Identifying priorities in the formulation and implementation of a national doctrine of juvenile policy in Ukraine

The need to focus social institutions, authorities on active dialogue with the younger generation, public youth movements, organizations. Involving family and youth as full partners in setting and solving socio-economic and political problems of society.

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Дата добавления 01.11.2021
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Roman M. Opatsky

Ph.D in law, associate professor

(Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs)


Опацький Р.М. Визначення пріоритетів у формуванні та реалізації національної доктрини неповнолітньої політики в Україні. Визначено основні чинники, що актуалізують необхідність адміністративно-правових досліджень щодо формування та реалізації національної доктрини ювенальної політики в Україні. Підтримується позиція, що суть дослідження концептуальних засад ювенальноїх політики, як форми специфічного зовнішнього впливу держави, уповноважених органів на відповідні суспільні відносини, полягає у встановленні волі держави та захисті особистих інтересів діти.

Наголошується на необхідності розробки та реалізації національної доктрини ювенальної політики без досі активного втручання світової спільноти, послужить наріжним каменем виховання молодого покоління українців, яке зможе передати велич України. Зазначена позиція аргументується, зокрема, тим, що як соціально-демографічна група суспільства неповнолітні характеризуються не лише віком, але й місцем, яке вони займають у соціальній структурі суспільства, особливостями соціального становлення та розвитку.

Виокремлено невід'ємні складові доктрини у формуванні та реалізації національної доктрини ювенальної політики в Україні, до яких належать: економічний, соціальний та політичний аспекти.

Зазначається, що реалізація національної доктрини ювенальної політики неможлива без розробки ефективного законодавства щодо захисту прав дітей, ювенальної юстиції, задоволення вимог поточної ситуації в країні, перспектив демократичного суспільства та врахування великого досвіду таких законодавство в розвинених країнах.

Акцент робиться на необхідності зосередити соціальні інститути, органи влади на активному діалозі з підростаючим поколінням, громадськими молодіжними рухами, дитячими та молодіжними організаціями, залучаючи сім'ю та молодь, як повноправних партнерів до постановки та вирішення поточних соціально-економічних та політичних проблем.

Ключові слова: концептуальні засади, доктрина, дитина, державна ювенальна політика.


family social youth political

The main factors that actualize the need for administrative and legal research on the formation and implementation of the national doctrine of juvenile policy in Ukraine are identified. The author argues that the essence of the study of the conceptual foundations of juvenile policy, as a form of specific external influence of the state, authorized bodies on relevant public relations, is to establish the will of the state and protect the personal public interests of children.

Emphasis is placed on the need to focus social institutions, authorities on active dialogue with the younger generation, public youth movements, children's and youth organizations, involving family and youth as full partners in setting and solving current socio-economic and political problems of society.

Keywords: conceptual principles, doctrine, child, state juvenile policy.

Relevance of the research

In the present time scientific, specialized literature and mass media are posing questions whether or not they are related to the initiation of a new political and legal doctrine of juvenile policy formation, Today, juvenile policy is a global problem of ensuring the rule of law not only in Ukraine but also in the world.

The contradiction between the interconnection of processes that determine the stable and sustainable development of Ukraine at the present stage of the reform of its state and legal framework requires a scientific analysis of the problems of ensuring children's rights at the conceptual level, widening the traditional methodology and using such sometimes underestimated applied aspects as administrative and legal and informational legal aspects.

Recent publications review

Formation of the theory of juvenile law has been described in the works of Russian scientists V I. Abramov. Abramov, N. E. Borisova, O. V Butko, V. F. Vorobjov, L. Yu. Kulapov, O.A.Laktiunkinoya, O.V. Markovicheva. However, with the exception of N.E. Borisova and L.Y. Golisheva, the researchers did not aim at a theoretical analysis of juvenile law as a branch, focusing on such specific institutions as the legal status of the child and practical aspects of protection of children's rights.

The problem of child protection and protection of children's rights in modern Ukrainian jurisprudence is developed mainly by representatives of civil and legal sciences (L.M. Zilkovska, O.I. Karpenko) and criminal law (V.M. Burdin, E.M. Gidulyanova, T.O. Gonchar, A.E. Golubov, VM. Buryatov, T.M. Gidulyanova, T.O. Gonchar, A.E. Golubov). Golubov, V. V. O. Yamkova, N.O. Yanitska, A.O. Yaroviy etc.) cycles. Separate works are devoted to peculiarities of administrative responsibility of minors and their fathers (O.V. Gorbach, J.M. Kvitka, Y.I. Kovalchuk, S.G. Romanchuk), to labor relations with the participation of children (O.S. Reus) and the implementation of international juvenile law (O.I. Vinglovska, Mohammad Al Nsur).

