General development trends of the media education of students in developed English-language countries

The author of the scientific pedagogical article identified trends in the development of media education, which are structured by duration - (short-term and long-term), as well as by prevalence (national, cluster, world) and by scope (general, specific).

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General development trends of the media education of students in developed English-language countries

Prykhodkina Nataliia Oleksiyivna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Administration and Special Education of the Education and scientific institute of management and psychololgy, SHEI "University in education management", Kyiv


The author of the article has determined the trends in the development of media education, which are structured by duration (short-term and long-term), by prevalence (national, cluster, global) and by coverage (general, specific). The trend as an innovative tool of pedagogical comparative studies provided with an understanding of the essence of the phenomenon of media education and generalization of the general directions of its development. The article outlines the trends in the development of media education of secondary school students in developed English-speaking countries, which are formed under the influence of external and internal factors. The tendencies of conceptualization (formed by international organizations of the global level (UNESCO, EU, Council of Europe) by means of strategic and conceptual documents/programs), legislative support (since the 10s of the XXI century, 14 states have passed laws on the mandatory introduction of media literacy in primary and secondary education), institutionalization (creation of associations and organizations for media education), standardization (since the 80s of the XX century, the media education has become a complex part of the education system. XX century, media education has become a component of national/state/regional/educational standards of developed Englishspeaking countries), which makes it possible to state that the development of media education in developed English-speaking countries is characterized by dynamism, systematicity, scale, continuity.

Keywords: English-speaking countries, media, media literacy, media education, trend, UNESCO, conceptualization, legislative support, institutionalization, standardization.

Приходькіна Наталія Олексіївна доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки, адміністрування і спеціальної освіти Навчально-наукового інституту менеджменту та психології, Державний заклад вищої освіти "Університет менеджменту освіти", м. Київ,


Авторкою статті визначено тенденції розвитку медіаосвіти, які структуровано за тривалістю (короткотермінові й довготермінові), за поширеністю (національні, кластерні, світові) та за сферою охоплення (загальні, специфічні). Тенденція як інноваційний інструмент педагогічної компаративістики забезпечила авторці статті розуміння сутності феномену медіаосвіти та узагальнення спільних напрямів її розвитку. У статті окреслено тенденції розвитку медіаосвіти учнів загальної середньої освіти розвинених англомовних країн, що формуються під впливом зовнішніх та внутрішніх чинників. Виокремлено спільні для усіх країн тенденції концептуалізації (формується міжнародними організаціями глобального рівня (ЮНЕСКО, ЄС, Радою Європи) засобами стратегічних і концептуальних документів/програм), законодавчого забезпечення (з 10-х рр. XXI ст. в 14 штатах ухвалено закони про обов'язкове впровадження медіаграмотності в початкову та середню освіту), інституалізації (створення асоціацій і організацій з медіаосвіти), стандартизації (з 80-х рр. ХХ ст. медіаосвіта стає складником національних/державних/регіональних/ освітніх стандартів розвинених англомовних країн), що дає змогу констатувати, що розвиток медіаосвіти в розвинених англомовних країнах відзначається динамічністю, системністю, масштабністю, наступністю.

Ключові слова: англомовні країни, медіа, медіаграмотність, медіаосвіта, тенденція, ЮНЕСКО, концептуалізація, законодавче забезпечення, інституціоналізація, стандартизація.

The relevance of the problem. Media education, as a socio-pedagogical area, is designed to adapt the individual to social and cultural transformations based on technological advances. The reasons for the relevance of media education in the modern world include: high level of media consumption and saturation of modern societies by mass media; ideological importance of media and its influence on the consciousness of the audience; rapid growth of media information, strengthening of its control mechanisms and its spread; intensity of media penetration into the main democratic processes; increasing importance of visual communication and information in all fields, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and russia's military aggression against Ukraine.

