Ways to improve students' motivation while mastering English language at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University during distance learning

In research different points of view on the importance of motivation in the learning process are presented. Theoretical and experimental studies of the problem of motivation show that motivation has a decisive role in teaching a foreign language.

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Дата добавления 08.10.2021
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Ways to improve students' motivation while mastering English language at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University during distance learning

Bielovetska L.E.

PhD in Pedagogy,

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Different points of view on the importance of motivation in the learning process are presented. The types of motivation are considered, their relationship with the learning process is determined. Theoretical and experimental studies of the problem of motivation show that motivation has a decisive role in teaching a foreign language. The analysis was performed in written survey on different motives for learning English at VDEUNU during distant learning. The study included 604 participants. The age of students, who studied to gain the first higher education, was between 17 and 20. The research was carried out during the period distant learning due to the quarantine measures of COVID-19. The study is based on a contemporary scientific publications presented international researchers have focused on the problems on motivation in learning English during quarantine. The problems and potential ways of improving students' English language proficiency in the given context are identified. Based on the results, it was found that when learning English, student's internal motives prevail over external ones. It is found that the motives, interests and inclinations,student's social status, as well as different situations are interdependent and constitute a harmonious unity of personality. Ways to increase motivation in learning English during distance learning on the example of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University students are identified.

It was discovered that 25% of respondents study English in order to get a credit, other 32% study English to pass External Independent Evaluation to get admission to Master's degree levels, 16% of respondents believe that the motive for finding a prestigious job is important and career growth, 9% of students learn English to complete tasks, about 6% put forward the motive of understanding scientific texts, 3% believe that learning a foreign language is necessary in order to exchange information between peers, friends, acquaintances, 2% of students see the goal of learning a language to continue studying abroad; 2% - English is a compulsory subject in the university, 2% - students have a special interest in learning foreign languages.

Key words: English, motivation, motives, distance learning, foreign languages.

Шляхи підвищення мотивації студентів під час вивчення англійської мови студентами Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля під час дистанційного навчання

Бєловецька Л.Е.

кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов та професійної комунікації Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Володимира Даля

Представлені різні погляди на важливість мотивації в процесі навчання. Розглянуто види мотивації, визначено їх взаємозв'язок із процесом навчання. Теоретичні та експериментальні дослідження проблеми мотивації показують, що мотивація відіграє вирішальну роль у навчанні іноземної мови. Аналіз проводився в письмовому опитуванні з різних мотивів вивчення англійської мови у ЄНУ ім. В. Даля під час дистанційного навчання. У дослідженні взяли участь 604 учасники. Вік студентів, які навчались, щоб здобути першу вищу освіту, становив від 17 до 20 років. Дослідження проводили протягом періоду дистанційного навчання через карантинні заходи COVID-19.

Дослідження засноване на сучасних наукових публікаціях, представлених міжнародними дослідниками, присвяченими проблемам мотивації вивчення англійської мови під час карантину. Визначено проблеми та потенційні шляхи вдосконалення знань студентів з англійської мови в цьому контексті. За результатами було встановлено, що під час вивчення англійської мови внутрішні мотиви студентів переважають над зовнішніми. Встановлено, що мотиви, інтереси та соціальний статус студента, а також різні ситуації взаємозалежні та становлять гармонійну єдність особистості. Визначено шляхи підвищення мотивації вивчення англійської мови під час дистанційного навчання на прикладі студентів Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля. Було виявлено, що 25% респондентів вивчають англійську мову, щоб отримати залік, інші 32% вивчають англійську, щоб пройти зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання, щоб вступити на рівень магістра, 16% респондентів вважають, що мотив пошуку престижної роботи та кар'єрне зростання є важливим, 9% студентів вивчають англійську для виконання завдань, близько 6% висувають мотив розуміння наукових текстів, 3% вважають, що вивчення іноземної мови необхідно для обміну інформацією між однолітками, друзями, знайомими, 2% студентів вбачають мету вивчення мови у продовженні навчання за кордоном; 2% - тому що англійська мова є обов'язковим предметом в університеті, 2% - студенти мають особливий інтерес до вивчення іноземних мов.

Ключові слова: англійська, мотивація, мотиви, дистанційне навчання, іноземні мови.