The research of administrative and legal security of information security of the minors in Ukraine (O.V. Topchiy) is of great importance, administrative and legal status of the National Police of Ukraine as a guarantor of children's rights and freedoms (O.M. Drkchuk), administrative and legal protection of orphans and children deprived of parental care (O.Y. Savchuk). But with the exception of the PhD thesis by S. P. Kotaliychuk on theoretical aspects of the legal status of persons without parental care, there is no general theoretical research ofjuvenile law as a new dimension in the legal regulation of social relations in Ukraine.

The article's objective is to investigate the conceptual foundations of the formation and implementation of national doctrine of juvenile policy, as a specific external influence of the state, relevant authorities on relevant social relations, with the aim of asserting the will of the state and protecting the individual and public interests of the children.


The category of doctrine is well entrenched in the scientific community as well as in political and legal official terminology. It appears necessary to identify the main prospective directions of development of the juvenile doctrine in the legal system of Ukraine.

The doctrine of juvenile policy of Ukraine is a systemic legal act adopted by a high-level state legislative body for a fixed term of three years and clearly defines a strategic goal, indicators, priorities of sector development, institutional conditions, organizational, economic and legal framework for the implementation of this document.

Thus, the categorical definition of the doctrine of juvenile policy derives from the general understanding of this term, which is included in the Draft National Doctrine: «The doctrine is a set of leading principles, political, state, legal, social and ethical views on the main directions of the implementation of state policy» and the definition of its role «as a subsidiary source of law» in the same document [1].

The doctrine is intended to define conceptual provisions, the nature and principles of coordination of the components of socio-economic development with the classification of positive and negative factors within the established time period, as well as the logic and mechanisms to achieve the enshrined parameters.

An inseparable part of the classification of the functional purpose of doctrine is to distinguish its economic, social and political aspects (taking into account the transition from one dimension to another in reality). The main arguments are:

- economical aspect: Increasing the quality of human capital through proper support and education of the new generation, which would ensure a stable high comparative advantage of Ukraine in the system of international division of labor and competitiveness of the national policy on the domestic and foreign markets;

- social aspect: the establishment of dual social relations that will eventually guarantee a stable social environment in the children's environment in particular and the national economy as a whole;

- political aspect: defining the institutional conditions and mechanisms for the implementation of reforms aimed at establishing socially-oriented forms of protection of children's rights and, ultimately, the implementation of the National Doctrine.

The doctrine of juvenile policy shall serve as the basis for:

- formation of the state policy in a particular area to ensure the formation and implementation of juvenile policy of Ukraine;

- preparation of proposals for improvement of legal, methodological, scientific and organizational support for the formation and implementation of juvenile policy of Ukraine in the particular area of life;

- development of target programs for ensuring the formation and implementation of Ukraine's juvenile policy in a particular area.

Let's consider the components that the doctrine of juvenile policy should include [2].

1. The logical and theoretical basis of the doctrine of juvenile policy is linked to other forms of social conscience, the worldview of the era. For example, during the existence of the USSR the concept of 'juvenile policy' did not exist at all due to the fact that the machinery of state power had overwhelmed all others and completely dominated them. The state power of the time singled out political, party and local power. Therefore, it was not possible to speak of politics as such.

2. The doctrine of juvenile policy is based on its conceptual and categorical framework, the theoretical solution to the problems of ensuring juvenile policy, a broad and complete system of attitudes based on the categories that have a basic character in this doctrine itself.

The content of the doctrine should be based on a system of logical arguments and be expressed in terms of concepts that reflect the activities to ensure juvenile policy in the specific area of children's rights protection.

The traditional set of issues that determine the nature of juvenile policy include the origin and development of the juvenile policy system, its links with the society, the individual and the state, methods to ensure the protection of children's rights, management of juvenile policy under different conditions, including destabilization when the system is characterized by critical parameters, and so on.

3. Strategies - assessment of the existing juvenile policy subsystem (informational, economic, military, political), their objectives and tasks, principles of functioning and longterm development, methods of support.

The strategies are acceptable to any doctrine. The doctrine of juvenile policy is no exception. They give it a socially significant character, put a mark on the content of its theoretical part and often determine the choice of methodological basis for the doctrine itself. The strategies reflect the ideological nature of the doctrine most clearly; through them the protection of national security is intimately linked to the practice of juvenile policy. The programme part directly expresses the interests of the nation in a particular area of life, its commitment to the most effective provision of these, and includes an assessment of juvenile policy as a system and the requirements placed upon it and kept in the public consciousness.