Research analysis. The specifics of media and their impact on society in the twentieth century were studied: R. Barthes, S. Bennett, D. Gerbner, A. Grizzle, H. Innis, V. Ivanov, E. Katz, D. Kellner, H. Lasswell, M. McLuhan, A. Toffler, G. Schwarz, C. Wilson and others. The formation and development of media education in foreign countries is covered in the research works of F. Baker, D. Considine, S. Livingstone, K. Tyner, L. Hartai, R. Hobbs and others. The problems of theory and methodology of media education are revealed in the scientific researches of D. Buckingham, C. Bazalgette, B. Duncan, A. Hart, R. Kubey, M. McLuhan, L. Masterman, M. Sliusarevskyi and others. The definition of trends in the development of certain educational phenomena in the world educational space is devoted to the works of Ukrainian researchers N. Avsheniuk, S. Matiukh, O. Lokshyna, N. Lavrychenko, V. Luhovyi, V. Ohneviuk, O. Pershukova, S. Sysoieva, O. Sytnyk and others. pedagogical education cluster

The purpose of article is to determine the general development trends of the media education of students in developed english-language countries.

Presentation of the main research material. One of the main tasks of comparative pedagogy is to study the field of education in various planes, dimensions, ratios and interrelations in order to identify patterns and trends in its development. According to O. Lokshyna, the "golden" rule for each comparative is to consider the education phenomenon in the historical, social, economic and cultural context; the rule about the obligation based on the identification of commonalities/differences in the inference of trends/patterns/laws of development formulated by "scientists-comparatist" is preserved [4, p. 9].

O. Sytnyk notes that the study of education trends allows not only to generalize and analyze the education state in a specific period, but also to define strategic directions for the development of the system taking into account urgent problems and future needs [12, p. 232]. Identification of trends is the most important moment of research and global education modelling [6, p. 163].

Identification of trends in the media education development in secondary education institutions of developed English-speaking countries is necessary for the integrity of the thesis study.

The appeal to the analysis of the interpretation of the concept trend has revealed the essence of unified approaches to its definition. In the Ukrainian language dictionary the term "trend" is interpreted as "direction of movement or development of something; direction in views or actions, aspiration, intention, peculiar to someone, something" [14, p. 72]. In "Collins English dictionary" the trend is defined as an inclination to a specific characteristic or general course [18]. In the "Dictionary of Terms on Vocational Education" the trend (from lats. tendentia, tendo - aspiring, directing) is defined as 1) the possibility of certain events to develop in a certain direction; 2) the thrust in views or actions, inclinations, intentions are inherent in any, anything; 3) the direction of any process, phenomena, views, opinions, ideas, etc.; 4) biased, imposed to anyone thought, idea [13, p. 243].

In order to highlight general trends and peculiarities of media education development of students in developed English-speaking countries let's pay attention to interpretation of the concept of "trend" in researches of leading Ukrainian scientists-comparatist (Table 1).

Table 1

Interpretation of the concept of "trend" in the research of leading Ukrainian scientists-comparatists







The basic category of comparative pedagogy which is understood not only from the point of view of identifying the direction of traffic, but also in the context of the essence of the qualitative changes occurring during this movement in the context of the activation of the predictive function, which is understood from the point of view of providing predictive recommendations on the possibility of applying foreign experience in national education [5]

O. Lokshyna



The form of expression of patterns that have no other reality at all than the trend, except to approach anything in the trend [3]

N. Lavrychenko



The direction of education changes due to multiple factors that result in new education quality [9]

O. Pershukova



The orientation of education and objective factors [1]

N. Avsheniuk

Hence, the trend is the direction of the movement and the qualitative changes occurring during the movement.

Using the method of trend analysis, which provides logic of determination of general transformations we have created a list of trends of media education development, structured by duration (short- and long-term), by prevalence (national, cluster, world) and on scope (general, specific).

