Методика развития социокультурной компетенции у взрослых слушателей языковых курсов, изучающих английский язык, на основе аутентичных рекламных роликов

Наличие высокого уровня самосознания и способности к саморегуляции как одни из наиболее важных характеристик человека во взрослом возрасте. Анализ структурно-содержательной составляющей социокультурной компетенции взрослых слушателей языковых курсов.

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Язык русский
Дата добавления 27.11.2017
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Критерий языкового эталона

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Критерий временной протяжённости

Британские рекламные ролики


British Airways - “A Big British Flashmob”



















British Airways - “London 2012 Ad”



















M&M's - “Diamond Jubilee”



















McVitie's - “Britain”



















Jaguar - “British Villains Rendezvouz”



















Morrisons - “Christmas Advert 2014”



















Sainsbury's - “Christmas 2014”



















Hovis - “Go on, lad”



















Yorkshire Tea - “Everything Stops for Yorkshire Tea!”



















Carling - “It's a Boy”



















British Airways - “To Fly. To Serve”


















Американские рекламные ролики


Dodge Challenger - “Freedom”



















Publix - “Head of the Table”



















Coca-Cola - “America the Beautiful”



















Chrysler - “Born of Fire”



















Chrysler - “America's Import”



















Publix - “Thanksgiving Commercial”



















Jeep - “Beautiful Lands”



















Budweiser - “We'll Never Forget”



















Jeep - “The Things We Make, Make Us”



















Stove Top - “The Pilgrim”



















Stove Top - “Pilgrims Give Thanks”



















Budweiser - “We'll Never Forget”



















Geico - “Christopher Columbus”



















GE - “Columbus”


















Приложение 2. Методическая разработка

British Airways - “A Big British Flashmob”.

Activity 1. When you think about Great Britain, what things come into your mind? Put down as many associations as possible. Divide the items into the following categories: politics, music, literature, art, traditions.

Activity 2. Continue your lists by adding at least one famous British personality to each column.

Activity 3. Do your lists indicate that you know more about one aspect of Great Britain rather than another?

Activity 4. Watch the ad “A Big British Flashmob”. Compare your associations with those mentioned in the video. Make notes while watching and add those items which are not in your lists. Discuss with your partner.

Activity 5. Watch the ad again and put the personalities in the order they appear on the screen.

? Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

? Sherlock Holmes.

? James Bond.

? The Beatles.

? Mary Poppins.

? Scottish man in a traditional costume with a bagpipe.

Activity 6. Where does this flashmob take place? Who are the spectators? How do people react to the performance?

Activity 7. What's being advertised? Would you like to visit Great Britain after watching this ad? Have you already been to Great Britain?

Activity 8. What are the personalities mentioned in the ad famous for? Why were they chosen to represent Great Britain in this ad? Provide a short commentary about each personality mentioned above.

1) The Beatles is an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960.

2) Mary Poppins …

3) James Bond …

4) Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II …

5) Sherlock Holmes …

Activity 9. Think about the personalities most famous in Russia. How would you explain to your British friend what they are famous for? Work in groups and make a list of famous Russian personalities. Include in your list one writer, one musician, one politician, one artist and one fictional character. Decide with your group which person will represent Russia best and why.

British Airways - “London 2012 Ad”.

Activity 1. What is the capital of the United Kingdom? What is it famous for? Do you know the most popular tourist attractions of the city?

Activity 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from Activity 2.

1) ____________________________ is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom.

2) Although ____________________________ is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock it is usually extended to refer to both the clock and the clock tower.

3) ____________________________ over the River Thames links Westminster on the west side and Lambeth on the east side.

4) ____________________________ is the largest in London, and it is often considered the heart of the city.

5) ____________________________ is also known as the Palace of Westminster.

6) ____________________________ is one of the largest parks in central London.

7) ____________________________ is an ancient fortress and historic monument in central London on the north bank of the River Thames.

8) ____________________________ is a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London.

Activity 3. Watch “London 2012 Ad”. Tick the sights which you can see in the ad.

? Trafalgar Square.

? Buckingham Palace.

? Big Ben.

? The London Eye.

? Westminster Bridge.

? The Houses of Parliament.

? The Tower of London.

? Hyde Park.

Activity 4. What international sports event is this ad dedicated to? Explain the message of the ad.

Activity 5. Look at the map of London. Find the attractions mentioned above. Have you visited any of them?

