Stages of the organization of forensic examinations in criminal proceedings. Types of subjects according to the nature of the implementation of organizational actions. The place of the investigator as the subject of initiation of forensic examinations.
Рассмотрение понятия OSINT и оценка важности практического применения разведки по открытым источникам сотрудниками правоохранительных органов для оперативного сбора криминалистически значимой информации при раскрытии и расследовании преступлений.
- 723. Ownership
Types of owners. Liability for the group or for others in the group. Sharing gains, ownership models. General characteristics. Property rights, personal rights. Types of property: corporations and legal entities, modern western views, ownership society.
Верховенство права як основа демократичної системи, аналіз особливостей. Розгляд організаційно-правових засад формування і реалізації державної політики публічного управління в Україні. Знайомство з головними процесами демократизації владних відносин.
Прoaнaлiзовано oсoбливoсті oскaржeння актів oргaнiв публічної aдмiнiстрaцiї в зарубіжних країнах. Виявлено відмінності між aдмiнiстрaтивним oскaрженням і судoвим oскaржeнням актів oргaнiв публiчнoї aдмiнiстрaцiї, зaпрoпoнoвaно зміни в зaкoнoдaвствo.
The defence attorney is the most important participant in legal proceedings. This means that in order to fulfil your assignment in criminal proceedings to the defender must be the necessary powers have been granted. The professional ethics of a lawyer.
Is based on the original documentary sources analysis. It is determined that the employees of local administration bodies in the German occupation zones of Ukraine, even against their will, took an active part in various forms of preparation and technical
The concept of artificial intelligence. Objective reasons for the necessity and expediency of legal regulation of the development and use of artificial intelligence in Ukraine. Problems of national, international, social security and data protection.
- 729. Particularities of applying measures to ensure criminal proceedings to persons enjoying immunity
The particularities of applying measures to ensure criminal proceedings. The current legal mechanism for applying measures to ensure criminal proceedings against persons enjoying immunity has a number of unresolved aspects which need to be regulated.
Analysis of defense policy of Ukraine. Ensuring the highest level of national security. Protection of life and health of Ukrainians. Regulation of relations in the field of weapons circulation. Determination of the legal regime of ownership of firearms.
Features of decentralization reforms in Ukraine and Latvia and their implementation. Aspects that are decisive in the implementation of the successful implementation of the reform of local self-government and the territorial organization of power.
Administrative and special legal means of preventing the spread of respiratory coronovirus disease in Ukraine. Amendments to current Ukrainian legislation during the COVID-19 quarantine. The role of economic entities in the conditions of the pandemic.
Analysis of the main features of the content of the intent element in the "violation of confidentiality" on the basis of an analysis of Ukrainian criminal law. Implementation of the unlawfulness of the action as part of these components of crime.
The problem of communication between courts (judiciary) and the media is analyzed. It is noted that in a democracy, both institutions are interested in effective interaction. The directions of cooperation between courts and the media are proposed.
Directions of the socio-economic policy of the country in support of physical culture and sports. Study of legislative and legal regulation of labor relations in the field of sports. Specificity, legal nature and essence of a sports agreement (contract).
- 736. Peculiarities of organizational and methodical work with patrol police personnel under martial law
Specifics of patrol police work during martial law. Methodical work of the management team, supporting the activities of the subordinate staff. Improvement of professional training: tactics of fire, functional, general-profile and psychological training.
Peculiarities of the meaning of culture under martial law. Evacuation of valuable works of art, archives, museum exhibits, ensuring their safety and restoration. Protection of museums, archives, libraries, monuments and other objects from destruction.
Integration of Ukraine into global economic. Moratorium on sale, purchase of lands of agricultural designation. The fiscal policy of the country. The acquisition, enforcement of the title to land in Ukraine. The tax treatment of agricultural enterprises.
Значення аргументативної практики відомого політичного діяча та історика Стародавнього Риму, застосованої ним у полемічних творах, що порушували тогочасну актуальну політико-правову проблематику. Імперативний метод регулювання суспільних відносин.
The paradigm of scientific cognition in security sciences is the scientific method, application of cognitive assumptions allows you to organise, conduct research according to scientific rigours, which is the basis for creating new or updated knowledge.
Specifics of adaptation of deontic modality in the Ukrainian translations of English-based international soft law discourse. Peripheral means of translation adaptation of modality resulting in de-intensifying the legal force of the legal documents.
Principles of formation of sources of social protection of man as the most controversial issues in scientific literature. Creating an effective legislative framework in this area. Stages of the creation of the European social security system in Ukraine.
The effectiveness of prison sentences, the reasons for the low level of the effectiveness of rehabilitation punishment. Study of standards and principles of European penitentiary rules. The problem of building new, modern penitentiary institutions.
Presents a summarizing view of dominant philosophical theories that have in the past dealt with the issue of "thing" with the focus on the intersections between philosophical and legal discourse. Analysis of the normative definition of a thing (rem).
Analysis of the main legal problems related to the obligation of children to support their parents. Establishing parental responsibility for children before death, contrary to the principles of equality, justice, proportionality and reasonableness.
Analysis of organisations dealing with phytosanitary expertise. The granting of the right to carry out expert examination to private laboratories, terms in the field of plant quarantine, the creation of the register of phytosanitary certificates issued.
Plagiarism - a globally widespread phenomenon, that are associated with research and development, or in the arts. Antiplagiators systems - a psychological effect, creating a specific mechanism of supervision, the final work is inspected and evaluated.
Attitude concerning the human rights case-law domestic impact of the international judgments. The publications informing about the specificity of the protection of human rights as way of necessary dissemination of information concerning the ECHR system.
Highlighting the stages of the creation and development of police aviation, revealing the main concepts and terms, determining the direction of its further development. The role of police aviation in the effective detection and investigation of crimes.
Analysis of the influence of repressions on the mobilization or demobilization of protesters and the stagnation of rapists by protesters. Detailing the analysis of the directions of the diy made it possible to separate the rapists and the peaceful diy.