On the issue of implementing language learning strategies in the practice of the higher education institutions by means of information technologies in accordance with the requirements of the bologna process

Focuses on the need of examining the concept of "information culture". The Bologna Process is characterized as an indicator of three main global trends. The introduction of the language strategies in the practice of student learning is analyzed.

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Ukrainian National Forestry University

On the issue of implementing language learning strategies in the practice of the higher education institutions by means of information technologies in accordance with the requirements of the bologna process

Vanivska Oleksandra, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Languages Department

У статті акцентується увага на необхідності оновлення змісту та методів реалізації мовних стратегій, досліджено поняття “інформаційна культура”, охарактеризовано Болонський процес, як індикатор трьох основних глобальних тенденцій. Проаналізовано впровадження мовних стратегій у практику навчання студентів, що дозволяє здійснювати більш інтенсивне спілкування.

Ключові слова: інформаційні технології; іноземна мова; мовні стратегії, Болонський процес; вища школа, навчальний процес.


VANIVSKA Oleksandra,

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Languages Department,

Ukrainian National Forestry University


Introduction. Modern conditions for the development of European higher education lead to the integration of knowledge of foreign languages and innovative technologies. An important place and role among the factors that provide innovative development of education belongs to 'linguistic strategies', the implementation and updating of which is now given the highest priority in different countries of the world, since it broadens contacts between people, provides communication, promotes understanding and establishes international contacts. Language strategies today are one of the components of intercultural communication, therefore the ability to apply them in real professional work is relevant and expedient.

Purpose of the article is to analyze the main aspects of modern information technologies into the system of language learning strategies in higher education institutions.

Results. The introduction of information technologies into the implementation system of language learning strategies has certain specific features that determine the essential aspects of this process development.

The key ones among these are internationality, parallelism, accessibility, flexibility, modularity, shareability, cost effectiveness, adaptability, teacher's proficiency, positive effect on the listener, quality, etc.

The article focuses on the need of examining the concept of “information culture ”, as the ability to work purposefully with information and to use modern information technologies, modern technical means and methods for receiving, processing, and transferring this information. Consequently, the level of information culture of a person is largely responsible for the feasibility of establishing intensive professional educational contacts in modern educational space. One important component of information culture is teachers' ability to anticipate the consequences of their own actions, to subordinate their interests to society-accepted standards of behaviour, which are developed by the "collective intelligence”.

The Bologna process is indicative of three major global trends that actively influence the establishment of intensive professional contacts in Ukraine and abroad, so we can speak of a broader process which creates a global intellectual climate, the international academic mobility, it is part of the knowledge-based economy that is emerging and it is closely connected with changes in the established forms of power and influences in the modern world.

Conclusions. On the basis of analysis of the modern state of education, it is established multimedia training programmes allow to teach and practice pronunciation in a higher education institution, to master grammar, and listen to "native speakers" at a high professional level. Mastering computer networks makes it possible to obtain many useful materials from training centers via the Internet. The use of foreign experience to implement language learning strategies by means of information technologies in the practice of higher education institutions will make it possible to intensify training of students according to the Bologna agreements.

Key words: information technologies; foreign language; language learning strategies; Bologna process; higher education system; educational process.


The rapid changes which occur in the Ukrainian society, modernization of the education system, achievements in the theory and practice of professional education have necessitated the Ukrainian higher education system updating the content and methods of implemetation of language learning strategies. It follows from what has been said that the modern language learning strategies require their implementation, continuous developing and boosting. Ukrainian universities use such strategies primarily by implementing the Bologna agreement. This involves the introduction of modern information technologies in the implementation system of language learning strategies. The main directions of intensification of such process are establishing intensive professional contacts both in this country and in the European education space, which leads to increasing motivation of students for professional education; greater access of students to foreign "language matrix" that is being studied; the establishment of international language telecommunication, which is implemented through new content of educational material; democratization of subject-subject relations in the higher education; increasing the opportunities for ensuring student-centered approach in the process of learning foreign languages, which enables future professionals to implement in practice their professional skills acquired during higher learning; ensuring a permanent control of the quality of education, etc.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of implementing language learning strategies in the practice of the higher education system by means of information technologies is constantly in the focus of scientists' attention. The twentieth century not only improved foreign language studies, but it also mainstreamed language learning strategies in their diverse aspects. In particular, significant contributions to their study were made by V.von Humboldt, F. De Saussure, O. Potebnya, N. Khomsky, L. Shcherba and others. Among modern researchers of these problems are the scientists such as S. Veselovsky, M. Bilousov, I. Burakivsky, L. Gaidukov, L. Gubersky, S. Godun, A. Dugin, V. Kopiyka, V. Krushynsky, V. Manzhola, Mingazutdinov, G. Nemyria, O. Pavlyuk, D. Sidzhansky, M. Srezhniova, and also Z. Brzezynsky, B. Gumenyuk, A. Zlenko.

