Modern lexicography: aspects of terminological dictionaries

Study of the consequences of digitalization and globalization of modern society in the aspect of lexicography. The emergence of new scientific terms. Codification of newly formed and/or borrowed vocabulary units. Standardization of terminology systems.

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Modern lexicography: aspects of terminological dictionaries

Sikaliuk A.I., Lytvyn S.V.


Target setting. In the 21st century computer and information technologies are rapidly developing, digitization and globalization of society is constantly developing, and therefore computer lexicography can be considered a promising direction. It is lexicography that occupies a prominent place in the circle of interests of both Ukrainian and foreign scientists.

The works of V. Dubichynskyi, O. Taranenko, F. Hausmann, S. Landau, and A. Ray in the field of lexicography are known, which described the features and typology of lexicographic publications, and also developed the stages of compiling a dictionary. No less important are the studies of the peculiarities of compiling lexicographic sources by I. Shevchenko, O. Rabulets, O. Kostyshina and others.

Modern lexicography is distinguished by developed traditions, a thorough theoretical base and significant practical achievements - monolingual, encyclopedic, multilingual, as well as translation dictionaries - both in the aspect of classical and modern scientific disciplines. However, as a result of the strengthening of international scientific cooperation, the expansion of scientific contacts, the emergence of new scientific directions and inventions, there is always an urgent need to codify newly formed and/or borrowed vocabulary units, standardize terminological systems, as well as provide equivalents of relevant terms. Accordingly, it is important to constantly develop and modernize the methods of lexicography, as a branch of linguistics that deals with the compilation of dictionaries, the thorough study of their features, as well as the development of theories of dictionary arrangement.

The specificity, in particular, of terminological lexicography is determined, first of all, by the nature of the material being analyzed. If a dictionary of general type is built based exclusively or mainly on linguistic data, then the content, structure and methods of building a terminological dictionary are determined by professional and subject data of linguistics in particular [1].

A terminologist in the field of linguistics, in addition to a dictionary of general type, needs additional dictionaries of relevant linguistic knowledge. In the absence of such, he is forced to keep a personal filing cabinet, in which he enters professional vocabulary. Interpretations of terms are established in consultation with relevant specialists. In translation terminological dictionaries, it is not so much necessary to translate the relevant definitions and designations as to find their place in the terminological series of another language, terminological translation should be considered similarly to other idiomatic translations (stable conjunctions, expressions, etc.). However, not only translators need terminological dictionaries. They are widely used by specialists in various fields, for which translation equivalents are not always needed, but the relationship of terms, their correct spelling, and pronunciation are important.

The statement of basic materials

There are a number of approaches to defining lexicography. In particular, lexicography is considered a separate autonomous linguistic branch that uses the assets of linguistics, uses its own methods and deals with the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries.

This is a section of linguistics that outlines the theoretical principles of creating dictionaries, examines their typology, studies the peculiarities of creating and organizing the register, establishes characteristic features of the description of dictionary material, etc. This is a scientific work on compiling lexicographic publications, the science of using dictionaries and the art of creating them [2]. This is a scientific discipline that deals with the theory and methodology of lexicographic description, a thorough study of the structure of lexicographic publications.

Therefore, the status of lexicography varies from a separate field of linguistics, a section of linguistics, a scientific discipline, a scientific work to an art, which indicates its complex nature and importance, since the development of linguistics directly depends on lexicographic assets. Evidence of this is also the fact that the lexicographic parameterization of the language is an attempt of modern linguistics to find an acceptable model that, in the form of a dictionary, can reflect objective reality, as well as cultural and linguistic activity of a person.

Lexicography is also considered an applied discipline, the vector of attention of which is aimed at improving the methods of creating dictionaries. The basis for its formation is the accumulated experience of mankind in compiling dictionaries of a syncretic, and later, a differentiated type.

Lexicography is designed to solve a number of issues in terms of the creation of a register, the organization of the macro- and microstructure of the dictionary, the relevant principles of its standardization, the development of indexing and marking systems, the typology of lexicographic publications, the functions of dictionaries, etc.