Activity 6. Pretend you are a tour guide. Prepare a 1-minute talk about the most famous tourist attractions of London. Watch the ad without sound and present a sightseeing tour for the group of tourists.

Activity 7. Your British pen-friend Tim is going to visit Saint-Petersburg only for a day and asks you for some advice. What are the most famous tourist attractions of Saint-Petersburg? Which ones would you recommend him to visit? Make a plan of a sightseeing tour for Tim and collect some basic information about the most famous tourist attractions of Saint-Petersburg.

M&M's - “Diamond Jubilee”.

Activity 1. Which flag belongs to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

Activity 2. Read the cultural commentary and answer the following questions.

? How do the British refer to their flag?

? What colors are used in it?

? Describe the flag. What does the Union Jack represent?

? Why Wales is represented in the Union Jack only indirectly?

Activity 3. Use the chart and the timeline below to explain how the Union Jack was formed.

Activity 4. What countries does the United Kingdom consist of? Match the flags to the countries.

Activity 5. Read the cultural commentary and say whether it is offensive to call someone “English”. Have you ever faced such a problem in communication with the British?

Activity 6. Watch the ad “Diamond Jubilee” and say what is being advertised? Why this limited edition of M&M's include red, white and blues only? Why are these colours special for the British?

Activity 7. Is the ad funny? Why? Why not? (Don't forget about peculiarities of British humour).

Activity 8. Watch the ad again and say what “being British” means? Does it include any special features in clothing or manners? Describe a typical British person. How does he/she look like? How does he/she speak? What does he/she wear? Use the ideas below.

Activity 9. What does “being Russian” mean to you? Put down 5 sentences. Compare your answers with the class. Are they different? What do you have in common?

Project. Prepare a short report about monarchy in Great Britain. Cover the following:

a) Who is the Queen of the United Kingdom?

b) What is Diamond Jubilee? When did it take place? How was it celebrated?

c) Why do they say: “The Queen reigns, but doesn't rule”?

McVitie's - “Britain”.

Activity 1. Match the words to their definitions.

1) lousy

2) ridiculous

3) naked

4) to run something

a) not covered with clothes

b) very bad

c) to be in control of something

d) weird, strange

Activity 2. Watch the ad and say what's being advertised? Is this ad ironic?

Activity 3. Which facts about Great Britain mentioned in the ad have you already known? Which ones were new for you? Comment on each fact.

Activity 4. What information about Great Britain, its geographical position and political system can you draw from the ad? Use the prompts to make sentences.

1) foggy / and / in Great Britain / it / always / is / rainy.

2) the chief / currently Queen Elizabeth II / of the UK / is / of state / the British monarch.

3) the British Isles / the UK / located / on / is.

4) pound / the official currency / the UK / is / the / of.

5) football / invented / the British / was / by.

6) the Brits / how / do / know / cook / not / to.

Which of these facts are stereotypical? Which of them are true?

Activity 5. What are the most common stereotypes about the British? Read the list and tick those which you agree with. Explain why you think so.

? The British love drinking tea.

? The British have flawless manners.

? The British are ridiculously polite and apologize a lot.

? The British national cuisine is terrible.

? The Brits have a very peculiar sense of humour.

? The British love talking about the weather.

? In Britain it is always rainy and foggy.

Activity 6. What do you know about British humour and its peculiarities? How can you describe British humour? Is it controversial / excessive / uncompromising? What makes you think so?

Activity 7. What other paradoxes about Great Britain do you know? The pictures will help you to guess.

Activity 8. Think about Russia, its geography, politics, culture, traditions, everyday life. What paradoxes is Russia famous for?

Dodge Challenger - “Freedom”

Activity 1. You are going to watch a commercial titled “Freedom”. What do you think the commercial will be about? What can be advertised in the commercial? Discuss your ideas in pairs.

Activity 2. Watch the first 30 seconds of the commercial and say what historical event it is based on. What helped you to guess?

Activity 3. Watch the rest of the commercial and check your guesses. What is being advertised? Is this product culturally specific?

Activity 4. Is the commercial funny? Why? Why not? What makes it funny?

Activity 5. Who is the protagonist of the commercial? Is it a real person? Do you know him? The cultural commentary will help you to answer the questions.

Activity 6. Watch the commercial again and fill in the gaps.

“Here's a couple of things America got right - _______________ and _______________ .

Activity 7. How do you understand the message? Try to translate the text into Russian. Is it possible to transfer this commercial into Russian cultural background? Why? Why not?

Activity 8. Why cars and freedom are of the same value for the American national identity?

