This systematic literature review aims to identify the impact of artificial intelligence in foreign language learning using learning management systems by systematically reviewing studies related to the area. Application of the PRISMA block diagram.
The article pays attention to the requirements for information support for controlling the operational activities of trade enterprises: significance, completeness, reliability, timeliness, comprehensibility, relevance, comparability and efficiency.
Features and functions widget bits. Link to the base program. The structure of the appearance, inclusion of the words: verbs, adjectives, nouns. Software tools for application development, identifying a user. A inactive variants of dynamic interaction.
The Internet as a revolutionary phenomenon that enables millions of individuals across the globe to access, exchange and create vast amounts of information. The Internet as a practical problem. A new means for empowerment. A new form of oppression.
- 455. The Main memory
Types of main memory: Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory. The operation of cache memory. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Memory configurations for Intel CPU’s. Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory and Virtual memory.
A review of the philosophical problems of the creation of intelligent machines in the context of modern studies of artificial intelligence and cognitive robotics. The choice of creating artificial consciousness in the machine or the cyborgization of man.
Find and analysis a way for data protection when a person uses e-platforms. Based on the General Data Protection Regulation, the measure for the data protection is assumed to comply when data systems go along with technical and organizational safeguards.
The detailed description of the existing HRM system in the retail company. The advantages and disadvantages of its components and business intelligence applications. System drawbacks and the main directions for necessary additions and improvements.
Consideration of the safety of autonomous systems and robots. Analysis of threats related to the use of artificial intelligence in autonomous vehicles, robots and other autonomous systems. Information flows in autonomous systems and communications.
- 460. The theory of plafales: новий підхід до конструювання базисних функцій на трикутнику першого порядку
На основі the theory of plafales, показані основні кроки алгоритму конструювання базисних функцій в МСЕ на основі двовимірного симплексу — трикутника першого порядку. Конструювання базисних функцій в автоматичному режимі з компонентом штучного інтелекту.
The nature and characteristics of distributed operating systems. Characteristic and distinctive features of operating systems real-time. Description, application and purpose multiprocessor operating systems, its role and place in computer security.
The design of a von Neumann architecture machine. A stored-program digital computer. Development of the stored-program concept. Early von Neumann-architecture computers. Von Neumann bottleneck. Features of Von Neumann Architecture. Arithmetic Logic Unit.
Transactional memory, the interface matters. Programmability is the key motivation for transactional memory. Processors support small (few memory operations) easily. Unlimited transactions are convenient for software. Virtualize transactional memory.
- 464. Tillypad XL
Tillypad XL как система автоматизации ресторанов, которая помогает значительно эффективнее решать актуальные, каждодневные задачи рестораторов и успешнее работать в высококонкурентной среде, ее механизмы и конфигурация, возможности и эффективность.
Маркерный метод доступа в сети. Стандарт 802.5 как метод доступа к кольцу с передачей маркера. Функционирование сети Token Ring. Максимальное время оборота маркера. Механизм раннего освобождения токена. Конфигурация кольца и обеспечение надежности FDDI.
Development of smart contracts based on business rules using natural language processing as an object of research. Development of software components for decentralized systems by building smart contracts from business rules written in natural language.
Методики проектирования технических средств, обеспечивающих использование коммуникатора или сотового телефона не только контролировать технологический процесс, но и программировать в удаленном доступе. Использование современных языков программирования.
With the help of business intelligence (an analytical report of Power BI)tools developed visualization of rating indicators of lecturers and departments for making successful management decisions that will contribute to the quality of higher education.
Consideration of the reception of transmedia narration and intertextuality based on the material of the game universe "Military Craft" and novels by the Finnish writer Johanna Sinisalo. The potential of using transmedia storytelling in gaming universes.
Methods of traversal of high-level multi-threaded models formalized in the Use Case Map computer language. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach compared to existing ones. Generation character lines that are used to test software systems.
A Trojan as a hidden threat, much like the famed Trojan horse left by Odysseus on the shores of Troy. Targeting, distribution and activation mechanisms of the worms. Drive-by-Downloads, email, network intrusion, social engineering, business models.
Target Server Memory Pool. A pool of memory on the target reserved for use by the Tornado tools. The target server manages the pool, keeping overhead such as block lists on the host. Additional memory is allocated from the system memory pool if needed.
Ubiquitous computing - filling the real world with computers. Challenging HCI Assumptions. Implications for device size as well as relationship to people. Defining the Interaction Experience. Multi-scale and distributed output. Merging Digital Worlds.
Технология проектирования объектно-ориентированного программирования. Этапы разработки программных систем с использованием ООП. Унифицированный язык моделирования UML. Проектирование приложения "Магазин бытовой техники". Создание графического интерфейса.
- 475. UNIX для всех
Понятие битов, байтов, килобайтов, их измерение. Основные черты файловой системы. Графический интерфейс и компьютерная интернациональность. Учет прикладных программ. Поиск и загрузка ресурсов, шрифтов. Удаленный доступ и подключение через модем.
The analysis of the existing training methods of multilayer neural network of computing structures is carried out. Recommendations of selected methods usage by examples of multilayer approximation tasks for technology of beneficiation were given.
- 477. USB-устройства
Унификация подключения периферийных устройств к компьютеру через порт USB. Удобство автоматического обнаружения операционной системой устройств, виды USB-коннекторов и USB-хаб. Энергопотребление, скоростные характеристики USB 1.0, USB 2.0, USB 3.0.
In the world of sports, modern information technologies are increasingly used to improve the results and training of athletes. Swimming is no exception, and new technologies are revolutionizing this sport. Virtual reality (VR) and virtual simulators.
Digital technologies in the field of personnel selection - the use of automated systems, various web resources and information systems for the digitalization of personnel selection processes. ATS (Applicant Tracking System) - applicant tracking system.
Використання інструментального засобу Active-VHDL, розробка моделі універсального однокристального комп`ютера на основі гіпотетично неконвеєрного мікропроцесора. Виконання симуляції з тестуванням роботи мікропроцесорної системи на функціональному рівні.