The influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the institution of the welfare state and its prospects. Analysis of the changes in the architecture of the welfare state that occurred under the influence of the pandemic. The evolution of the welfare state.
Review of ecological regularities in the choice of European roe deer rookeries in natural forest biotopes of the reserve of the steppe zone of Ukraine. Calculation of the environment security index. The study of patterns of choice of habitats in animals.
The strategic importance of the Black Sea region in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. The transformation of the region and its consequences for world trade. Evaluation of trends for the export and import of products of the Black Sea Basin countries.
Defining of the essence and peculiarities of the law enforcement system of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine, the impact of the war on the development of the activities of these bodies. Study of the mechanism of law enforcement agencies.
During the thirty years of Ukraine’s independence, before the start of a fullscale war, multidirectional processes were observed in the economy and society, however, the quality of life of the population gradually increased, which in different periods.
Legal regimes that can be used in competition cases. The specifics of competition in e-commerce . The goals of the digital single market strategy of European Commission. Research in the field of electronic retail ( and booking (
The kindergartens - systems that achieves a rich learning space through activities that are varied and enjoyable for the child, contributing to the development of knowledge. The listening skills like a basic activity of communication among people.
- 98. Impacts of climate changes on livelihoods for the poor in north central coastal region of Vietnam
Identify and analyze the impact of climate change on the livelihoods of the poor in the north-central coastal region of Vietnam on the livelihoods of the poor there. Creation of serious problems for poverty reduction, disadvantaged social groups.
Generation of knowledge out of data from played rounds on an online gambling platform about the immediate impact of winning money on player’s behaviour. Consideration of influences of sociodemographic and psychological variables on gambling behaviour.
- 100. Imperial ambitions
Language is the way we interact and communicate so, naturally, people use the means of communication to try to shape attitudes. The Reagan administration had what was called an Office of Public Diplomacy. Only in the United States do people fear Iraq.
Проведение обзора научных дискуссий в сегменте языка политической философии в отношении сущности "государства" в их применимости к предмету исследования империй. Описание ретроспективы понятия "государства" в отечественной мысли постсоветского периода.
Violation of human rights to safety, dignity and physical and mental well-being in domestic violence. Prevention of violence at home as a condition for ensuring human rights. Implementation of effective strategies to prevent and combat domestic violence.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the expediency of implementing a financial controlling system at the enterprise in modern business conditions. The article developed a system of balanced indicators for "HSMEP" LLC. Based on the analysis.
Smart Blind Stick is an innovative device that helps blind people solve problems in their lives. A system device that includes navigation, an emergency call button. Using sensors present in Smart Blind Stick systems to automatically detect obstacles.
The use of biofeedback in arterial hypertension subjects allowed to achieve better control of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The positive dynamics of the integral BQI values has indicated a training effect of regulation systems.
Content and language integrated learning. The lesson planning process which is of vital importance for the successful development of the class. Methodological implications in terms of planning, teaching strategies and particularly on the teacher’s role.
Stages of financial management system restructuring at small and medium-sized enterprises under the conditions of market transformations. The functional duties and powers of employees of Financial and Analytical Department at enterprises are specified.
Analysis of the nature of the implementation mechanism of the new Council Directive on the balance of work and family responsibilities for parents, guardians in the member states. Assessment of the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with the provisions.
Technologies focused on the owners, which allow to improve efficiency of the enterprise Hotel Sport. Features of victorian designs and mobile apps and vince Perry for their successful implementation of a hotel for businesses. Quality of hotel services.
The expediency of using immersive technologies in the process of learning foreign languages. Characteristics of the technology of long-term immersion of students in a foreign language space on the basis of foreign language or bilingual education.
Assessing the modern state of inclusive education implementation, pedagogues’ and parents’ readiness. Barriers preventing implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine. A barrier-free environment as a prerequisite for inclusive education development.
The importance and advantages of using innovation means in the teaching of foreign languages, which provides the development of communicative, professional and creative competences and stimulates the need for a future specialist’s self-education.
The reasons why Russia borrows foreign norms in the field of education. Integration of the country into the world university space. The invariability of the "ideology" of the development of educational programs. Taking advantage of both "worlds".
Pedagogical effectiveness of the introduction of interactive learning technologies in the training of an internship doctor. Interactive metodics in the training of a medical specialist: brainstorming, discussion, presentation, role play; their advantages.
A group of factors which support the expectations of implementation of professional-and-managerial orientation in the profession is given: provision of guarantees of the implementation of the qualification obtained; creation of optimal working conditions.
After the outbreak of the pandemic in 2019 and the outbreak of war in the country in 2022, educational institutions at different levels of Ukraine switched to a mixed format of the educational process and were forced to look for modern approaches.
Prospects for further studies of successful Ukrainian and foreign personnel management experience are focused on the development of professional adaptation of employees. It is one of the components of the personnel management system as a whole.
Assessing the importance of implementing a virtual learning environment Moodle in the educational process of future teachers of various disciplines. Analysis of the results of the introduction of Moodle and the benefits of learning using its resources.
Analysis of the requirements of modern society for distance education was carried out, which emphasizes the importance of introducing Smart Education. The functions of Smart Education, which meets the society’s need for high-quality distance education.
Consideration of the experience of using the dual system of professional training. Dual training as a component of the system of professional education of future aviation specialists. Educational institutions as partners in the system of dual training.