A woman and a family in the concepts of biblical traditions
The texts of the scripture are thoroughly investigated in which the role of a woman in family is revealed. The moral consciousness and stimulation of a virtuous activity a woman in the modern world. Primary sources on the history of early Christianity.
Рубрика | Религия и мифология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 23,4 K |
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A woman and a family in the concepts of biblical traditions
Gudyma I.
The research opens God's plan for a woman, which promotesformation of spiritual and moral values, using the example of women in the Bible. The texts of the Scripture are thoroughly investigated in 'which the role of a 'woman in family is revealed. The image of a womanfound in our study is an example of a positive formation of a person, moral consciousness and stimulation of a virtuous activity and behaviorfor a 'woman in the modern 'world. The materials and developments of the article can be used by specialists in the area of religious study, studentз, professors, while 'writing research papers, and also at lectures related to study of Philosophy andReligious studies.
Keywords: a 'woman, religion, afamily, the Bible.
Гудима І., магістр теології, аспірантка кафедри релігієзнавства та богослов'я, Національний університет «Острозька академія»
Жінка та сім'я у поняттях біблійних традицій
Стаття розкриває, на прикладі жінок Біблії, Божий задум для жінки, який сприяє сформуванню духовно-моральних цінностей. Докладно досліджуються тексти Священного Писання, в яких розкрита роль жінки в сім'ї. Образ жінки, який з'ясований у результаті дослідження, є прикладам позитивного формування особистості, моральної свідомості та стимулювання доброчесної діяльності й поведінки для жінки в сучасному світі. Матеріали та напрацювання статті мажуть використовуватися спеціалістами у сфері релігієзнавчих досліджень, студентами, викладачами, при написанні наукових робіт, а також на лекціях, пов'язаних із вивченням філософії та релігієзнавства.
Ключові слова: жінка, релігія, сім'я, Біблія.
The question of a woman's role from a religious point of view was referred to by philosophers and theologians of Middle Ages, Renaissance, New age era, and among them such Jewish wise men should be named first of all: Rashi, Rambam, Maimoneed; Fathers of the Christian church: Tertullian, Ignatius of Antioch, Iryniy and others [8; 9; 10]. German classical philosophy drew its attention to a problem of a woman. E. Kant, in particular, considered the problem of a woman to be more philosophical than that of a man [4]. The interest in the problem of a woman increased at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, but a Ukrainian woman was perceived as an ideal one, a characteristic of Ukrainian national character.
Spiritually-psychological functions of a woman may be viewed as original woman's ones in the society in general, in family and functions of a woman directly as a female, that plays a role of a mother, a wife, a daughter, a mother-inlaw, etc. A protestant theologian J. Peisti considers that the highest calling of a woman is motherhood related to no less important calling of parenting [6]. A family must be «pure» from inside, that is in relationships between a husband andім. woman family christianity moral
a wife, parents and children, older and younger generations. Christian theologians note that an ideal for Christians is in relationships of Christ and the Church.
In order to understand the biblical view on a woman as a wife it is important to pay attention to what the Apostles told. In the epistles there is a principle of equality of sexes and subordination between women and men is equal. In the letter to Galatians we read: «There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus» (Gal. 3:28) [1]. This scripture indicates the equality, as the method of salvation is the same for men as well as women. They are equal members of the Body of Christ. But this does not remove all differences in responsibilities between husbands and their wives. We accentuate that the passage does not cover all aspects of God's plan about a man and a woman. Besides, there are many other Scripture passages, which point out the difference in God's requirements to men and women concerning a family and the Church. Though a Christian marriage is expected to have mutual love and subordination between spouses. Thus we read in the Scriptures: «Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ» (Eph. 5:21) [1], but at the same time the four passages of the New Testament: «Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives» (1 Pet. 3:1-2) [1]; «Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything» (Eph. 5:22-24) [1]; «Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord» (Col. 3:18); «to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God» (Tit. 2:5) [1] - put a duty on wives to submit to their husbands.
There are many of those who consider a family and order in it from their own point of view and forget that a man and a woman are equal in Christ. But why is it important for a wife to submit to a husband? Such is God's order. Imagine that a surrounding world stopped obeying the order. It would be dangerous or even impossible to survive in such a world. The same is with the family order. Husbands are to love, wives - submit to their careful guide, children - obey their parents, and parents mustn't annoy kids. These instructions are very clear. They look like a user manual. If you do not follow the instructions, something unpredictable can happen. Jesus Christ, having come to the Earth, has completely fulfilled the plan of God, and we have been saved by this accuracy. But in the Holy Trinity, the Son is not lower than the Father, but He does not give up to the Father in Divinity. And so is in a family. A wife is actually equals a husband, but she is obedient in her functions to him like Jesus is to the Father. The order of God is when a wife submits to her husband at ease. Only being together a husband and a wife can create a new creature. It is not an addition of two separate personalities, but a new unity, created by the will of God.
«God has given a husband (rational-business relations) a responsibility in general and in faith affairs. A woman (more emotional and intuitive) needs his protection. And very important: he as well as she - both - stand under a higher authority, under a higher protection of the Lord Jesus Christ» [7]. In God's plan a family is a new harmonious organism.