The basis for solving problems of information technology use in the higher learning is laid in the works by B.Hershunsky, V.Glushkov, A.Gokun, M.Zhaldak, T.Kodzha, and others. The analysis of issues of using information technologies in the educational process and ways of addressing them is the subject of many works by foreign and domestic experts, in particular P. Agoyants, S. Alessi, Yu. Schreider, N. Alpatova, V. Cohen, N. Merrill, P. Atkinson, E. Nosenko, V. Bespalko, Yu. Ramsky, I. Chambers, B. Slipak, V. Mikhalevich, O. Kartashova.

This article aims at analyzing the main lines of intensification of introducing modern information technologies into the implementation system of language learning strategies in higher education institutions.

Presentation of the basic material

The introduction of information technologies into the implementation system of language learning strategies has certain specific features that determine the essential aspects of this process development. The key ones among these are internationality, parallelism, accessibility, flexibility, modularity, shareability, cost effectiveness, adaptability, teacher's proficiency, positive effect on the listener, quality, etc. Consider them in detail, since the theory of professional education involves participation of students in the global education space according to the requirements of the Bologna process.

Internationality of information technologies in the implemetation system of language learning strategies determines an opportunity for students to acquire professional knowledge of a foreign language in educational institutions overseas, as well as the provision of appropriate educational services to foreign citizens and compatriots living both in Ukraine and abroad.

Parallelism of information technologies in the implementation system of language learning strategies shows that learning foreign languages is carried out simultaneously with professional activities (or training in other areas), that is, on-the-job training or without interruption of other activities.

Accessibility to information technologies in the implementation system of language learning strategies emphasizes equal opportunities for learning foreign languages, regardless of place of residence, state of health, and social status.

Flexibility of information technologies in the implementation system of language learning strategies involves, first of all, learning foreign languages not only in higher education institutions, but also without attending regular classes. Such technologies create the conditions for language learners to study at a convenient time and in a convenient location.

Modularity of information technologies in the system of implementation of language learning strategies suggests that the foreign language teaching programme should be based on the modular principle. Its essence lies in the fact that each separate course builds for a student or participant a holistic view of the individual subject discipline. This allows a set of independent courses-modules to be organized to draw upan education programme that meets individual or group needs.

Shareability of information technologies in the system of implementation of language learning strategies involves simultaneous access of a large number of participants to many sources of educational communication information by means of a telecommunication link between students themselves and with teachers as well.

Cost effectiveness of information technologies in the system of implementation of language learning strategies is evident given effective use of training space and technical resources, concentrated and unified presentation of information, use and development of computer modeling, etc. The implementation of these learning process aspects always leads to a decrease in the cost of specialist training. language student information

Adaptability of the information technologies in the implementation system of language learning strategies is based on the use in educational process of new achievements, which facilitates the entry of a person into the world information space.

Proficiency of teachers who use information technologies during the implementation of language learning strategies is increased significantly because their role in the educational process is risingand being updated to meet new requirements of present-day society. The use of information technologies for learning foreign languages makes the teacher a mentor and advisor who will coordinate the educational process, continually improve the course which he/she teaches, intensify their creative activities and improve skills in accordance with the innovations being implemented.

The positive influence of information technologies in the system of implementation of language learning strategies on the person who is learning occurs by increasing the creative and intellectual potential of the person receiving distance education owing to self-organization, enxiety for knowledge, the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies, the ability to make their own responsible decisions.

