Нефтяная промышленность: Учебное пособие для переводчиков

Характеристика основ технологических процессов в нефтедобывающей промышленности, описание оборудования, применяемого при проведении различных операций. Упражнения для усвоения живой лексики, используемой непосредственно на нефтяных объектах, ключи к ним.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид курс лекций
Язык русский
Дата добавления 23.03.2014
Размер файла 1,9 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

3. Two kinds of breathing apparatus approved for using in H2S areas are:


4. When using breathing apparatus, it is important to remember to breathe


5. Before testing an atmosphere for H2S you must


6. The first priority in rescuing a victim from an H2S atmosphere is to protect


7. Before attempting putting rescue breathing apparatus on an H2S victim, you must move the victim to a

______________________________ area.

8. The physiological effects of H2S are dependent upon 4 factors:




On a remote location, an acid pumper arrives on location to perform an acid wash and squeeze. The well is known to have a concentration of 20 000 ppm H2S. There is a service rig on location with a five man crew, an air trailer with a safety operator, one customer representative, one tank truck operator, and a three man acidizing crew. The pumper is spotted upwind of the wellhead, 25 metres from the rig tank. A kelly hose is run from the rig pump to the pumper unit. The pumper unit is rigged into a manifold to allow the pumping of fluid to either the tubing or casing.

The safety operator has a portable H2S monitor on site with sensors located at the rig tank and wellhead. There are SCBA units located at the safe area.

Рисунок 27. Acid treatment.

The day before the alarms had sounded at the rig tank when the well was being circulated. The safety operator checks over the rig with a personal monitor before the safety meeting and finds no H2S. He feels there is no need to supply the pumper operator with a SABA and air hose.

During the safety meeting, the dangers of H2S are discussed and emergency procedures are reviewed. The pumper and rig pump operators ready their units to transfer fluid from the rig tank. The rest of the personnel meet at the rig shack for coffee.

The rig pump operator starts to pump fluid from the rig tank to the pumper. The pumper operator looks in the tank to check the level and collapses on the far side of the truck. The rig pump operator does not see the operator fall and continues to pump. The supervisor comes out of the dog house and sees his operator down and runs toward the pumper. The supervisor goes down as he reaches the unit. The rig pump operator sees the supervisor go down and stops pumping. The portable monitor at the wellhead then goes off.

Describe the mistakes made.


A rig crew and air trailer attendant arrive at a location at the same time to start the day. The air trailer attendant unlocks the trailer and proceeds to stretch out the air lines. The rig crew goes into the doghouse to change their clothes.

One man, however, decides to check the shut-in tubing and casing pressure before changing his clothes. Once he records the pressure, he decides to bleed off pressure to an open tank. The return and kill lines had been drained the night before and not reconnected. The build-up pressure is released to the atmosphere.

Рисунок. Well service.

Approximately 2000 ppm of H2S is released into the atmosphere. It migrates downwind directly into the path of the air trailer attendant. He is instantly overcome and collapses near the end of the catwalk.

A second crew man sees the air trailer attendant slump to the ground. He rushes over to assist and is also knocked down. The first crew member realizes what is happening and shuts the wellhead valve.

Describe the mistakes made.


Рисунок. Drilling rig.

A rig crew was pulling a wet test. The crew members were all masked up. A safety supervisor, also masked up, was testing the floor area with a detector tube device. Several wet stands were pulled, and no H2S had been detected. The safety supervisor suggested the crew take off their masks, as they were tiring quickly. The situation was discussed with the rig manager and the wellsite representative. All agreed the crew should take off their masks. The safety supervisor would remain masked up and would continue testing.

The crew went back onto the floor without masks. A stand was pulled and the tool joint broken. The mudcan was put on, and the crew left the floor. The driller picked up on the stand and the mud drained. The safety supervisor opened the mudcan and tested. No H2S was detected. The crew were called back on the floor to hoist another stand. As they were about to hook on the elevators, a small mud burp was observed. The safety supervisor told the crew to leave the floor, and he began to test.

Three of the crew members were going into the doghouse when the first one went down. Two more went down on top of him. The well was immediately shut in. The three crew members were revived shortly afterwords and taken to hospital. The safety supervisor detected 32% H2S. Describe the mistakes made.


1. Being a safety man at the rig site explain to the driller why it is dangerous to open valves on the wellhead.

2. As a safety man convince the rig site workers that H2S is dangerous even in small concentrations.

3. You see a derrickman leaving a dog house where he has had lunch with the crew. He has a personal monitor, an air pack on and is going to gauge the tank. Though everything is all right, he is making a mistake. Try to talk to him and explain his mistake.



1. Blind - глухой фланец, люк, крышка

2. Production facilities - нефтеочистные сооружения на промысле

3. Refine petroleum - очищать нефтепродукты

4. Scale - накипь, нарост

5. Sewage - сточные воды

6. Sour spills -разлив жидкостей, содержащих H2S

7. Wastewater treatment facilities - водоочистные сооружения



1. What is the origin of H2S?

2. Where is H2S encountered?

3.What are the properties of H2S?

4.Where can you find H2S in oil and gas industry?

5.Why are the confined spaces especially dangerous?

6.What are the main procedures to ensure your safety at an H2S site?



Hydrogen sulphide, or H2S, is a naturally occuring gas found in a variety of geological formations. It is also formed by the natural decomposition of organic material in the absence of oxygen. It is encountered in a variety of industrial processes, including sewage and wastewater treatment facilities and the production and refining of petroleum, pulp and paper, metals, sulphur compounds and heavy water. H2S may be referred to as sour gas, acid gas, stink damp or sulphuretted hydrogen.