Nowadays in Ukraine language education is recognized as one of the main components of higher education. Without knowledge of foreign languages, their active use it is impossible to realize social and professional mobility of both the students, and the future specialist and even the teacher. At present, society has begun to realize a fundamentally new role of language education in the modern information world. Reforming higher education in Ukraine in the context of the Bologna Process states the need to improve and significantly improve the quality of language education. Foreign language education in Ukraine is reformed taking into account the main achievements of European countries in this field and in accordance with such fundamental documents of the Council of Europe as “ Bilingual education: main strategic objectives”, “European recommendations for language education: study, teaching, assessment”, “European language portfolio”, “Bringing exams language in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” and “Requirements for European Examinations” Council of Europe language policy ideas find more and more recognition in our state. motivation english language learning

In 2019 Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine published Conceptual Principles of State Policy on the Development of the English Language in the Field of Higher Education [6]. This document explains the ideology of changes that need to be implemented in English language education. Ministry of Education and Science has decided to provide entry-level B1 for all students at the beginning of their studies, and the goal is for all students to master the language at the appropriate level by 2023. For this purpose, the concept assumes that by 2023, B1 level of English will be required when entering the bachelor's degree.

Quite often motivation is defined as a psychological quality that leads a person to goal achievement. In domestic psychology, the study of motivation has a long tradition. Modern ideas about motivation originate from the concepts of O. Leontiev, S. Rubinstein, D. Uznadze [5; 7; 9]. O. Leontiev defines that the motive is not the experience of a need, but the objective in what this need is concretized under such conditions and what the activity is aimed at. He distinguishes between the concepts of motive and purpose. The goal is a preliminary result that a person imagines. Motive - the motivation to achieve the goal [5].

S. Rubinstein believes that objects and phenomena of the external world are not only objects of knowledge, but also a kind of engine of behaviour, which give birth to certain motivations in man [7].

The reality of today is that the hiring of specialists is usually carried out on the basis of competitive selection, one of the requirements of which is proficiency in a foreign language, which indicates the growing social significance of a foreign language in modern socio-economic conditions. This creates healthy competition and encourages young people to strive for a better education, to improve their English proficiency.

In this context, significant opportunities open up in the study of the structure of motivation and the use of motivational reserves for successful solving the problem of developing language competence. Theoretical and experimental studies of the problem of motivation show that motivation has a decisive role in teaching a foreign language.

Effective use of motivation allows to identify the internal reserves of the individual for its development, training and education. Motivation as the most flexible education is subject to change depending on the social and economic situation. This makes the problem of motivation significantly relevant and requires constant study.

Purpose of the article. In this article, we will understand motivation as a pedagogical influence, methods and techniques of teaching English, which encourage students to better learn English. The purpose of the article is to identify ways to increase motivation in learning English during distance learning on the example of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University students

Presentation of the main material. In today's world, the term “distance learning” originated from the needs of society and in a short period of time combined all the benefits of using modern technologies in the educational process, namely the use of social networks and multimedia with traditional methods.

Ukrainian legislation supports the rapid development of distance education. This is confirmed by various provisions and regulations of Ukrainian legislation on this topic, namely the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, “Concept of distance education in Ukraine”, “Regulations on distance learning”, the state program “Education” and quarantine measures introduced in Ukraine due to coronavirus COVID-19.

Nowadays, learning English is relevant at VDEUNU in connection with external independent evaluation in English, participation in international conferences, meetings with native speakers, foreign students' internships and grants, reception of foreign delegations. In this regard, teachers are faced with the task of creating a language environment for foreign language communication in the process of learning a language remotely, as close as possible to natural conditions.

The most important factor in learning to communicate in English is the motivation to learn a foreign language. Motivation should be understood as the organization of such educational activities, which are aimed at a deeper study of English, its improvement and the desire to develop the needs of learning a foreign language. Therefore, it is necessary to create such conditions in educational activities that promote the development of a student's high level of cognitive interest in learning English.

According to Zhu Quan “Motivation is a frequently used word both in our daily work and study. A teacher might encourage his/her students by asking “Given motivation, anyone can learn a language”. Thus, it shows in language learning that motivation is very crucial, and actually the same as aptitude, intelligence and attitudes, it is an important factor which can greatly influence the achievements of learners' second language or foreign language acquisition” [10].

While discussing motivation we should take into account motives. The motive is seen as an internal interest in educational activities caused by needs of the student, social status, upbringing in the family. There are two types of motives: internal and external. Internal motives develop under the influence of their own thoughts student, aspirations, experiences, the emergence of certain needs, resulting in an awareness of inner necessity.

