Modern integrated means of training future teachers of musical art
Devoted to modern integration approaches to teaching of future music teachers. Draws attention to importance of development and involvement of students in comprehensive growth, not only as teachers of musical art, but also as culturalfigures, artists.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 70,7 K |
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Dragomanov National Pedagogical University
Modern integrated means of training future teachers of musical art
Petro Shevchuk, Postgraduate at the Theory and Methodology of Musical Education, Choral Singing and Conductiong
Kyiv, Ukraine
The article is devoted to modern integration approaches to the teaching of future music teachers. In the conditions of the digital transformation of general education, the successful professional activity of a modern teacher is impossible without strong motivation, cognitive and technological readiness to teach one's subject in conditions of multitasking, uncertainty and situationality At the same time, the modern education system puts forward certain regulatory requirements for the qualifications and content of the professional activity of a music teacher. All this imposes certain obligations on the university, which organizes the appropriate teaching conditions of future music teachers. Integration focuses on making connections for students by allowing them to participate in relevant, meaningful activities that can be connected to real life.
Modern integrative approaches to the training of future music teachers aim to combine theory learned in the classroom with practical knowledge and real-life experience. Integrative approaches in the teaching of future music teachers make it possible to form new knowledge in students, characterized by a higher level of understanding, the dynamism of their application in new situations, increasing their effectiveness and systematicity, contributes to the expansion of social- cognitive experience, the formation of interest in events and phenomena of reality.
The author also draws attention to the importance of development and involvement of students in comprehensive growth, not only as teachers of musical art, but also as culturalfigures, artists, vocalists, etc. The main modern integration approaches to the teaching of future music teachers include: integration of verbal, practical and laboratory methods; situational methods; various cognitive methods; integration metaplan; integration lecture together seminar on the use of integration of teaching methods; integrative blocks, etc. The following research methods were used in the article: theoretical (induction, deduction, generalization) for organizing scientific facts, establishing the relationship between different concepts; empirical (research, substantiation ofpedagogical experience) for the study of educational programs for the preparation of future teachers.
Key words: music teachers, innovative pedagogical activity, integration, competence, educational work, university, modernization.
Петро ШЕВЧУК, аспірант кафедри теорії та методики постановки голосу Національного педагогічного університету імені Драгоманова
(Київ, Україна)
Стаття присвячена сучасним інтеграційним засобам в навчанні майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. В умовах цифрової трансформації загальної освіти, успішна професійна діяльність сучасного вчителя неможлива без сильної мотивації, когнітивної та технологічної готовності викладати свій предмет в умовах багатозадачності, та ситуативності. Водночас, сучасна система освіти висуває певні нормативні вимоги до кваліфікації та змісту професійної діяльності майбутніх педагогів. Усе це накладає певні обов'язки на ВНЗ, який організовує належні умови навчання майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. Інтеграція зосереджена на створенні зв'язків між учнями, дозволяючи їм брати участь у відповідних, значущих заходах які можна пов'язати з реальним життям.
Сучасні інтегративні засоби підготовки майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва спрямовані на поєднання теоретичних знань, отриманих на заняттях, із практичними знаннями та досвідом. Інтегративні засоби у навчанні майбутніх педагогів-музикантів дають змогу сформувати в студентів нові знання та навички, що сприяють розширенню соціально-пізнавального потенціалу. Ефективно застосовувати вміння в нових життєвих та професійних ситуаціях. Підвищувати їх ефективність і системність формуючи та адаптовуючи інтереси до подій і явищ сьогодення.
Автор також звертає увагу на важливість розвитку та залучення студентів до всебічного зростання не лише як викладачів музичного мистецтва, а й як діячів культури, артистів, тощо. Основні сучасні інтеграційні підходи до навчання майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва включають: інтеграцію вербальних, практичних і лабораторних методів; ситуаційні методи; різноманітні пізнавальні методи; метаплан інтеграції тощо. У статті використано такі методи дослідження: теоретичний (індукція, дедукція, узагальнення) для систематизації наукових фактів, встановлення співвідношення між різними поняттями; емпіричний (дослідження, обґрунтування педагогічного досвіду) для вивчення освітніх програм підготовки майбутніх учителів.
