Міркування про статус і деякі способи репрезентації обличчя в українській модерністській літературі. Обличчя як особлива складна категорія, що не обмежується візуальними прикметами і має значне семіотичне, символічне, соціокультурне навантаження.
Facebook has long considered media as partners, and therefore creates various tools to work with their audience. In turn, media companies and content providers use Facebook not only to increase traffic, but also to better understand their users.
Дослідження соціальної мережі Facebook як нового типу історичного джерела. Можливості мережі Facebook для зберігання і розповсюдження інформації та архівування документів. Авторська методика фіксації, архівації та опису цього електронного джерела.
Components of students' activity in reading works of fiction in the lessons of world and English literature in secondary education institutions. Consideration of the types of dialogisms that contribute to the understanding of texts by school students.
Анализ эффективности Facility менеджмента как метода эффективного управления вспомогательными процессами на производстве. Развитие сервисных служб, обслуживающих вспомогательные производственные процессы. Их роль в стратегическом менеджменте предприятия.
Influence of golf lessons on the morphofunctional state of athletes. Studies of the psychomotor qualities necessary for playing golf. Determination of the structure and features of the development of students' physical qualities during golf lessons.
The study of psychological features of specialists training in globalization and integration conditions. The development in the students of interest for the chosen profession. Factors influencing the formation of the professional identity of specialists.
Air cargo transportation and operations: theory and global practices. Conceptual framework of air cargo transportation structure. Modern practices in airfreight management. Identification of factors affecting the efficiency of air cargo in Russia.
The concept of solving agrarian problems under market conditions was the subject of serious disagreement among Azerbaijani agrarian. The importance of the efficiency of the economy of an agricultural sector in ensuring the socio-economic stability.
The essence of man - development, overcoming the present and building the future in accordance with the purpose, plans, projects. Consciousness as the essential force of man, which reflects and creates the world. Properties that characterize the activity.
The directions of improvement of organization personnel management in order to increase the performance of were determined, which are related both to the functions of the coaches, their competence and the personnel management of the sports organization.
Monitoring the 7Be concentration in the surface layer of the atmosphere of the Chernobyl zone. Effect of precipitation, thunderstorm activity and wind speed on the isotope concentration. Intensification of the vertical exchange process in troposphere.
Characteristics of the main factors affecting pork production in Poland, the use of data from HUS, Jericho. Characteristics, the value of market purchase prices for pork and feed prices. Causes of exposure of pork production to cyclic fluctuations.
Hidden marketing as a special kind of online advertising in which the message is spread through the exchange of views on the product between users. Promoting products and services in the international market. Features of a search engine targeting.
Operation of business and factors of a crisis condition of the organization. Personnel selection essence consists in work with the personnel according to the concept of development of the enterprise. Management of the personnel of the crisis enterprise.
The findings of the sociological study into the educational institution selection by parents for their children, both in the public basic general education system and in the education system. The relevance of the study is de- termined by new challenges.
Devoted to the identification and analysis of factors influencing the emergence and further development of innovative communities within both a separate region and the country. Analyzes types of economic development proposed by the World Economic Forum.
Analysis of the factors of psychological well-being of the individual by means of multiple regression analysis.The empirical study of factors of well-being concerning the consideration of this phenomenon in the system of psychological phenomena.
In the context of the tasks of designing competitive BPs in the service sector and implementing the strategic goals of the service enterprise, the principles of TQM were specified, the "quality loop" for the hotel business was designed, personnel skills.
A brief survey of the notion of grammar in the context of English learning. The study of the works of D. Biber, S. Conrad, R. Hudson, J. Hoomsley in the field of teaching methods of foreign languages. Factors influencing English language teaching.
The problem of preparation of youth to family life as a complex socio-psychological education in the structure of personality, which is formed by many interconnected factors. Main factors that influence the willingness of young people to family life.
The aim of the research is to investigate into the factors that promote the formation of would-be English-as-a-foreign-language teachers' psychological readiness for teaching learners with disability in Ukraine. The results of the analysis conducted.
The problem of digital inequality, imbalance in the use of digital technologies in the public sector at central and local levels is analyzed. Features of intellectual communication of power and society in the context of global informatization in Ukraine.
The common faults of aircraft landing gear components, analyzes the main reasons for the failure, and puts forward relevant solutions for aircraft landing gear maintenance. Maintenance plan for aircraft landing gear components. Experience summary failure.
Fake news and their way of functioning as a modern problem faced by a global society. The justification that fake news is not the root of the problem, but rather a symptom of a more serious problem that affects the political and informational spheres.
- 26. Familiarizing preschool children with the "child in society" educational profile in modern realities
The problem of familiarizing preschoolers with the social environment, which is extremely complex . Analysis of the basic component of preschool education, familiarization of preschool children with society. Analysis of the sign of inclusive education.
Assessing the role of legality, democracy, openness and transparency, and women's equality in ensuring gender equality and mutual understanding. The essence and principles of ensuring women's equality. Modeling a role model of different genders.
Analysis of the impact of family participation in business and family connections between top management and governance innovation process in high-tech companies from S&P500 index over the period 1999-2017. Innovation process and family involvement.
- 29. Family ties of Blessed Vasyl Velychkovskyi with Reverend Paisiy Velychkovskyi and Chernihiv Region
Study of the life and activities of prominent Ukrainian figures: Reverend Paisiy Velychkovsky and Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky. Prp. Paisius as a saint of the Orthodox Church. Genealogical origin of the surname "Velichkovsky". Connection of these persons.
Display of short prose by the Ukrainian modernist writer Pidmohylnyi. The search for artistic techniques aimed at bringing the aesthetic communication between the author and the reader to a new level. Prescriptive and narrative strategies in stories.