Doctrine formation is a process that should be approached with care and respect; the criterion of doctrine viability is not the criterion of scientific truthfulness or managerial efficiency, but its ability to express the interests of the Ukrainian nation as an organic synthesis of the family and children. The doctrines which are based on a consolidation, theoretical understanding of the experience of different systems of juvenile policy in the developed countries have an essential impact on practice.

Principles of formation of a national doctrine of juvenile policy.

1. Hierarchy. The doctrine is formed based on the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, its laws, international declarations and regulations, as well as the Concept of National Security, as it is an element of hierarchical system of regulations governing public relations in the field of national security [3].

2. Heredity. The doctrine develops the concept of national security in relation to a specific sphere of life (environmental, informational, technological, etc.).

3. Non-transcendence. The doctrine cannot contradict the Constitution of Ukraine, current legislation and the Ukrainian national security concept.

4. Centralization. The doctrine is a systematic legal act, providing the legal framework for ensuring juvenile policy in a particular area of life, and disclosing the meaning of national interests in this area.

5. Historicity and modification. Doctrine is a normative act, which regulates public relations in a particular sphere of life. Due to the very nature of social relations, they are dynamic, it is obvious that national interests change with the times. At the same time, these changes must also take into account past tensions.

6. Integrity of design. The strategic aim of the doctrine of juvenile policy in a particular sphere is to ensure the protection of children's rights and national security in general. Therefore, the formulation of juvenile policy doctrine should take into account the full range of problems in all spheres of life that arise in the protection of children's rights in general.

7. Correlations. The doctrines of juvenile policy in their totality constitute the second tier of the hierarchical model of legal acts that regulate public relations in the field of protection of children's rights. Therefore, these doctrines must not only address protection of children's rights in a specific area in a comprehensive manner, but also have a direct correlation with one another (Doctrine of Political Security - Doctrines of Juvenile Policy, etc.).

8. Systematicity of elaboration. Due to the fact that the doctrine is a systemic regulatory document in a particular sphere (in our case, juvenile policy), it must cover all conceptual tensions of national interests' implementation in a particular sphere of life activity. The particular sphere of life activity is to be viewed as a system. Thus, the Doctrine shall reflect all system characteristics of the particular sphere of activity. On the other hand, the Doctrine should be regarded as a component of the system of legal acts regulating public relations in the field of juvenile policy, namely, it should take into account the provisions of other doctrines.

9. Conceptuality. The doctrine serves as a conceptual document in a particular area of life. The implementation of the first priority measures to ensure juvenile policy in a particular sphere, outlined in the Doctrine, requires the issuance of laws and the development of appropriate state programmes.

10. Concretization of certain provisions of the Doctrine in relation to specific areas of activity of the state and society can be enshrined in the relevant documents, which are approved by the President of Ukraine.


To sum up, is worth to say that this topic, despite its relevance for our country, is underdeveloped both on a theoretical and practical level. However, world practice shows that protection of children's rights is one of the most important issues for every country, and Ukraine cannot remain unaffected by this issue.

At the current stage of development our country's lawmakers still have some time to make a careful consideration of the problems of formation and implementation of juvenile policy in general and juvenile justice in particular through the prism of the national cultural background and public opinion. This stock of time should be used to find a compromise solution to this issue, taking into account the demands of the Ukrainian society.

The adoption of a sound national doctrine on juvenile policy without, so far, active involvement of the world community, will serve as the foundation stone for the education of a young generation of Ukrainians who will be able to promote the greatness of Ukraine in the world community.

Список використаних джерел

1. Національна доктрина реформування та розвитку агропродовольчого комплексу України (проект).

2. Лейст О.Э. История политических и правовых учений: учеб для вузов. М: Юр. лит., 2006. 576 с.

3. Про основи національної безпеки України: Закон України. Відомості Верховної Ради України. 2003. № 39. Ст. 351.


1. Natsional'na doktiyna reformuvarmya ta rozvytku ahroprodovol'choho kompleksu Ukrayiny (proekt) [National doctrine of reforming and development of agro-food complex of Ukraine (project)].

2. Leyst, O. E. (2006) Istoriya politicheskikh i pravovykh ucheniy [History of political and legal doctrines]: ucheb dlya vuzov. M: Yur. lit. 576 s.

3. Pro osnovy natsional'noyi bezpeky Ukrayiny [On the foundations of national security of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrayiny. Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny. 2003. № 39. St. 351.

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