The quality of information technologies in the system of implementation of language learning strategies is at the highest level as the preparation of didactic means involves participation of the best members of academic staff, and the most modern educational and methodological materials are used; it is expected to introduce a specialized distance education quality control to meet educational standards.

Widespread application of new information and communication technologies in all spheres of human activity has given prominence to the issue of training professionals who are able to work effectively in the conditions of informational society, where information and knowledge become an important resource as well as a genuine driving force for socio-economic, technological and cultural development. In view of this, an indispensable attribute of high professionalism of the teacher is mastery of foreign languages. And with respect to modern requirements for the knowledge of a foreign language by specialists in different fields, mastering it is seen as a process of acquisition of communicative competence, the level of which should not be lower than that which allows you to use the language practically. Therefore, one of the priorities in modern education should be learning of foreign language to the level when it becomes a means of expressing one's own thoughts. When mastering professional communication, students learn to use the foreign language taking into account the given situation of communication and pragmatic effect on the partner during the communication activity. "The established" teacher should have a good command of a foreign language so that to have the knowledge of all the elements that make up the text - both linguistic (knowledge of phonemic composition, knowledge of words, grammatical forms, etc.) and non- linguistic (awareness of social norms, cultural background knowledge, etc.). The implementation of communicative principle implies preservation in the speech training practice of all the main characteristics and conditions of the natural process of communication: motivation of statements, their focus on a particular person, contextuality, variability, emotional colouring, etc. [6, c. 42].

While a few years ago, it was specialist linguists who were mostly interested in the problem of implementing language learning strategies, nowdue attention is being paid also by representatives of Information Service. On their part, there is a new perception of this problem, especially in the field of higher education. However, the main attention of researchers is being paid to introduction of information technologies into the implementation of language learning strategies first of all in technical education institutions.

At the same time, one can observe an insufficient level of information culture in future teachers of foreign language [1, c. 47; 2, c. 34], in fact, almost in all graduates of teachers' training colleges. After all, information culture is, first of all, the ability to work purposefully with information and to use modern information technologies, modern technical means and methods for receiving, processing, and transferring this information. Consequently, the level of information culture of a person is largely responsible for the feasibility of establishing intensive professional educational contacts inmodern educational space.

One important component of information culture is teachers' ability to anticipate the consequences of their own actions, to subordinate their interests to society-accepted standards of behaviour, which are developed by the "collective intelligence". This is of particular importance for foreign language teachers who need to comply not only with generally accepted in their own country behavioural norms, but also with information culture principles of the country whose language is studied. Therefore, already at the stage of formation of communicative competence in specialists, there is a need to train a person to be a communication-active personality, who is able to provide adequate intercultural communication, dialogue of cultures [3, c. 11-12]. They need to know and understand the specifics of the country whose language is studied, its culture, history, traditions, mentality. The ignorance of the realities of culture and social behaviour can lead to mutual misunderstandings and contact loss by the parties of the communication. Language learning should be approached to different situations of real communication under conditions of the sociocultural environment of the people - native speakers. That is why the communicative, cultural, and sociological aspects of communication in a foreign language take on particular importance in view of the implementation of language learning.

It is immediately apparent from the foregoing that the existing information technologies, modern structure of information resources, information-intensive forms of teaching activity require a different level of the teacher's background in information technology, as well as higher quality of information knowledge and teaching skills. Therefore, it is imperative that information culture of foreign language teachers be purposefully shaped as an important component of their general pedagogical culture and its development [4, c. 78-79].

The European higher education space offers tremendous opportunities. Respecting our national identity, we, however, must make an effort to destroy the boundaries in order to develop the structure of teaching and learning which would increase mobility and close cooperation. Students must have access to a variety of educational programmes, including the opportunity for multidisciplinary learning, develop language skills and use new information technologies [5, c. 12].

However, despite the fact that not all higher education institutions have accepted and understood the requirements of the Bologna process, Ukraine gradually begins to adapt to more mobile Western education market and train highly qualified specialists with a deep inherent knowledge of foreign languages.

From this point of view, the Bologna process is indicative of three major global trends that actively influence the establishment of intensive professional contacts in Ukraine and abroad.