Dictionaries have long been considered companions of civilization, as they contribute to expanding knowledge, improving linguistic culture, and professional training. Dictionaries contain complex structured objects of knowledge, and therefore modernize education, expand innovation processes.

The prototype of modern dictionaries is glosses. The emergence of printing contributed to the emergence of famous handwritten dictionaries and the creation of world lexicographic publications in Great Britain, France, Germany and other countries. lexicography terminology scientific vocabulary

In the course of its formation and development, lexicography repeatedly underwent changes and clarifications of the subject of its research. In particular, in the 60s of the 20th century, lexicographers sought, on the one hand, to limit the volume of explanatory dictionaries of a particular language, and on the other hand, to create a number of differentiated dictionaries of various types, in particular, a dictionary of place names, obsolete words, historicisms and archaisms, terminological and other vocabulary. In the 90s of the 20th century, the research vector of lexicography was directed in two directions: a detailed description of language units; creating special dictionaries for specific purposes (for example, educational) and describing the appropriate lexical layer (dialectics, neologisms, professionalisms, terms, etc.) [3].

Thus, research was carried out in two diametrically opposed planes, balancing between the tendency to unify the dictionary and the tendency to narrow specialization of the lexicographic edition.

Accordingly, meta-lexicography, which studies in detail the theory and methodology of lexicographic description, the typology of dictionaries and their features, and also examines the structure of lexicography, is developing rapidly. Metalexicography is compared to both art and science, which is gradually being isolated and professionalized.

Over time, there will be a need to expand the types and genre palette of dictionaries. Therefore, at the end of the 90s of the 20th century, the clear distinction between dictionaries of different types was leveled off, and lexicographic editions of a mixed (complex, universal) type, in particular interpretive- translational, etymological-phraseological and other dictionaries, became popular [4]. The demand for these dictionaries is argued by the heterogeneous needs of readers, determined by their profession, level of knowledge, perception, etc.

In foreign lexicography, the term "user's perspective" is used, or the strategy of targeting a potential user of a lexicographic publication. This approach acquires special importance in translation lexicography, which is designed to facilitate the establishment of equivalent relationships between lexical units of different languages. However, it is worth noting that it is difficult to assert the absolute fundamental equivalence of language units even of related languages. Thus, the translator fulfills the role of a mediator not only in the context of languages, but also of cultures and the corresponding worldview.

With the development of new fields of knowledge, special thesauruses that contribute to fast and high-quality information search of the user and are informative guides designed for specific research purposes become of fundamental importance [7]. Thesaurus is seen as words nick with conceptual differentiation of the lexicon according to the corresponding thematic groups of various degrees of generalization and number.

It should be noted that currently in modern computer linguistics, the term "thesaurus" acquires the meaning of a normative reference dictionary, which contains the lexicon of a certain subject area, establishes paradigmatic relations between lexical units and contributes to the efficiency of information search, as well as control of vocabulary when indexing documents. Therefore, this type of dictionary contributes to systematization of knowledge in various fields of science, modeling of terminologies, systematization of knowledge in linguistic processes of automatic language processing, etc.

Lexicography of the 21st century is becoming more oriented towards applied linguistics. It is mostly designed for the potential user (user-centered, learner-centered), and not for the lexicographer and directly the type of lexicographic publication (lexicographer-centered, dictionary-centered). Accordingly, the main task of the lexicographer is to compile a dictionary that meets the requirements and requests of the readership [12]. The genre palette of lexicographic publications continues to expand the popularity of special dictionaries and reference publications is growing. These lexicographic publications provide comprehensive information about the relevant lexical layers in accordance with stylistic, territorial, chronological and terminological principles and are designed to meet the needs of specialists in various fields of knowledge, providing an opportunity for both native speakers and foreigners to increase their level of professional, linguistic and cultural competence.

In the traditions of Western and later Eastern lexicography, sociological surveys of potential readers to study their needs and requests are considered particularly relevant. In our opinion, the idea of a parallel questionnaire to receive simultaneous feedback from the reader is interesting.