H2S gas is colourless, heavier-than-air and extremely toxic. In small concentrations it has a rotten egg smell and causes eye and throat irritation. H2S can deaden your sense of smell and, at higher concentrations, causes death. For these reasons, training in how to protect yourself is cruicial in any industry where H2S might be encountered. You will learn more about the toxic effects of H2S later, but first take a look at the following fatality incidents which occurred in the petroleum industry. All of these incidents could have been prevented!

- After loading his tank truck with sour produced water, a truck driver climbed onto the truck tank to gauge his load. His body was found the next morning on top of the tank near the open hatch.

- A boilermaker foreman was exposed to hydrogen sulphide while removing a blind on top of a vessel. After the exposure, he fell 12 m to his death.

- A rig worker collapsed while operating a blow-out preventer valve. The foreman brought breathing apparatus to rescue him, but was overcome. A third worker came to their rescue and was also overcome. The crew finally removed them from the area. The third worker was revived, but the first worker and the foreman both died.

These incidents are not here to scare you, but to point out the dangers associated with H2S. You can control these hazards through receiving adequate training, following safe work procedures and using breathing apparatus.

You can expect to find H2S anywhere in oil and gas industry. This means you can find H2S in:


- piping systems;

- vessels;

- pipelines;

- tanks;

- production facilities;

- pits and low spots;

- confined or enclosed spaces;

- shacks or buildings;

- sour spills.

You must be cautious when dealing with any confined space. When you enter a confined space, there is always the possibility that H2S may be present. The two main things to watch out for are scale and liquids. If you agitate liquids in a tank, they may release any H2S they contain. The removal of scale by steam, chemicals or grinding may also cause the release of any H2S in the scale.

H2S may be dissolved in liquids and then be released if agitated, depressurized or heated. This means that gas in the liquids is released when they are circulated, pumped, flowed or swabbed into tanks. That is another reason why you would expect to find H2S at the top of open tanks, gauge hatches and vent lines.

If you are near an oil and gas facility, check the wind direction by looking at the windsocks, weather vanes, tape, trees and so on. If H2S is present, it will move downwind. Staying upwind of the facility in the event of a leak should help keep you out of danger.

H2S is heavier than air. This means the gas may collect in low-lying areas or be trapped by buildings, natural barriers or other confined spaces. In the event of a leak, go to high ground upwind from the source of H2S. If downwind, head in a direction that takes you crosswind.





В этом разделе приведены основные виды документов, с которыми приходится работать переводчику в нефтедобывающем предприятии, даны образцы их оформления и упражнения для самостоятельного перевода. Документы могут меняться по размеру и оформлению, при этом, данные для заполнения и перевода остаются сходными. В зависимости от конкретных условий, видов документов может быть гораздо больше, поэтому в тексте данного урока мы ограничимся иллюстрацией нескольких примеров.

Очевидно, что самым распространенным документом в достаточно крупном совместном предприятии является файловая (служебная) записка, при помощи которой осуществляется корреспонденция между отделами. Составляется служебная записка на двух языках. Пример ее оформления приведен ниже.

Наиболее сложными в отношении перевода являются документы отделов Бурения и Заканчивания. Трудности, с которыми можно встретиться при оформлении и переводе ежедневных сводок по бурению и заканчиванию, программ по скважинам и других документов, заключаются как в специфичности терминологии, так и в наличии большого количества абривиатур.

Образцы сводок по бурению и заканчиванию, а также образец плана работ по скважине, приведены ниже.



1. BHA - bottom hole assembly

2. ВОР - blowout preventer

3. CBL - cement bond logging

4. csg.- casing

5. С V - circulating valve

6. ESP - electrical submersible pump

7. ND - nipple down

8. NU - nipple up

9. PLT - production logging tool

10. POOH - pull out of hole

11.PT-pressure test

12. RIH - run in hole

13. RO-rig out

14. RU - rig up

15. SAP tool - selective acidizing packer

16. SICP - shut in casing pressure

17. SITP - shut in tubing pressure

18. SIW-shut in well

19. tbg.-tubing

20. TOF-top of fish 2 l.w/h- wellhead

22. WO - wait on




1. Band-крепить

2. Check valve - обратный клапан

3. Combination valve - комбинированный клапан

4. Head module - головка ЭЦН

5. Junction box - соединительная коробка

6. Knock out valve - сбивной клапан


While running ESP, drift and tally the tubing.

1. Check the compatibility of the surface electrical equipment with the parameters of the ESP.

См. пункт 2.

2. Install the check valve into the head module of the pump and then install the knock out valve onto the check valve or install a combination valve. The knock out valve may be installed one joint higher than the check valve.

3. Band ESP cable to tubing joints (above and below each tubing collar) so that there is a distance of 250 mm from the collars.

4. Pressure test the tubing to 7000 Kpa while running in the hole.

5. The pump should be run in at the speed not higher than 0.25 m/s.

6. Cable insulation resistance should be measured every 300 m.

7. Set the pump at the depth which is in accordance with the well plan and ensure that there is enough cable left on surface to hook up to the junction box.

8. Make all the necessary connections at the surface. Check for proper rotation of the pump and make sure that the pump is producing with the proper pumping rate.

9. Adjust underload/overload protection. Turn the well over to the production operator for start up and placement into production. Start up operations should be carried out in accordance with the manual.

10. The actual depth at which the pump is installed, the time of installation, the static fluid level in the well and the readings of the gauges should all be indicated in the daily report.