Ключові слова: вчителі-музиканти, інноваційна педагогічна діяльність, інтеграція, компетентність, виховна робота, ВНЗ, модернізація.
In recent years, the system of professional training of future music teachers has been significantly modernized. There is a change in the educational paradigm, which focuses on moving the education system, which is based exclusively on theoretical learning (subject-object interaction), to a system based on practical learning and turning the student into the center of the educational process (subject-subject interaction). An integrative approach to learning combines theoretical material with practice and stimulates students to constant self-development and diversification of information. In this way, the integrative approach in education ensures the formation of a competitive professional based on the formed integrated knowledge of future music teachers.
Literature Review. Klepko S.F., in his work «Integrative education and polymorphism of knowledge», analyzes the features and principles of integrative education. The scientist concludes that integration conceptually appears as a specific feature of the independent organization of chaotic knowledge, as the representation of order, unity in the branched world of knowledge with the goal of improving the efficiency of both acquisition and use of knowledge (Klepko, 1998: 14).
Larionova N.B. and Streltsova N.M. in their work «Integrative approach: relevance, essence, features of implementation in the conditions of primary school» give the characteristics and specifics of integrated education. The authors claim that integrated learning is based on a comprehensive approach. Education appears through the prism of the overall picture, and do not divides into separate disciplines.
In the work «Integrated approach to learning: a retrospective analysis», Shevchuk K., describes the future perspective and possibilities of an integrated approach to learning (Shevchuk, 2007).
Kozlovska I.M., in her work “Theoretical and methodological foundations of knowledge integration of vocational school students” provides a detailed analysis and reasoning for methodological approaches to knowledge integration.
On the theoretical level, the pedagogical realities of preparation of future teachers of musical art to be involved in the work of integration forms of education in professional activities were analyzed by such researchers as Ionova O.M. and Sinopalnikova N.M. in «Theoretical issues of training future teachers for the use of integrated forms of organizing the educational process of primary school» (Ionova, O.M. Sinopalnikova N.M., 2013). Pedagogical specific features of preparation of future teachers of musical art to be involve in integrated forms of organization of the educational process in elementary school: preparation of the work of teachers of psychological-pedagogical and subject-methodical disciplines on the introduction of an integrated approach to student education; the focus of professional training on the formation of the motivational and valuable components of readiness in future teachers; mastering by the future teacher psychological-pedagogical and subject-methodical skills and knowledges about organizational forms of integration in the education of junior school pupils; acquisition by students of the experience of involvement in the use of integrated forms of organization of the educational process (Ionova, O.M. Sinopalnikova N.M., 2013: 38).
Table 1 Types of integration in the education systems
Horizontal integration in the education system |
Occurs by finding a horizontal connection between different areas that make up the curriculum, while focusing on topics with common elements between related fields. |
Vertical integration in the system education |
a spiral construction that simply means focusing on a scientific discipline in curricula, taking a core concept and pushing it in depth and breadth, and intervening in science and life. |
Vozniuk O.V. in his work «Main aspects of pedagogical integration», considered the main specifics of pedagogical integration as a certain way to build an integrative pedagogical paradigm (Voznyuk, 2009). The scientist comes to the conclusion that pedagogical integration is an important condition for improving the content of education, affects the formation of a holistic system of knowledge, abilities and skills of future teachers, develops their thinking and creative abilities. Thus, the integrative approach in education and, in general, human development is designed to obtain a result based on the integration of individual developmental aspects - new systemic properties of the whole - a complete personality (Voznyuk, 2009: 89).
Integration processes as a factor in improving the quality of education were investigated in the works of Styrkina Y.S. (Styrkina, 2001), Guryevska O.M. (Guryevska, 2010), Machynska N. (Machynska, 2017), Sosnytska N., Voloshina A. (Sosnytska, Voloshina, 2012). Scientists conclude that the use of an integrative approach contributes to the professional and scientific development of a future music teacher. And also that the main idea of the integrated approach is to combine theory with practice by solving real-life problems related to the future professional context of students.