The education globalization and internationalization are generally recognized world trends that determine:

- intensification of international (inter-state, interregional) exchange, interaction and cooperation between the subjects of the education, creation of a unified (in particular, European) education space, thus, national education systems can be mutually enriched;

- internationalization of the content of education, developing planetary thinking and consciousness, organization of the learning process in accordance with modern education standards, new information and training technologies [7, p. 261].

Trends in the development of global media today make us think not only about the communication possibilities of media space, but also about the power of media over society, about their influence on the formation of cultural dominant of modern people and modern society in general [10, 263]. In addition to highlighting the advantages of the influence of media on the development of society and people, media literacy experts (T. Ivanova, R. Kuby, R. Hobbs, etc.) note negative trends:

- increased sources of unreliable and fake information;

- increased aggressiveness of the media environment;

- the active usage of manipulative methods in the mass media, which have a significant impact on the younger generation growth, resulting in uncontrolled and destructive consequences for the mindset of young people.

If the history of the second half of the 20th century will remain as a period of expansion of secondary education (according to UNESCO its growth is almost six times), while in the 20th century according to UNESCO priorities in the field of pedagogy are shifted towards media education [2]. By promoting international exchanges and the dissemination of ideas, globalization is the key to the emergence of enormous opportunities for learning, particularly in the media, and knowledge is the vector of society.

The information society requires intellectual efforts from representatives of science, education, culture, journalism aimed at creating a unified media space, designing information education environment, explaining media education theories, objectives and practices to mediators and legislators, formation of public opinion on the need for media education as a component of general media literacy as part of the common culture of modern people. International cooperation between the world's leading media education organizations is becoming paramount value in exchange of experience, coordination of efforts at the regional and global level.

Given the supranational format of media education development under the auspices of international organizations in the context of globalization, the trend of media education conceptualization which is classified as global and long-term has been substantiated. It has been established that the trend of conceptualization is formed by international organizations at the global level (UNESCO, EU, Council of Europe) by means of strategic and conceptual documents/programs.

Within the framework of the conceptualization trend the definition of essential guidelines (principles, objectives, essence) of media education takes place. The Grunwald Declaration on UNESCO Media Education (1982) set the goal of media education at all education levels within lifelong education.

The Seoul Declaration on the Priority of Media and Information Literacy for Protection against disinfodemia (2020) is a new stage in the media education conceptualization. The Declaration outlines the mechanisms for protecting against the spread of false information in the context of a coronavirus pandemic, which are recommended for the usage by government and public entities. In particular, note is taken of the planning and implementation of joint actions at the national, regional and international levels in response to COVID-19 disinformation and preparation for other disinformation in the future; intensify efforts, to make the development of overall media literacy an urgent priority.

UNESCO in its own activities [28] emphasizes the role of media literacy as the most important competence of the digital age. This organization promotes the development of media and information literacy which is considered as a prerequisite for building inclusive, open, participatory and pluralistic knowledge societies. In numerous resolutions and international conferences UNESCO has emphasized the importance of this direction and identifies media education as a priority in the XXI century.

International conferences and forums on media and information literacy are usually attended not only by representatives of different UN and UNESCO committees, but also by federal and local authorities, other state structures, as well as scientists, experts, library specialists offering their assessments and recommendations. As a result of such conferences, policy documents are adopted that formulate goals and objectives for the further dissemination of media and information literacy and the development of the global information society as a whole.

Given the long-term nature of the conceptualization trend there is a modification of the essence. At the professional level the concepts of "media literacy" and "information literacy" have been considered independently for many years, but the key connecting elements were computer literacy and technological skills. But in 2007 the international organizations UNESCO and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) proposed to integrate these concepts as well as to use them in the future exclusively as media and information literacy. This combined concept should cover all competencies, including digital and technological literacy. According to IFLA recommendations on media and information literacy it is not only a "fundamental human right in a digital, interconnected global world", but also recognized as an essential condition for "narrowing the information (digital) gap" [11].

