Assess and find possible ways to improve the international legal framework to exercise state jurisdiction to prevent pollution from offshore oil rigs. Analyzes the legal status of offshore rigs to provide for the necessary jurisprudential dimensions.
The essence of agrarian transnational corporations as a legal phenomenon. Establishing and analyzing the positive and negative aspects of the activities of corporations. Classification of agricultural transnational corporations operating in Ukraine.
The factors influencing the role of agricultural transnational corporations. Defining the key of "agrarian transnational corporations" and their characteristics. Principles of regulation of relations with their participation in the agrarian sphere.
Place, role, nature and use of legal consulting in the modern system of legal assistance. Characteristics and features of social, professional and concrete-practical level of legal consulting services as the main business form of legal assistance.
Investigating the problems of legal regulation, proposed by the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine" on improvement of the mechanisms to ensure the tasks of criminal proceedings. Proposals to perfecting of the the bill.
Reduce the risks of socially irresponsible business practices - the task of corporate social responsibility. Conditions of the Latvian annual accounts law to the inclusion of non-financial indicators in the management reports of commercial entities.
The issue of the prospect of creating a single codified legal act in the field of medical services, taking into account world heritage and international standards for ensuring the rights of healthcare consumers. Learned the right to medical services.
- 638. Legislative development of criminal proceedings and evidence in the Slovak Republic (1993–2021)
The main stages and directions of the legislative development of criminal proceedings and evidence after the formation of the Slovak Republic. Analysis of evidence and means of proof. Legal regulation of the use of information and technical means.
Consideration of the issue of legislative regulation of language relations in Ukraine. The ability of the national language to fulfill the functions of uniting society and national identification of its members. Principles of state language policy.
Проблематика перекладу поняття legitimate expectations у контексті статті 1 Першого протоколу до Конвенції про захист прав людини і основоположних свобод у рішеннях ЄСПЛ щодо України. Розробка доктрини legitimate expectations в англосаксонському праві,
Область мирного застосування космічного простору охоплює різноманітні види діяльності, спрямовані на спільне поліпшення умов життя людей. Шляхи удосконалень та розвитку правових механізмів з метою забезпечення сталої демілітаризації космічного простору.
Обоснование существования комплекса регуляторов внешнеэкономических операций, отличного от национально-правовых систем. Международные коммерческие договоры. Внедрение в правовое пространство торгового сотрудничества негосударственного регулирования.
Определение места, занимаемого lex mercatoria в системе регуляторов правоотношений на международном финансовом рынке. Нормы, структура элементов lex mercatoria, регулирующих взаимоотношения участников международных финансовых рынков, перспективы развития.
Анализ связи уровней регулирования трансграничных отношений в нефтегазовом секторе: негосударственных источников lex petrolea, национального и международного права. Процесс "материализации", его влияние на стирание границ между публичным и частным правом.
Advantages and dangers of using artificial intelligence technologies. The state of legal regulation of liability for damage using these technologies. Formation of regulatory framework and creation of rules of conduct in the field of digital technologies.
To outline approaches to applying legal liability for damage caused using artificial intelligence technologies. Analysis of the solution to the issue of regimes of legal responsibility for damage, as one of priority areas of harmonization of legislation.
Outline of approaches to the application of legal liability for damage caused by the use of artificial intelligence technologies. Analysis of the state of legal regulation of liability for harm caused by the use of artificial intelligence technologies.
Theoretical and practical issues related to the implementation of a comprehensive mechanism of liability for economic criminal offences in Ukraine. Study of identification of the main problem areas in the criminal law security of economic relations.
Intellectual information resource as an important component of the affirmation of a person and human society. Problems of library activity in neutralizing threats to the national information space. Possibilities of electronic information technologies.
Consideration of the peculiarities of the implementation of public administration in the field of licensing of non-banking activities in Ukraine. Determining the limits of state regulation and establishing the shortcomings of the legal regulation.
An abuse spread is calculated to determine the market price for negotiations. This beneficial in the case of real estate sales. The interpolation method is used. This method looks up the value of a property to find an approximate value within a interval.
Review of the implementation mechanism of European local working patents using normative research methods and data obtained on the basis of the analysis of scientific publications. Job Creation Act No. 11 of 2022 Implementation of Patent Act No. 13.
Provision of administrative services in accordance with state standards and ensuring the principle of territorial accessibility. Introduction of innovative technologies in establishing communications between the government and consumers of services.
A fundamental division of responsibilities between a judge who decides legal issues and a jury that considers only questions of guilt in the Anglo-American system. The features of the Czech justice system in the context of European integration changes.
Description of international experience to reform the system of legal training in the field of economic and business law in the context of the struggle against monopolies, international economic integration, combined with the іnformatization of society.
Substantiation of the peculiarities of application of main mechanisms of public-private partnership in the field of healthcare of Ukraine and development of main practical recommendations on improvement of activity of authorities in this sphere.
Normative-legal regulation of the implementation of fire safety, at the national and international levels. Methodological approaches in the implementation of analytical calculations on the level of fire risks and scientific approaches of the government.
Research of the current state and methodological foundations of improving the practical training of lawyers in the context of reforming legal education by establishing the features of legal regulation of legal education and its role in the state system.
A study of the principles, approaches, concepts and methods used to study the constitutional and legal status of the Ukrainian people. Characteristics of the categories of dialectics, taking into account which the specified analysis is carried out.
The article examines the main models of interaction between government, business and society in the practice of making managerial decisions on social investment. The factors that have a negative impact on investment activity in Ukraine are clarified.