Genesis of gifted education in Ukraine
The revealng the genesis of gifted education in Ukraine in the XX - at the beginning of the XXI century. The stages of gifted education. The study of foreign experience and implementation of its positive conceptual ideas in practice of the native schools.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.05.2018 |
Размер файла | 27,1 K |
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Ґенеза освіти обдарованих в Україні
Maryna Boichenko
Sumy state pedagogical university named after A. S. Makarenko
У статті висвітлено ґенезу освіти обдарованих в Україні протягом ХХ - на початку ХХІ ст. Виокремлено етапи розвитку освіти обдарованих в Україні, зокрема: 1) 20-40 рр. ХХ ст. - створення системи позашкільної освіти для обдарованих школярів; 2) 50-60-ті рр. ХХ ст. - диференціація освітніх послуг для обдарованих школярів; 3) 70-80-ті рр. ХХ ст. - індивідуалізація освітніх послуг для обдарованих школярів; 4) 90-ті рр. ХХ ст. - початок ХХІ ст. - розбудова системи освіти обдарованих у незалежній Україні; 5) 10-ті рр. ХХІ ст. - дотепер - модернізація системи освіти обдарованих школярів.
Ключові слова: обдаровані школярі, освіта обдарованих, ґенеза освіти обдарованих, Україна.
Introduction. Gifted children and youth as the future national elite should receive special attention and support at schools and out-of-school education institutions. In Ukraine the importance of this problem is recognized both at the state and institutional level of education system functioning. Today the necessity of innovations implementation is actively discussed and some educational theorists and practitioners forget about unique Ukrainian traditions of gifted services provision. That is why we consider it important to implement innovations in gifted education creatively, taking into account positive experience of the previous periods of Ukrainian education development.
Analysis of relevant research. Gifted education in Ukraine and foreign countries have become the issue of special interest of such native researchers as V. Alfimov, O. Antonova, I. Babenko, O. Bevz, O. Bocharova, A. Chichiuk, L. Chukhno, M. Drobotenko, M. Halchenko, Yu. Hotsuliak, M. Kabanets, I. Kholod, Ya. Kulchytska, M. Milenina, A. Sahalakova, A. Sbruieva, M. Sbruiev, V. Stryzhalkovska, P. Tadeiev, N. Telychko, V. Volyk and others.
The aim of the article is to reveal the genesis of gifted education in Ukraine in the XX - at the beginning of the XXI century.
Research methods. In the article the following methods are used: general research methods - analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification and generalization, which are necessary for studying the works of native scientists, official and normative documents; terminological analysis which helped reveal the essence of investigated pedagogical phenomena by detection and clarification of fundamental concepts; historical and chronological, which enabled to explore in a historical perspective the theoretical and practical approaches to gifted education in Ukraine.
Results and their discussion. It should be noted, that gifted children and youth have always gained the attention of Ukrainian society, but, unfortunately, not always their outstanding abilities were addressed properly. However, even in the times of Kievan Rus in the monastery schools and princely courts teaching students choral singing became traditional. First schools-gymnasiums of the XVI-XVII centuries gave the opportunity to reveal the potential not only of intellectually and academically, but also of musically and artistically gifted students, as the latter had the opportunity to study mathematics, astronomy, languages, music, singing and drawing.
Taking into account the fact that the first institutionalized attempts to provide educational services to gifted children and youth were implemented in Ukraine in the 20-40-ies of the XX century, we consider it appropriate to highlight genesis of gifted education in Ukraine, since the 20-ies of the XX century, because it was the time of radical changes in political and territorial structure of our country, in particular formation of the Ukrainian SSR and its entrance into the Soviet Union. We have outlined the following stages: 1) 20- 40-ies of the XX century - creation of non-formal education system for gifted students; 2) 50-60-ies of the XX century - differentiation of educational services for gifted students; 3) 70-80-ies of the XX century - individualization of educational services for gifted students; 4) 90-ies of the XX century - the beginning of XXI century - development of the system of gifted education in independent Ukraine; 5) 10-th of the XXI century - till nowadays - modernization of the education system for gifted students. It should be emphasized that in the development of this periodization we were guided by both external (political, socio-economic and cultural changes in the life of Ukrainian society) and internal criteria (essential changes in gifted education).