1. Depending upon operations in drilling, they use core bits, roller-cutters or rotary bits.

2. Tool-pusher told the floor hand to put a snipe into the tool room

and bring a crescent wrench. 3. When RIH they use singles from pipe racks or stands from the


4. There are different types of threads: regular and IF, 8-round and 10-round.

5. Before spudding a well you should ensure all safety precautions were taken.

6. Sumpless drilling is a type of drilling when used drilling mud can be applied again.

7. When circulating a well a junk basket is used to collect cuttings after work with a mill.

8. When tripping pipe joints must be tallied and drifted to avoid wax build up.

9. Acid blend is always tested for compatibility with oil before use.

10. You can determine depth of fluid level when swabbing if you count

drawworks drum wraps.

11. There were some tubing collar marks on the impression block.

12. After the BOP drill the driller went to the BOP stand to open the BOP again.

13. Scraper is used to clean casing of wax and wax-knife is used to clean tubing of wax.

14. In case of emergency a derrickman can use escape buggy line to escape.

15. Drawworks transmission malfunction caused emergency shut off.

16. When tripping pipe power tongs is one of the main pieces of equipment to look after.

17. Surge tank pressure gauge reading was a little higher than normal so they had to choke down.

18. Washover mill is usually installed on the end of a washover pipe and is used to cut off metal around pipe.

19. During workover they take Christmas tree off and install BOP to prevent a blowout.

20. Catwalk is usually spotted in front of a well and is used when picking up or laying down joints.


1. В результате выброса манометр разбился.

2. При спуско-подъемных операциях необходимо замерять и шаблонировать трубы.

3. Пробойник - это электрический перфоратор, спускаемый в скважину на металлическом тросе.

4. Бурильщик определяет глубину спуска капсы по виткам на барабане лебедки.

5. Чтобы вызвать приток после кислотной обработки, иногда приходится долго свабировать, раскручивая нефть и проверяя обводненность.

6. Воронку накручивают на НКТ для предотвращения повреждения резьбы последней трубы, в качестве указателя последней трубы и для обеспечения нормального захода геофизических приборов в НКТ.

7. Когда ломик сбросили в скважину, детонатор не сработал и перфорация не удалась.

8. Для определения обводненности, нефть раскручивают в


9. Тартальный канат используется для свабирования, а талевый

- дляСПО.

10. Пакер посадить не удалось, он сползает по колонне.

11. Селективная кислотная обработка - это способ последовательного воздействия на нефтеносный пласт кислотой.

12. Перед ремонтом скважины елку фонтанной арматуры демонтируют.

13. При ловильных работах используют разнообразный ловильный инструмент для ловли кабеля, НКТ или других упавших в скважину предметов.

14. Блок-крестовина на фонтанной арматуре дает возможность установить несколько резьбовых или глухих фланцев.

15. НКТ держатся на муфтовой подвеске, а муфтовая подвеска фиксируется в арматуре при помощи специальных болтов.

16. Мастер сказал верховому замерить количество жидкости в емкости и определить количество воды.

17. Манометр устанавливают для определения давления в НКТ и затрубном пространстве.

18. При помощи прихватоопределителя можно найти место, где трубы застряли в скважине.

19. Для защиты НКТ от кислоты в нее добавляют антикоррозийный ингибитор.

20. Посадить или сорвать пакер возможно проворотом колонны НКТ влево или вправо.

21. Давление на сепараторе возросло и бурильщик уменьшил размер штуцера.


1. What main departments in a standard oil company do you know?

2. How do a supervisor and a tool-pusher share their responsibilities at a drilling rig?

3. What two types of sedimentary rocks do you know?

4. What is porosity and what is permeability?

5. What drilling equipment used at a drilling rig do you know?

6. What are the methods to release pipe string when stuck in the hole?

7. What are the main parts of a Christmas tree?

8. What are the main external components of a wellhead?

9. What are the main internal components of a wellhead?

10. What are the main purposes of using valves?

11. What is a service rig used for?

12. What cables or lines used on a service rig do you know?

13. What are the main purposes of a mud pump at a service rig?

14. What are the main differences between selective an bullhead acid jobs?

15. Why bullet perforation is considered to be more dangerous than cummulative perforation?

16. What is swabbing?

17. What swabbing equipment do you know?

18. Which factors are essential for the process of oil and gas separation?

19. What is the difference between a stand and a joint?

20. What types of pipe do you know?

21. What fishing tools do you know?

22. How can pipelines be classified?

23. What types of dewaxing do you know?

24. How can pipelines be protected from corrosion?

25. What is the difference between wax-knives and scrapers?


1. They usually do a pickle prior to an acid job.

2. If during pressure test a line does not hold pressure, it is entirely reassembled.

3. Hot oiling is a method to dewax a well.

4. If we wide open a choke on a well it will be producing more oil for many years ahead.

5. To determine watercut one should spin oil out.

6. Swabbing cup is made of heavy-duty metal and never wears out.

7. Junk basket is used to collect hand tools in the end of a working day.

8. When drilling they first run surface casing, then intermediate casing and then production casing with liner.

9. Drill pipe is not so heavy as tubing so it can be used only for routine operations.

10. When squeezing acid into formation the pump used should be powerful enough.

11. Bottom hole assembly is a combination of different tools run into the hole.

12. A stuck point is located by the tool called acidizing packer.

13. When flowing a well you should monitor wind's direction to prevent gas poisoning.

14. Surge tank is used to separate gas and oil.

15. H2S is dangerous only in high concentrations.


1. Supervisor is a:

- manager's assistant;

- foreman in Production Department;

- engineer on site.

