Изучение эффективности антиокислительного действия антиоксиданта N-2-этилгексил-N’-фенил-п-фенилендиамина (8ПФДА) на примере модельной реакции инициированного окисления этилбензола. Кинетика реакции окисления в присутствии ингибирующих добавок 8ПФДА.
Ацилирование - это введение ацильной группы (ацила) RCO в молекулу органического соединения путем замещения атома водорода. Механизм замещения. Ацилирование по Фриделю-Крафтсу. Образование донорно-акцепторного комплекса из ацилгалогенида и кислоты Льюиса.
Особенности получения новых функциональных производных N-гетарил-2,2-дихлорацетамидинов на основе легкодоступных N-(1-изотиоцианато-2,2,2-трихлорэтил)амидов карбоновых кислот. Анализ строения полученных соединений с помощью спектральных исследований.
Особенности возникновения задачи о случайной встрече при анализе многих физико-химических и социальных процессов. Исследование трехмерного случая задачи о встрече и обобщение полученного решения для произвольного числа участников случайной встречи.
Финансовое состояние предприятия. Стратегия продвижения новых марок пива. Определение затрат и доходов. Формирование потока чистых средств. Оценка экономической и коммерческой эффективности инвестиций. Страхование коммерческого риска и юридическая защита.
Исходные данные и характеристика предприятия. Прогноз конъюнктуры рынка. Определение затрат и доходов. Формирование потока чистых средств. Оценка экономической и коммерческой эффективности инвестиций. Страхование коммерческого риска и юридическая защита.
Скрининг в качестве потенциальных противовирусных агентов взаимодействия этиловых эфиров 2-гидрокси-4-оксо-4Н-пиридо[1,2-а]пиримидин-3-карбоновых кислот с 2-арилэтиламинами в кипящем этиловом спирте. Синтез группы соответствующих фенетил-карбоксамидов.
Закономірності антиокиснювальної дії N-фенілантранілатів лужноземельних металів в різних дисперсійних середовищах. Кінетичні механізми обриву ланцюгів окиснення органічних сполук. Пошук малотоксичних поліфункціональних присадок до нафтопродуктів, біопалив
Distinctive properties of the visual culture of contemporary society. Determination of the specifics of the works of the naive direction. Artistic and compositional features of primitive art. Revival of interest to the folk themes in design of clothes.
Definition, the basic physical and chemical properties, advantages and possibilities of application of nano-emulsions in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, chemical industries. Characteristics of the methods and mechanisms for obtaining nanoemulsions.
To study the prospects of using nanoemulsion in the modern pharmaceutical industry. Bioavailability of colloidal solutions. The ability of the solubility of nanoemulsions and their ability to protect drugs from hydrolysis and enzymatic degradation.
Using transmission electron microscopy methods the layer by layer analysis of the bulk hardened superior quality rails is carried out, phase state and defect substructure gradients are established. Character of changing of structure-phase states.
Reaction of the cyclic carbonate. The hybrid materials that contain epoxy and acrylic compounds. Nonisocyanate polyurethane materials based on carbonate oligomers. Organic composites comprising of silanes. The use of polyurethane materials as coatings.
- 14. Nanotechnologies
Development of modern molecular technology. Existing protein machines, designing with protein. Universal Assemblers - these second-generation nanomachines, built of more than just proteins. Molecular computers, nanocomputers and disassemblers today.
The influence of evangelistic preaching on Christ and the emergence and development of biblical psychology. The discovery of the narrative aspect of the phenomenon, which facilitates the appeal to the spiritual structures of the person of Christ.
The analyzes the biography and specifics of Oksana Dragomanova’s artistic works. Oksana Dragomanova is known not only as a translator of works of Western European literature, the founder and activist of the Ukrainian women’s movement but also as a writer.
- 17. Narrative style
Рассмотрение видов точек зрения повествования, которые используют писатели в художественной литературе. Особенности и преимущества использования точки зрения Third person omniscient. Характеристика и отличительные черты типов структуры повествования.
Peculiarities of the author's presence in biographical literary texts. Identifying the difference between the author and the narrator. Types of narration in the work of U. Isaacson. Study of author's digressions of a philosophical and historical nature.
Peculiarities of the author's presence in artistic and biographical texts, the difference between the author and the narrator. The essence of the narrator as a moderator of the author's intentionality in the essay by U. Isaacson "Steve Jobs: Biography".
Ocena skali masowych naruszen praw czlowieka w kontekscie licznych naruszen miedzynarodowych praw czlowieka i miedzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego popelnianych przez Rosjan. Naruszenie zakazu tortur, ich postrzeganie przez spolecznosc miedzynarodowa.
The research examines the organizational principles of building financial monitoring systems in the USA and France. The countries the similarity of the basis of their functioning to the current model of the financial monitoring system used in Ukraine.
The course "I am in the world" as an component of the content of primary education, an effective means and form of formation of national-patriotic education. Methods of national-patriotic education of junior schoolchildren by means of Ukrainian studies.
Determining the legal status of self-employed persons in Ukraine on the basis of a comparative analysis of the legislation of different countries. Judicial settlement of disputes on the recognition of labor relations. Rules for concluding civil contracts.
The influence of the value of trading partner countries, increasing the distance between them on the level of trade. Transport costs, tariffs as constraints of trade between countries. The modelling of trade flows and the paradox of the "border puzzle".
Characteristics of national judicial practice and ECtHR practice in guaranteeing the right to peaceful assembly for LGBT representatives. Restrictions on the exercise of the right to peaceful assembly established by the court in accordance with the law.
The results of the study for both the national culture perspective and the transaction cost perspective. Erramilli's prediction that firms from a country with high PDI and UAI tend to choose the majority ownership when entering a foreign market.
- 27. National cyber security system of Ukraine: perspectives of policy development and capacity building
The main need is to build a national cybersecurity system that will allow Ukraine to counter current cyber threats to its security, stability and prosperity. Characteristics of identifying the main problems that hinder the further development of NCSS.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the positive practice of securing the US cybersecurity in the context of its possible implementation in Ukraine. Introducing positive experience of the USA and Counting negative experience in this area.
Analysis of the principles of state activity in the formation of national policy in the context of ensuring environmental rights, creating effective legal mechanisms for their guarantee, implementation and protection, and solving systemic problems.
Features of the artistic explication of the socio-psychological aspect in the work of O. Kobylyanskaya. Functions and role of figurative and expressive symbolic means in revealing the psychology of characters' characters. Synthesis in artistic thinking.