Highlighting the first stage (20-40-ies of the XX century) of gifted education development in Ukraine, we consider it appropriate to note that its theoretic basis had become the achievements of scientists-psychologists that relied on the traditions of psychological science of the late XIX - early XX century. However, creation of the new state provided for the revision of the methodological foundations and ways of development of psychological science in line with the new Soviet psychology. The need for a revision of the leading pre-revolutionary psychological discoveries of science and their combination with the theory of Marxism led to the emergence of a number of schools, whose views were radically different. Among a number of problems that attracted attention of the scientists-psychologists, who continued the tradition of pre-revolutionary psychological science, and the latter-day psychologists- Marxists, the development of talent had become the subject of increased interest of P. Blonskyi, V. Ekzempliarskyi, L. Vyhotskyi and others.
Exploring the issue of giftedness, L. Vyhotskyi expressed the idea that talent, so as the character, is not a static, but a dynamic formation, the development of which is contradictory. This understanding of giftedness allows considering it, as well as defectiveness as two different consequences of the process of compensation - as plus- and minus-giftedness. The researcher put forward new at that time idea that giftedness was not a homogeneous individual, but a complex entity consisting of a number of features and elements that were in complex structure and had complex relationships. Analyzing the relations between giftedness and cultural development of the child, L. Vyhotskyi argued that, on the one hand, cultural development had a tendency to leveling of individual bursts of natural talent, and on the other - to increase the scale and expansion of dissociation of various degrees of giftedness. In other words, the dispersion of giftedness of animals and children was greater than adult, civilized people, but at the same time culture, affecting endowments, increased the dissociation of the extremes (retarded children, for example, could not even learn to write and count, and talented reach the heights in science and expand its horizons) [10].
It should be emphasized that the distinctive feature of this stage of gifted education development was formation of a network of extracurricular educational establishments of different directions, including houses of pioneers, in the frames of which worked the following sections (technology; naturalistic, physical education and sports; art education; local history and tourist work) [6], child development centers, scientific societies.
The most common out-of-school institutions for children were: kindergartens, playgrounds, libraries, museums, clubs, reading rooms, summer colonies, drama societies, theatres, and evening schools of political education. The most numerous were children's homes, that were divided into: closed and open (homes for teenagers, youth and unemployed, children's collectors, reading rooms, etc.); national (Ukrainian, Russian, Jewish, Polish) and international [11].
In terms of industrialization, characteristic feature of this stage became increasing attention to technical literacy. In particular, the necessity to resolve the contradiction between the need for the development of new industries in the early 20-ies of the XXth century and shortage of technical personnel of the required direction had led to changes in the state educational policy of the time, provided, above all, the establishment of technical societies, which were to carry out labor training of pupils, which consisted in the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The embodiment of the principle of Polytechnic education in extra-curricular activities, according to A. Bieloshytskyi, reflected in the creation of the public profile out-of-school institutions - children's technical stations [2].
In addition to technically gifted, creatively and artistically gifted students could demonstrate their high abilities under conditions of out-of-school institutions and groups. Wide popularity gained circles and clubs of young journalists, which gave students the opportunity to show their ability to publicize [4].
Work with intellectually gifted youth was carried out in scientific circles. It should be noted that organization of scientific groups of the out-of-school education institutions, a network of which was formed during the researched stage, had become a prerequisite for the creation of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAS), which in modern conditions is a unique form of pedagogical support of gifted children and youth of school age.
So, the first stage of gifted education development in Ukraine was marked by radical socio-political and socio-economic changes that had determined vector of that development. Characteristic features of this stage can be considered: intensification of research in the field of psychology of giftedness; formation of a network of extracurricular educational establishments of different directions; polytechnization of the system of adult education, which gave the opportunity to reveal creative potential of technically gifted students (20-30-ies of the XX century); restoring the system of school education in the postwar years.