Lexicographers, using this method, receive useful information for improving the lexicographic edition already at the stage of its compilation, which contributes to the creation of a higher quality lexicographic edition (high-quality computer lexicography) [11]. Among other positive aspects of this method, it is worth noting the possibility of: wide coverage of the target audience; relatively acceptable cost of the procedure; fast processing of statistical data; widespread distribution of electronic versions of questionnaires. It is important to remember that the content of questionnaires and questionnaires as means of monitoring should have an evaluative focus, that is, to identify the parameters and conditions of use of the appropriate lexicographic edition, as well as the level and degree of mastery of the skills of using a dictionary. As a result of a well-conducted questionnaire and/or interview, the coefficient of the dictionary's perspective increases.

Among the distinctive features of modern lexicography is also the use of electronic corpora as the basis for creating a register, as they are a peculiar result of full computerization. Corpora are numerous electronic banks of authentic linguistic data that contribute to the compilation of dictionaries of various genres and the qualitative study of foreign languages [8]. These are formed according to the requirements of a sample of speech material from a certain field of knowledge, which can be used for further description and study of language as a system.

Such corpora of texts should be representative within the subject area; economical, that is, maintain a balance between representativeness and completeness of coverage; clear, understandable, accessible in terms of description of the corresponding lexical unit; devoid of ambiguity and ambiguity; with appropriate computer support.

The priority direction of modern lexicography is computer lexicography, which is based on machine ideology and technology, the appearance of which is caused by several factors, in particular: the significant volume of the dictionary makes its use difficult; a detailed and comprehensive description of language units disorients the dictionary in relation to the current linguistic and cultural situation; the interesting lexicographic concept of the dictionary and the integral means of describing linguistic means narrow the dictionary register.

Accordingly, computer lexicography is designed to find ways to overcome the above-mentioned contradictions, and therefore, to facilitate the compilation of quality lexicographic publications in the future. This direction is considered as a marginal branch of computer linguistics and lexicography, which is aimed at the development of computer technologies for the creation and use of dictionaries of various types. It is computer lexicography that is designed to perform a number of applied tasks, namely the formation of: computer lexicographic databases; machine funds of national languages; lexicons as additional information for linguistic processors of computer language processing; information and search systems, etc [13].

Computer lexicography is characterized by a number of distinctive features: the use of a palette of colors and visual effects; coverage of a significant amount of information due to the use of hyperlinks; extended possibilities of searching for a corresponding lexeme are available not only within a specific dictionary article, but also within the entire dictionary; the possibility of using func footnotes, which allows you to add a personal comment, your own translation, etc.; use of multimedia elements (illustrations, animations, audio recordings, videos); possibility of timely systematic updating of information; the ability to integrate into basic office programs; accessibility and ease of use; saving time and material resources.

Therefore, one of the priority tasks of computer lexicography is the creation of electronic dictionaries that perform the function of storing, manipulating and transmitting information. Undoubtedly, the ability to effectively work with information contributes to success in all areas of human life. Accordingly, the effectiveness of electronic dictionaries is undoubted, since, unlike their traditional counterparts, they are characterized by the possibility of continuous replenishment, fast algorithmic word search, etc.

An important direction of electronic lexicography is scientific and technical lexicography, which is theoretically based on the field of terminology. Terminological lexicography (terminography) deals directly with the lexicography of a term. Terminography occupies an intermediate position between linguistic and encyclopedic lexicography, as it not only describes the terminological unit as a unit of the linguistic system, but also outlines the conceptual, objective content of a certain term [7].

Terminological lexicography is a new specialized branch of lexicography that has not yet been sufficiently theoretically developed. Special vocabulary is recorded by dictionaries in different ways and for different purposes. Terminological dictionaries of the system type, devoted exclusively to special vocabulary, began to appear quite a long time ago. Nevertheless, it was codified even earlier, being included in dictionaries of the general type, as well as in dictionaries of foreign words and encyclopedias, as well as in bilingual and multilingual translation dictionaries.