Under the influence of education digitalization and informatization in the 10's of the 21th century in the framework of conceptualization the trend of synthesis of information literacy and media literacy in the world space has been identified. In 2011 UNESCO developed and published the "Media and Information Literacy Curriculum for Teachers" in which the author team of the program merged two concepts (media literacy and information literacy) into one concept "media and information literacy" - (MIL), clearly highlighting the specificity of information literacy and media literacy and various variations of similar/related titles [30, p. 18-19].

The transition to the information society has prepared a modern person for rapid perception of large information volumes. At the same time rapid mastering by modern means, methods and technology of work with information is not synchronized with the acquisition of culture of evaluation, mastering and usage of knowledge with the media. Under the aegis of UNESCO, the movement of literacy for promoting media literacy and information literacy has been launched. It marks an important trend in the media education development.

The mentioned trend is caused by constant updating of technological platforms, tools and growth of the volume of content and services available to users which require formation of more modern media literacy and information literacy skills. The UNESCO Handbook on Media and Information Literacy in Journalism [25] (2019) also includes competencies such as digital etiquette, privacy protection, critical thinking skills and problem solving through computer games and interaction with artificial intelligence. It is important to note that the issue of media literacy is becoming especially urgent in connection with the global problem of the spread of unreliable information, the importance of which is rapidly increasing in the context of current socio-political processes of the spread of fake news and pandemic.

This trend marks the media education development in the analyzed countries, which in the conditions of the day of the post-truth review the essence of both the media and political and ethical principles which are their basis, justify the importance of interpretation of information and counteraction to disinformation.

The document of the European Council "10 trends transforming education as we know it" [22] outlines 10 trends. The ninth trend identified the need for media literacy (Media Literacy Wanted). The reasons are:

- about 8 out of 10 students of the secondary education institution can't distinguish fake news from real news;

- with the advent of bots the spread of disinformation has become as simple as ever;

- powerful networks create powerful echo cameras (echo chambers) for manipulation, disinformation and are used as platforms for external exposure;

- the phenomenon of fake news is not a short-term one, so society needs media citizens.

The main view is that education systems in all countries need to be integrated with the critical thinking, evaluation of information and media literacy as the most important skills of the XXI century.

Online programs (UNESCO MIL CLICKS, Visual Social Media Lab in Canada, etc.) are introduced into the education process of secondary education institution in developed English-speaking countries, the essence of which is to educate young people in information and media literacy in a digital environment, actually checking. Created in 2010 the Visual Social Media Laboratory [26] brings together a group of leading scientists, media practitioners, journalists interested in the study of visual culture in social networks, art history, software, media sociology, media communication. Gameplay is widely used in the process of media education of students of secondary education of the studied countries (Globaloria, Newsfeed Defenders, Fakey, Go Viral!, Interland, etc.).

The institutionalization trend of media education, which is classified as national, general, long-term, has been allocated. According to M. Sliusarevskyi, "The institutionalization of the media-oriented function of education can be carried out in the form of integration of media education elements into various academic disciplines, media education electives, circles and studios, respectively oriented forms of extracurricular work" [15, pp. 17-18].

In the late 80,s-90,s of the 20th century in developed English-speaking countries there is the creation of associations and organizations for media education. In Canada and the United States such organizations have been established in almost every Canadian province and American state. Three organizations have been established in England and Wales (British Film Institute, Media Education Association of England and Wales, OFCOM), one each in Scotland and one each in Northern Ireland. ATOM is the main organization in Australia. In the United Kingdom short-term institutionalization reached the point where the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, the Communications Authority (OFCOM), was established in 2003 - legally empowered to develop the media literacy of the population and to regulate the world network.