Revealing the second stage of gifted education development in Ukraine - differentiation of educational services for gifted students (50-60-ies of the XX century), we consider it appropriate to emphasize that the dramatic changes in the content and structure of general secondary, vocational and higher education occurred with the adoption by the Supreme Council of the USSR in December 1958 of the Law "On strengthening of communication of school with life and further development of the public education system in the USSR" that marked the beginning of a number of structural reforms in the country [8]. The main purpose of the Law was the unity of mental and physical labor, which should greatly accelerate the development of all the aspects of not only material production, but also of spiritual activity of the working masses, which opened up unlimited scope for the full development of the personality [8]. The main innovations provided by the law in the field of secondary education were: introduction in the Soviet Union, instead of compulsory seven-year compulsory eight-year education; defining the types of education institutions providing complete secondary education: a) schools for working and rural youth; b) secondary general education labor polytechnic schools with production training; c) technical and other special schools; expanding the network of boarding schools and extended-day groups, etc. [8]. It should be noted that the corresponding Law was also adopted by Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR on 17 April 1959.
The possibility of better realizing the potential of intellectually and academically gifted students appeared in the late 60-ies of the XXth century with the introduction into educational process of secondary schools extracurricular activities. Although the first attempts of the optional study of separate subjects at students' choice were made in the schools after the publication of the Law "On strengthening of communication of school with life and further development of the public education system in the USSR", this type of the educational process organization began to develop after the Decision of the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers dated 10 November 1966 "On measures for further improvement of secondary school", which proclaimed that "in order to deepen the knowledge of Physics and Mathematics, Sciences and Humanities, as well as develop versatile interests and abilities of students elective classes for students should be carried out in schools, starting with grade VII [1].
If development of intellectually, academically and technically gifted students was carried out in the framework of secondary schools, revealing potential of children and youth with other types of giftedness became the task of the system of out-of-school education, in which, by the way, could improve their skills either intellectually and academically or technically gifted students.
Concluding on this stage, we'd like to note that its beginning was marked by the need to restore and improve further the system of public education that is why education of gifted students was not a priority of educational policy of the time. However, in the late 50-ies - early 60-ies of the XX century appeared the opportunity to reveal the potential of gifted students in the framework of general secondary and out-of-school education.
The third stage of gifted education development (70-80-ies of the XX century) - individualization of educational services for gifted students - was marked by the introduction of individual approach in education, a prerequisite of which was the Directive of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU in which the need to improve further training and Communist education of students and their preparation for life was declared. One of the most important conditions for successful solution of the defined problem was identified a systematic study of age and individual peculiarities of students, as had been mentioned in the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of education of the USSR "On the determination of individual characteristics of students" from 19.04.1971. According to this document, school principals and teachers had to pay attention to the need of significant improvement of the state of the study of the students' individual peculiarities, their aptitudes, abilities, interests and wide use of the results of this study in the educational process. The decision also intended introduction, since 1971/72, of mandatory preparation for the end of the academic year of the pedagogical characteristics to students in all classes in which, in addition to the objective data on the student, should be reflected the level of general development, abilities, aptitudes, interests, and professional orientation, attitude to learning, socially useful work, execution of public orders, students' behaviour [7].
During the specified period new institutions that provided educational services to gifted children, including special schools for exceptionally gifted children as well as schools and classes with in-depth theoretical and practical study of individual subjects, were created on the basis of "Regulations on schools and classes with in-depth theoretical and practical study of separate subjects" from 05.05.1974, approved by the Minister of education of the Ukrainian SSR. These schools should provide in-depth mastery of the students knowledge and skills in major academic disciplines, employment and training, development of creative abilities, depending on their interests and inclinations [5].
In addition to new types of education institutions which provided intellectually and academically gifted students with the opportunity to develop their abilities, educational services for this category of students continued to be offered through the elective courses, schools of young mathematicians and physicists at the universities, offices of MAS and other out-of-school institutions.