The importance of terminological lexicography depends on the fact that with the help of subject-organized dictionaries it is possible to find terminological correspondences in different languages. The presentation of terms in dictionaries of the general type differs from the presentation of ordinary words. In the preface to N. Webster's dictionary, in particular, it is said that the dictionary has an increasing number of terms that are considered "book" words [10]. For many of them, there is no common pronunciation. It is determined by analogy with words that are used more often, or according to the pronunciation rules of the languages from which they are borrowed.

In dictionaries of different types, special vocabulary is reflected unevenly. Nomenclatural designations are more often found in dictionaries of the general type, because behind them there are objects, more or less real and concrete. Of the terms, only the most general ones are selectively included there, since the specified and specialized terms, behind which scientific concepts stand, are not available for general perception.

Special vocabulary is presented mainly in industry dictionaries designed for subject specialists. But these are not philological dictionaries, and many of them are not implemented in the same way as in ordinary lexicographic practice. First of all, such a dictionary necessarily contains definitions, in the construction of which terms participate. In encyclopedias and dictionaries of a general type, the explanatory part should not contain terms that themselves would need a definition.

In dictionaries of the general type, terms of science are given a modest place. Special stylistic notes are placed with them immediately after the grammatical characteristics, since such words acquire their meaning only within the corresponding systems. In philological dictionaries of the general type, dictionary articles should not be as exhaustive as in branch ones. Due to the fact that the vocabulary in dictionaries of different types is presented differently, domestic and foreign researchers pay a lot of attention to the classification of dictionaries.

Dictionary articles of terminological dictionaries are compiled using a special language. This is a meta-language, a language for describing the language itself, which reproduces adequate scientific vocabulary in the linguistic dictionary. There is even a separate branch meta-linguistics, the object of which is meta-language and its three main aspects: terms, or words that are not used in ordinary language, or are borrowed from it in a special sense; special combinations of words and their equivalents, which characterize the meta-language of linguistics already in its full form; sociolinguistic aspect, when this form of meta-speech reflects the specificity of one or another linguistic direction [11].

The concept of meta-language is much broader than the concept of terminology, because meta-language includes linguistic word usage in the broadest sense of the word. It is important to substantiate the concept of meta-language, distinguishing it from terminology in the proper sense of the word. However, drawing a definite distinction between the concept of meta-language, on the one hand, and terminology itself, on the other, does not imply in any way diminishing the importance of the latter, on the contrary, it is the terminology that attracts the researcher's attention in the first place. Therefore, we can talk about the dissatisfaction of modern linguistic terminology, its disorganization and inconsistency.

Tel mines cannot arise otherwise than as a result of scientific abstraction, but they can gradually acquire a certain and even significant autonomy. Then it becomes necessary to study the structure of this terminological system, to compare it with other systems. In other words, it becomes necessary to distinguish at least two concepts: the concept of taxonomy and the concept of meta-taxonomy.

Linguistic taxonomy is the study of various objects of linguistics in terms of their scientific systematization. Metataxonomy is a scientific systematization at the meta-language level [12]. This is the arrangement of the system of those expressions, those signs and designations that are used when talking about linguistic objects. The significance of this distinction is not only theoretical. It is extremely important in order to understand why the rejection of some taxonomic system does not necessarily cause the simultaneous rejection of the corresponding meta-taxonomic system.

So, for example, when descriptive linguistics lost its exclusive influence as a linguistic direction, this by no means led to the abandonment of the terminological system developed by it.

On the other hand, the old direction is replaced by a new one, and it often offers a completely new terminological system [5]. And while linguists master a new meta-language, they cannot stop writing or talking to each other, they continue, whether they want to or not, to use the old meta-system, despite the fact that it no longer corresponds to the latest ideas.

Sometimes this circumstance, in a known sense, inhibits creative thought, but this is far from always the case. Often, those categories that once lost their meaning are revived and become widespread in the newest meta-language of this science. At the same time, it goes without saying that the viability of this or that terminological system is primarily determined by its orderliness, consistency of content and expression. In this connection, it is necessary to dwell on the question of those numerous terms that are widely borrowed by linguists from mathematics, physics, and other sciences.

