General research methods for positioning strategies of leading universities in Western Europe
Defining strategic priorities of higher education. Characteristics of active integration of science and education. The expediency of studying the experience of foreign countries in the training of future masters of primary education for innovation.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 19,2 K |
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
General research methods for positioning strategies of leading universities in Western Europe
Oksana Tsiuniak,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Сьогодні перед сучасною системою вищої освіти України стоїть ціла низка стратегічних завдань, що потребують нагального вирішення, а саме: визначення стратегічних пріоритетів вищої освіти; контроль якості освіти; зв'язок із виробництвом; активна інтеграція науки та освіти; економічна підтримка напрямів наукової та освітньої діяльності; налагодження механізму раціонального фінансування; ефективного впровадження новітніх освітніх технологій тощо. Доцільно зазначити, що саме з позицій сьогодення закладам вищої освіти значну увагу слід приділяти підготовці компетентного, відповідального фахівця, конкурентоздатного на ринку праці, професійно готового до ефективної роботи за обраною спеціальністю на рівні світових стандартів, здатного до соціальної і професійної мобільності, до постійного професійного зростання та самовдосконалення.
У статті обґрунтовано актуальність проблеми професійної підготовки майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти до інноваційної діяльності. З'ясовано загальні тенденції системи освіти провідних країн Євросоюзу, зокрема, Франції, Данії, Німеччини, Англії, які впродовж останніх років накопичили позитивний досвід у реформуванні важливих ланок системи освіти майбутнього педагога. Варто зазначити, що освітянами України активно вивчається та використовується зарубіжний досвід підготовки педагогів Європейських держав та США, Фінляндії. Встановлено прогресивні ідеї й особливості підготовки майбутніх педагогів в різних країнах, які можна запровадити для вітчизняної освіти. У публікації наголошується на тому, що дослідження передбачає доцільність вивчення досвіду країн зарубіжжя у професійній підготовці майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти до інноваційної діяльності.
Ключові слова: ідеї, професійна підготовка, майбутні фахівці початкової освіти, зарубіжний досвід, інноваційна діяльність
Oksana Tsiuniak,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Chair of Pedagogy of Primary,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
(Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Today, Ukrainian society needs professionals with innovative thinking and a keen desire to implement their ideas in social life, driven by information, economic, social, political, cultural and religious processes of the third millennium. The modern world requires young people to be able to respond efficiently and promptly to innovative changes that are taking place in society, to be self-sufficient, proactive, responsible citizens, successful people, that is, professionally competent. That is why the problem of effective professional training of future specialists is an urgent one, which will be able to easily adapt to the changing conditions of today and be competitive in the labor market.
The urgency of the problem with the professional training of future masters of elementary education to innovative activities is substantiated in the article. The general education system tendencies of the leading countries in the European Union, in particular, France, Denmark, Germany, England, that in recent years have collected positive experience in reforming important parts of the future teacher's education system, have been clarified. It is worth noting that Ukrainian educators are actively studying and using foreign experience in training teachers in European countries, the United States and Finland. The progressive ideas and features of future teachers' training in different countries, which can be introduced for domestic education, are established.
In the publication it is emphasized that the study provides for the feasibility of studying the foreign countries experience in the training of future masters of elementary education to innovative activity.
Keywords: ideas, professional training, future masters of elementary education, foreign experience, innovative activity.
Problem statement. Today, Ukraine is rapidly approaching the European Community, and changes in Ukrainian society require the modernization of the entire education system, which needs mobile, highly qualified professionals ready for innovation in the fleeting and unstable world processes. This situation demands the development of the most effective theoretical and conceptual foundations of the professional training system of future masters of elementary education to innovative activity and justification of new approaches to their practical application.
At the same time, topical issues of pedagogical education development are the matter of discussion at numerous conferences held in the European Union. Existing educational programs significantly contribute to the personality development of the higher education undergraduates and teachers, to the developing curriculum, which promotes to the integration processes in the formation of the European general education space.
Analysis of basic research and publications
Significant works, which were performed on the materials from several countries, include the research about the problems with formation and development of the international teachers' movement (O. Sukhomlynska); modern technologies of teacher training for aesthetic education in Great Britain, Canada, the USA (M. Leshchenko); professional teachers' training in Western Europe during the second half of the twentieth century (L. Pukhovska).
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the progressive ideas about professional training of future masters of elementary education to innovative activities in foreign countries.
Methods: theoretical (learning and analyzing of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, comparison and generalization of scientists' priority ideas to solve this problem, study of normative legal documents, analysis of training programs for higher (second) master's degree); empirical (peer review methods); systematization and generalization in order to formulate scientific conclusions of the case study.
Results and discussion
Education has always been a special function of society and the state, aimed at the formation and development of socially significant qualities of each person. At the same time, opened labor markets, the citizens' right to move freely within the territory of the European Union for the purpose of settlement, study or employment create the basis for defining competencies that would be universal for all EU countries.