Christ has come to remind us about this: «Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!» (2 Co. 5:17) [1]. A family, which lives according to a principle of «a new creation», does not only renew the right relationships with God, but as well as in the Garden of Eden: two become one flesh through admiring mutual love (Gen. 2:23) [1]. They have a general blessing, equal communication with God and a responsibility for fulfilling the will of God in a matter of spreading the salvation message.
Our aim is to understand and take a marriage so as God has originally planned it. A marriage is deep, tender, pure, intimate and love relationships, which was predetermined by God in the image of relationships of Christ and His church from the very beginning. And this is a basis for love and obedience, which we can have in our marriage.
We can see that requirements to a woman are presented already in pre-Christian tradition. We can find images of a bad and a good woman in the Bible. In Judaism it is written in detail what a woman should be. The main requirement to her is modesty. It covers all aspects of modesty - a speech, a manner of dressing up, eating, drinking, entertainment and pleasures. A woman must avoid obscene gestures, expressions, a vulgar talk, being aggressive, negligence and swearword. There should be measure in everything [3]. Analyzing the texts of Talmud (Shabbat, 25 b, Yevamot 62 b, Sanhedrin, 76 b, Hulin, 8 b, Bawa Mecca, 59 a, Bomidbar raba, 89 and other passages), are devoted to a problem of a woman, Kh. Donin concludes that wise men of Talmud strictly warn a husband not to use offensive words to a woman, even if there is not anyone beside them. A very hard sin is when a husband insults his wife in public. «Who is a rich person?» - a Rabbi Akiva was asked, who answered: «The one, whose wife is a sweetheart and kind». An orthodox Jewish tradition is oriented on a husband. A man has to follow some specific rules in the attitude to a woman. «А husband should love his wife, at least, as himself, but respect more than himself» [3].
What inner qualities should be revealed in a woman? She must have «the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit», but this does not mean that wives cannot express their opinions. They must realize that God expects meekness and silence from them. The beauty and power of a woman lies in this. A thought expressed by her, her piece of advice or even objection this way point to a man of her inner beauty and power.
Godly women have always tried to be appropriate to this example. Peter points to one of such women: «like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear». (1 Pet. 3:6) [1] and as Abraham is called the father of those who believe (Gal. 3:7) [1], Sarah is the mother of all obedient wives. If wives are obedient to God and their husbands in a gentle and quiet spirit, then they can be sure that God will gratify them one way or another.
Is it possible to write a description of a Christian woman or a plan of her gradual development? It is, but it will hardly be a portrait of some special woman. On the other hand, it is really a special woman. We can find the best portrait of such a woman in the 31st chapter of the book of Proverbs [1]. Having the fear of the Lord, she is looking confidently into the future. She is called a wife of noble character. The book of Proverbs encourage young people to listen to their parents' pieces of advice, who both manage relationships in a family and a communication of the family with God and the atmosphere of their life depends on their wisdom.
The proverbs of the Old Testament played a role of guidelines, which were not abolished in the New Testament times. Besides, Paul writes to Titus, that he must teach the older as well as the younger. The older women, likewise, must train the younger women. The Proverbs give us nice examples of instructions, which can help the older women in performing this difficult assignment, and the 31st chapter is one of the examples of such an instruction, which gives a characteristic of a noble wife through images. It is very important, as such a description of a woman's role is given to a son Lemuel by his mother. A chaste wife is not only a hostess in a house, she takes a personal responsibility for supplies and providing clothes for all household members, she is also busy outside her house, runs trade and business. She is also busy with public work - takes care of the poor and can give wise pieces of advice to her neighbours. She is a smart and authoritative woman, when her advice is needed. This wife does not only «provide» for her family, taking care of their needs, she has a role of a wise counselor together with a husband, and fulfills the plan of God, revealed in the 1st and 2nd chapters of Genesis, namely that a man and a woman are created in the image and likeness of God and are called to manage in this world on behalf of His name [1].
Summing up all the above mentioned about the role of a wife in the Scriptures, we can outline a number of important aspects:
Firstly, a woman is a helpmate, as «The Lord God said, «It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper for him»» (Gen. 2:18) [1].
This role of a wife implies a leadership of a husband, his need of a wife, her «right hand» position, being a coworker and their joint work, physical as well as spiritual. As a faithful helper, a wife must support a husband in his inceptions; inspire and bless a husband in prayer; help a husband to open all his best abilities; raise his significance.
Secondly, a woman is the guardian of the home hearth. «She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eatthe bread ofidleness» (Prov. 31:10-31) [1].
«The home hearth» means a special cosiness in a family, good atmosphere and warmth of human relationships. One of the tasks of a wife is to form and keep this atmosphere, take care of order and cleanliness of the house.
It is important to admit that this role is becoming less popular and attractive nowadays. It is not popular to be a good wife in the world, but it is fashionable and prestigious to be only a businesslike and independent woman, though the Lord has prepared this wonderful role for a wife before and which she will be able to perform when she loves her husband and children, and takes care of her home, being a good manager in her house. It is rather difficult and creative task, it is more than ajob, it is a way of life, picked up from heavenly and eternal truths.
