The purpose of the study is to highlight the ideological justification of the Truman doctrine declared on March 12, 1947. The ideological contradictions of two superpowers: the USA and the USSR have been analyzed. American presidential rhetoric.
The article analyzes the narratives of the conflict between Western and Islamic civilization. The conflict between these two civilizations has a long history. The confrontation between Christianity and Islam began in the 7 ’th century with the expansion o
The ideology and evaluation of socio-cultural foundations for the provision of management services based on the analysis of advanced ideas of foreign and domestic scientists. The main problems of implementing civil service policy based on employment.
This work is dedicated to the analysis of works of the "Cold" war period writers, who contributed much to the forming of the spy novel genre. Analyze the development of the spy novel genre, its ideological background in the context of historical events.
Consideration of responsibility as an integral feature of personality, manifested in conscious, initiative, independent and socially positive behavior. Features of the process of responsibility formation as an ideological counteraction to violence.
- 36. Idiom Examples
The English language as one of the most difficult languages to learn as a second language. Idiom Definitions and Usage. Idioms and Prepositions. Basics on Prepositions. Examples of prepositions. Important rules to remember concerning prepositions.
Exploring the dimensions of idioms, the feasibility of its use by analyzing the idiomatic units in different languages, finding them in an dictionary and the definition of ways of formation of idiomatic expressions and approaches to teaching language.
Study of the idioms used in Modern English and their explanation ways. The types of idioms and their translations are shown, the difference between them and free phrases are explained and the equivalents of some English units are given in Azerbaijani.
The article deals with the methods of the translation of idioms with a negative connotation on the basis of the English song discourse. Emotions are studied as a phenomenon of social and psychological order. The main purpose of the translator.
General peculiarities of idioms. The classification of idioms. The role of idioms in English language learning. Characteristics of idioms with number. Usage of idioms with number in modern English. Frequency of occurrence of numbers in English idioms.
Heidegger made the distinction between ontical and ontological. The history of ontology in in Heidegger's terms is ontical, and ontology ought to designate fundamental ontology. It is from this distinction he developed his project of fundamental ontology.
If I were president I would have make certain that everyone has equal and fair treatment in our society. Human capital. Free education in universities. Improving the health care service in the country, I would pay the allowance for the birth of children.
From the onset of the Egyptian uprising of 2011, the call for QISAS (re-taliation) was among its most popular slogans. The functioning of QISAS in the Egyptian revolutionary discourse in the context of three most frequent attributive collocations.
История создания, структура и основные направления деятельности III Отделения царской канцелярии (борьба с крамолой, цензура). Анализ работы жандармерии. Сбор информации о настроениях различных слоёв населения, надзор за политически неблагонадёжными.
Повышение военно-экономического потенциала Советского Союза, укрепление обороноспособности в плане III пятилетки. Промышленность в предвоенные годы. Проблема рабочих кадров и укрепление трудовой дисциплины. Сельское хозяйство, торговля, финансы и кредит.
Зникнення державної партії, проголошення незалежності України і розпад Радянського Союзу. Жовтневі події у Києві. Перемога повстання у Києві. Скасування права власності на землю поміщицьких та інших нетрудових господарств. Утворення радянської "УНР".
- 47. Ikea Company
Vision and business concept of the Ikea Group. Investing for the future as the main financial principle of the company. Interesting facts about Ikea. The company's competitors: Kika Group, Jysk. Partner companies: UNICEF, the World Wildlife Fund.
- 48. IKEA в экономике
Деятельность компании, секреты ее успеха. Особенности формирования стоимости товара, структура и логистика склада магазина. Общий объем продаж компании. Описание оригинального подхода к продажам товара, особенности небольших коммерческих хитростей.
Discuss the features of transnational criminal activity on the example of one of its varieties in the Siberian Federal District of the RF highlight the criminal situation and criminal activity associated with illegal crossing of the RF state border.
The factors that caused a disorderly marital mobility and illegal marriages have been determined. Studied that violation of matrimonial requirements could give rise to a special type of adultery - bigamy (polygamy (polygyny) and polygamy (polyandry)).
Possible causes and consequences of the illusion of knowing in metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity of university students through the effects of different types of information proposed and of characteristics of university students.
A Generators of the Poincare Group for Electromagnetism. Derivation of the Center-of-Energy Law. Conservation Laws in the Presence of External Forces on Particles. Quasi-static Changes for Stationary Systems. Single Point Mass. Parallel Plate Capacitor.
Comprehensive analysis of the modern understanding of the content of image-making as a political technology in the context of research by foreign and Ukrainian researchers. Peculiarities of building a long-term and short-term image of a politician.
The purpose is to study the collective image of Europe (the West) as a form of manifestation of spatial and civilizational ideas in the historical works written by Panteleimon Kulish. Tracing the specifics of civilizational identity of this scholar.
The study the image of foreign colonizers in a town environment in the South of Ukraine described in travellers’ narratives at the end of the 18th - first half of 19th century. These narratives are important informational sources of history of the region.
Study of the image of foreign colonists in the urban environment of Southern Ukraine according to the records of travelers in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. The role of incorporation into the Russian Empire of the southern Ukrainian region.
The Renaissance - the historical period that proclaimed new values, affirmed a philanthropic system whose starting point was humanism. Baroque - a type of culture that originated in Europe and defining a new stage in the development of civilization.
The representation of Pliny’s ‘bestiary’ in late antiquity. The image of the lion depicted in book of historia naturalis as the most merciful of carnivores. That a Carthaginian Blossius Dracontius, used this image to construct political allegories.
The views of the Chinese about European countries during the reign of the Qing Dynasty. Studying the "Huangqing Zhigongtu" only on factors that formed the general picture of the Chinese worldview, that determined the foreign policy of the Qing Empire.
Images of horses - one of the favorite patterns for the bronze belts of the late II - early I Millennium BC. The historiographic value of the important scientific works devoted to the presentation of bronze engraved belts produced in Transcaucasia.