In particular, during the 70-80ies continued to be created on the example of MAS "Seeker" models of work organization with intellectually gifted students in a number of regional centers of Ukraine (Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa, Vinnitsa, Rovno, Kharkov, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk).
So, we can state that the defining characteristics of this stage are: increased attention of authorities to the provision of educational services for gifted students based on their individual abilities, interests and aptitudes; creating new types of education institutions and opening of specialized schools and classes for gifted children and youth; expansion of the network of extracurricular educational establishments of different directions.
Together with the independence of Ukraine began a new, fourth stage of gifted education development (90-ies of the XX century - beginning of the XXI century) that marked the change of ideological orientations and political structure of the country.
Since the early 90-ies of the XXth century the provision of special educational services for gifted students had been carried out at specialized schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, collegiums, as well as at different types of education institutions and associations.
Agreeing with O. Bocharova's statement we'd like to note that innovation of this period was creation of schools at higher education institutions. The first institution of such a type was the Lyceum at Donetsk national university which was the first Ukrainian-language Lyceum in Eastern Ukraine [3]. We'd like to note in this context that from 1999 to 2007 at Sumy state pedagogical university named after A. S. Makarenko also functioned multidisciplinary Lyceum for gifted students.
In addition to these types of education institutions for preparing the most gifted children to study at higher school were also established general educational specialized sanatorium boarding institutions in all regions of Ukraine. In the context of our study, taking into account the centralized nature of education management, which does not imply significant differences in the functioning of state education institutions, we consider it expedient to dwell on the activities of CESRC "Sumy regional gymnasium-boarding school for talented and gifted children", created in 2005 [13]. The main task of CESRC "Sumy regional gymnasium-boarding school for talented and gifted children" is search, selection, support and assistance in developing abilities of each child, especially from rural areas. On 01.09.2015 12 profile 8-11 grades enrolled 256 students from 18 cities and districts of the region in the following areas: physical- mathematical, chemical-biological, historical, and Ukrainian philology [9].
At the fourth stage regulatory support of gifted and talented students was carried out in the frames of Presidential programs. Thus, the most active work with gifted school children and youth had been started with the adoption of the presidential decrees "On additional measures for state support of gifted youth" and "About the program of work with talented youth for 2001-2005". The Program was aimed at creation of favorable conditions for the creative potential development, the search of support and stimulation of the intellectually and creatively gifted children and youth, self-creative personality in modern society [12]. The program of work with talented youth, carried out during 2001-2005, can be divided into three parts: 1) scientific and methodological support, 2) identification and training of talented youth; 3) social protection of this category.
So, summing up the consideration of the fourth stage of gifted education development, we can state that despite considerable advances in providing gifted students with educational services, a number of unresolved issues remained, in particular: insufficient regulatory and legal support of the process of educational services provision and socio-pedagogical support of gifted students, as declared in the analyzed state documents, the provisions have remained slogans on paper; inefficiency of the system of gifted and talented children and youth identification; pedagogical support in the schools is available only for intellectually and academically gifted students, while students who have outstanding abilities and talents in other areas, don't find this support within the school and must attend out-of-school education institutions. Besides, taking into account reducing the number of state primary schools and increase in the number of private where tuition fees are too high for low-income families and families with many children, not all gifted and talented students have the opportunity to reveal their potential and develop skills.
Turning to the modern stage of gifted education development (10-ies of the XXI century - till nowadays) - modernization of the system of gifted education, we should note that despite radical changes in the presidential policy in different socio-economic spheres and structural reforms in the education system at different levels of its functioning, crucial decisions on gifted education have not been taken yet.
A significant role in the development of MAS played the decree of the President of Ukraine № 927/2010 dated 30.09.2010 "On measures on development of the system of identification and support of gifted and talented children and youth", which intensified the process of forming a network of regional academies of sciences for young students. The decree also granted Ukrainian state center the National status "Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine".
Today, the national center "Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" is the institution which performs state functions for the search, development and support of gifted and talented students. Annually, the NC "Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" helds about 30 events of all-Ukrainian scientific- methodological direction and more than 40 events for gifted students. It introduces new educational projects, including international. Each year a growing number of children are involved in research activities of MAS, in 2014 - more than 250 thousand talented students from across the country.