In these days the important factor and objective demand is to study the theory and practice of teacher education in leading EU countries, including France, Denmark, Germany, England, that in recent years have collected positive experience in reforming important parts of the future teacher's education system. It is worth noting that Ukrainian educators are actively studying and using foreign experience in training teachers in European countries, the United States and Finland.
Let us notice that the activities of higher education institutions in Western European countries have always attracted the researchers' attention within different historical epochs. The first universities in Western Europe appeared in the twelfth century. In the Middle Ages there were two models of universities: the first model was with secular orientation, dominated by the student guild, which determined the structure, content of disciplines and selected professors on a contract basis (The University of Bologna), the second model was mostly with the master's guild, eloquently expressed and with theological orientation, strongly influenced by the Faculty of Liberal Arts (University of Paris). Studying the "seven liberal arts" was enough to get a bachelor's degree. The other specialized forms of study at the faculties of theology, medicine, law and liberal arts gave the wealthiest and most talented students the opportunity to obtain a master's degree, and after passing the qualifying exam (ius ubigue docendi) - the right to teach at a European university. The master's training content was humanitarian and focused on the master's intellectual development. In medieval universities, for the first time, the activities of teachers who conducted classes were considered as a pedagogical profession (Gluzman, A., 1998, 252 p.). strategic education science innovation
In many European countries, master's degree training is provided in two areas: industrial (master's degree) and scientific (master of science). Such a scheme is proposed by some leading universities for Ukraine, i.e. the chosen ways to modernize higher education are in line with global trends.
In many European countries, qualitative changes have taken place in the development of higher education systems in accordance with the requirements of The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). The development of the educational paradigm ideology in France, one of the developed countries of Western Europe, is no exception to this process. France, like other European countries, has a long tradition in organizing the higher education system , including pedagogy, which has always attracted the attention of domestic and foreign teachers- comparativists (Lashchykhina, V., 2009, 20 p.).
The experience of teachers' professional training in France shows that it is the French institutions that provide such an invariant-variable construction of programs that make it possible to acquire fundamental psychological and pedagogical knowledge together with the experience of pedagogical activity. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the professional training of a future teacher in France is aimed at ensuring the motivation about choice of a teaching profession; formation of his personal qualities with the help of elective courses; integration of consciousness; globality of thinking; wide awareness; pedagogical skills; training a specialist for solving modern problems.
Based on the analysis of the study of the educators' training system in Denmark, we came to the conclusion that there are tendencies in Danish pedagogical education, the application of which can lead to positive changes in the Ukrainian educational space. In our opinion, such tendencies include the idea of liberalization and humanization of all components in the teachers' training system; combination of centralization and decentralization processes; transition from traditional to competence model of pedagogical education; transition from reproductive to innovative, problem-based methods in the system of future specialists' training in the field of education; bringing pedagogical education closer to scientific research.
It is important to pick up something useful from the experience of the Federal Republic of Germany, which, like Ukraine, underwent administrative and territorial changes at the end of the last century. This country has a highly developed system of higher education in general and pays special attention to the teachers' training. The most common degree in Germany is a master's degree (Magister Artium). The master's degree is awarded in arts and humanities after the same system (exams and diploma paper) as for a diploma, but the details of the procedure depend on the higher education institution. The specialization is not indicated in the master's certificate, only the unified "M.A." is given.
The process of teachers' professional training in Germany is developing in accordance with such provisions as:
education is determined to be one of the priority areas of state policy of the EU countries;
pedagogical education in modern conditions takes into account the new social realities associated with the development of globalization, the expansion of intercultural dialogue, the use of computer technology;
the labor market in the territory of the European countries affects the development of pedagogical education;
there is a need to strengthen connections between institutions of pedagogical education (training in higher education institutions, advanced training, retraining) (Makhynya, N., 2006, 46-47).
In Germany, considerable attention in the professional training process is paid to the students' independent work. In higher education institutions it is customary to practice writing a large number of essays, performing creative tasks, projects, etc; reports, speaker papers at seminars are a condition of admission to examinations and tests. We reckon it is expedient to use the main results of the analyzed system of higher education in the professional training of future masters of elementary education to innovative activities.