Activity 9. Think about synonyms and opposites of the word freedom. Make a list.









Match the following words to their definitions.

1. Freedom 2. Liberty 3. Independence

a. It is freedom from being governed or ruled by another country.

b. It is the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited.

c. It is the freedom to live as you wish or go where you want.

Activity 10. Find Russian equivalents for the words freedom, liberty, independence.

Activity 11. Fill in the gaps with the words freedom (x3), liberty (x2), independence (x2).

1. Everyone should be allowed ______________ of choice (= the ability to make their own choices).

2. The Declaration of ______________ was adopted in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.

3. Hundreds of political prisoners are to be given their ______________.

4. ______________ of speech and ______________ of thought (= the ability to say and think whatever you want) were both denied under the dictatorship.

5. The Statue of ______________ is one of the most recognizable icons of the USA worldwide.

6. On the 4th of July Americans celebrate ______________ Day of the United States.

Activity 12. Why Americans are so proud of their car industry? What other American car brands do you know? The pictures below will help you.

Activity 13. Think of core Russian values. Transform the text so that it reflected Russian mentality. Complete the text: “Here's a couple of things Russia got right - … and …” Discuss possible options with your partner.

Publix - “Head of the Table”.

Activity 1. What American holidays do you know? Make a list. Underline those holidays which are celebrated both in Russia and in America. Are there any differences and special features of celebrating these holidays in two countries?

Activity 2. Which holiday in your opinion is America's most favorite one?

Activity 3. When is this holiday celebrated? What do you know about its history and traditions? Use the Internet to draw some facts about this holiday.

Activity 4. You're going to watch a commercial. Divide into two groups. Group A is going to watch the video without sound. Group B is going to listen to the sound without video. After that you're going to exchange information.

Task for Group A: Put down all the special features of Thanksgiving which you notice in the commercial. Pay attention to the traditional dishes, atmosphere etc. What is the most important tradition of Thanksgiving?

Task for Group B: How many families are presented in the video? Think about their ethnical and social background? How do these features are reflected in their speech? What collocation and phrases are typical for each social and ethnical group? Compare and contrast them.

Activity 5. Watch the commercial together and define the message. How does this commercial make you feel? What is the essence of Thanksgiving day? What core values are reflected in this commercial? Use the words from the box. Explain your opinion and prove it with the information from the commercial.

Activity 6. Why is the commercial titled this way?

Activity 7. Read the script of the commercial. Underline colloquial contracted forms. What do they stand for? Complete the chart:

wanna = ________________

gonna = ________________

`cause = ________________

Activity 8. There are different ways of saying “thank you” in English. Match the following expressions to their explanations.

a) Thank you very much! / Thanks a lot! / Thank you so much!

b) Thanks a bunch!

c) I really appreciate it!

d) I am much obliged to you for this!

e) Oh, thank you! You shouldn't have.

f) Many thanks!

g) Cheers!

1. You can use this expression when someone gives you a present and you are very surprised.

2. This is a formal way of saying thank you used in letters and emails.

3. This expression is a very formal way of thanking someone for something they have done for you.

4. If you want to emphasize your gratitude, or be very polite, you can use these expressions.

5. This is another informal way of thanking someone which is frequently used in British English.

6. This is an informal way of thanking someone, but can sometimes be used sarcastically, when telling someone that something they did was not helpful or kind.

7. When someone does something for you that you really love and feel grateful for you can use this expression. It is formal and very common in business.

1 - ___ 2 - ___ 3 - ___ 4 - ___ 5 - ___ 6 - ___ 7 - ___

Activity 9. Complete the sentences with the expressions from Activity 9. In some cases more than one option can be possible.

1. - You're looking great! - _________________________

2. __________________ for spoiling my evening!

3. _____________ for the lovely present.

Best regards.


4. I ____________________ for your patience during the recent difficulties.

5. - Would you like a drink?

- That'd be great. _____________

6. Oh, Martin, what lovely flowers. ___________________

7. Dear colleagues, _____________________ your kind assistance.

Activity 10. Study the ways of replying to thank you. Which of them are formal? Which of them are informal? In what situations you might use each of these phrases? Come up with the examples.

Activity 11. Solve the following cultural problem.

Last year one of your acquaintances, Nickolay, was on a business trip to the USA. He spent there 2 weeks and was treated splendidly. The American partner organized sightseeing tour around New York, helped Nickolay to solve the problems with his visa, invited Nickolay to his house for a friendly meal. Nickolay has returned home safely. Thanksgiving day is coming. What is the best thing to do for Nickolay?

