General equation of motion for a radiating electron. The origin of the Schott energy in the Abraham-Lorentz version of electrodynamic radiation theory. The Ford-O'Connell equation, the derived from a microscopic Hamiltonian for an electron with structure.
Approach to the linear model of international trade based on the theory of Markov processes. Continuous model of international trade is built, in which the transition of the system from state to state is described by linear differential equations.
The Buquoy generalization of Newton's second law of motion for systems of bodies with variable masses driven by reactive forces produced by ejected burnt fuel. External forces depending on accelerations and higher order derivatives of velocities.
The revealng the genesis of gifted education in Ukraine in the XX - at the beginning of the XXI century. The stages of gifted education. The study of foreign experience and implementation of its positive conceptual ideas in practice of the native schools.
The main psychological traits that an entrepreneur should possess are given. Four social contexts have been identified that indicate the entrepreneurial capabilities of an individual. Six main theories of entrepreneurship are highlighted and described.
Examination of the origins of the art of the unrecognized creator of the Ukrainian avant-garde art of scenography, Myron Kypriіan. Biographical facts and life moments that influenced the formation of synthetic thinking necessary for a theater artist.
Research on the development of the Spanish national-marked concept aventurismo during the XVI-XX centuries. Its close ties with other key elements of the national conceptual sphere are established. Ways of representing the concept in the language world.
The genesis of the idea of correctional punishment. Analysis of views on the purpose of punishing Plato, Roman lawyers, European humanists, English prison reformers of the XVIII ct. Formation of penitentiary systems: solitary confinement and congregate.
Reform of Ukrainian legislation in the aspect of European integration. Guarantee of human and citizen rights and freedoms. Clarification of the future legal model of ensuring national security. Creation of favorable conditions for social development.
Features of formation and formation of the Institute of environmental rights of citizens in the modern national legal doctrine and legislation, taking into account natural law approaches. The value of approximation to European and world standards.
Development of such a plan, which would take into account certain boundary conditions at the lowest possible cost of production. The use of genetic algorithms in the design of production plans under conditions of variable economic demand is presented.
- 72. Genitive case
Functions of genitive case. Consideration of active classes of noun. Description of genitive case. Specification of genitive case: domain, subjective genitive case, genitive case of origin, objective case. Features of classification of genitive case.
Интерпретация семантики заглавного топонима произведения Ф.М. Достоевского "Село Степанчиково и его обитатели". Анализ типа ойконима и его словообразовательной модели. Текстовая информация и подтекст произведения. Изучение смыслового наполнения ойконима.
В научной статье рассматривается идея пространства в эстетике повседневности. Автор ставит цель сблизить понятие genius loci и эстетику повседневности и показать возможность genius loci быть описательной конструкцией любого значимого пространства.
The effect of folic acid on the processes viability, organogenesis, development of the whole organism flies. Morphometric analysis of its impact on first generation hybrids in damage to the wing type "cutting" and the changes of embryonic mortality.
In this article deals with the analysis of the fiction romance genre as a widespread phenomenon in contemporary mass culture which enjoys no small popularity among readers. Literary critics’ controversial views on the genre have been commented on.
Forms of functioning of music in society, interrelation of extra-musical and immanent musical factors. Essence of sociological, morphological, semantic, axiological categories of musical genre. Classification genres by Boethius, de Grocheo and Praetorius.
Features characteristic of the novel" The Adventures of Tom Sawyer " as a type of epic. Viewing life's realities through the prism of laughter, using various comic means - from light irony to sarcasm. Parodies of adventurous novels about robbers.
Disclosure of the genre diversity of musical works that interpret the poetic heritage of Ukrainian classics. Auditory analysis of musical works, observation of stage productions of artistic numbers. A combination of musicological and literary methods.
The study of genre-stylistic and lexical-semantic features of the exact sciences texts translation from the English language into Ukrainian. The basic functions and tones of professional texts, the types of information that predominate in them.
An alternative method for obtaining high-quality blood samples from tortoises of the genus Testudo for the detection of blood parasites by blood extraction using a medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis. Microscopic specimens prepared from blood samples.
The formation geoeconomic structure of world economy in period after financial crisis 2008-2009, COVID-19 pandemic, war between RF and Ukraine. Actions of collective West in conditions of the challenge of the countries of Asian and Eurasian civilizations.
Holocene—Late Pleistocene sediments in the valleys of rivers in the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe territory. Study of the geochemical composition of the first floodplain terrace sediments in the valley of the Berezovka River, and the continuous accumulation.
Description of the main advantages of the use of new technologies in land management. The study of modern measurement tools in geodesy. Determination of the need for a more correct study of new methods. Simultaneous formation of a schematic drawing.
Reconsidering climate change governance. Geoengineering - a literature review. Ethical aspects of geoengineering. Incorporating geoengineering in DICE. Radiation balance, сost benefit analyses. Climate damage, environmental impacts and abatement.
Introduction to geographical location, climatic conditions, the state structure and the number of New Zealand. The study of the current state of the state's economy. Characteristics of the education system and the main religious beliefs in New Zealand.
Consideration of geographical location and national symbols (the royal coat of arms) in Scotland. Investigation of the level of economic development, production, the climate and culture of the state. Characterization of Scotland within the United Kingdom.
England - is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Geographically England includes the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. The official currency in England the pound sterling. Prominent English figures from the field.
History of the basis of Odessa. Research of military value, geographical and an economic situation of the main seaport of Ukraine. Progress of the tourist industry in city. The famous writers, scientific, musicians and the sportsmen born in Odessa.
Geographical position, climate and cities of the Great Britain. London is the capital city of England. Geographical position of the USA is in the central part of the North American Continent. The national capital is Washington. Pacific Coast Valleys.