The general trend was referred to standardization - from the 80's of the 20th century. Media education is becoming the part of the national/state/regional/education standards of developed English-speaking countries. Since September 1999 media education has been compulsory for students in grades 1-12 of Canada's secondary education institution (Ontario since 1987). Since the early 1990s media education has been compulsory for students in all secondary education institution in Australia from the first to the twelfth grade. The United Kingdom officially introduced media education in the National Curiculum of England and Wales as part of the 1988 education reform. In the mid-90's 12 US states (California, New York, Minneapolis, Texas, Wisconsin, North Carolina, New Meto, etc.) have included media education sections in education standards.

The important tasks of media education in the 21st century included the formation of skills necessary for effective search, critical analysis, use and placement of information and media content, the importance of human rights on the Internet, understanding ways to combat hate propaganda on the Internet, cyberbullying, understanding ethical issues related to access to and use of information, etc.

The national trend in the United States of America is to legislate media education in the format of strategies since the 10's of the 21st century. Fourteen states have passed laws to make the introduction of media literacy compulsory in primary and secondary education.

In January 2014 the State of New Jersey passed the Law on Safe and Moral Use of Social Media in Secondary Schools (An Act concerning social media instruction in public school districts and supplementing chapter 35 of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes) [17]. According to the Act starting in 2014-2015 each school district was required to include in the curriculum of technological education (for students in grades 6-8) topics on the safe and moral use of social networks, in particular: 1) Purpose and rules of use of different social media platforms; 2) Rules of conduct on cyber security and cybernetics in social networks; 3) Potential negative consequences of cyberbullying. The Education Commissioner must provide school districts with the necessary resources for responsible use of social media.

On June 23, 2015 Connecticut passed the Law on the Safe Use of Social Media and School Computer Programming Guidelines (An Act concerning the inclusion of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, the safe use of social media and computer programming instruction in the public school curriculum) [17]. The Law approved compulsory integration of media literacy into the curriculum of secondary education institution starting from 2016-2017 academic years. In 2017, the Senate of Connecticut adopted the Law on the Establishment of the Advisory Council on Digital Citizenship, Internet Security and Media Literacy [16]. The board included teachers, librarians, representatives of parent organizations and individuals with experience in digital citizenship, internet security and media literacy.

In April, 2016, Washington State Governor D. Insley signed the bill, and on March 2, 2017, the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education passed the Law "On Digital Citizenship, Media Literacy and Internet Safety in Schools" [21] (Engrossed substitute senate bill 5449) which was an example for other states advocating digital citizenship and media literacy training. According to the president of "Media Literacy Now" E. McNeill the adoption of this law is the result of discussions on education policy and basic skills that need to teach children аs well as a significant step towards creating an environment for comprehensive media literacy education - safe use of the Internet and digital citizenship. "Washington which supports education institutions in active steps of teaching media literacy of students is a model for other states" [20]. Under this law, the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is responsible for developing resources for media literacy training and new technologies, in particular recommendations for teachers, namely how to teach students the safe use of Internet resources and other media and the use of critical thinking skills in consumption and media information.

The OSPI, through an advisory group, should recommend measures to improve media literacy and digital citizenship throughout the state. They can be summarized as follows:

1. To convene a working group to update the state training standards K-12 to develop education technologies that meet the definition of digital citizenship and media literacy, national standards and education standards in all subjects.

2. Consider possible changes in district policy to support digital citizenship, media literacy and online safety in schools.

3. Create a web environment with links to recommended good practices and resources for media literacy, digital citizenship and online safety education in schools.

4. Support the professional development of teachers in integrating digital citizenship and media literacy into all core subjects, starting with English and social sciences.

5. Study software improvements in district libraries as defined by state law to identify ways in which librarian teachers can teach and support digital citizenship and media literacy among students, teachers and others [29].

The Washington State Association of School Principals is mandated to: review the school's E-learning policy and student online safety; develop a curriculum guide for school districts to conduct a survey among teachers and principals on how schools are learning media literacy and digital citizenship.

2017 was a record year for the creation of legislation on media literacy. A total of 21 bills regulating the introduction of media literacy in schools have been introduced or are under further consideration. In such states as Arizona, California (3 bills), Connecticut, Massachusetts (9 bills), New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington.