The simple introduction of the term of mathematics, physics, etc. into the text of a linguistic work cannot in any way turn it into a term of linguistics. Therefore, although such terms as "algorithm", "matrix", "entropy" are now found in some styles of linguistic literature, they cannot be considered part of the metalanguage of linguistics and there is no reason to include them in the dictionary [8]. It can be stated that the most important problems for linguistic lexicography are the following: the problem of meta-language, its relation to terminology and general issues of taxonomy and meta-taxonomy of this science; the problem of the development of this terminological system, relations and connections of different terminological systems and different schools.

Consideration of these two problems brings us close to the main problem, namely the problem of the relationship between a term and a concept: an object - its reflection in consciousness - a concept - a word, when the word (its equivalent) is considered in its relation to the concept on the one hand, and to the given meta- taxonomic system - on the other hand [2]. The terminology of this scientific field is not just a list of terms, but a semi-logical expression of a certain system of concepts, which, in turn, reflects a certain scientific outlook.

Therefore, although the interpretation of this or that term often allows significant disagreements between representatives of different linguistic trends, this by no means excludes, as a rule, such definitions, which would proceed from the essential features of the indicated phenomenon. However, this undoubted position is not always undisputed. One often gets the impression that the only direction in meta-linguistics should be the normative direction, that the task is to, after developing certain recommendations regarding the form and use of meta-language terms, convince all linguists to accept these recommendations and apply them consistently.

The concept of the method of revealing the term system is also important. As you know, the definition of a term given in an explanatory terminological dictionary is a statement that reveals those properties of a given concept that are necessary and sufficient to establish its content and its differences from other concepts. Therefore, an accurate representation of the essential feature of the object is necessary, i.e. such feature that reflects (represents) its basic properties [3]. For example, for the case, this property is to establish the relationship between the objects of thought with the help of appropriate morphological changes. This feature is common to all categorical case forms, which appear as subordinating concepts that are in the same relationship with the same subordinate concept.

Naturally, this basic principle also obeys the construction of a dictionary nest, which includes all species terms in one form or another. In the same cases, when a complex term formally coincides in one of its parts with a generic term, but is not related to it by generic relations in terms of content, it is taken outside the nest.

It is clear that the implementation of this principle requires a careful logical analysis, first of all, of complex terms. So, for example, such a term as "speech apparatus" is in the past y from such a term as "nominative case" should be interpreted in its place, that is, under an adjective, because within the limits of this terminological system it is not related to other "apparatus" by generic relations [10].

On the contrary, for example, descriptive, historical, descriptive, comparative are different types of grammar, so all these terms are given in the same nest. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that such nests are necessarily connected by links with the corresponding adjectives, which allows to display in the dictionary the system connections of various elements of this meta-language. Along with the generic principle, the so-called principle of additionality is of primary importance: the meaning of one term should, in theory, end where the meaning of another begins. In order to implement this principle, a detailed component analysis of terms is necessary, based on the selection of essential features, their combination (addition), necessary to reveal the meaning of a given term, and their separation (removal), if the task is to add research is sequential in nature [8]. The question of which parts of the language belong or should belong to linguistic terms is also quite relevant. It consists in whether this terminology is limited to nouns, or it also includes adjectives and verbs.

In general, nouns are a fairly developed part of the language with great morphological possibilities. There are verb nouns, nouns formed from adjectives, etc. And the inclusion of only nouns in the linguistic terminology may even be considered exhaustive. Linguistic dictionaries are classified into several types: explanatory, translation and encyclopedic. Each of them fulfills its own role - either to interpret the terms, or to translate them, or to provide them with a comprehensive description in an encyclopedic article.

In general, the problem of terminological lexicography was included among the standards developed by the relevant international associations. E. Wuster believed that nowadays the problem of terminological dictionaries should be solved anew, taking into account the scientific classification of all existing and potentially possible types of dictionaries. There are attempts to establish the difference between a dictionary and a glossary. It is considered that a word is defined in a dictionary, and a concept is defined in a glossary [9]. Thus, the English word term in the dictionary serves as the title of one dictionary description containing several concepts. The corresponding glossary contains several descriptions, one for each concept. The same phonetic and graphic word that is the title of each description turns out to be a different term each time. In contrast to language dictionaries, where description prevails and there can be no prescriptioninstructions (except for handbooks that recommend how to speak correctly and what mistakes to avoid), terminological dictionaries are dominated by prescriptions in the form of definitions, instructions, instructions, although there are also descriptions.

