Анализ экологических инициатив, которые являются общим ответом на глобальные изменения окружающей среды. Изучение регионального партнерства "Зеленый мост" в Евразии, выдвинутого в Астане. Реализация логически взаимосвязанных мер для "озеленения" политик.
Обеспечение исходной информацией о состоянии и использовании водных и земельных ресурсов. Корректировка нормативно-методических документов по ведению гидрометрических и гидрохимических наблюдений. Задачи "зеленой" экономики и природоохранные инвестиции.
Проблема предупреждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций на водохранилищах. "Цветение" сине-зеленых микроводорослей как причина загрязнения экосистем водных объектов. Негативное влияние токсикогенных сине-зеленых микроводорослей на здоровье человека.
Формирование концепции устойчивого развития Китая и ее закрепление в национальных и международных нормативных документах. Анализ современных правовых документов, определяющих политику Китая в решении внутренних и глобальных экологических проблем.
Оценка "экологического следа" на основе расчета растениеводческого следа, пастбищного, рыбохозяйственного и лесохозяйственного следа, энергетического следа и следа инфраструктуры, которые позволяют осуществлять оценку воздействия человека на природу.
Влияние сжигания природного газа на состояние экологии города Ростова-на-Дону. 7Be и 137Cs как мониторы радиоактивности атмосферы. Оценка уровня выбросов автотранспорта и промышленных предприятий города. Сезонное содержание 7Ве в приземном слое воздуха.
Modern city environment demands the effective utilization of resources. Laser Induced Multiscale Hierarchical Surface Structures - State of Art. Electricity utilization is one of the foremost resources to be considered; experimental observations.
Ecological and economic effects of this widespread introduction of strong acids into natural systems. Combustion of fossil fuels that produce waste by-products including gases such as oxides of sulfur andnitrogen. Effects on surface water quality.
Plume model to estimate vapor pressure deficits in tree canopies during surface fires. Operational methods for predicting tree mortality from fire injury. Characteristics of fires and resulting plume-model boundary conditions used to predict cavitation.
The characteristic of technogenic type of economic development. The structure of functioning of the eсоlogo-economic system. The hierarchical principle of management. Hierarchical levels of ecological systems and standard-legal base of their activity.
- 11. Acid rain
The appearance of acid rain as a result of mixing nitrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and sulfuric acid. The chemical reaction of compounds of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Effect of acid rain on the environment and people. Causes of acid precipitation.
The necessity of research on the impact of sources of pollution of the Dnipro River depending on their impact is determined. It has been established that the Dnipro River basin is a multi-sectoral complex that covers 48% of the territory of Ukraine.
Allium-test как универсальный метод биотестирования, оценки влияния факторов окружающей среды на живые организмы, в особенности - влияния мутагенных факторов и их токсичности. Оценка чувствительности Allium cepa к загрязнённости почвенного покрова.
The share of the hospitality sector in volume of greenhouse gas. The role of government, business, and the public in the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement in the field of waste management for the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine.
Исследование отклика лесных экосистем (extra-tropical evergreen and deciduous forests) России на климатические изменения. Анализ влияния фоновых атмосферных условий на оценку возможного диапазона отклика экосистемы на вносимые климатические возмущения.
Development of the concept of morphotop as spatial units, mapped of which taking into account of ecologically meaningful factors of landscape differentiation: solar radiation redistribution, water and soil moisture; erosion potential of terrain.
Comparison of temperature and humidity conditions in the basin in the periods that characterize climatic thirties according to the classification of the World Meteorological Organization. Influence of temperature on the level of climatic aridity.
Statistical analysis allows deepening the grasp into the operation of a complex and dynamic phenomena as climate change, elaborate actions to reduce its adverse environmental effect, and eliminate adverse consequences of climate change for our planet.
Climate as one of the important factors in architecture. The historical architecture experience of the inhabitants of the desert zones. Climate as an important ecological component in the formation of vernacular architecture in the Saharan desert.
Anthropological human activity, changes in ecosystems, intensive use of natural resources - the global problems of conservation of biological diversity of animals. The indicators that affects the economic evaluation of the efficiency of the breed.
The analysis of theoretical propositions for the improving "term system of national environmental legislation". The main priority measures in the context of modern European integration on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On environmental protection".
Исследование и анализ перспективных средств и методов газоаэрозольной очистки. Фильтрационное оборудование для действующих АЭС: аэрозольные фильтры и йодные фильтры-адсорберы нового поколения. Пассивные системы фильтрации для аварийных режимов на АЭС.
Development based on the definition of environmental risk as integral criterion in assessing the anthropogenic load of the industrial facility at a certain stage of design. Features of calculation of environmental risk based on the method "index-risk".
Deforestation - the process of converting the land occupied by forest land, except in tree cover, such as pastures, cities, and other wasteland. Assessment of the main environmental consequences of this process for the entire planet, his background.
Development of self-organizing phytocenoses with varying degrees of invasion, their use on lands temporarily withdrawn from active agricultural use. The influence of mineral fertilizers on the increase in the specific productivity of the phytocenosis.
Consideration and content development of an electronic system for access to information on air emissions. Definition of the list of normative legal acts and international treaties. Analysis of legislation on access to information on air emissions.
Possibilities of using technogenic waste. Their vital environmental load on the environment. Use of slag from mining and processing plants, waste zeolites from gas processing plants, oil production and oil refining waste in the construction industry.
Consideration of the concept of an individual consortium as an elementary ecosystem. Determination of the dependence of the interaction of consorts and their host on the genotype of the central organism and on the genetic structures of the consorts.
- 29. Ecological features of new species of xylotrophic pyrenomycetes (ascomycota) for Skolivski Beskydy
Features of detection of representatives of xylotrophic pyrenomycetes. Characteristics of wood substrate, placement in the ecological niche, and also specialization of all verified species to the stage of destruction of dead wood on the Renvall scale.
Study of terrestrial insect fauna of the Botanical Garden of the Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanyka. Comparison of species composition of insects in different areas. Factors and trends in the decrease of their biodiversity in August.