2. Completions Department is in charge of:

- maintaining pipelines;

- drilling;

-perforating jobs;

- roads construction.

3. Hydrocarbons origin is:

- remains of ancient plants and animals;

- ancient underground waters;

- result of chemical reaction of H2S and air.

4. Drilling mud is used for:

- cleaning equipment after use;

- cooling down the bit;

- washing out cuttings;

- mixing acid blend.

5. Wellhead provides for:

- access to casing and tubing;

- increase of formation pressure;

- launching a pipeline pig.

6. Valves are used to:

* - control hydrostatic pressure;

- control and stop fluid flow;

- control H2S concentration.

7. Service rig is:

- bigger than a drilling rig;

- smaller than a drilling rig;

- not different from a drilling rig.

8. ВОР is used for:

- shutting in a well in case of a kick;

- oil and gas separation;

- installation of tubing and casing valves.

9. The purpose of acid job is:

- to retrieve tools stuck in the hole;

- to stimulate formation;

- to prepare the well for perforating job.

10. The purpose of swabbing is to:

- increase oil production;

- inject water in the well;

- recover water and initiate flow.

11. Separator is a device:

- installed on the well bottom;

- used for oil and gas separation;

- separating two wells.

12. The purpose of fishing job is to:

- get rid of wax in the well;

- catch some fish in underground waters

- retrieve pipe and tools fallen to the well bottom.

13. Pigs in pipelines are launched to:

- clean the pipeline of wax;

- check the pipeline integrity;

- push H2S out of the pipeline;

- have fun.

14. H2S can be found:

- everywhere;

- in oil wells natural gas;

- only in specially designed tanks.

15. When you see a man down in H2S area you must:

- run to help him;

- put on an air pack and then rescue him;

- run out of the area and quit working for the company.



1. Oil Company structure and personnel.

2. Hydrocarbons origin.

3. Well drilling.

4. Wellhead equipment.

5. Valves.

6. Service rig equipment.

7. Well completion.

8. Well swabbing and testing.

9. Tripping pipe. Fishing job.

10. Pipelines.

11. Safety.




1. Logistics, Drilling, Completions, Production, Materials, Safety. Invironment, Security, Construction.

2. Maintenance, Welders, Mechanics, Catering, Drivers.

3. Perforating jobs, acid stimulation, fishing jobs, well testing, swabbing, workover.

4. Production, Well testing, Mechanics, Instrumentation, Electricians.

5. Purchasing of materials and equipment,warehouses and pipeyards, materials storage and distribution.

6. Capital Projects - long terms construction of buildings, plants and facilities. General Construction - short terms construction of roads, pipelines and small projects.

7. Invironment protection from pollution, oil spills clean up.

8. Driller, assistant driller, derrickman, roughneck.

9. Keep operative communication with the superintendent and site supervisors, help solving arising problems at sites.

10. Equal. Different departments.

11. Supervisor is responsible for technological operations, tool-pusher is responsible for equipment and personnel.


1. Welders and a safety man.

2. Accident with a pipe-bender, unauthorized personnel at the shop, usage of equipment, shop clean up, safety clothes, first aid kits.

3. The pipe-bender broke loose and hit one welder causing injury.

4. People who do not know how to use equipment can injure themselves and others.

5. Clean up all metal scrap and garbage.

6. Coveralls, steel toed boots, safety glasses, gloves, hard hats.



1. Останки древнейших животных и растений.

2. Продолжительность периодов непрерывных условий.

3. Нефть и газ легче воды.

4. Карбонатные и обломочные.

5. Наличие пространства между частицами породы.

6. С какой легкостью жидкость может перемещаться через пористую породу.

7. Пласт, содержащий только свободную воду.

8. Песчаники, известняки, доломиты.

9. Сырая нефть и попутный газ.

10. Твердое, жидкое и газообразное.

11. Высокое пластовое давление.


1. Oil and gas exist underground in microscopic pores.

2. Much of the oil began as the remains of ancient plants and animals.

3. Accumulation of organic matter depended upon durability of geological periods.

4. As oil was lighter than water it tended to rise.

5. Not all rocks are capable of being a reservoir rock.

6. Permeability refers to how easy oil can travel through pores.

7. Limestones and dolomites contain oil, they are sedimentary rocks.

8. As a rule crude oil contains gas.


1. Fluids move from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure.

2. Pressure at the well bottom.

3. Pressure at surface.

4. Pressure at surface when the well is shut-in.

5. Bottom.

6. Pressure within fluid column.

7. Reservoir pressure should be greater than fluid column hydrostatic


8. Permeability of the reservoir rock, area of flow into the wellbore,

fluid viscosity.



1. Reciprocating is a method to break the tool stuck in the hole free.

2. Cuttings in a well mean pieces of the rock being drilled out.

3. Drilling mud is specially prepared fluid which is pumped into the hole when drilling, to cool down the bit, wash out cuttings and create extra pressure on the bit.

4. The tool used to determine stuck point is called free point tool.

5. Elevator is a device to pull pipe out of the hole.

6. First part of casing is called conductor and second - surface casing.

7. Cement job is conducted every time they run casing into the hole.

8. Sumpless drilling means that drilling mud recovered from a well is not drained into a sump, but is cleaned up and used again.


1. Exploration, Development, Completion.

2. To drill a few wells at the same time and not to have long distance

rig moves.

3. Foundation or platform with drawworks, rig floor with rotary table, derrick with monkey boards, crownblock,travelling block, elevator.

