• Approaches to the adaptation of the Ukrainian educational space to the conditions of the European information society. Analysis of the influence of negative phenomena of Ukrainian society on the processes of reforming secondary and higher education.

    статья (22,8 K)
  • Analysis and role of institutional and legal mechanisms for managing the strategically important space industry of Ukraine. Origin and historical genesis of their constituent elements and problems of adaptation to the tendencies of the "new space".

    статья (20,4 K)
  • The analysis of the legal and institutional mechanisms of regulation of strategically important space activities in Ukraine. Elements of legal mechanism of the development of space industry and the problems of adapting to the trends of the "new space".

    статья (37,0 K)
  • Development an approach of routing control which does not demand any special facilities of the ISP or telecommunication channels. The 2-criteria model of the routing tables estimation and the real-time algorithm for the corresponding optimization problem.

    статья (265,2 K)
  • Adaptability - a balance in the system of interaction between the personality, the environment which allows it to effectively implement life, self-development in changing conditions. Analysis of the model of component-level structure of adaptability.

    статья (237,8 K)
  • Identifying whether or not the so-called ‘Addis Ababa Integrated Master Plan’ is a true and elaborate development plan. Concerning the ways of identifying an intent to destroy as an element of genocide, also two positions were developed in the debates.

    статья (23,4 K)
  • Consideration of socio-cultural features that influence the choice of language means when expressing the initial speech formula. Study of forms of address within the same language, but in two different countries. Theories of speech accommodation.

    статья (35,1 K)
  • Автоматизация черчения и оформления конструкторской документации. Объемное моделирование. Требования к единому 2D/3D-пространству. Единое конструкторско-технологическое пространство в инженерной программе ADEM. Конструирование и моделирование в ADEM.

    контрольная работа (524,4 K)
  • Автоматизация черчения и оформление конструкторской документации. Развитие компьютерного моделирования, потребности перехода к объёмному моделированию. Назначение и применение интегрированной системы ADEM, этапы конструирования и моделирования в ней.

    реферат (293,0 K)
  • Реалізації староукраїнських відіменникових прикметників із суфіксом -ов-/-ев-, похідних від речовинних іменників. Лексико-семантичний розподіл дериватів. Умови виникнення парадигматичної структурно-змістової асиметрії в проекції на чотири типи контекстів.

    статья (29,7 K)
  • Creation of a probabilistic statistical model (dictionary) representing the lexical system of the scientific and technical field. Combination of attributive verbs with abstract nouns-terms. Comprehensive study of the peculiarities of verb word forms.

    статья (42,4 K)
  • The general definition of an adjective as parts of speech and its research both with theoretical, and from the practical point of view. Definition of use of an adjective, its syntactic functions, positions in the offer, and grammatical specific features.

    курсовая работа (35,2 K)
  • The definition of term "adjective" and the characteristic of adjectives from grammatical point of view. The role of adjectives in English language. The ways of translation of english adjectives into russian. Reflecting modern trends in linguistics.

    курсовая работа (162,5 K)
  • Justification of the necessity of reforming the regulation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The consideration of the connection and impact of the results of the administration of justice in Ukraine on the overall state of constitutionalism.

    статья (62,6 K)
  • Analysis of the development of the institution of the administrative agreement as a source of administrative law and the form of public administration. The nature and main features of the participation of people in the management of legal relations.

    статья (23,8 K)
  • The purpose of the article is to study the essence and topical issues of international cooperation as a condition for improving the administrative and legal support of professional training of management personnel of the National Police of Ukraine.

    статья (24,1 K)
  • Study of the administrative and legal framework for protecting the rights of citizens in Ukraine. The structure and content of the relevant regulatory legal acts, especially their reflection in modern legislation. Significance and approaches to reform.

    статья (18,2 K)
  • Administrative and legal provision of US national security, its impact on the socio-economic sector of ASEAN. The role of the APR in the economic and political life of the USA, in the state of national security. Administrative and legal provision of US na

    статья (16,7 K)
  • Content and features of state control over humanitarian aid and development of proposals for its improvement. Research of the essence of problems related to violations of the legislation regulating the procedure for providing, providing humanitarian aid.

    статья (24,0 K)
  • The purpose of the paper to analyze and disclose the issues of theoretical and practical plan that prevent the solution of administrative law legal applying issues, which contain or are connected with the definitions of "substantive and processual law".

    статья (25,1 K)
  • Analysis the procedure for the processing of administrative cases by the State Migration Service of Ukraine, and the decision making on the acquisition, retention, loss and recovery of citizenship with a view to ensuring the rights, freedoms of a person.

    статья (15,5 K)
  • The analysis of local self-government system in Armenia. The necessity of improvement of the system of municipal services is conditioned by the ongoing reforms in the local self-governance system as well as the development of civil society components.

    статья (19,3 K)
  • Conducting scientific research on the functioning and general reform of state control, public service in Ukraine and developed countries of the world. Comparative legal analysis of building civil service institutions in developed countries of the world.

    статья (29,4 K)
  • Ensuring observance of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine. Prosecutorial supervision of compliance with the law in the execution of court decisions in criminal proceedings. Reforming civil service institutions of Ukraine.

    статья (29,5 K)
  • Характеристика базовых возможностей программы Adobe InDesign CS3, изучение ее графического интерфейса и назначения основных управляющих элементов. Создание векторных иллюстраций для публикаций. Упражнения по работе с текстом, графикой и изображениями.

    книга (13,7 M)
  • Возможности Adobe Photoshop: описание доступных палитр, правила сканирования, импорта и экспорта изображений. Основные функции и действия в программе: выделение областей, использование контуров, рисование и редактирование, выбор цветов, каналы и маски.

    курсовая работа (34,2 K)
  • Ознакомление с растровыми и векторными редакторами компьютерной графики. Специфические возможности Corel Photo-Paint, Micrographic Picture Publisher, Adobe In Design. Функциональные возможности Adobe Photoshop; преимущества использования программы.

    статья (20,2 K)
  • Рассмотрение характеристик растрового изображения, программных средств реализации растровой графики. Описание способов передачи цвета пикселей. Изучение сферы применения, возможностей, инструментов Adobe Photoshop. Приведение примеров монтажа изображений.

    курсовая работа (5,0 M)
  • История Adobe Photoshop. Различия между Adobe Photoshop и Corel Draw. Анализ интерфейса программы и особенности изображений в программе Adobe Photoshop. Работа с текстом, каналами, фильтрами и цветом. Охрана труда при работе с электрооборудованием.

    дипломная работа (1,2 M)
  • Modernism as a multifaceted phenomenon. The opposition between modernist procedures and inclusive postmodernist practices. A separation of technical and aesthetic needs. Modernization ability to turn difference into equivalence, to make objects fungible.

    статья (443,1 K)