Results Global Capstone Design Workshop in order to find eco-friendly, energy-saving methods in our daily lives and to develop and improve them. In particular, selecting topics based on practical methods for Global Capstone Design will be the main focus.
Тhe main actual meaning of the spatial composition through deconstructing and recon-structing of the wall by understanding the interrelationships of spaces and flowing space created through the wall and reading of the main narrative between spaces.
Methods for marking the boundaries of time and space in architecture. An exploration of the meaning and concept of the "wall" described and defined by John Hayduk. Exploring Wall House Design Tools. The wall as a neutral state and moment of passage.
In recent years, the Yushu Museum has conducted a systematic investigation on the rock art of the Tongtian River Basin in its prefecture and newly discovered 1230 panels’ rock art. Statistical and comparative analysis of the newly discovered rock art.
Suggesting an interpretation of Bergson's doctrine of Intuition which resolves the contradiction involved in the statement of his epistemology as found in his works. The intuition as a non-intellectual process which gives us knowledge through concepts.
Prime and composite numbers. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic states. Sample factorizations. Review of elementary number theory. Some essential algorithms. RSA public-key cryptosystem. Finding squares through products. Large prime variations.
Separating the foundations of mathematics from philosophy. Difference between the theory of formal systems theory and evidence. Classical first order predicate logic. Elementary and full analysis. Existing proof theory. Infinitely long expressions.
Explore the preparation level and experience of people online learning, learner-learner, student-instructor interactions, learning content, and learner with an interface. Exploring the academic, social and technical aspects of their online interactions.
Consideration of the methodological system of references in the field of medieval philosophy and theology as a complex coordinate system with three axes. Examples of scientific publications that should be "located" on the axes of this imaginary scheme.
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a method to prevent intracanal breakage of endodontic files. The experimental system effectively reduced the incidence of intracanal instrument fractures and the total number of files consumed.
The analysis of irrational usage of sugar beet byproducts has been performed. A number of shortcomings that have a traditional technologies of beet pulp drying. An alternative technology is based on using of forced ventilation of beet pulp with cold air.
The goals and objectives of accounting procedures in the context of the maintenance, production and sales of products, goods and delivering the service are outlined. The tasks of analytical work to determine the efficiency of each process are provided.
The matematical notion of set standardly explicate that notion of aggregation. Semantically intelligible from to some of our descriptions involving plural constructions and mass terms. Serve to hane description between concrete and abstract objects.
Heraclitus - the founder of the dialectic. The analysis of the fragments-quotes book "On the nature". Five doctrines of the teachings of Heraclitus and their interpretation. Logos as the criterion of truth, the idea of universal variability and movement.
This essay is discussing the following works by Lyotard. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, Geoffrey Bennington and Brian Massumi; Just Gaming. Peregrinations: Law, Form, Event. The Differend: Phrases in Dispute, Georges Van Den Abbeele.
Design, develop Micro Air vehicle system provides a platform to support a very wide variety of missions for the small unit. Further miniaturization of electronics and sensors these vehicles to become even smaller and to operate in complex environments.
Plume model to estimate vapor pressure deficits in tree canopies during surface fires. Operational methods for predicting tree mortality from fire injury. Characteristics of fires and resulting plume-model boundary conditions used to predict cavitation.
The texts of the scripture are thoroughly investigated in which the role of a woman in family is revealed. The moral consciousness and stimulation of a virtuous activity a woman in the modern world. Primary sources on the history of early Christianity.
The semantic structure of English and Ukrainian words. The socio-linguistic, psychological and logical classification of semantic change. Both the lexical and the grammatical meanings make up the word-meaning as neither can exist without the other.
Study the directions and trends in the modern Church and pasazerow music. Consideration of creative content, genre and stylistic peculiarities and differences of the works of composer A. Gaidenko "it is truly meet", "o Theotokos the virgin, rejoice".
Представлення результатів ab initio розрахунків рівноважної геометричної будови, електронної структури та коливних спектрів для молекули аденіну. Використання обмеженого за спіном методу Хартрі-Фока (RHF) і теорію функціоналу густини з базисним набором.
- 112. Abbey Mills Mosque
The Abbey Mills Mosque, also known as the London Markaz or Masjid-e-Ilyas, is a proposed mosque and Islamic centre. The mosque would be built by Tablighi Jamaat (a Muslim missionary movement) near of the London 2012 Olympic Park, public relations.
Intense increase in new words as a result technical and scientific inventions. Analysis subject to individual terms of the network. Methods of word-formation in English. Study of types of abbreviations used in internet communication and types of acronyms.
- 114. ABC и XYZ-анализ ассортимента предприятий хлебопекарной промышленности потребительской кооперации
Детализированная и эффективная бизнес-модель хлебопекарных предприятий потребительской кооперации. Стратегически важные товары, выводимые на занятый сегмент рынка, их объемные выражения и параметры, характеризующие стабильность сбыта или потребления.
- 115. Abc-аналіз дохідності факультетів східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки
Activity Based Costing-аналіз факультетів східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки за надходженнями від плати за навчання магістрантів першого курсу. Загальне поняття про співвідношення Парето. Аналіз доходів бакалаврату.
- 116. Aberdour Castle
Aberdour Castle is located in the village of Easter Aberdour, Fife, Scotland. History: origins, 16th century, the later Earls, final decline; description. Aberdour Castle is now in the care of Historic Scotland, and is open to the public all year.
The problem of the development of thinking in childhood as traditional for psychology. Formation and functioning of conception, eye-minded thinking. Questions development of ability to logic, time perspective analysis, solution of logical tasks.
A study of the genocide of the Dashnak-Bolshevik forces in Baku and Azerbaijan based on the works of Muhammad Amin Rasulzadeh. It was determined that the activity of the literary critic coincided with the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.
- 119. About Astana
Astana is the capital and second largest city (behind Almaty) of Kazakhstan. It is located in the north-central portion of Kazakhstan, within Akmola Province, although it is politically separate from the rest of the province, which has its own capital.
The opportunities of the GeoGebra dynamic geometry environment. Capabilities of the system for creating drawings, tables of experimental data and their application in conducting research work. The examples of solving some elementary geometry problems.