4. Shale-shakers, mud pump, generator, boiler, BOP, etc.

5. To cool down a bit, wash out cuttings, increase drilling progress and create hydrostatic pressure thus preventing a blowout.

6. A method to check direction of drilling during well deviation.

7. Conductor, surface casing, production casing.

8. To cut core.

9. Reciprocating, fluid (oil, water, acid) bath.

10. At a certain moment they start to drill with inclination to reach the planned target (formation).

11. Free point tool.


1. Add stabilizers.

2. First bend in the drill string above the bit, formation characteristics.

3. Put more weight on the bit, prevent wall sticking and other hole conditions problems.

4. They wear out and sometimes malfunction, fail.

5. Reduce the weight on the bit and speed up the rotary table.

6. Very gradually reduce the bit weight.



1. Удерживать обсадную колонну и колонну НКТ, изолировать затрубное пространство, обеспечивать доступ во все колонны, контролировать процессы закачки и добычи жидкости и газа.

2. Колонная головка, промежуточная колонная головка, трубная головка, елка фонтанной арматуры.

3. Установка клиновой подвески, обеспечение выходов для установки затрубных задвижек.

4. При применении дополнительной обсадной колонны используется для установки клиновой подвески, обеспечения выходов для установки затрубных задвижек дополнительной (технической) колонны.

5. Катушка с двумя фланцами для крепления муфтовой подвески и обеспечения выходов для установки задвижек НКТ.

6. Переводный фланец, главная ствольная задвижка, блок-крестовина, оголовок елки, боковая задвижка, штуцер.

7. Открытие: ствольная задвижка, боковая задвижка, штуцер. Закрытие: в обратном порядке.

8. Обеспечение герметичности между двумя кольцевыми фланцами.

9. Клиновая подвеска, первичное уплотнение, вторичное уплотнение, муфтовая подвеска.

10. Набор конусообразных клиньев для крепления и удержания

обсадной колонны. 11. Резиновое кольцо для обеспечения герметичности между

обсадной колонной и внутренней стенкой колонной головки.

12. Уплотнение, устанавливаемое в нижней части ствола промежуточной колонной головки или трубной головки.

13. Удержание колонны НКТ в скважине и изоляция НКТ от затруба.

14. Тип А-1 с внутренней резьбой для НКТ, тип АЕ - полая, с возможностью поднятия или спуска НКТ сквозь нее.


1. Christmas tree provides for valves to connect a well to a pipeline.

2. Correct.

3. Correct.

4. Choke can not show pressure. Tree top adaptor is used for pressure gauge installation.

5. Correct.

6. Every time after installation of primary and secondary seals they must be pressure tested.

7. Correct.



1. To ensure any tool run into a hole will go through.

2. To prolong valves life and for integrity.

3. To stop fluid flow, to control fluid flow by adjusting flow opening.

4. Gate valves, ball valves, plug valves.

5. Needle valves, chokes, globe valves, butterfly valves.

6. To adjust and control fluid flow.

7. Housing, stem, wheel, seat, disc.

8. The valves will be damaged by erosion and will not close all the way down.


1. The operation of this equipment is a necessity of the job and is very important for economic operation of the facilities.

2. Chemical storage tank, a chemical pump and some method of measuring the injection rate.

3. Regardless of the type of container used to store the chemical, it should provide for safe storage.

4. Pneumatic or electric drive piston types.

5. Use of draw down gauges or calibrated tubes.



1. Drill line is a wirerope used for pulling pipe out of a hole.

2. Emergency kill is the rig motor shut off in case of emergency.

3. Correct.

4. Correct.

5. To nipple up BOP means to install BOP on a wellhead.

6. ВОР drill is a training for personnel on how to act in case of a blowout.


1. Well completions and workover.

2. Service rig, BOP, mud pump, storage tanks, boiler, generator, additional equipment for different operations.

3. Driller's panel, weight indicator, power tongs, air slips.

4. Main drawworks, secondary drawworks, 2 auxiliary hoists.

5. Latch on tubing to pull out of the hole.

6. Guylines, monkey board lines, load lines, escape buggy line, drill line, sandline, catline.

7. Blowout preventer is a device for shutting-in a well in case of a kick or a blowout.

8. Blind rams, pipe rams and a hydril are closed by the pressure of hydraulic fluid from the bottles hoses.

9. Before any works on a well if the well is flowing.

10. Made of heavy-duty rubber, petals close to the centre regardless of tubing presence or absence in the hole.

11. Kill a well, well circulation, squeeze acid into formation, transfer fluids from one tank to another.

12. Determine volume of fluid, store a few fluids at the same time, mix CaCL2 blend, visual control of incoming fluid, oil degassing, quick union line make up.

13. To generate steam and steam up equipment as well as heat up shacks.

14. On distant locations with no power lines available and in case they need 380 V voltage.


1. A misapplied pump may operate outside the recommended range, overload or underload the motor or ruin the well at a rapid rate which may result in formation damage.

2. Assuming that wells from the same producing horizon will have similar characteristics.

3. High water cut wells producing fresh water or brine, wells with multi-phase flow, wells producing highly viscous fluids.

4. The pump starts producing lower than normal head as the gas-to-liquid ratio increases beyond a certain "critical" value.

5. Gases must be separated from the other fluids prior to the pump intake.



1. Перфорационные работы, кислотная обработка.

2. без спуска обсадной колонны в зону пласта.

3. Если породы недостаточно твердые, может произойти обвал стенок скважины.

4. Прострел стенок обсадной колонны для образования отверстий для нефти.

