• Особливості створення моделі апаратного алгоритму та моделі апаратно-програмного універсального обчислювача на основі апаратно-програмної моделі (SH-моделі). Розробка способів оптимізації характеристик складності операційних пристроїв та процесорів.

    автореферат (76,7 K)
  • The study of the peculiarities of the literary creativity of H.K. Andersen Different views of scientists, literary critics on the specifics of the artist's creative output in the context of the development of the traditions of romanticism are analyzed.

    статья (26,8 K)
  • Development of method of estimation by the transmitter of architecture on the stage of swimming with the refuse of receiver. Different going near the use of the surplus measurings of phase bearing with a few receivers. Use of measurings of bearing phase.

    статья (395,5 K)
  • Вплив неселективного інгібітора напроксену і його структурного аналога, який містить гідроген сульфід, на процеси ліпопероксидації та продукції нітроген оксиду. Відзначення гастропротекторної дії, що проявилась зменшенням площі пошкоджень шлунка.

    статья (376,0 K)
  • Transformation of word-groups into words involve different types of lexical shortening. Semantic extention is the appearance of new meanings of already existing words in the given language. Hacker speech, international and writing style, humour.

    дипломная работа (48,3 K)
  • The era of globalization as a factor contributing to development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Analysis of ways to solve security problems associated with the hacking of bank accounts and institutional websites. The essence of the concept of "cybercrime".

    статья (20,6 K)
  • The formation and development of the modern practice of hafiz in Western Europe and the Islamic world. A study of the process of acquiring the Koran in the Netherlands. Ensuring harmony and balance between religious and worldly preparation of students.

    статья (42,3 K)
  • An unlimited number of spectators watching online games with Half-Life TV. Start Half-Life to watch a HLTV game. The game in different modes: Chase Cam, First Person, Free Look, Map Overview and Map Chase. Broadcasting games, recording HLTV demos.

    краткое изложение (28,3 K)
  • What do people do on Halloween. Public life and background. The commercialization of Halloween. Symbols and range of objects associated with Halloween treats. Candy apples, caramel or taffy apples are common Halloween. History and haunted attraction.

    реферат (14,8 K)
  • The events of the first cholera epidemic in Galicia in the 19th century, when the territory was still part of the Habsburg Empire, were considered. Representation of the cholera epidemic in Galicia, which played an important role in the history Ukraine.

    статья (32,6 K)
  • The humanism of Hamlet, his options to choose between right and wrong and creating his decisions using intellect. The human nature and the dignity of humanity. Hamlet as a famous Shakespearean protagonist. Using of soliloquies to articulate emotions.

    эссе (13,1 K)
  • Понятие и сущность системы HAND-MADE, ее функции и значение в современной организации. Особенности HAND-MADE, условия, необходимые для ее реализации. История построения корпоративной системы управления проектами в Холдинге, примеры реализованных проектов.

    реферат (172,4 K)
  • Neurologic Aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neurologic Aspects of Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson’s Disease with Dementia. Psychological and Nonpharmacological Aspects of Agitation and Behavioral Disorders in Dementia: Assessment, Intervention.

    книга (3,0 M)
  • The problem of successful anesthesia and analgesia in horses operations, their reaction to anesthesia. The use of innovative products, new techniques, new drugs and new uses for old drugs. Approaches to safe anesthesia, the value of the human factor.

    книга (12,2 M)
  • Principles of radiography, x-ray equipment. Radiation laws and regulations of the various states, and the general practice principles that should be applied to comply with the limit dose levels. Radiation safety, preparation of the horse to radiography.

    книга (12,5 M)
  • Psychology and Law: an Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Legal contexts and links between psychology and law. Highlighting developments in roles for psychology and law. Methodology: Law’s Adopting and Adapting to Psychology’s Methods and Findings.

    книга (2,3 M)
  • Difficulties faced by translators when dealing with idioms and metaphors. Methods and techniques which can be used to provide an adequate translation and commandments for professional translators. Models of developing profession competence of translator.

    статья (42,0 K)
  • Development of professional competence of translators, outline of features and problems they face in working with idioms and metaphors. Characterization of skills and competencies that are necessary to ensure adequate translation of phraseological units.

    статья (21,7 K)
  • Pre-Translation Analysis, comparison of Translations on the example of the translation of three works of Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Fyodor Dostoevsky. Analysis of excerpts from texts. Factors that have most affected the accuracy of context transfer.

    дипломная работа (156,0 K)
  • Origin of Hangul as the native alphabet of the Korean language, its grammatical morphemes, traditional account, difference from the Sino-Korean hanja system. Jamo or natsori as the unit that make up the Hangul alphabet. Consonant and vowel jamo designs.

    реферат (860,3 K)
  • The study of the identity of the story of the writer H. Kroll in the novel "Subtenant". Contrasting the experience of the "Holocaust-Extermination-Shoah" to the traditional narration, which is based on linearity, weighty "beginnings" and "endings".

    статья (26,8 K)
  • The role of knowing the theological atmosphere of the mid 20h century in Europe for perception of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theology. The shows some aspects of the theology presented by Balthasar. Biblical idea of finding a person of his mission.

    статья (37,7 K)
  • The puzzling difference in the surface of the two thinkers' work, in their writing styles between Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer. Gadamer`s project in Truth and Method, his magnum opus, as following the later Heidegger's line of inquiry prose.

    статья (2,1 M)
  • An analysis of the importance of the scholastic interpretation of the verbum interius for the philosophical hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer. Investigation of the problem of correlation between the verbum interius and its expression in the "external word".

    статья (50,8 K)
  • This paper compares the performance of the single-item (1-10) and multiple-item constructs (Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), 5-item and 7-item life domain scales) employed to measure happiness and happiness inequality based on the same survey data.

    статья (1,8 M)
  • Analysis of the relationship between feelings of happiness, level of culture, education and religiosity of Ukrainians. The manifestation of hope, optimism and anxiety during military operations. Features of the Christian approach to freedom and happiness.

    статья (17,2 K)
  • Формування фахової позиції сучасного українського вчителя з урахуванням професійного стандарту. Розвиток технічних компетенцій та особистісних якостей у педагогічному аспекті. Визначення soft skills, що забезпечують ефективність роботи в сфері освіти.

    статья (560,6 K)
  • Study of the development of fungal diseases of winter wheat and determination of their harmfulness. Analysis of dark brown leaf spot and septoria leaf spot on varieties Vodohray Belotserkovsky, Mudrist Odessa on artificial infectious backgrounds.

    статья (686,3 K)
  • Identify ways to improve the legal regulation of excise taxation in Ukraine, identify problematic aspects, the impact of increasing excise tax rates on the production of excisable alcohol, shadowing of the sector ofproduction and sale of excisable goods.

    статья (415,8 K)
  • Research on the protection of the right of ownership of real estate objects in contractual obligations by transferring the buyer's rights when selling a share in joint ownership. Directions of adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine in this area.

    статья (14,3 K)