The main factors that contribute to the formation of students' positive motives for learning English are: understanding learning objectives and outcomes; content of the lesson, authentic materials; development of students' cognitive abilities; interest; professional orientation; awareness of the importance of the acquired knowledge; assessment; a great desire to learn English; necessity to pass EIE in English.

External motives are not related to the content of the study material. They include: duty (the student must study this subject to get credit, pass the exam); assessment (the desire to score as many points per module per semester). However, it is necessary to take into account not only the assessment, but also the student's motivating role; assessment of the student by the teacher. The teacher creates motivation in the student by his example, interest, respect. The attitude to the teacher automatically turns into the attitude to the subject. The teacher must be a leader in the process of cognition, authority in all areas of communication with students. There is no stronger motivator than your own positive example, the teacher's interest in the English language and culture of the country of the studied language.

Personal interest (to find a well-paid job). Nowadays, English proficiency is becoming a mandatory requirement not only for foreign but also Ukrainian employers. Fluency in a foreign language, along with good professional skills, will allow a specialist to get a decent job and have a successful career; use of English as a means of receiving and exchanging information, using a computer and the Internet to gain knowledge in various fields of science and technology, using various programs to perform calculations, course projects and educational tasks; studying English for the purpose of career growth - passing international exams TOEFL, IELTS, APTIS in order to find a job abroad; study of the culture and history of the country whose language is being studied; learning the language in order to make tourist trips to communicate with other people, etc.; desire to improve their knowledge by studying abroad; enjoying learning foreign languages in order to communicate with peers from foreign countries; improving spoken language skills for participation in international conferences and meetings; self-affirmation (student learns a language to achieve a certain status in life); self-realization in life (the student wants to achieve great success during his studies, to get excellent grades in exams, to defend a diploma); social motive (the student realizes the social significance of learning English); any other motives.

The teacher's task is to teach students to communicate in English, creating certain situations that will help them in life and teach them to find the best solution. This requires raising the professional level of the teacher, constant improvement of knowledge of the subject. Interest in the process of learning a foreign language is based on internal motives that come from the foreign language activity.

In recent years, classes aimed at teaching students, undergraduates and graduate students to prepare presentations in English have been significant. An alternation of various types of activities and distance learning plays an important role in increasing students' motivation.

Teachers use different types of interesting distance work in the classroom: classes-discussion of various topics; group discussions with students via Skype, Zoom, etc.; round tables; mini-conferences in groups; tests; online presentations with sharing screen, as well as video classes. Students select material for their presentation via the Internet and articles in English from the original journals. They prepare their presentations in the form of slides in the Power Point in certain areas of their specialization. Teachers not only check ready-made presentations and reports, but also conduct classes with students remotely in Skype, Zoom, etc.

Such classes are conducted by many teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication VDEUNU.

For many students, the main motive is to take a test or exam and get a positive grade in English. Therefore, the teacher has a task: to develop positive, cognitive motives in those students who have no interest in this subject: to increase the level of positive intrinsic motivation. It depends on the success of the student, skills, teacher qualifications, teaching methods that contribute to the acquisition of excellent knowledge, and many other factors. Poor quality of teaching, misunderstanding of the subject, numerous mistakes, reflect student's interest in language learning.

The research and experimental work were conducted at the Department of Foreign languages and professional communication Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine).

Overall the research included 604 participants. The age of students, who studied to gain the first higher education, was between 17 and 20. The research was carried out during the period distant learning due to the quarantine measures of COVID-19.

In the study, we used such methods as a questionnaire. The questionnaire of the students and was held on the basis of modern service Moodle. This service gives an opportunity to make a questionnaire of any type and any theme. The author can choose the number of answers in accordance with the theme chosen.

Fig. 1. Diagram of VDEUNU students' motivation in learning English

The participants of the research were asked to choose the motives that guide them in studying English. The results of the analysis are presented in the diagram.

Based on the results, we can conclude that when learning English, the internal motives of students prevail over external.

25% of respondents study English in order to get a credit.

Other 32% study English to pass External Independent Evaluation to get admission to Master's degree levels.

It is necessary to point out that usually the ESP course that introduces students to their profession is taught during the 1st and 2nd year of study, in some universities particularly, in Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University - during only 3rd semester. The restricted amount of English classes at non-linguistic universities only complicates the necessity of teaching professionally-oriented English to develop all the necessary English communication skills and competences as well as to reach the target level B2 [2].

