Специфика использования архетипа трикстера в политической коммуникации на примере Дональда Джона Трампа

Политический имидж как часть политических коммуникаций. Понятие архетипа, его интерпретация и признаки. Архетип Трикстера в мифологии и политике, его характеристика и ключевые особенности. Трикстерство в политической коммуникации Дональда Джона Трампа.

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Консерваторские настроения и традиционные ценности

One of the greatest privileges of my journey has been the time I've spent with the evangelical community. And the support they gave me in those primaries was absolutely incredible, I have to tell you. All across the nation. A lot of people said: I wonder if Donald will get the evangelicals. I got the evangelicals. There are no more decent, devoted, or selfless people than our Christians brothers and sisters here in the United States.

Yet, our media culture often mocks and demeans people of faith. And you understand that. All the time I hear from concerned parents how much harder it is for a Christian family to raise their children in today's media environment.

This is the power of faith. It's the power to heal. It's the power to unite. It's the power to make all of us live better lives - all of us.

It will be our faith in God and his teachings, in each other, that will lead us back to unity.

I will also fight for the American family and American family values. The family must be at the center of any anti-poverty agenda.

We are all equal, and we all come from the same Creator. If we remember that simple fact, then our future is truly limitless. There is nothing we as Americans can't do.

Усталость от существующего истеблишмента

The deductible is so high you never get to use it unless you are going to lead a very long and very complex bad period - very, very long. It is a disaster. It's a disaster, and everybody knows it.

Антиглобалисткий протест

We'll stand up to China, and we're going to fight for every last job. It's going to be America first, and it's going to be the American worker first.

Рис. 12. Оценка эмоций Трампа и публики с помощью ресурса Factba.se

Таблица 14

Анализ речи Трампа в Гринвилл


Greenville. NC. 06.09.2016

Персональные характеристики

Self-made man


Ресурсы (демонстрация силы)

I am proud instead to have the support of our warfighting generals, active duty military officers, and top military experts who know how to win - and know how to keep us out of endless war. Today, 88 retired U.S. generals and admirals signed a letter of endorsement.

Человек не из системы

This is the year we can finally fix it. That's because change has to come from outside of our broken and corrupt system.

Неполитичная коммуникация


Отношение к существующему порядку


This is a national crisis - and anybody who fails to understand that is not fit to seek the Presidency of the United States.

Обвинения системы и власти

One example of pay-for-play is what the Clinton's did in Haiti. Let me stop here for a second and say how much we love and appreciate the Haitian-American community in Florida and across our country. We send our prayers to the many still suffering in Haiti from the earthquake. But while Haiti has suffered, the Clintons and their pals have cashed in.

Переворачивание (необходимость не просто изменений, а «взрыва»)

This is our chance to end years of injustice, corruption and betrayal. This is our chance to solve all of the problems that have gone unsolved for so many years.

It is time to break with the bitter failures of the past, and to embrace a New American Future.

Апелляция к аудитории

Страхи и национальные комплексы


Консерваторские настроения и традиционные ценности

Like the Cold War, we also need to fight this battle by collecting intelligence and then protecting our classified secrets.

This weekend, I had the honor to join a church service in Detroit at the Great Faith Ministries International with the amazing Bishop Wayne Jackson. It was an incredible and deeply moving experience.

Усталость от существующего истеблишмента

For years, we have been caught up in endless wars and conflicts under the leadership of failed politicians and a failed foreign policy establishment in Washington D.C.

People are asking: where did all the money go?

Антиглобалисткий протест

I believe in a foreign policy based on our national interests that focuses on American security and regional stability - instead of using our military to create Democracies in countries with no Democratic history.

Рис. 13. Оценка эмоций Трампа и публики с помощью ресурса Factba.se

Таблица 15

Анализ речи Трампа в Айове


Des Moines. IA. 27.08.2016 Donald Trump Iowa Speech (Transcript) - Hope For The Powerless And Disenfranchised // The Last Refuge [Электронный ресурс]

Персональные характеристики

Self-made man


Ресурсы (демонстрация силы)

I don't even have to mention our tremendous construction workers, every single one of them is going to vote for me - do you have any idea how much I build?

Человек не из системы


Неполитичная коммуникация


Отношение к существующему порядку


We cannot, as a society, tolerate this level of violence and suffering in our own cities. Those who would deny that this is a national crisis - a crisis requiring urgent action - have no business running for elected office.

Обвинения системы и власти

Failed Democratic policies - the policies of Hillary Clinton - have created this high crime and crushing poverty.

Rigged system

Переворачивание (необходимость не просто изменений, а «взрыва»)

This year, the GOP is offering the voters a chance to break-up the corrupt establishment and to create a New American Future. This chance will never come again.

Апелляция к аудитории

Страхи и национальные комплексы


Консерваторские настроения и традиционные ценности

Hillary Clinton's campaign is all about protecting the powerful.

Family farms are the backbone of this country.

I have been so honored to have the support of the Evangelical community, and I hope we can continue to count on Evangelical support in November. I also know how much the evangelical community is deeply committed to helping those in poverty.

Усталость от существующего истеблишмента

We will tackle and fix the problems that have gone unsolved for years: failing schools, crumbling infrastructure, broken borders, bloated bureaucracy, wasteful spending, and a government that just doesn't work.

The Clinton Corruption scandals have been a sad time for America. The illegal server, the foreign hacking, the deleted emails, the secret schedules, the lying to Congress. It's all just too much. How much more can voters take?

I believe America is ready to turn the page on this sordid past. We don't want another 4 years of Obama or Clinton Controversies: they're not only dangerous but, frankly, exhausting to the people. How do you even keep up with them all?

Many people have said that establishment media assault on me and our campaign - we have a movement - is the greatest in the political history of our country.

Антиглобалисткий протест

Every time an African-American citizen, or any citizen, loses their job to an illegal immigrant, the rights of that American citizen have been violated.

These international gangs and cartels will be a thing of the past. Their reign of terror will be over. In this task, we will always err on the side of protecting the American people.

Рис. 14. Оценка эмоций Трампа и публики с помощью ресурса Factba.se

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