5. Используется пробойник, спускаемый в скважину на металлическом тросе и несущий пулевые заряды. Приводится в действие при помощи электрического сигнала.

6. Используются заряды сжатого газа. Перфораторы спускаются на НКТ. Приводятся в действие при ударе по детонатору, расположенному над перфораторами, перфорационным ломиком.

7. Стимуляция пласта путем расширения пор и облегчения выхода нефти.

8. Селективная и "закачкой в лоб".

9. Нельзя контролировать направление закачиваемой кислоты, большой расход кислоты, большие объемы дополнительных работ по окончании кислотной обработки.

10. Подготовительный, закачка кислоты, завершение работ.

11. Инструмент для изоляции одного участка скважины от другого.


1. Acid job is a method to stimulate formation.

2. Perforating job is performed to make holes in casing to let oil come into the wellbore.

3. Correct.

4. Correct.

5. Corrosion inhibitor is used to prevent acid affect on tubing.

6. Packer is a tool used to separate one wellbore section from another.

7. Correct.

8. Good acid blend should never mix with oil.

9. Correct.


1. Rotate tubing string to the left or to the right.

2. Acid is tested for compatibility with oil. If acid and oil do not mix the blend is considered to be of good quality.

3. Corrosion inhibitor is used to protect tubing from acid affect.

4. Selective acid job allows to treat all perforations with acid by means of using a packer and not to waste acid.

5. Up to 1.5 metres.

6. Determine formation depth, correlation, tool depth, etc.

7. Charges can come off all of a sudden as a result from occasional radio signal.

8. Drop a perforating bar into tubing.

9. If all the charges came off and there are holes in casing.

10. To compare perfs depth with the tool's depth and space out if necessary.

11. Preparation, acid squeezing, accomplishing stage.



1. Swabbing is conducted after the acid job to recover water and initiate flow.

2. Correct.

3. Lubricator is a pipe used to keep a sinker bar with a cup in it and prevent fluid from splashing to the rig floor.

4. Separator is used to separate oil from gas and water.

5. When gas is separated from oil in the separator, it goes to the flareline and is burnt in a pit.

6. Correct.


1. A method to get rid of water in a well and initiate oil flow.

2. Water column hydrostatic pressure is higher than formation pressure so the well can not flow.

3. Sinker bar, mandrel, no-go, cup, swabbing valve, lubricator, swabbing tree.

4. To protect a sinker bar with a cup and prevent fluid from flowing to the rig floor.

5. A portion of gas coming out of a well.

6. Danger of a blowout.

7. Tubing and casing pressures, separator pressure.

8. To separate oil from gas and water.

9. Horizontal, vertical, spherical.

10. Two-phase: separate oil from gas. Three phase: separate oil from gas and water.

11. Separated fluids must not dissolve, one fluid must be lighter than the other.

12. For safety reasons, to have occurate measurements of oil and gas produced.

13. Pressure control, level control.

14. After 6 hours of stable flowrate with low percentage watercut.


1. Speed up the separation process and reduce the size and cost of the separator.

2. Proper selection of internal devices reduces the cost of the separator by as much as 50%.

3. In case if there is a likelihood they will become plugged with wax or sand.

4. To prevent funneling effect when gas flows out with fluid.

5. It prevents fluid from flowing out to the middle of the vessel and reducing the effectiveness of the vapour disengaging space.



1. Заглушить скважину, снять фонтанную арматуру и установить превентор.

2. Двухтрубка, две трубы, скрученные вместе.

3. Для удержания НКТ на весу в скважине.

4. НКТ, бурильная труба, УБТ.

5. Разница в высоте рабочих площадок буровой и сервисного станка. ;

6. Чтобы убедиться, что в трубах нет парафина и посторонних предметов.

7. Для соединения труб разного диаметра и с разной резьбой.

8. Работы по извлечению из скважины упавших труб, кабеля и т.д.

9. Метчик, колокол, овершот, крючок для ловли кабеля, штопор, обурочная труба, фреза.

10. Печать.


1. A stand is made up of two joints.

2. Tubing is a relatively light pipe used for routine operations with not very strong tool-joints.

3. Drill pipe is heavier than tubing with stronger tool-joints and is used for fishing jobs and drilling.

4. Drill collar is a heavy pipe used for drilling to put additional weight on a bit.

5. Regular thread, IF thread.

6. Crossovers.

7. To retrieve pipe, cable and tools fallen in the well.

8. Under tubing string weight a fish in the hole leaves marks on an impression block.

9. Junk busket collects cuttings and metal flakes when a well is being washed out.

10. Overshot is used to catch fish in its grapple and retrieve it.

11. Spear is used to retrieve ESP cable.


1. To collect junk and cuttings from the bottom of the hole.

2. Rock bit cones, bearings, broken slips, bits of wireline, hand tools, milling cuttings, etc.

3. A barrel, a top sub, an upper catcher, a lower catcher and a mill shoe.

4. Mill shoe - cut and collect metal flakes, finger shoe - collect bigger objects.

5. To collect metal flakes.

6. Disassemble, clean, inspect all the parts, grease, reassemble. Paint entire outside of junk basket to prevent deterioration.



