Content and features of state control over humanitarian aid and development of proposals for its improvement. Research of the essence of problems related to violations of the legislation regulating the procedure for providing, providing humanitarian aid.
The purpose of the paper to analyze and disclose the issues of theoretical and practical plan that prevent the solution of administrative law legal applying issues, which contain or are connected with the definitions of "substantive and processual law".
Analysis the procedure for the processing of administrative cases by the State Migration Service of Ukraine, and the decision making on the acquisition, retention, loss and recovery of citizenship with a view to ensuring the rights, freedoms of a person.
Consideration of the issue of administrative inaction of the authorities in the EU. Finding effective ways to fight the silence of state government bodies. Improving the regulation of judicial proceedings in Ukraine in the aspect of European integration.
The analysis of local self-government system in Armenia. The necessity of improvement of the system of municipal services is conditioned by the ongoing reforms in the local self-governance system as well as the development of civil society components.
Ensuring observance of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine. Prosecutorial supervision of compliance with the law in the execution of court decisions in criminal proceedings. Reforming civil service institutions of Ukraine.
Conducting scientific research on the functioning and general reform of state control, public service in Ukraine and developed countries of the world. Comparative legal analysis of building civil service institutions in developed countries of the world.
- 218. Adobe InDesign CS3
Характеристика базовых возможностей программы Adobe InDesign CS3, изучение ее графического интерфейса и назначения основных управляющих элементов. Создание векторных иллюстраций для публикаций. Упражнения по работе с текстом, графикой и изображениями.
- 219. Adobe Photoshop
Возможности Adobe Photoshop: описание доступных палитр, правила сканирования, импорта и экспорта изображений. Основные функции и действия в программе: выделение областей, использование контуров, рисование и редактирование, выбор цветов, каналы и маски.
Ознакомление с растровыми и векторными редакторами компьютерной графики. Специфические возможности Corel Photo-Paint, Micrographic Picture Publisher, Adobe In Design. Функциональные возможности Adobe Photoshop; преимущества использования программы.
Рассмотрение характеристик растрового изображения, программных средств реализации растровой графики. Описание способов передачи цвета пикселей. Изучение сферы применения, возможностей, инструментов Adobe Photoshop. Приведение примеров монтажа изображений.
- 222. Adobe Photoshop CS6
История Adobe Photoshop. Различия между Adobe Photoshop и Corel Draw. Анализ интерфейса программы и особенности изображений в программе Adobe Photoshop. Работа с текстом, каналами, фильтрами и цветом. Охрана труда при работе с электрооборудованием.
Modernism as a multifaceted phenomenon. The opposition between modernist procedures and inclusive postmodernist practices. A separation of technical and aesthetic needs. Modernization ability to turn difference into equivalence, to make objects fungible.
Suggesting a typology of musical listeners, Adorno invites readers to refine his proposed schema and to apply it to their real-world observations. This study inquires into the nature of this body of information. The culture consumer and expert listener.
The theoretical bases lactic acid adsorption at the mineral and carbon adsorbents. Influence of acidity on equilibrium and speed of absorption. Sorption facilities of zeolite to lactic acid in the static conditions. Adsorption capasity of adsorbents.
Introduction of vocational education of adults. Principles of integration into the European educational space, taking into account international trends in the development of professional, technical education for adults. Analysis of the legal framework.
The particularities of the personality behavior in the conflict in connection with the subjective perception of the "conflict" situation. The differences in the choice and reaction orientation in the conflict of people with different level of optimism.
The teaching foreign languages to adults in practical classes through the prism of communicative and personal-activity approaches. The importance of the unity of the motivational and emotional component for the formation of foreign language competence.
Short record of 7th international scientific-technical conference. Main topics of Conference’s program. Oil and gas processing, petrochemistry and coal chemistry, chemmotology of lubricants and technical liquids, ecological aspects of refineries.
Centroids and Moments of Inertia, and Center of Mass. First Moment and Centroid of a Set of Points. Kinematics of a Particle. Dynamics of a Particle. Polar and Cylindrical Coordinates. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies. Equation of Motion for the Mass Center.
Encryption standard adopted by the USA government through a competitive Advanced Encryption Standard. Evaluation algorithms for the various platforms. Cryptographic analysis and its properties. Testing of individual algorithms. Algorithmic version of AES.
The advanced learning technologies for developing spoken confidence andfluency ofpre-service English teachers at the quarantine time. The definition of advanced learning technologies, presents a short overview of the history of the development of CALL.
Now it is difficult to imagine any area (field) of activity of the person where the help of computers is not in demand. An exit on the market of the new manufacturer of processors under name AMD - Advanced Micro Devices. History of development of company.
Results from the application of dental CT in endodontics. Dental computerized tomography examination of the maxilla in a case of extensive periapical lesion. Dental CT in the diagnosis of periapical lesions and pathologic conditions of the jaws.
Consideration of book presentsways, him разнородностей in statistical models on the different levels of analysis, successive theoretical structure that places the models of lids as decision elements in a race between a steganography and steganalysis.
Basics of Contemporary Cryptography for Information Technology Practitioners. Codes for Error Detection. Advances in Coding Theory and Cryptography. Arcs, minihypers, and the classification of three-dimensional Griesmer codes. About the code equivalence.
Faster explicit formulas for computing pairings over ordinary curves. Secure authentication from a weak key, without leaking information. Towards a game theoretic view of secure computation. Concurrent composition in the bounded quantum storage model.
Signature schemes and anonymous credentials from bilinear maps. Asymptotically optimal communication for torus-based cryptography. Paradigm of hybrid encryption scheme. Pseudo-signatures, broadcast, and multi-party computation from correlated randomness.
Rotational Rebound Attacks on Reduced Skein. Improved Generic Attacks on Unbalanced Feistel Schemes with Expanding Functions. Conditional Differential Cryptanalysis of NLFSR-Based Cryptosystems. Constant-Size Commitments to Polynomials and Applications.
The Graphical Modeling and Bayesian Networks. Some Properties of Incomplete Repair and Maintenance Models. The Theoretical Advances in Modeling, Inference and Computation. Network Reliability Evaluation with Propositional Directed Acyclic Graphs.