Сущность понятия "доисторическая научная грамотность". Данные армянских средневековых историков. Фракия, Сарматия, Савроматия и дом Торгома как основные потенциальные источники - генераторы доисторической научной грамотности. О разгадке тайны двенадцати.
Национальные особенности общения военнослужащих в России. Воинский речевой этикет как совокупность правил поведения, общения военнослужащих в служебных и внеслужебных сферах деятельности, межличностных отношений, носящих ритуальный характер обращений.
Статья посвящена рассмотрению вопроса участия выходцев из стран Центрально-Азиатского региона в террористической деятельности как на территории России, так и в целом в мире. Изучены сведения об организаторах и исполнителях ряда террористических актов.
- 4. O.O. Sozinov - a prominent Ukrainian agrobiologist and organizer of domestic agricultural science
Studying the achievements of O.O. Sozinova in the development of agricultural research in Ukraine. The contribution of the scientific school of the famous agrobiologist to the development of the basics of biochemical and molecular genetics of plants.
The struggle of law enforcement and judicial bodies of the rule of law, as well as society as a whole with the manifestations of crime. Development of the latest effective means of combating criminal offenses. Their objective and subjective features.
Analysis of criminal offenses, their essence, structure of constituent system elements, forms of external manifestation. Approaches to the development of the latest effective means of combating criminal offenses, research into their object, properties.
Establishing the need to research crimes, their essence, the structure of constituent system elements, forms of external manifestation. Assessment of the mandatory condition for the development of the latest effective means of combating criminal offenses.
Consideration of measures to protect the population from emergency situations, it is a timely warning about the danger of the situation, which developed as a result of its implementation. Informing about the rules of conduct in emergency situations.
The competitive industrial production like one of the basic conditions of high achievements in socio-economic development of each region. Characteristics of the main ways which promote regional authorities to raise competitiveness of enterprises.
- 10. Obscure philosophical heritage of Christian Forchtegott Gellert: an experience of conceptualization
Formation of national mentality. Study of Gellert's work. Enriching the idea of the process of formation of German Enlightenment philosophy, its internal controversy with the worldview of classicism. Solving educational problems by means of philosophy.
Ensuring compliance with the constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen of Ukraine during a pre-trial investigation. Generalization of the practice of the Court of Cassation on the evaluation of the results of surveillance of a person.
Schematic of one simple form of Marinov motor. Torque Formulas. Analysis for Arbitrary Magnet Cross Section Shapes. Torsion Balance Measurement of Torque. Schematic of torsion balance used in presentlyreported torque measurements. A balance calibration.
- 13. Occlusive diseases of arteries of the low extremities. Thrombosis and embolism of the main vessels
Major occlusive disease of the arteries, a major risk factors of atherosclerosis. Classification of diseases according to Fontaine-Pokrovsky. Features of obliterative endarteritis. Branches of the posterior tibial and the anterior tibial artery.
The study shows the importance of monitoring the impact of new technologies on the development of labor relations and employment in order to identify risk areas. This is followed by a synopsis of research on the impact of nanotechnology on the workforce.
Вoccтaнoвлeниe экoнoмики Япoнии в пocлeвoeнный пepиoд, анализ ее современного состояния и дальнейшие перспективы, исследование динамики. Внeшнeэкoнoмичecкaя cтpaтeгия исследуемого государства. Poccийcкo-япoнcкoe тopгoвo-экoнoмичecкoe coтpудничecтвo.
Повноваження регіональних та місцевих прокуратур у частині виконання конституційних функцій. Порядок атестування слідчих органів прокуратури України. Забезпечення безпеки осіб, які беруть участь у кримінальному судочинстві. Державний захист суддів.
Пoнятиe, cущнocть и элeмeнты пpaвoвoй cиcтeмы, их особенности, применение и возможная классификация. Описание и отличительные черты рoмaнo-гepмaнcкой и англo-caкcoнcкой пpaвoвой cиcтeмы. Характеристика и специфика пpaвoвыx cиcтeм cтpaн иcлaмcкoгo миpa.
The issue of authorship of Homeric epics. The use in Homer's Odyssey of the topos of a person wandering in search of lost members of his family. Determination of the repeatability of plot tops used in the religious propaganda of Judeo-Christians.
This paper focuses on explaining the reasons concerned and indicates that this relationship is also helpful to understand the relationship between government and Hollywood during the early cold war. Hollywood movie, as the pop-culture centerpiece.
Examines the practice of using such formats of informational promotion as "social media" and "traditional mass media" to maintain the official image of China, particularly in the Ukrainian information space. Characteristics of stereotypes about China.
Сутність рекламних інструментів. Структуризація основних інструментів online- та offline-реклами, їх головні переваги та недоліки використання. Поділ рекламного ринку України за використанням інструментів. Доцільність вибору рекламного інструменту.
Acquaintance with the features of the study of the economic essence of offset agreements. Consideration of directions for increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy in world markets. The essence of the concept of "international trade".
Manifestation of the mitigating effect of oil on the internal conflict with the further improvement of political institutions in the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. Ineffectiveness of military spending in reducing the risk of internal conflict in SSA.
- 24. Old English
The history of Old English and its development. The Old English Substantive. The Old English Adjective. Examples of Celtic influence in place names. The Old English Pronoun, Numeral, Adverb. The Old English Verb. The Old English Auxiliary Words.
Modern estimates of the total vocabulary of old English. The old English vocabulary, its etymology, word structure, word building and stylistic differentiation. Using of derivation and word-composition in old English. The mutation of the root-vowel.
Consideration of the Ancient Frisian expletive vocabulary, analysis of simplices and compound words attested in Ancient Frisian sources. Important linguistic and historical features of the ancient Germanic material on a very limited lexical sample.
- 27. Oligarchs and judges: the political economy of the courts in post-soviet unconsolidated democracies
A study of increasing judicial interference in distribution of political and economic power in a number of post-Soviet countries since 2014. Familiarization with the opinion that the courts in the post-Soviet states are subordinated to executive branch.
History of creation Olympic and Paralympics games. What games were played original Olympic games and that play today. What is the sports for invalids? Comparison of these kinds of competitions, the analysis of features and development of both games.
The relationship between omnichannel and the profitability of the trading business. Using the omnichannel approach in retail in view of the current realities caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Metrics of efficiency of application of omnichannel approach.
The electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor for a system of charged particles and its "gauge renormalization". Classical electrodynamics after "gauge renormalization". The momentum of free and bound EM fields. Proper mass of electron and Poincare stresses.