1. Correct.

2. Correct.

3. Wax-knife can be used only in tubing as it has small diameter.

4. Cathodic protection is used to maintain steel quality by sending current to it.

5. Hot oiler is a machine used for heating up oil and pumping it into the well to melt wax.

6. Pigs are scrapers used for cleaning pipelines of wax and fluid.

7. Correct.


1. To transport fluids from wells to processing facilities.

2. Liquid lines, gas lines, water lines and multi-phase lines.

3. These lines are equipped with pig launchers and pig receivers.

4. Anti-corrosion coating, corrosion inhibitor.

5. Cathodic protection is used to maintain steel quality by sending current to it.

6. Getting rid of wax on the walls of pipe by means of scrapers or hot oiling.

7. Hot oiling, launching a pig, running a scraper or a wax-knife.

8. Oil is heated up in a hot oiler and pumped into a well to melt wax on tubing walls.

9. A scraper and a wax-knife.

10. A wax-knife can get stuck in wax and its wireline can be broken.

11. A wax-knife is used for tubing and a scraper is used for casing.

12. To dewax pipelines.


1. A pig can reach the receiver before the operator can get there.

2. Until it reaches the reducer section.

3. To ensure you do not get hit by a pig cap should there be pressure in a pig barrel.



1. Gas, colourless, rotten eggs, heavier than air, flammable, soluble in fluids.

2. 7.


4. Not deep.

5. Put on an air pack.

6. Yourself.

7. Fresh air.

8. Durability, frequency, intensity, individual susceptibility.



- If there is a potential danger everybody should wear a breathing apparatus.

- When you see a man down you should first put on a breathing apparatus, then rescue him.

- When stirred H2S begins to come out of fluid.


- Always use a buddy system when working in possible H2S area.

- Always wear a breathing apparatus if there is a possible danger of H2S.

- Before rescuing anybody put on an air pack.


- If there is a potential danger everybody should wear a breathing apparatus.

- Safety man should make his H2S test closer to the source and in other places too.

- When stirred H2S begins to come out of fluid.


1. Organic material bacteria.

2. Oil and gas wells, gas processing plants, chemical factories, sewage system, industrial labarotories, underground mines, etc.

3. Dangerous, toxic, colourless, heavier than air, burns with blue flame producing S02, odour of rotten eggs, highly corrosive, flammable, explosive, soluble.

4. Oil wells, production facilities, pipelines, tanks, low areas, etc.

5. H2S can stay in cofined spaces for a long time and affect a person when released.

6. Notice warning signs, alarm systems, check wind direction, find people working on site, slowly enter the site.



1. Correct.

2. They check for leaks and fix them.

3. Correct.

4. The well will die soon as there will be not enough pressure in the well.

5. Correct.

6. Swabbing cup is made of rubber and wears out pretty quickly.

7. Junk basket is used to collect cuttings on the bottom of the well.

8. Correct.

9. Drill pipe is heavier than tubing and is used for drilling and fishing jobs.

10. Correct.

11. Correct.

12. A stuck point is located by a free point tool.

13. Correct.

14. Correct.

15. H2S is dangerous even in small concentrations.


1. - 3 6. - 2 11. - 2

2. - 3 7. - 2 12. - 3

3. - 1 8. - 1 13. - 1

4. - 2,3 9. - 2 14. - 2

5. - 1 10. - 3 15. - 2



Аварийные работы

Emergency jobs

Работы, связанные с ликвидацией последствий аварий при бурении или заканчивании: ликвидация прихвата при застревании труб в скважине, ловильные работы при обрыве или потере инструмента в скважине.

АДП (Агрегат депарафинизации)

Hot oiler

Автомашина с емкостью, в которой находятся нагревательные элементы. Нефть может нагреваться в емкости до 120-130 градусов, а затем закачиваться в скважину для растопления нароста парафина на стенках НКТ.

Антикоррозийная добавка

Corrosion inhibitor

Ингибитор, добавляемый в кислоту, закачиваемую в скважину при кислотной обработке, для защиты НКТ от действия кислоты.

Антикоррозийное покрытие

Anticorrosive coating

Внутреннее покрытие трубопровода, химические элементы в составе которого обеспечивают устойчивость стенок трубопровода к воздействию кислоты или образованию гидроокиси.



Studded cross

Крестовина в верхней части елки фонтанной арматуры, дающая возможность установки нескольких глухих или резьбовых фланцев для подсоединения трубопровода к НКТ или установки манометра.



Инструмент для натяжения цепи при креплении грузов или установке растяжек на сервисном станке. Установленный на цепь бумер при повороте ручки втягивает в себя звенья цепи, тем самым натягивая ее.

Бурильная труба

Drill pipe

Труба тяжелее НКТ, с широким шагом резьбы и прочными соединениями. Используется для бурения и ловильных работ при большой нагрузке на замковые соединения.



Стоит во главе буровой бригады и непосредственно подчиняется мастеру. Отвечает за правильное выполнение заданий мастера буровой бригадой.

Буровой станок

Drilling rig

Станок, используемый для бурения скважин. Состоит из основания с рабочей площадкой, роторным столом и лебедкой, а также мачты, через которую осуществляется спуск и подъем труб на талевом канате при помощи талевого блока с элеватором.


Prefabs, tarps

Брезентовые укрытия, устанавливаемые вокруг рабочей площадки для защиты персонала от сильного ветра.




Автомашина с цистерной и встроенным насосом, предназначенная для откачки остатков жидкости со дна емкостей и шурфов через всасывающий шланг.



Устройство вращения труб (например, при разбуривании цемента или работе фрезой). Подвешивается на талевом канате над скважиной. К вертлюгу крепится колонна труб в скважине. Вертлюг начинает вращать трубы при включении его двигателя и управляется с переносного пульта.



Член буровой бригады, подчиняющийся бурильщику. Работает на специальной площадке на мачте станка. Во время СПО открывает и закрывает элеватор и ставит свечи в мачту.

