Предпосылки образования I Интернационала - экономические и политические. Работа конгрессов I Интернационала. Разногласия между участниками, крах I Интернационала и его значение как фундамента международной организации рабочих для последующих революций.
Illumination of creativity of the Ukrainian public figure Ivan Filipchak. Systematization of pedagogical knowledge. The introduction of human and national values in the educational process. Formation of patriotic consciousness among young people.
Характеристика творчого доробку І. Франка як цінної спадщини для української культури. Визначення внеску письменника у перекладацьку та громадську діяльність. Встановлення особливостей відображення долі рідного краю й українського народу в поезії.
Ознакомление с особенностями когнитивной системы искусственного интеллекта. Рассмотрение примера использования облачного сервиса IBM Watson Analytics для магазина товаров повседневного спроса. Исследование процесса применения системы в электронике.
The problem of the urbanization of the city with a more subtle problem, and strongly criticized the people for committing various forms of illicit and cruel actions to satisfy their ambitions. Contribution of Ibn Khaldun to the development of sociology.
Переваги використання техніки теплової ішемії для діагностики пухлин нирок. Забезпечення хірургічної точності за допомогою індоцианіну зеленого при лапароскопічної хірургії. Інтраопераційний контроль клубочкової фільтрації, ниркових судин і країв пухлини.
Organization of the educational process with the help of ICT during foreign language training of technical students. Using the educational blog and online exercises of the LearningApps service when studying the professional disciplines of future engineer.
Difference between Foucault and Hazard in a method of the analysis of intellectual history. The "episteme" - the structure of all knowledge of a period. A generality of history of the man and ideas. Rejection of category of change as anthropology parts.
Martin Luther King was an American clergyman, Nobel Prize winner and one of the principal leaders of the United States civil rights movement. The role of the King in a non-violent struggle for the adoption of the law prohibiting racial discrimination.
Оцінка ефективності функціонування банківської системи на основі адаптованих математичних моделей та аналіз чутливості системи до впливу зовнішніх і внутрішніх змін. Математичні моделі оцінки й прогнозування рівня ефективності банківської системи.
Анализ поэмы Владимира Аристова "Дельфинарий", выражение поисков "пространства всеобщей родственности" и общего языка, общей телесности. Понятие "idem-forma" как способ миропонимания, техника создания стихотворений, метод анализа художественных текстов.
Hypothesis of a coherent real estate market of Ukraine. Development of a phase identification method based on a fuzzy model. Qualitative characteristics of the phases of the real estate market. Algorithm for determining variables of a fuzzy model.
The essence of Russian economic modernization. The technological progress, competitiveness and improving the standard of living of everyone. The analysis of the "points of contact" is an analysis of a company, a service itself and market relations.
Creation of reliable discriminant models for identification of "Fort" non-lethal pistols and firing distances from them. The method of experimental research on the distance of a shot on simulators of the human body, taking into account clothing.
Availability of information about the market as the main component of any market selection program. The sources of information on international markets and products. Creation of computer databases to help marketers in the problem of identification.
Assessment of the condition of animals for the presence of ixodid ticks in cattle brought to a public slaughterhouse in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo from Rwanda. Tick infestation rate in these animals. Organization of sanitary control.
An analysis of the methodology for identifying the modal parameters of a dynamic system of structures using the Kalman filter, which is a powerful tool of modern control theory. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the method for identifying the structure.
Formation of a new map of the municipalities of St. Petersburg based on natural boundaries using different cluster analysis algorithms. Comparison of the created map with existing municipal boundaries. Identification of natural boundaries and communities.
Growth of domestic tourism during hostilities in Western and Central Ukraine. Complete cessation of the work of some tourism enterprises due to the lack of economic profitability. Involvement of small and medium-sized businesses in the restoration.
- 20. Identification of Resected Root-end Dentinal Cracks: A Comparative Study of Visual Magnification
Evaluation and comparing the effectiveness of visual enhancements as aids in identifying artificially created dentinal cracks in resected root ends. Clinician’s ability to diagnose fractures in the dentin of resected roots. Gates Glidden drills.
The goal of the paper is to obtain a system of target operation indicators, which provide unique identification of the system process with the ability to solve structural and parametric optimization problems in the framework of the controlled system.
Research of the mechanisms of regulation of the Russian beer market. The influence of weather conditions on the volume of beer sales in Russia; conditions of beer sales regression, mechanisms of weather factors action on sales in different regions.
The need to focus social institutions, authorities on active dialogue with the younger generation, public youth movements, organizations. Involving family and youth as full partners in setting and solving socio-economic and political problems of society.
The problem of linguistic personality and creativity of bilingual writers. Analysis of speech processes of bilingual personality, research of bilingualism. In-depth integrative study of the phenomenon of bilingualism. Reasons why writers become bilingual.
Formation of the foreign policy of the three Baltic states in the period from the international recognition of their independence in August 1991 to the Ukrainian crisis of spring 2014 in European politics. Foreign policy of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Study of the process of personality transformation in the context of the ontology of society. Demarcation of the anthropological concepts "man", "individual", "individuality" in social epistemology. Development of the post-global model of Homo Spiritus.
Consideration of media and the image of Africa South of the Sahara, that they create in society. Determining which image of Africa South of the Sahara form a Slovak mass media through targeted selection and presentation of the various political events.
Attempts to prove the superiority of amperian action-at-a-distane electrodynamics. Explanation of MKS units. Asserion of the Ampere, the Biot–Savart and Lorentz force laws, difference between them. Discussing of the experimental results of the Amperians.
The role of censorship bodies and public accusatory campaigns, called "zhdanovschiny", in establishing strict political control over literature, art in the Ukrainian SSR, over the activities of the creative and scientific intelligentsia of the Republic.
The purpose of the study is to highlight the ideological justification of the Truman doctrine declared on March 12, 1947. The ideological contradictions of two superpowers: the USA and the USSR have been analyzed. American presidential rhetoric.