Information theory of evidence as promising vector of scientific researches in terms of digitisation of the proving process. The essence and features of electronic evidence, its place in the system of procedural sources of evidences in foreign countries.
Determination of the place and specificity of media violence as a form of violence in the symbolic production and exchange of modern society. The dissemination of excessive or false information. Information violence is a component of cultural violence.
Consideration of the results of an empirical study of the relationship between the features of interhemispheric functional asymmetry of the brain in participants of polygraphic tests with information signs in the detection of hidden information.
The nature of inheritance of the trait "winter-hardiness" in hybrids between representatives of wheat species. Crossing by the "single cross" method. The nature of the inheritance of the developmental type was determined using hybridological analysis.
Determination of the peculiarities of the succession to the throne of the Anglo-Saxons and the analysis of the possibility of recognizing this right by a woman on the example of the Mercian princess Elfvina. The principles of Anglo-Saxon succession.
Analysis of the cultural layers found during the excavations of the settlement-sanctuary. The study of artifacts that speak of the existence on the coast of Lake Baikal of the idea of a hill as a place of possible contacts between people and celestials.
Unclear conditions for the formation of basidiomas as the reason for the small number of species of fungi that can be grown in industrial culture. Features of the initiation of the formation of basidiomas of medicinal macromycetes in a pure culture.
The initiation basidiomes formation of 29 macromycetes on different substrates in pure culture was studied. If mushrooms did not formed basidiomes on this substrate, they fastest it overgrown or developed primordia or sclerotium-shaped structures.
Development of aggregates of embryoids. The use of proembriogenous suspensions consisting mainly of individual cells in gene transformation and selection at the cellular level in order to reduce the likelihood of the appearance of chimeric plants.
Determination of directions and management of innovations in the field of higher education and science. Innovative changes in the system of higher education caused by the environment of academic capitalism. Consideration of academic entrepreneurship.
Characteristics of economic and industrial development of Taiwan. Public policy and the implementation of niche on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Analysis of the Russian national innovation system. Investigation productivity shekels in Russia.
Substantiation of innovativeness of firms in times of crisis and identification of factors that can restrain or stimulate the innovative activity of companies. Ways to improve the effectiveness of innovation during the crisis, the main strategies at the l
The model of the regional innovation development. Dendrogram of cluster classification on the input factors of production combination. The regional policy: development and implementation options. Economic performance in Ukrainian regions in transition.
Determination role of an innovative business strategy and financial management. It has been substantiated that the efficiency of innovation activity depends on the efficiency of management. Financial management is a key component of the management system.
- 345. Innovation system
Key variables and innovative strategies needed for innovation. States, companies, universities and research institutes for the implementation of innovative activities. The process of creating new products, their integration and promotion in the market.
Quality of service - an indicator that affects the structure of consumer demand, which is an important factor in the competition in the tourism market. Methods of formation of the mechanism of state regulation, quality management of tourist services.
Besonderheiten die Verwendung verschiedener Techniken, Lernmittel im Fremdsprachenunterricht, um das Niveau der Sprachfahigkeiten, Fahigkeiten der Schuler zu verbessern. Die Rolle des Lehrers bei der Bildung der fremdsprachigen Kompetenz der Schuler.
Application of approaches in creating effective banking business models. Consideration of the effect of the introduction of innovations and the growing role of the service sector. Using innovations in banking as a form of financial intermediation.
Discusses innovative technologies in teaching foreign language. Stresses the role of interactive forms for formation of various language skills. Consideration and characteristics multimedia technology acting as a method for special intellectual activity.
Definition and characterization of basic principles of supply chain management. Research of features of logistics is about operation within a single organization. Consideration of essence of the lean management and corporate social responsibility.
The purpose of the study is to highlight the peculiarities of innovative changes in the activities of contemporary public libraries in Ukraine, related to the digitalisation of society, and to identify the main trends of their development considering.
Deals with peculiarities of megaconcept fashion verbalization, which acts as an important regulator of social behavior and relations in the modern world. Study and characterization of lexical units meaning external body modification in modern english.
The concept of the principles of applying innovations within the management of higher educational institutions. Analysis of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education". Principles of ensuring strategic leadership of the university.
In-depth study of innovative practices of contemporary design based on the values of China's intangible cultural heritage, in particular, the use of formative and decorative characteristics and techniques of the Kunqu Opera stage costume in the creation.
The ways of e-Health implementation into public healthcare management and introduction of services of the Electronic Health Care System in Ukraine. Development of innovative targets availability to medical services and better access to data for patients.
Bring Your Own Devices as a pedagogical principle in which students using any available gadgets. Systematic individual-personal work like an important source that means of increasing vocabulary and developing oral communication skills of students.
This article offers insight into history, development and modern state of Chemmotology science. The main problems and tasks of the Science are discussed. The bases of Chemmotological scientific and pedagogical school of the National Aviation University.
The integrative theoretical and methodological bases of research of communication in the field of acquisition of new knowledge are defined. The innovative communication in digital realm is parametrized in the conditions of global quarantine restrictions.
Cryptography in the Information Age. Information Protection Problems in Computer Systems. The Fundamentals of One-Key Cryptography. Substituion—Permutation Networks with Minimal Controlled Elements. Designing Fast Ciphers Based on Controlled Operations.
A study of the elements, compositional types and colors of Miao embroidery clothing. Characteristics of design elements of Miao embroidery and modern clothing. Generalization of the innovative design process and scheme of combining design elements.