Воронка НКТ

Re-entry guide

Муфта НКТ с косым срезом, которая накручивается на первую трубу, спускаемую в скважину, и служит одновременно протектором резьбы и указателем на то, что при подъеме в скважине не были потеряны трубы, а также обеспечивает нормальный заход геофизических инструментов в НКТ.

Время пребывания жидкости

Residence time

Время, необходимое для того, чтобы жидкость оставалась в сепараторе до тех пор, пока газ не отделится от нефти.

Вторичное уплотнение

Secondary seal

Используется для уплотнения и герметизации области между первичным и вторичным уплотнениями и устанавливается в нижней части ствола промежуточной колонной головки или трубной головки.

Второстепенная лебедка

Secondary drawworks

Лебедка с тартальным канатом, используемым для тартания. Располагается на основании сервисного станка за главной лебедкой. Применяется при проведении тартания скважины.



Нефтегазопроявление. Неожиданный выброс из скважины нефти и газа под давлением, который может привести к повреждению оборудования, пожару и гибели людей.


Staightening vane

Внутреннее устройство в сепараторе, предназначенное для извлечения капель жидкости из газа.

Выставлять станок

Spot the rig

Устанавливать сервисный станок на скважину согласно точным замерам расстояния до скважины и уровня относительно поверхности грунта.



Gas detector

Прибор для определения концентрации H2S, изготовленный в виде шприца, в который вставляется стеклянная трубка с сухим реагентом. Через трубку всасывается воздух и изменение окраски реагента указывает на концентрацию H2S.

Газовая шапка

Gas pocket

Скопление газа, периодически выходящего из скважины. При тартании спускаемая капса может столкнуться с. газовой шапкой, при этом толчок иногда ошибочно принимают за столкновение с жидкостью.



Дизельный агрегат для генерирования электроэнергии. Используется в отдаленных местах при недоступности ЛЭП и при необходимости обеспечения напряжения 380V.

Гидравлическая жидкость

Hydraulic fluid

Гидравлическое масло, находящееся в специальных баллонах под давлением и применяемое для закрытия плашек ПВО. При открытии баллона жидкость через шланги поступает к плашкам и ее давление заставляет плашки закрываться.

Гидравлическая опора

Hydraulic ram

Две раздвижные опоры удерживающие мачту на сервисном станке, при помощи которых можно регулировать угол наклона мачты над




Ржавчина, образующаяся внутри трубопроводов, емкостей и т.д. Защитой от гидроокиси служит специальное антикоррозийное покрытие внутренней стенки трубопровода и очистка путем промывки жидкостью со специальным ингибитором.

Гидростатическое давление

Hydrostatic pressure

Давление внутри столба жидкости в скважине. Максимальное давление будет в нижней части столба жидкости, минимальное - у поверхности.

Глухие плашки ПВО

Blind rams

Плашки превентора, полностью перекрывающие скважину. Применяются в случае, если в скважину не спущены трубы.

Глушить скважину

Kill the well

Остановить приток из скважины путем замещения жидкости в скважине на более тяжелую так, чтобы гидростатическое давление столба жидкости не позволяло скважине работать фонтаном.



Пласт, содержащий только свободную воду.

Горячая прокачка

Hot oiling

Метод депарафинизации внутренних стенок труб (НКТ или обсадной колонны). В скважину закачивается горячая нефть, которая расплавляет нарост парафина на стенках труб.




Две соединенные трубы (НКТ, УБТ или бурильные трубы). При СПО двухтрубки ставят вертикально в мачту, что экономит время при раскручивании и закручивании труб.

Двухфазный сепаратор

Two-phase separator

Сепаратор, назначением которого является разделение жидкости и газа.



Количество добываемой нефти (баррель, куб. метр или тонна) за единицу времени (час, день, год).

Дегазация нефти

Oil degassing

Операции по очистке нефти от газа. Частично нефть может очищаться в дегазаторе на емкости, при проходе через который газ выводится в трубу, а нефть поступает в емкость.

Детектор газа

Gas detector

Портативный прибор для определения присутствия газа. При обнаружении концентрации H2S, превышающей установленный уровень, включается звуковая сигнализация, а на дисплее указывается концентрация H2S.


Firing head

Устройство, приводящее в действие заряды, соединенные с детонатором при перфорации. Детонатор располагают над перфораторами. Перфорационный ломик, брошенный в НКТ, ударяет по детонатору, который посылает сигнал зарядам, они срабатывают и пробивают отверстия в обсадной колонне.

ДНС (Дожимно-Насосная Станция)

Pump station

Пункт сбора нефти со скважин, где нефть очищается от газа, учитывается объем ее добычи и нефть направляется в магистральный трубопровод к потребителю.



Инструмент для разбуривания породы. В зависимости от твердости породы и назначения, долота бывают различных типов и конструкций. Вращающееся долото дробит породу при бурении. Различают шарошечное долото, долото для отбора керна, долото для роторного бурения и т.д.

Дроссельная задвижка

Butterfly valve

Применяется для работы с потоком жидкости в любом направлении, для регулирования потока жидкости и полного перекрытия трубопровода. Разработана для давлений от 350-900 кПа.


Елка фонтанной арматуры

Christmas tree

Верхняя часть фонтанной арматуры, несущая задвижки для доступа в НКТ и обеспечивающая установку манометров для контроля давления. Используется для подключения нефтепровода.


Жидкостная ванна

Fluid (oil, acid, water) bath

При застревании труб в скважину закачивается нефть, вода или кислота для создания гидростатического давления, большего, чем давление на инструмент снизу, что позволяет ликвидировать прихват и освободить инструмент.

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