Thirdly, a woman has to be a wise counselor. «The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down» (Prov. 14:1) [1].
A wise woman is the best companion, the best listener, the best expert of her husband. It is she who can show tender care, comfort, encourage and inspire him. Having wise wives husbands become successful in physical as well as in spiritual, «who are respected at the city gate, where they take their seat among the elders of the land». A wise wife is able to understand her husband and satisfy his needs. «Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ» (Gal. 6:2) [1].
It is very important for a wife to notice difficulties of a husband on time, to understand the reason and give him a helping hand. A wife will satisfy needs of a husband if she helps him to gain confidence in himself.
Fourthly, a woman has to be an ideal of femininity and fidelity.
Today's world is trying to impose an ideal of a woman, which is absolutely far from a biblical one. She gives in nothing to a man, does not have weaknesses, can stand up for herself, can lead all well, invincible, volitional, and even brutal.
Femininity means tenderness, softness; inner and outer beauty; meekness, modesty; sincerity, openness; kindness, forgiveness; love for maternity.
Fidelity of a wife is not only in being faithful to a husband, but also in being his helper in difficult situations, as well as protecting him from attacks of others, never betray him even in small deals and circumstances, not to humiliate his authority in front of others. Manifestation of such fidelity strengthens the family and makes a husband stronger.
Finally, a woman is a source ofjoy and peace, as we read in the Scriptures: «she can laugh at the days to come» (Prov. 31:25); «a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping» (Prov. 19:13) [1].
Joy is not in the lack of problems and difficulties, but in the presence of God and His help. Joy is one of the gifts of Holy Spirit, that's why it is always especially warm in the house in which the wife is filled with optimism andjoy. And, vice versa, dissatisfaction, complaining and oppressed spirit destroy the whole family.
«Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace» (Col. 3:15) [1]. It is not enough to wish peace, it is necessary to create it, mutually forgiving and accepting each other.
So, a marriage is deep, tender, pure, intimate and love relationships, and it was predetermined by God from the very beginning according to the image of relationships between Christ and His church. And this is a basis for love and obedience, which we can have in our marriage. We can safely build our life on this basis. A wife sung in the Holy Books has much love, warmth, light, meekness, humility and forgiveness. A task of a woman is not in dominating sensually, but in cleansing a husband by marriage, gradually lifting him from sensual to unconditional love. To achieve this goal a Christian woman has to captivate her husband's soul not by art of ephemeral clothes, not by the shine of beauty that is fleeting, but by charm of moral beauty, that does not perish, insurmountable attractiveness of virtues, shining glow of a man, that is in the heart; she has to conquer to the growth of her purity everything a husband's nature can possess, foul and bestial. She has to regenerate her husband [5].
Each of us has got the most precious and close person - our mother. She has given life and happy childhood to us. Her kindness and care warm us in the days of sorrow. Surely we entrust all our secrets, dreams to our mother and consult her. She is our best friend and wise counselor. Mother is our guardian angel, who is always ready to sacrifice for the sake of children. There is nothing more holy and unselfish than mother's love!
Maternity is the most significant role, which God has appointed to many women. Paul refers to women concerningім their responsibilities to love their children in the epistle to Titus «That they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no on will malign the word of God» (Tit. 2:4-5) [1]. Concerning this it is said in the book of Isaiah: «Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?» (Is. 49:15) [1]. Maternity, a miracle of baby birth is a special and amazing gift of the Lord, which brings a woman closer to the Creator and gives her an opportunity to feel acutely and get to know the responsibility and depth of emotion about a born baby. As the caring for children, a manifestation of the joy of motherhood, love to everything, that is connected with the birth and upbringing of children, adds a special inner beauty and charm to a woman.
A role of a mother in the New Testament is especially elevated due to a deed of the Mother of God. Proclus, the archbishop of Constantinople says about the Virgin Mary: «All wives are blessed through Her: their gender is not under curse anymore but surpasses the angels in glory». Eve is cured, the Egyptian wife walks in silence, Delilah is buried, Jezebel is forgotten. Now the image of a wife raises amazement. Sarah is glorified like a cornfield, which grows peoples; Rebekah is honoured as a wise begetter of blessing; Leah is honoured to be the mother of the ancestor of the Lord; Deborah is praised as a commander, despite the weakness of her gender. Elizabeth is comforted as the one, who felt that the forerunner full of grace leaped in her womb. Mary is comforted as the Mother, because she gave birth to the One, who willed to be born.
Realizing that the role of a woman as a guardian of a family today is allegedly becoming less popular and attractive, and it is not fashionable to be a good wife, but popular and prestigious to be only businesslike and independent woman, it is clear, that the Lord has prepared a wonderful role for a woman in advance, which she will be able to carry out when she loves her husband, children and is a caring and kind manager at her home.
The guardian of a family is a woman who has a heart full of love and kindness. We find the example of such a wife in the book of Proverbs: «А wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life» (Prov. 31:10-12) [1].
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