A. To give his American partner a call or send an e-mail to thank him for his hospitality.

B. To send a beautiful postcard with his thanks.

C. To ignore this fact and do nothing, because it is an American holiday and we do not celebrate it in Russia.

Discuss the options listed above in small groups and find the best solution.

Activity 12. Read the following Thanksgiving wishes. Decide which ones you can address to a colleague; your grandmother; an acquaintance; a friend who you cherish a lot; your beloved one.

ь Wishing you a Thanksgiving overflowing with peace, love and laughter!

ь We gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that will come. Happy Thanksgiving!

ь Wishing you abundance, hope, peace and a festive holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

ь Thank you for being my hero and for teaching me how to be a better person!

ь Wishing you a harvest of blessings, good health and good times. Happy Thanksgiving day!

ь Thank you for being my greatest blessing!

ь May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout all your life. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you!

Activity 13. Prepare a text for a Thanksgiving card.

Coca-Cola - “America The Beautiful”.

Activity 1. What most common American brands do you know? Brainstorm in groups. What are the most famous American brands for:

· food and drinks;

· clothes;

· cars;

· technology?

Activity 2. You are going to watch a commercial “America the Beautiful”. Look at its title. What do you think it will be about? What do you think is being advertised in this commercial? Discuss in pairs.

Activity 3. Watch the commercial and check your guesses. What is being advertised? Is America pictured the same way as you expected.

Activity 4. How can you describe this commercial? Is it pathetic / patriotic / heart-warming / touching / shocking / neutral?

Activity 5. Watch the commercial again and say what ethnical and religious groups are represented in it? Use the words from the box.

Activity 6. Read the following commentary about Political Correctness. What is Political Correctness? Why was the notion introduced? What is a euphemism?

Activity 7. Study the following pie charts and complete the sentences below. What facts are surprising to you?

1. The majority of American citizens are _______________.

2. The percentages of _____________ Americans and _______________ Americans are almost equal.

3. The dominant religion of the USA is _______________.

4. Approximately 16% of American population do not have any ________________.

Activity 8. Did you notice anything strange about this commercial? What can you say about the song featured in it? Why is it sung in different languages? What are these languages? Do you speak any of them?

Activity 9. Read the extract from the newspaper article and answer the following questions:

1) Why do you think this commercial caused controversy?

2) Which fact about the commercial was the most outraging?

Coke “America the Beautiful” Commercial Stirs Controversy.

Coca-Cola seemed to make a statement about the political climate in the USA with a Super Bowl commercial that celebrates the country's diversity. The ad called “America the Beautiful” first was aired during Super Bowl 2014, and provoked anger in some corners because it featured Americans of different backgrounds singing the iconic patriotic song “America the Beautiful” in a variety of languages. The song was performed in English, Spanish, Keres, Tagalog, Hindi, Senegalese French and Hebrew in the advertisement. The singers proved that America's diversity is one of its most important assets.

After Coca-Cola released the ad, Facebook and Twitter lit up with reactions that ranged from grateful to hateful. Social media was deluged with messages directed at the commercial. While some users celebrated the sentiments of the ad, others expressed anger and criticism. Some tweets even stated the intention of boycotting Coke in favor of Pepsi.

Coke noted that it would continue to run the commercial during major TV events, and re-aired it before the Super Bowl 2017. The company said: “The premise of “America the Beautiful” can be simply stated: America is Beautiful and Coca-Cola is for everyone. We believe it's a powerful ad that promotes optimism, inclusion and celebrates humanity - values that are core to Coca-Cola”.

Activity 10. Are the following sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1. The commercial is not connected to the political situation of the USA.

2. The song “America the Beautiful” is very important for the American national identity.

3. The users of different social networks expressed only anger and criticism about the ad.

4. The commercial is still aired on TV.

5. According to the Coca-Cola the ad celebrates optimism, inclusion and humanity.

Activity 11. Find the underlined words in the text. Work in pairs and explain their meanings to each other.

Activity 12. Divide into two groups. One group approves of the commercial, another group criticizes it. Use the ideas from the Tweets and organize a discussion. Prove your point of view.

Activity 13. America is often called “melting pot”. Why is it so? Another metaphor for multi-cultural American society is “salad bowl”. In your opinion which one describes America best? Explain why.