The study of the pedagogical education experience of undergraduates in the United Kingdom of Great Britain deserves attention. We believe that it is appropriate to analyze some programs of pedagogical education for undergraduates in the UK. Thus, the British master's degree programs in higher education were developed in the context of the Institute of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILTHE), which in May 2004 was reorganized into the Higher Education Academy. (HEA) (Belmaz, J. 2010, 304 p.). Unlike master's programs in pedagogical education for masters of domestic higher education institutions, master's programs in the UK are accredited under the appropriate name at a particular university. In particular, the master's program of Keele University is called "Training and teaching in higher education" (term of study - three years, covers three modules of 60 credits each) and provides professional development of the teaching staff at university. This master's program is based on the premise that teaching in higher education is a compoud, complex and interesting process. It includes the following components: pedagogical competence, undergraguates' knowledge of the learning process in higher education, collegiality, understanding the context of higher education, reflexive and experimental approaches to teaching, development of professional personal values, improving the theoretical basis, awareness of scientific teaching and learning. In addition, future masters must have specific knowledge of the discipline (Belmaz, J., 2010, pp. 87-88).
The second year of study (classroom learning time - 42 hours for each module). The 1st semester - module 2, dissertation module. The 2nd semester - module 3 "Teaching and training through technology". The third year of study - writing research and developtment projects (Belmaz, J. 001, pp. 23-33). The program consists of compulsory and optional subjects. All magistrates must attend compulsory courses, and electives are selected according to the field of teaching and personal interest of students at higher education institutions. You must complete 10 elective courses and complete three modules in order to obtain a master's degree in higher education. If, for some reason, the undergraduate completes only two modules, the student receives a Postgraduate Diploma, but this is not a master's degree. After the course completion, undergraduates must have such knowledge and skills as: to make decisions about teaching in general and individual courses and modules, which are based on knowledge of relevant theories and models of teaching and learning in higher education institutions; develop and expand its range of teaching methods; develop ideas about the values of teaching in higher education institutions, which necessarily include the understanding of the approaches to teaching different students; be involved in constant self-analysis and evaluation of their activities (Belmaz, J. 2010, 304 p.).
Another program of teacher education in the UK is the Master's program "Teaching and Learning in Higher Education", accredited by the Higher Education Academy. The main focus of this program is the idea of preparation for teaching in high school, which requires both a theoretical basis and practical experience. The main areas of work that are determined by this magistrates' training program are:
development of training programs or separate training modules;
teaching and supporting students in the learning process;
student assessment and audience feedback;
development of an effective environment for teaching and learning;
integration of research activities with teaching;
assessment of continuous professional development.
It should be noted that in order to obtain a master's degree in higher education, you must be involved in all areas of the program (6 areas), and it is needed only three of them to get a Certificate, and also the sixth one - assessment of continuing professional development - is obliging. (The philosophy and process of accreditation. Registration and accreditation: guidelines.).
Given the analysis of pedagogical education of future magistrates in the UK, we believe that higher education institutions in Ukraine should introduce research and development programs that would help combine scientific and research work of students.
The experience of training masters in teacher education in the United States is noteworthy, because there are a large number of educational institutions, a variety of master's programs and courses there. Masters' training in the United States is carried out through the revision of traditional teaching forms and methods, improving the conditions for higher education by individualizing the process of learning, increasing the range of new technological teaching aids, comprehensive use of non-traditional forms of education. There is a tutoring form in English universities. The tutor, unlike the teacher, does not teach the subject, but helps the student to make a personal plan and advises him on this issue throughout the study period. This form originated in the ancient English universities of Oxford and Cambridge, which has survived to this day, playing a special role in higher education in England, including in the preparation of masters. (Primary Education in England. A Survey by HM Inspectors of Schools. (1978). 79).
The use of tutoring technology is actual, in connection with the adoption of the Law on Higher Education (2014). We believe that the mastery of this technology by future masters of elementary education in the professional training process in higher education institutions will allow them to perform the duties of a tutor in the future.
Thus, our analysis of foreign pedagogical practice of future teachers' professional training made it possible to identify important ideas for defining the conceptual foundations and individual components of professional training of future masters in elementary education to innovative activity.
We connect the prospects of further scientific exploration with the substantiation of the professional preparation system of future masters of elementary education to innovation activity.
1. Belmaz, Ya. (2001). Vykorystannia Brytanskoho ta amerykanskoho dosvidu v profesiinomu rozvytku vykladachiv vyshchoi shkoly Ukrainy. Humanizatsiia navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu. Sloviansk. 7, 23-33.
2. Belmaz, Y. (2010). Profesiina pidhotovka vykladachiv vyshchoi shkoly u Velykii Brytanii ta SShA: Monohrafiia. Horlivskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi instytut inozemnykh mov. Horlivka: Vyd-vo HDPPM.
3. Kishchenko, Y (2000). Formuvannia profesiinoi maisternosti vchytelia v systemi pedahohichnoi osvity Anhlii ta Uelsu: (Avtoref. dys. kand. ped. nauk). Kyiv.
4. Lashchykhina, V. (2009). Rozvytok systemy pidhotovky pedahohichnykh kadriv u Frantsii (druha polovyna XX - pochatok XXI stolittia): (Avtoref. dys. kand. ped. nauk). Kyiv.
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