In 2017 in Rhode Island the MLN Advisory Committee (Media Literacy Now) passed the Rhode Island Board of Education Act [27] which in article 16-22 "An Act Relating Education to Education - Curriculum" in paragraph 16-22 Instruction in media literacy (MA) states that the Department of Primary and Secondary Education should introduce media literacy in the K-12 curriculum. The law defines media literacy as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create and communicate through print, visual, digital media.

In 2019 the Texas legislature passed Act (86(R), Senate Bill 11), which states that the curriculum of each school district should incorporate digital citizenship education. The definition of digital citizenship in this statute contains the generally accepted definition of media literacy: "Digital citizenship is the standard of proper, responsible and healthy online behavior, including the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create and act in all forms of digital communication" [23]. However, MLN (Media Literacy Now) is an American non-profit human rights organization that aims to promote policy change in each state and at the national level so that all K-12 students have received education and skills in the field of media literacy - consider digital citizenship a kind of media literacy, and not vice versa, as stipulated by the legislation of Texas.

On June 3, 2019, the Colorado Governor J. Polis signed the Law "On the Introduction of Media Literacy in Primary and Secondary Education" [19]. To implement the Law, the Media Literacy Advisory Committee (MLAC) was established, comprising teachers, directors of secondary education institutions, librarians, parents and pupils of rural, urban and small school districts, journalists, academics and lawyers from media literacy. The Colorado Department of Education is required by law to establish an Internet resource bank on media literacy, including resources recommended by MLAC and to provide technical support to school districts to implement media literacy. Until June 30, 2021, the State Board of Education is required to review and implement media literacy in the standards of reading, writing and civic education.

In 2019 the state of Illinois passed the Law "On Internet Security", according to which media literacy and cybersecurity elements must be integrated into the curricula for grades 3-11 of secondary schools [24]. In particular, it is recommended to include the topics of safe use of social networks, chat rooms, email, safe online communication rules, cyberbullying, online sexual harassment, copyright, etc.

In 2020 the state of New Jersey passed the Information Literacy Act for kindergarten and K-12 students (Assembly Bill 248 - Requires instruction on information literacy for students in grades kindergarten through 12). According to this law information literacy (in kindergartens and K-12) should be introduced into the curriculum. The concept of "information literacy" in the law is defined as a set of skills that allows a person to recognize, find, evaluate and effectively use the necessary information. Information literacy includes digital, visual, media, text and technological literacy. The New Jersey Education Commissioner is responsible for developing information literacy curriculum for use by school districts.


The trend as an innovative tool of pedagogical comparativeness has provided understanding of the essence of the phenomenon of media education and generalization of general directions of its development. The trends of conceptualization, legislative provision, institutionalisation, standardization have been allocated which makes it possible to note that the media education development in developed Englishspeaking countries is characterized by dynamism, systematization, scale, continuity.


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58. Media Literacy now. Illinois Legislation. URL: legislation/illinois-legislation/

59. Muratova N., Grizzle A., Mirzakhmedova D. Media and Information Literacy in Journalism: a Handbook for Journalists and Journalism Educators. Tashkent: Baktria Press, 2019. 128 p.

60. Ryerson University. Making Sense of a Networked World. URL:

61. The Rhode Island Board of Education Act. 2017. URL: Statutes/TITLE16/INDEX.HTM

62. UNESCO. Media and Information Literacy. URL: information-literacy.

63. Washington State Legislature. RCW 28A.650.045. Digital citizenship, internet safety, and media literacy. Best practices and recommendations. Annual review. Model policy update and checklist for future updates. 2016. URL:

64. Wilson C., Grizzle A., Tuazon R., Akyempong K., Cheung C.-K. Media and Information Literacy. Curriculum for Teachers. Paris : UNESCO, 2011. 190 p.

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