science.
The investigation of the process of carrying out research in second language acquisition. The use of group studies in descriptive research. The case study approach. The ways to implement innovative research methods of the second language acquisition.
The emergence of new multidisciplinary approaches in Lithuanian music during the independence: happenings, actions or performances. The break with the aesthetics imposed by the ideological Soviet system. The music festivals initiated by young composers.
Contemporary problems of mental disorder as a mandatory sign of impaired sanity. The practice of prosecuting persons who have committed criminal offenses in such a state. Approaches to the assessment of mental disorder as a sign of such a condition.
Determination of the most common classifications of prostitution policy used in modern research, their origins, backgrounds and weaknesses. Ostergren protocol on assessing intentions, instruments, implementation and impact of policies on prostitution.
Scientific representations and elaboration of the terms "internalism-externalism". Possible consequences of referring to the Marxist roots of modern research in science to which V. Lynch puts attention. Marxist legitimization of scientific theory.