The purpose of the article. Clarification of the essence of modern integration approaches to the preparation of future music teachers.
Results and discussion
Integration (from the Latin «Integratio» - recovery, memory, «Integer» - whole) - combining any elements into a whole. Integration processes at different levels and in different aspects of social life are a sign of temporality, but they are most relevant and necessary in the social sphere of education (Integrative approach: relevance, essence, peculiarities of implementation in primary school conditions: educational and methodological manual, 2018: 4)
According to Kostyuk N., «integration is a process of interaction of elements with given properties, which is accompanied by the establishment, complication and strengthening of essential connections between these elements on the sufficient basis, as a result of which an integrated object (holistic system) with qualitative new properties, the structure of which preserves the individual properties of the original elements» (Integrated learning: thematic and activity approaches, 2019).
Integration in education optimally corresponds to the formation of such necessary competence as the ability to learn throughout life, it is the ability to search for and assimilate new knowledge, acquire skills, organize the educational process (personal and collective), in particular through the effective management of resources and information flows, the ability to separate educational goals and ways to achieve them, formulate one's own educational and professional vector, evaluate learning results (Integrative approach: relevance, essence, peculiarities of implementation in primary school conditions: educational and methodological manual, 2018: 7). teaching music student
An integrative approach in education takes into account the peculiarities of the psychological and educational growth of students from the point of view of taking into account their inclinations, interests and preparation for what is provided to them in terms of knowledge, experience and integrated information, which creates a tendency and motivation to study this information, such approach takes students' inclinations as an important basis. Studying the problems and topics they want to study, as well as aspects of the activities related to them, motivates students to do their best to gather the information necessary to solve these problems or to study these topics so that learning can become more useful and lasting, it has a big impact because it is studying based on their desires and according to their preferences. The use of an integrative approach contributes to the professional and scientific development of the teacher, since he constantly needs self-development and diversification of information to meet the complex and diverse information needs that he provides to his pupils.
Integration in education performs the following functions: educational, developmental, psychological-organizational, methodological. Integration is characterized by various forms: subject-figurative, conceptual, ideological, conceptual-active (Shevchuk, 2007: 50).
An integrative approach to education is a dynamic approach to learning in which students explore complex real-world issues and challenges while developing cross-curricular skills by working in small collaborative groups.
There are two types of integration into education systems, namely, horizontal and vertical (see Table 1) (Voznyuk, 2014).
The main idea of the integration approach is to connect theory with practice by solving real- life problems related to the future professional context of students (pic). Integrative approaches of preparation of future teachers encourage students to take responsibility for their learning experience and move from passive to more active learning models. Thus, future teachers of musical art form and develop pedagogical skills that are important for competitiveness in the labor market.
The position of a teacher, in particular, a teacher of music, is difficult and multifaceted, which requires the presence of a certain number of personal qualities necessary for both a teacher and a musician (vocalist, guitarist, etc.). A teacher of music is an emotional, artistic, creative person who must not only be a professional teacher, but also have an appropriate mindset, be critical of information, be a cultured, competent person with his or her abilities and skills, have a clear personal and civic position.
The future teacher of musical art must not only understand and study various classical musical works, plays, folklore, but such a specialist must understand and master the essence of a musical work as a special manifestation of a cultural phenomenon, consider it as a combination of aesthetic, ethical, emotional, spiritual experience of all humanity, and also on the basis of the interpretation of its essential dimension to create certain images that form a specific work of art and reproduce it in vocal, pedagogical, performing activities.
A set of artistic images forms the visual system of a musical work. The task of the music teacher is to reveal the author's idea of the work to the pupils audience through decoding and interpretation,to form their ability to creative imagination, to develop in them ethical arn^etffieticevnluatkmr erfworks of art, mueical peacdfdihn, tcd impdination. Artittit images ensure the integrity of a specific work, form its structure^fuchcoosicteof dirte lovelhlimcteriek 2) figurativn orp mtaningfiil; 3) idcnleeical and artistic (Ionova & Sinopalnikova, 2013).