Firstly, we can speak of a broader process which creates a global intellectual climate, the international academic mobility. A large amount of information is transmitted through a computer network, but knowledge is also carried across the planet by more conventional methods: by the mobility of students and teachers, academic programmes, standards and teaching methods. The most versatile carriers of information are people. Therefore, the processes of academic mobility, exchange and standardization are an important component of intensification of language learning strategies. Ukraine cannot remain isolated from these intensification processes, as well as nobody can ignore the deepening of professional educational contacts both in this country and in the European educational space.

Secondly, the Bologna process is part of the knowledge-based economy that is emerging. In today's world, knowledge has become a major factor of production, giving the highest return on investment. Regarding competitiveness and sustainability in general, the economy of any country requires openness and internationalization of its knowledge potential, brain and innovation markets, as well as investment in the education sector. Owing to the expansion of economic, political and cultural relations between the countries, a perfect knowledge of foreign languages has become an urgent need. Therefore, one of the incentives to highten interest in learning foreign languages is bridging the economic gap in general and tapping into the vast opportunities presented by the knowledge-based economy in particular.

Thirdly, the emergence of the Bologna process is closely connected with changes in the established forms of power and influences in the modern world. Traditional categories of state power - territory, natural resources, armed forces, etc., "yield their positions to the competitive economy, effective management, active diplomacy and moral authority, an attractive international image of the nation, as well as the quality of its human potential. The fact that Europe brings together all the resources in the field of higher education, indicates the priority of the tools of "soft power" [6, c. 22-23]. Historically, in Ukraine, there has been a very strong dependence on the existing geopolitical situation, territories and natural resources. This means that the Bologna process for Ukraine is one of the manifestations of "soft power", a means of increasing attractiveness and competitiveness on a global scale and feasibility of using the most valuable national resource - human potential.

With the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, an access to foreign "language matrix" that is being studiedhas been greatly expanded for students at Ukrainian higher education institutions. Although the majority of secondary schools still require only one foreign language for the study, but in gymnasiums, lyceums, specialist schools, the study of two foreign languagesis gaining pace.

However, the quality of teaching foreign languages in the Ukrainian higher educational institutions over the past decade has been going downward - there are no system and multi-faceted approaches, integrity, and good textbooks. Sometimes even postgraduates are now not able tomake themselves understood in a foreign language, although the domestic methods of teaching are not inferior to foreign ones. However, we should not think that the educational process abroad is organized perfectly and that everyone should look up to it without question. According to experts, the United States and Canada have recently seen a big regression in foreign language studies [7].


The above actualizes the problem of using new information technologies in teaching foreign languages. Today, multimedia training programmes allow you to teach and practice pronunciation in a higher education institution, to master grammar, and listen to "native speakers" at a high professional level. Mastering computer networks makes it possible to obtain many useful materials from training centers via the Internet. The use of foreign experience to implement language learning strategies by means of information technologies in the practice of higher education institutions will make it possible to intensify training of students according to the Bologna agreements.


1. Belyaeva, A.S. (1997). The use of intrasubject and intersubject communications for special purposes in the study of a foreign language. Strategies and teaching methods for languages for special purposes. Kyiv (in Ukr.)

2. Pidkurganna, G.O. (2000). New technologies of teaching in the artistic and pedagogical preparation of future specialists in preschool education. Kyiv: Vol. 27 (in Ukr.)

3. Gubersky, L. (2002). Culture, ideology, personality: Methodological and ideological analysis. Kyiv (in Ukr.)

4. Alfimova, N.A. (2000). Psychological conditions for the formation and mastering of language as a sign system: (PhD dissertation in Psichology). Kharkiv (in Ukr.)

5. Sorbonne Declaration (2003) "Harmonization of the structure of the higher education system in Europe (concluded by four ministers of France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). Kyiv- Ternopil (in Ukr.)

6. The Bologna process and its significance for Rusia (2005). Integration of higher education in Europe. Moscow (in Rus.)

7. Lyulya, V. (2003). In the United States, the relativity of democracy is striking. Lviv (in Ukr.)

8. Ogurtsov, A.P. (2000). Training of Graduates of Higher Educational Institutions for Work in the Conditions of the Formation of a Market Economy. Kyiv: Vol. 26 (in Ukr.)

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