Another essential difference between a terminological dictionary and a philological dictionary is that, when compiling his dictionary, the philologist seeks to make the most complete collection of illustrative material.

The terminologist's work is dominated by the selection of material, the screening of duplicate, unrecommended terms and the construction of new terms to fill the gaps that have formed. An ordinary lexicographer does not construct words, only registers them. Authors and, especially, translators who strive to accurately convey the meaning of someone else's reality are engaged in creating new words. Thus, what a terminologist does (construction of a new term and its fixation in the dictionary) in general lexicography is divided into two stages: the translator or author creates, the lexicographer - fixes [9].

In the practice of a lexicographer-normalizer, work with words begins with collecting examples of their correct and incorrect use, identifying cases of norm fluctuations, and analyzing the phenomena behind it. Based on this, trends in language development are identified and recommendations are given. In terminological lexicography, the work begins with the identification of the concepts of this field of knowledge, their hierarchy, and the compilation of the exact definition of each concept.

At the same time, the lexical possibilities of the words denoting them are taken into account, and the most convenient and appropriate ones are selected from the point of view of conceptual connections and word-forming possibilities. Both the ordering of word usage and the construction of term systems are consciously directed processes that oppose the spontaneous development of words. But they are built on different bases. The regulation of word usage is carried out by linguists taking into account the norms of the literary language and the trends of their development [4]. The construction of terminologies is carried out by specialists in the relevant fields of professional knowledge with the advice of logicians and linguists. In the general lexicography, words that refer to any part of the language are consistently recorded.

Since nouns predominate in the special vocabulary, special dictionaries differ from general ones in the increased content of the latter. A terminological dictionary would be incomplete without an unambiguous indication of the part of the language to which the term belongs, the type of declension, the principles of agreement and word formation [8]. There can be terms-verbs, term inadjectives or adverbs and there can be verbs, adjectives, adverbs formed from terms, but which themselves are not such.

The admission of the first as independent terms reduces the quality of the dictionary and results in the inferiority of the translations made with the help of this dictionary. Where the verb, adjective and adverb are not independent terms, but are only included in the nest of a noun term, information about their creation should be included in the dictionary article, along with information about the form of the noun term, about its combination with other terms, and about the peculiarities of its introduction in the syntax [12]. As noted by lexicographers, the compilation of a terminological dictionary begins with the development of a dictionary, which is accompanied by the selection of terms according to thematic and linguistic features.

Then there is regulation of synonyms, differentiation of homonyms, filling of gaps formed as a result of elimination of illegal forms. As a result of all this preliminary work, a certain array of coherent and systematic terminology is formed. The next stage of creating a terminological dictionary is to establish the principles of explaining terms in connection with the mutual connection and interdependence of various groups of things and phenomena, which together form a term reality.

In addition to direct explanations, the dictionary also has the possibility of indirect explanations - in the form of showing the place and position of a given term in the general system of terminology.

This can be done through a systematic index lexicographically linked to the main part of the dictionary [11]. Depending on whether this dictionary will be monolingual, bilingual or multilingual, further work on compiling a terminological dictionary varies.

But including the definition in the dictionary is an indispensable condition. Therefore, the terminological dictionary is necessarily interpretable. But in the case of monolingualism, its compilation may be limited to the interpretation of the term, and in the case of bilingualism, it will be, for example, a Ukrainian- interpretive-foreign dictionary. In the latter case, the next stage of the work is the establishment of the principles of translation of Ukrainian normalized terms into a foreign (English) language and the question of the choice of these languages themselves.

Foreign language correspondences can be taken without any normalization processing, only according to linguistic criteria, with the indication of the part of the language, observing the rules of orthography [10]. And foreign language terms that have undergone appropriate normalization can be selected. Then the task of the dictionary compiler is to follow the coincidence of the definitions of the Ukrainian term and its English equivalent, and in the event of a discrepancy, make the necessary notes.