That's why preparatory English courses for EIE are very popular for students of different levels.

16% of respondents believe that the motive for finding a prestigious job is important and career growth. Many students believe that for any highly educated person, the search for a prestigious, well- paid job in large cities, including abroad, depends largely on foreign languages proficiency. Therefore, they strive for perfect command of English. The motive of self-affirmation prevails here.

Approximately 9% of students learn English to complete tasks, projects, calculations.

Among the surveyed students, about 6% put forward the motive of understanding scientific texts, as the works of many great scientists are written in English. Every educated person should be able to read and understand the instructions and specifications for the installation and operation of various devices and mechanisms, written in English.

Some students (3%) believe that learning a foreign language is necessary in order to exchange information between peers, friends, acquaintances.

2% of students see the goal of learning a language to continue studying abroad; 2% - because English is a compulsory subject in the university; 2% - because they have a special interest in learning foreign languages.


Motivational aspect is important for the activation of all psychological processes - thinking, perception, understanding and assimilation of foreign language material. Motives, areas of desire, interests and inclinations, worldview, student status, as well as different situations are interdependent and constitute a harmonious unity of personality. All this is an inner force that motivates the student to learn a foreign language and creates a positive attitude to learning English. To do this, it is necessary to increase levels of motivation, promoting the development of knowledge and intellectual activity in students, which, in turn, leads to increased efficiency of the learning process.


1. Aristova N.O. (2013) Formuvannja motivacii vivchennja inozemnoi movi u studentiv viwih nelingvistichnih navchal'nih zakladiv [Formation of motivation to learn a foreign language in students of higher non- linguistic educational institutions] : Dis... kand. ped. Nauk : 13.00.04. Kyiv. URL: http://disser.com.ua/ content/3590944.html. (date of appeal: 25.07.2020) (ukr).

2. Bielovetska L.E. (2020) External independent evaluation in English as a criterion for admission to master's degree programs in Ukraine: problems and perspectives. Spirituality of a Personality: Theory, Methodology and Practice: collection scientific papers / Editor-in-chief Galyna P. Shevchenko. Issue 1 (94). Sievierodonetsk: Publishing House of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. P. 39-50 (eng)

3. Gardner R.C. (2001) Language Learning Motivation: The Student, the Teacher, and the Researcher. Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education.]. URL: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED464495.pdf (date of appeal: 21.06.2020) (eng).

4. Jakobson P.M. (1969) Psihologicheskie problemy motivacii v povedenii cheloveka [Psychological problems of motivation in human behavior] Moscow: Prosvewenie. 317 P. (rus)

5. Leont'ev A.N. (1983) Izbrannye psihologicheskie proizvedenija [Selected psychological works] V 2 t. M. Pedagogika.T. 2. 320 P. (rus)

6. MON stvorilo koncepciyu rozvitku anglijskoyi v universitetah u dodatku riven B1 obovyazkova umova vstupu B2 vipusku vikladannya profilnih disciplin-inozemnoyu ta movni skriningi [Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has created the concept of development of English at universities in the application level B1 as a prerequisite for entry, B2 of the issue of teaching foreign disciplines and language screenings]. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/mon-stvorilo-koncepciyu-rozvitku-anglijskoyi-v-univer- sitetah-u-dodatku-riven-v1-obovyazkova-umova-vstupu-v2-vipusku-vikladannya-profilnih-disciplin-ino- zemnoyu-ta-movni-skriningi. (date of appeal: 15.08.2020) (ukr).

7. Rubinshtejn S.L. Osnovy obshej psihologii [Basics of general psychology] Moscow : Uchpedgiz. 1946. 704 p. (rus)

8. Standards Ukraine. (2013). The National Education Development Strategy in Ukraine for the period up to 2021 [The Decree of the President of Ukraine, 344, dated by 25 June 2013]. URL: http://www.president.gov.ua/documents/15828.html (date of appeal:1.07.2020) (eng).

9. Uznadze D.N. (1966) Psihologicheskie issledovanija. [Psychological research] Moscow : Nauka. P. 404-407. (rus)

10. Zhu Quan (2014). Motivation for a second or foreign language learning. IFSRAP 2013 - The First International Forum on Studies of Rural Areas and Peasants. SHS Web of Conferences Volume 6, DOI: 10.1051/ shsconf/20140604004 URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270837339_Motivation_for_a_ Second_or_Foreign_Language_Learning (date of appeal:24.08.2020) (eng).

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