Ensuring the observance and inviolability of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities. Notarial protection of legal entities. Protection against abuse and illegal actions during certification of local documents of corporate entities.
It has been indicated that the notarial form of protection of corporate rights is an integral attribute of ensuring the observance and inviolability of the rights. Familiarization with the problems of notarial protection of non-property corporate rights.
The experience of public administration of the countries of the world with the development of the market for non-standard forms of employment "virtual employment". Determinants of the market of non-standard forms of employment "virtual employment".
The peculiarity of creating the possibility of complete or partial elimination of corruption in the judiciary. Legislative consolidation of the basic principles of the jury trial. Adoption of a normative act detailing the procedure for a jury trial.
The amparo procedure like an effective means of protecting the basic law of the state, human and citizen rights and an effective institution of constitutional control. Specific feature of the functioning of the collegial circuit courts in Mexico.
- 696. Novations of European law on online piatforms: on the edge of economic analysis and human rights law
The main challenges brought about by online platforms. Analysis of the most recent EU legal acts concerning online platforms and Digital Services Act. Consideration of the newest amendments through the lens of economic analysis and human rights law.
- 697. Novations of European law on online platforms: on the edge of economic analysis and human rights law
The analysis of the EU legal acts concerning online platforms and Digital Services Act. The review of the amendments through the lens of economic analysis and human rights law. The strengths and weaknesses of these acts. Legal status of online platforms.
The article proposes legal definitions and normative formulations of new forms of socially dangerous behavior that are in one way or another associated with a digital person. Certain value orientations and their future changes in the digital person.
The article proposes de lege feenda some legal definitions and normative formulations of new forms of socially dangerous behavior that are in one way or another related to digital human being (Homo numeralis, Homo digitalis, Homo Horologium).
The concept and principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, created after the Second World War. An analysis of individual international criminal responsibility as a means by which international law attempts to counteract gross violations of human rights.
The struggle of law enforcement and judicial bodies of the rule of law, as well as society as a whole with the manifestations of crime. Development of the latest effective means of combating criminal offenses. Their objective and subjective features.
Analysis of criminal offenses, their essence, structure of constituent system elements, forms of external manifestation. Approaches to the development of the latest effective means of combating criminal offenses, research into their object, properties.
Establishing the need to research crimes, their essence, the structure of constituent system elements, forms of external manifestation. Assessment of the mandatory condition for the development of the latest effective means of combating criminal offenses.
Ensuring compliance with the constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen of Ukraine during a pre-trial investigation. Generalization of the practice of the Court of Cassation on the evaluation of the results of surveillance of a person.
The study shows the importance of monitoring the impact of new technologies on the development of labor relations and employment in order to identify risk areas. This is followed by a synopsis of research on the impact of nanotechnology on the workforce.
Повноваження регіональних та місцевих прокуратур у частині виконання конституційних функцій. Порядок атестування слідчих органів прокуратури України. Забезпечення безпеки осіб, які беруть участь у кримінальному судочинстві. Державний захист суддів.
Пoнятиe, cущнocть и элeмeнты пpaвoвoй cиcтeмы, их особенности, применение и возможная классификация. Описание и отличительные черты рoмaнo-гepмaнcкой и англo-caкcoнcкой пpaвoвой cиcтeмы. Характеристика и специфика пpaвoвыx cиcтeм cтpaн иcлaмcкoгo миpa.
Analyses copyright trolling in scope of illegitimate compensation claims for a breach of the author's economic cs. Offers an assessment of the phenomenon in framework of civil law, focusing on the legal basis for the return of the redressing damage.
The principles of ensuring the effective functioning of systems that ensure social protection of citizens who are most susceptible to "shock therapy" of market transformations. State protection of orphans and children left without parental care.
Consideration of approaches to the proposed wording of articles of the draft Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding responsibility for crimes against human will and dignity. Identification of shortcomings and determination of ways to eliminate them.
The issue of legal personality of minor children in the field of information activities in the Republic of Tajikistan is being considered. They are determined by the information rights and duties of minor children in accordance with national legislation.
The of Byzantine law in the region of Bessarabia which formed part of the Russian Empire from the early 19th century until 1917. The empire allowed the local population to apply local laws for the regulation of their civil law relations in the country.
Corruption as a complex socio-economic and political phenomenon that negatively affects all aspects of the political and socio-economic development of society and the state. The standards for the prevention of corruption, reflected in the legislation.
The subject matter of the article is conditioned by the discourse on the necessity to codify the urban planning legislation, approve the Ukrainian Urban Planning Code, and align its provisions with the norms of related branches of the legislation.
Research of domestic, world and foreign experience, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the criminal legislation. Formulation of proposals for the legislative regulation of the criminal liability of legal entities in the Russia.
An analysis of current legislation, law enforcement practice оf the regulation of relations in the sphere of health care, medical assistance and concluding a medical services contract. Тhe regulationthe of the relationships in the patient-doctor system.
The issues of legalization of proceeds, obtained as a result of illegal activities, are at the intersection of research in legal and economic sciences. As for jurisprudence, the interest is to determine the limits of legal regulation of this phenomenon.
Analysis of the aspects of the essence of the subjects of international law. Practice of international tribunals and courts. Legal personality of transnational or multinational corporations. Difficulties associated with holding participants accountable.
Participation of the state in private relations enshrined in the Civil Code and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Changing the participation of public legal entities on the example of obligations between the state and individuals.
Integration of Ukraine into the European Community. Reducing the unemployment rate, providing social protection of the population. Humanization of the crime prevention system. Reducing of property thefts by minors. Recording the of investigative actions.