Some productive term elements that serve to form terminological series should also be included in the dictionary.

It should be clearly understood what the dictionary article of the terminological dictionary should contain, that in connection with the above-mentioned differences between the term and other words, the definition of the term-word in the dictionary turns into the definition of the term language, without, however, turning into an encyclopedic description of it. Vocabularies of the terminological dictionary can be: a separate lexeme; lexicalized phrase; all lexemes that are part of a lexicalized term and all simple terms that are part of complex lexicalized ones and have terminological significance as separate lexemes or as simple lexicalized terms.

The criterion of selection is frequency, prevalence - all selected vocabulary should be actually in terminological use. In order to avoid filling the dictionary with derivatives, a short grammatical reference should be added to the dictionary, which fixes attention on issues of word formation and definition of parts of speech [5]. The specificity of the location of the material should be maintained as much as possible. Each separate term should be an independent unit, occupying a separate paragraph of the dictionary. Homonyms follow each independent vocabulary. Within each section, vocabulary terms are arranged alphabetically.

Great attention is also paid to the dictionary and editorial apparatus. It is different for each dictionary, depending on its material, goals, tasks. In particular, in the terminological dictionary, it is considered necessary to indicate the part of speech with substantive adjectives and adverbs. E. Wuster's school paid a lot of attention to term elements. E. Wuster himself called the elements key to understanding terms the key to terminology. Thus, having a highly abstract meaning, suffixes have a very wide application, and the main thing for them (especially in special formations) is the clear design of words included in certain series. Suffixes that were repeatedly transformed into term-forming suffixes are traced historically.

The word-forming level is a special language level with its own patterns. The more precisely it will be researched, the higher the chances of creating successful and lasting terms. There are dictionaries of English final term elements, which include thousands of items with an indication of their origin, meaning, etymology, functions, related forms and examples.

The material is presented in reverse alphabetical order. It is accompanied by an index of the examples used, arranged in a straight line in alphabetical order [6]. The dictionary includes suffixes and other final elements. Most of the elements are of Latin-Greek origin. Nowadays, dictionaries of eponymous terms are urgently needed.

A lot of eponymous names have accumulated in all spheres. These terms and names are difficult to understand. People often forget who is the person gave his name to a concept, thing, technique, method, effect, law, etc. Such terms most clearly trace the authorship.

Abbreviations, which also require lexicography, present a special problem. New abbreviations are born every day, and they may be relevant only for a narrow circle, remaining incomprehensible to representatives of related industries [10]. Many abbreviations turn out to be short-lived. Based on their usage, they make the texts in which they are included closed even to specialists. Some abbreviations have several dozen interpretations.

In recent years, many international dictionaries and encyclopedias have been published, and interest in special dictionaries containing scientific terms has increased. Different countries have different needs for different types of dictionaries. For example, in countries with restricted languages, the demand

for bilingual translation dictionaries and encyclopedias is higher. Countries such as England or the United States are less interested in translation-type dictionaries, since the bulk of the world's scientific literature is now published in English. In Western Europe, they gravitate towards multilingual dictionaries with the leading role of the English language, which further expands the scope of its use.


In fact, there are a significant number of terminological dictionaries, but the vast majority of them are highly specialized dictionaries intended for specialists in the relevant fields of knowledge. Such dictionaries are quite similar to explanatory dictionaries, but differ significantly in terms of material selection criteria.

Thus, despite the important step in the development of modern lexicography, we also have certain challenges, in particular, the questions of the order of selection of the register, the organization of the micro- and macrostructure of the dictionary, the principles of correction, the development of systems of marks for its indexing, as well as the functions and typology of dictionaries, which are still unresolved the subject of further scientific research. In addition, given the changing economic, technological and social conditions, solving the issue of multiple and multi-disciplinary use of information resources and software is of fundamental importance. Therefore, the priority task of the national scale is the standardization of dictionary resources and promotion of the use of dictionary standards.

It is believed that even carefully compiled scientific dictionaries satisfy specialists only partially and for a short time due to the need for frequent revisions and bringing the dictionary up to date. A high level of coordination and cooperation is necessary to perform the tasks of special lexicography. The value of highly specialized dictionaries is that they are concentrated on fragments of terminologies and provide additional information to general dictionaries.