Important role in supporting young talents is played by the Institute of a gifted child, established by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Perspective directions of work of the Institute are developing conceptual foundations and formation of state policy in the sphere of youth support. It should be emphasized that Institute of a gifted child has a website describing its work. A newly established Institute at this stage takes an active part in the implementation of the above mentioned governmental programs, expanding academic cooperation with institutions of higher education, carries out scientific-methodological conferences, liaises with schools, out-of-school institutions, public organizations, invites famous teachers and psychologists for conducting seminars and master-classes.
Among the main competitive forms of young researchers should be noted widely spread in Europe international mathematical competition "Kangaroo" and all-Ukrainian student competitions in Physics "Lion" and Sciences "Kolosok".
So, the present stage of gifted education development in Ukraine still continues and it's too early to make conclusions about the main achievements of this period. The characteristic features of the modern stage are: development of international cooperation in the sphere of gifted education; implementation of innovations in this sphere, in particular STEM-education; creation of national agencies on gifted education.
Conclusions. Having studied the genesis of gifted education in Ukraine allowed coming to the conclusion that our country has unique achievements in this sphere, namely: the developed system of out-of-school education which helps reveal the potential of students with different types of giftedness; activity and achievements of Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, etc. At the same time the system of educational services provision at Ukrainian general secondary schools is imperfect and biased. In this context important is the study of foreign experience and implementation of its positive conceptual ideas in practice of the native schools. It can be a perspective for further research.
gifted education ukraine
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Бойченко Марина. Генезис образования одарённых в Украине.
В статье освещен генезис образования одарённых в Украине в течение ХХ - начала XXI века. Выделены этапы развития образования одарённых в Украине, в частности: 1) 20-40 гг. ХХ ст. - создание системы внешкольного образования для одарённых школьников; 2) 50-60-е гг. ХХ ст. - дифференциация образовательных услуг для одаренных школьников; 3) 70-80-е гг. ХХ ст. - индивидуализация образовательных услуг для одаренных школьников; 4) 90-е гг. ХХ ст. - начало XXI века - развитие системы образования одарённых в независимой Украине; 5) 10-е гг. ХХІ ст. - до сих пор - модернизация системы образования одарённых школьников.
Ключевые слова: одарённые школьники, образование одарённых, генезис образования одарённых, Украина.
Boichenko Maryna. Genesis of gifted education in Ukraine.
The aim of the article is to reveal the genesis of gifted education in Ukraine in the XX - at the beginning of the XXI century.
Research methods. In the article the following methods are used: general research methods - analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification and generalization; terminological analysis; historical and chronological, which enabled to explore in a historical perspective the theoretical and practical approaches to gifted education provision in Ukraine.
Results and their discussion. The stages of gifted education development in Ukraine have been outlined: 1) 20-40-ies of the XX century - creation of non-formal education system for gifted students; 2) 50-60-ies of the XX century - differentiation of educational services for gifted students; 3) 70-80-ies of the XX century - individualization of educational services for gifted students; 4) 90-ies of the XX century - the beginning of XXI century - development of the system of gifted education in independent Ukraine; 5) 10-th of the XXI century - till nowadays - modernization of the education system for gifted students. It should be emphasized that in the development of the proposed periodization the author was guided by both external (political, socio-economic and cultural changes in the life of Ukrainian society) and internal criteria (essential changes in gifted education).
Conclusions. Having studied the genesis of gifted education in Ukraine allowed coming to the conclusion that our country has unique achievements in this sphere, namely: the developed system of out-of-school education which helps reveal the potential of students with different types of giftedness; activity and achievements of Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, etc. At the same time the system of educational services provision at Ukrainian general secondary schools is imperfect and biased. In this context important is the study of foreign experience and implementation of its positive conceptual ideas in practice of the native schools. It can be a perspective for further research.
Key words: gifted school children, gifted education, genesis of gifted education, Ukraine.
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