Obtaining the culture of neural network multipotent stem cells (NC-MSCs) under the new cultivation conditions and studying their biological properties. The order of using the following methods: directed multi-level differentiation, CFU analysis.
Evolution, scope and importance of botany. Human nutrition and fundamental life processes. Medicine and materials, environmental changes and plant breeding. Soil science and conservation. Vegetable farming as growing of vegetables for human consumption.
Characteristics of creating a selective system with Cd2 + cations for obtaining water-resistant wheat cell lines. Study of osmostability of Cd-resistant cell lines under conditions of direct action of mannitol. Feature of growth of level of free proline.
Розгляд нового виду флори для України. Критико-систематична обробка гербарного матеріалу колекції И.К. Бойка. Пропозиція щодо поширення Calligonum aphyllum (Pall.) Gurke на околиці м. Ногайська. Морфологічний опис, географічна й екологічна характеристика.
In vivo simulation of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion in Wistar rats by applying a polypropylene ligature to the left coronary artery. Endogenous gas transmitter carbon monoxide (CO), its ability to influence the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Аналіз морфолого-біологічних особливостей та закономірностей поширення C. avium в регіоні Українських Карпат. Питання еколого-фітоценотичної приуроченості. Вплив вертикальної зональності на ріст і розвиток вегетативних та генеративних органів C. avium.
Обстеження ділянок заплави нижньої течії річки Супій в акваторіях трьох озер. Місцезнаходження рідкісної рослини Ceratophyllum tanaiticum у водоймах як кондомінанта та асектатора в угрупованнях гідрофітів. Розгляд основних заходів зі хбереження рослини.
Lipase activity of oilseeds, analysis of the effect of lipase on fatty acid composition at different exposure times. Study of the fermentation process of oilseeds with lipase during germination. Reduction of the shelf life of the finished product.
Вивчення видового складу Chlorophyta (зелених водоростей) континентальних водойм Донецько-Приазовського степу. Визначення розподілу їх видового складу згідно фізико-географічних областей. Дослідження морфологічних особливостей деяких представників.
Вивчення зелених водоростей (відділ Chlorophyta). Обґрунтування необхідності створення альгорезерватів у еталонних екосистемах. Встановлення значної географічної диференціації Chlorophyta різних фізико-географічних областей Донецько-Приазовського Степу.
Исследование видового состава водорослей болот и торфяных карьеров Левобережной части украинского Полесья. Открытие новых видов флоры в Украине. Распределение видового состава Chlorophyta болот и торфяных карьеров по классам и порядкам водорослей.
Description of algicolous fungi Collemopsidium kostikovii, its special characteristics. Narrow outlet, association with soil cyanobacteria - as the main difference between a new species of mushroom from C. Iocarpum, the similarity of their structure.
Monosaccharides and disaccharides. Glycosaminoglycans and dlycoproteins. Energy conservation at membranes. Tricarboxylic acid cycle. Transamination and deamination. Amino acid biosynthesis. Cenetic engineering in medicine. Control of muscle contraction.
Characteristics of glyphosate as one of the most popular means of weed control. Analysis of the effect of a low concentration of glyphosate, which is 0.5 of the maximum ineffective concentration, in a combined exposure on freshwater bivalve molluscs.
To study the influence of the rat progenitor neurogenic cells supernatant on the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of patients with brain gliomas and to compare it with influence of the preparation with established immunomodulatory properties.
The essence of the use of sulphated polysaccharides from algae for medical purposes. The main characteristics of determining the antioxidant activity of extracted polysaccharides depending on the method used, type of polysaccharides and type of algae.
Finding in the Shatski Lakes 4 species of two families of Calanoida - Diaptomidae and Temoridae: Eudiaptomus gracilis, graciloides, coeruleus and Heterocope appendiculata Sars. New morphological characters of female's and male's V thoracal legs.
Шимпанзе как наиболее близкое к человеку существо на Земле из ныне живущих приматов. Сущность и значение симиальной теории Дарвина. Теории о месте происхождения первого человека. Ценные находки антропологов и палеонтологов в конце XX и начале XXI веков.
Топография среднего мозга. Структура серого и белого вещества, функциональные центры. Ствол мозга сбоку и сверху. Образования среднего мозга и функции зрения и слуха, регуляция движений и поз, мышечного тонуса, эмоционально-мотивационной активности.
The study of modern representatives of the animal environment in Russia. Description of the characteristics of the species, population, appearance, habitat, food habits and reproduction: brown bears, Amur tigers, lynxes, gray wolves, wolverines, ticks.
- 51. Determination of xanthones in plants and the nutrient medium under in vitro cultivation conditions
Xanthone, their biological activity: anti- carcinogenic, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory etc. Dodifications of the method for determining the content of xanthones in material and nutrient medium to the in vitro conditions.
Study of the habitat of the common myna A. tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) in anthropogenic landscapes, natural landscapes with anthropogenic elements, agrocenoses and settlements. Study of the main factors that ensure the emergence of Acridotheres tristis.
Cumulation of biochemical substances in the organs of varieties and forms of Miscanthus Anderss in the conditions of the National Botanical Garden. The appearance of dry matter in the period of full seed maturity in plant material of Miscanthus genotype.
The investigation of the number of golden-headed sea bass in the basins of the Azov and Black Seas adjacent to the territory of Ukraine. Cultivation of Sparus aurata Linnaeus in the Dnieper-Bug Estuary. Formation of the Dorada population near the Crimea.
Description of the finds in Sumy and Sumy Oblast. Each place of termite record were located in different parts of the city. The analysis of termite finds in Ukraine indicates the spread of termites to north-east from the Northern black sea region.
Test the hypothesis that pathogenesis induced in sensitive plants by ALS- and ACC-inhibiting herbicides is an active process which involves programmed cell death. A reliable marker of PCD is DNA fragmentation, which is carried out by endogenous nucleases.
The growth of bacteria Desulfovibrio Piger of the human intestine at different concentrations of acceptor and donor of electrons. The increase in the intensity of bacterial growth and production of hydrogen sulfide in the environment of cultivation.
Causal relationship between Alzheimer's disease and diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus). Testing of Avandamet, an antidiabetic drug used to treat diabetes mellitus, on temporal parameters of the conditioned eating reflex in rats.
The that application of nitrogen fertilizer contributes to an increase in powdery mildew, septoria leaf blotch and yellow rust infection. As mowing, verticutting contribute to the reduction of severity of all diseases. The application of spring aeration.
Review of the effect of magnetic field and medium pH on the efficiency of cellular adsorption of Lactobacillus probiotic strains. Adsorption of probiotic cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, on highly dispersed silica.