Activity 14. Think about Russia being a multi-cultural and multi-lingual country. Can you see any differences or similarities between Russia and America in terms of diversity issue?

Project. Prepare a short report about Super Bowl. Cover the following:

a) What is Super Bowl? When does it take place?

b) Is American football different from European football? What's the difference between words - soccer and football.

c) Why “Super Bowl commercials” became a cultural phenomenon of their own?

d) Why broadcasting commercials during the Super Bowl is so beneficial for the advertising agencies?

Приложение 3. Ссылка на облачное хранилище для загрузки рекламных роликов, использованных в работе


001. British Airways - “A Big British Flashmob”

002. British Airways - “London 2012 Ad”

003. M&M's - “Diamond Jubilee”

004. McVitie's - “Britain”

005. Dodge Challenger - “Freedom”

006. Publix - “Head of the Table”

007. Coca-Cola - “America the Beautiful”

Приложение 4. Текстовое содержание проанализированных рекламных роликов

самосознание взрослый социокультурный компетенция

British Airways - “London 2012 Ad”

Текст песни “London Calling” (by The Clash)

London calling to the faraway towns

Now that war is declared and battle come down

London calling to the underworld

Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls

London calling, now don't look at us

Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust

London calling, see we ain't got no swing

Except for the ring of that truncheon thing

… Engines stop running, but I have no fear

`Cause London is drowning and I live by the river

M&M's - “Diamond Jubilee”

Yellow: “Is this British enough?”

Red: “Nope.”

Yellow: “Do put the kettle on, what, what.”

Red: “I don't think so.”

Yellow: “All right geezer?”

Red: “Negator.”

Yellow: “Hey! Look at me! I'm British.”

Red: “Wow! Epic fail!”

Yellow: “Yeah! Right?”

Red: “Oh boy.”

Limited edition. M&M's. Red, white and blues only. Sorry, Yellow.

McVitie's - “Britain”.

“In England we have lousy weather, but the girls are always half naked. We live on an island, but you get there by train. We have a queen, but her husband's only a prince. We built the European Community, but in the end we kept the pound. We invented football, but our national team is run by an Italian. We have the most ridiculous police uniforms, but somehow it seems to work. We don't know how to cook, but we make good biscuits.”

McVitie's original, they are English but they are good.

Dodge Challenger - “Freedom”

Here's a couple of things America got right - cars and freedom.

Publix - “Head of the Table”

The African-American man: “Before we eat …”

The Lady: “Before we eat …”

The Anglo-Saxon man: “I'd just like to say a few words.”

The African-American man: “I'd just like to say a few words. Don't worry this not gonna take long, `cause I'm really-really hungry, OK.”

The Lady: “Every year on this day I count my blessings.”

The Anglo-Saxon man: “And we have so much to be thankful for.”

The African-American man: “I wanna thank the turkey, I wanna thank the stuffing, cranberries and potato pie…”

The Anglo-Saxon man: “Let's see…”

The Lady: “I'm thankful that next year there will be another one to join us.”

The Anglo-Saxon man: “Dad, I'm so glad to have you closer.”

The African-American man: “I wanna thank my mom for having such a wonderful son.”

The Anglo-Saxon man: “Most importantly for the closeness of our friends and family.”

The African-American man: “I should be thankful everyday to have you guys in my life and I am, just don't tell you guys enough.”

The Anglo-Saxon man: “I feel lucky. Every day.”

The Lady: “45 years and 45 turkeys later this day is always so special.”

The Anglo-Saxon man: “So let's be grateful for this food…”

The Lady: “… for this wonderful feast.”

The Anglo-Saxon man: “… for this incredible year.”

The Lady: “… and for each other.”

The African-American man: “I love all of you.”

Coca-Cola - “America the Beautiful”

Полный текст песни “America the Beautiful” (by Katharine Lee Bates)

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain

For purple mountain majesties

Above the fruited plain.

America, America!

God shed His grace on thee

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea!

Oh beautiful, for pilgrim feet

Whose stern impassioned stress

A thoroughfare to freedom beat

Across the wilderness.

America, America!

God mend thine every flaw,

Confirm thy soul in self-control

Thy liberty in law.

Oh beautiful, for heroes proved

In liberating strife

Who more than self their country loved

And mercy more than life.

America, America!

May God thy gold refine

Till all success be nobleness

And every gain divine.

Oh beautiful, for patriot's dream

That sees beyond the years

Thine alabaster cities gleam

Undimmed by human tears.

America, America!

God shed His grace on thee

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea.

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