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Современная лексикография: аспекты терминологических словарей

Сикалюк А.И., Национальный университет "Черниговская политехника", Литвин С.В., Национальный университет "Черниговская политехника"

Постановка задач. В 21 веке стремительно развиваются компьютерные и информационные технологии, постоянно происходит цифровизация и глобализация общества, и поэтому компьютерную лексикографию можно считать перспективным направлением. Именно лексикография занимает видное место в кругу интересов как украинских, так и зарубежных ученых.

Известны работы В. Дубичинского, О. Тараненко, Ф. Хаусмана, С. Ландау и А. Рэя в области лексикографии, в которых описаны особенности и типология лексикографических изданий, а также разработаны этапы составления словаря. Не менее важными являются исследования особенностей составления лексикографических источников И. Шевченко, О. Рабулец, О. Костышиной и другими.

Современную лексикографию отличают развитые традиции, основательная теоретическая база и значительные практические достижения - одноязычные, энциклопедические, многоязычные, а также переводные словари - как в аспекте классических, так и современных научных дисциплин. Однако в результате укрепления международного научного сотрудничества, расширения научных контактов, появления новых научных направлений и изобретений всегда возникает острая необходимость в кодификации вновь образованных и/или заимствованных словарных единиц, стандартизации терминологических систем, а также в обеспечении эквивалентов соответствующих терминов. Соответственно, важно постоянно развивать и модернизировать методы лексикографии, как отрасли лингвистики, которая занимается составлением словарей, тщательным изучением их особенностей, а также разработкой теорий компоновки словарей.

Специфика, в частности, терминологической лексикографии определяется, прежде всего, характером анализируемого материала. Если словарь общего типа строится исключительно или главным образом на лингвистических данных, то содержание, структура и методы построения терминологического словаря определяются профессиональными и предметными данными лингвистики в частности [1].

Специалисту-терминологу в области лингвистики, помимо словаря общего типа, необходимы дополнительные словари соответствующих лингвистических знаний. При отсутствии таковых он вынужден вести личную картотеку, в которую заносит профессиональную лексику. Толкования терминов устанавливаются по согласованию с соответствующими специалистами. В переводных терминологических словарях необходимо не столько перевести соответствующие определения и обозначения, сколько найти им место в терминологическом ряду другого языка, терминологический перевод следует рассматривать аналогично другим идиоматическим переводам (устойчивые союзы, выражения и т.д.). Однако терминологические словари нужны не только переводчикам. Они широко используются специалистами в различных областях, для которых не всегда нужны переводческие эквиваленты, но важна взаимосвязь терминов, их правильное написание и произношение.

Выводы. На самом деле существует значительное количество терминологических словарей, но подавляющее большинство из них являются узкоспециализированными словарями, предназначенными для специалистов в соответствующих областях знаний. Такие словари во многом похожи на толковые словари, но существенно отличаются по критериям отбора материала.

Таким образом, несмотря на важный шаг в развитии современной лексикографии, перед нами также стоят определенные задачи, в частности, вопросы порядка отбора регистра, организации микро- и макроструктуры словаря, принципов корректуры, разработки систем отметок для его индексации, а также функции и типология словарей, которые до сих пор остаются нерешенным предметом дальнейших научных исследований. Кроме того, учитывая меняющиеся экономические, технологические и социальные условия, решение проблемы множественного и мультидисциплинарного использования информационных ресурсов и программного обеспечения имеет фундаментальное значение. Поэтому приоритетной задачей национального масштаба является стандартизация словарных ресурсов и продвижение использования словарных стандартов.

Считается, что даже тщательно составленные научные словари удовлетворяют специалистов лишь частично и на короткое время из-за необходимости частого пересмотра и обновления словаря. Для выполнения задач специальной лексикографии необходим высокий уровень координации и сотрудничества. Ценность узкоспециализированных словарей заключается в том, что они сосредоточены на фрагментах терминологии и предоставляют дополнительную информацию к общим словарям..

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