Nowadc^, in anmuction-rnffidre theoretical and methodological substantiation of the provisions of the hermeneutic approach, the post-nonclassical methodology of art education is becoming widespread. According to its philosophical orientations, artistic and figurative structures become conditions for understanding works of art as ways of concrete actualization of material understanding.
Modern integrative approaches to the teaching of future music teachers are based on the principle of planning. Students create and direct their own learning, develop their creativity, solve problems they face together with the mentors. With the help of modern integration approaches, future teachers learn to perform various tasks, namely, designing experiments, forecasting and conducting observations (see pic. 1).
The main modern integration approaches to the pacparntior od foture mnaicts achers include: integration of verbal, practical and laboratory methods aecosdin1 to eha aominant mrthod of education; cilualiocal methodr;differehttppes of analogues of the method; cognitive methods; integration metaplan; mtegrationlsctureptogetiicni; sdnim ar on the use of т^гаГюп ad cinching msthors; mtegrative blocks, etc. (see Table 2).
Modern integrative approaches to the preparation of future music teachers are characterized by long-term, student-centeredness, based on joint learning in a team and integrated with real practices.
Pic. 1. The process of applying integration approaches
Table 2
The name of the integration approach |
Characteristics of the integration approach |
Integration of verbal and practical and laboratory methods |
Solving pedagogical problems, modeling various types of educational activities, namely fragments of educational activities, fragments of lessons, the process of interaction between the educator and pupils. |
Situational methods |
The method of active problem-situational analysis, based on solving specific tasks in different situations (solving cases). The method allows you to choose non-standard solutions, which is why it is called non-standard, creative. |
Similar methods |
Work with examples and their analogies, which differ in levels of complexity. |
Cognitive methods |
Ordering theoretical information in the process of solving a creative task, which helps to apply theoretical knowledge at a practical level. |
Integration lecture «together» |
Lecture-discussion, when the lecturer encourages students to actively discuss the lecture material. |
Seminar on the use of integration of teaching methods |
The work is devoted to various integration methods and practices, with a detailed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of various integration methods. |
Modern integrative approaches can allow people to achieve productive results and develop skills such as self-management, teamwork, leadership, time management, communication and problem solving, as well as the ability to use technological tools. Modern integrative approaches to the preparation of future music teachers are based on project activities. Characterized by organizing discussion of an open-ended question or task, creating a need to know basic content and skills, and incorporating feedback and revision processes. In addition, it requires critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and various forms of communication.
Therefore, the integration approach in education is a dynamic approach to learning. The main idea of which is to combine theoretical knowledge with practice by solving real-life problems related to the future professional context of students.
The art of music is quite difficult, but also a multilayered discipline, which is aimed not only at the narrow development of a child's musical abilities, but also at broader aspects of an individual's life, in particular at the development of aesthetic and ethical norms of a given culture, contributes to the formation of people with a clear civic position, influences on the general national development of future actors, accordingly, it is not surprising that integrative approaches in the training of future teachers of musical art in school are important, as they improve the level of competences of future teachers.
Modern integrative approaches to the training of future music teachers are characterized by longterm, student-centeredness, based on joint learning in a team and integrated with real practices. Modern integrative approaches will allow you to achieve productive results and develop skills such as self-management, teamwork, leadership, time management, communication and problem solving, as well as the ability to use technological tools.
The use of modern integrative approaches to the preparation of future music teachers increases the level of achievement of educational and behavioral goals necessary for students at this stage more than classical methods. Teaching process with the use of the strategy of an integrative approach has a greater impact and awakes an interest in the educational process better than the classical method because it stimulates students to continuous self-development.
The main modern integration approaches to the training of future music teachers include: integration of verbal, practical and laboratory methods; situational methods; different types of analogues of the method; cognitive methods; integration metaplan; integration lecture “together”; seminar on the use of integration of teaching methods; integrative blocks, etc.
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курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.
курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.
отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012