Eileen Gray - a woman artist and designer, whose furniture projects have had important awards. Villa in Roquebrune - the first completely architectural project by that designer. The continuous windows - the most important points for Le Corbusier.
The author's vision of the expected future in the development e-audit at the legislative level of the country is presented, because without procedural regulation, normative consolidation, this type of activity will not have full and legitimate legitimacy.
Classification of the main types of innovative technologies in foreign language teaching. Development of methods for the use of electronic dictionaries for beginners to learn a foreign language. Formation of listening and speaking using a dictionary.
Analysis of the history of the introduction of electronic public services in Russia, as well as a single portal of public services, the corresponding portals of Moscow and the Moscow region. Statistics on the use of electronic services by citizens.
Compliance with European standards as one of the key aspects of the development of electronic administrative proceedings in Ukraine. Recommendations for ensuring the efficiency, accessibility and quality of judicial activity in the digital environment.
The evolution of e-learning. Training the workforce in the information society through e-learning. The introduction of e-learning at the university as a method of increasing motivation and self-learning skills, as a way to improve access to education.
The relevance and feasibility of the transition of higher education institutions to e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, the features and problems that arise in e-learning. Trends of e-learning in Ukrainian higher education in pandemic constraints.
Е-learning как один из самых мощных инструментов, появившихся в ответ на растущую потребность в образовании. Рассмотрение особенностей использования компьютерных технологий, заменяющих традиционное обучение. Анализ целей современного образования.
Дослідження основних видів електронного навчання. Головна характеристика його можливостей та впливу на професійний розвиток викладачів кафедр менеджменту польських закладів вищої освіти. Особливість поєднання традиційних форм навчання та e-learning.
Defining the role of electronic logistics and researching problems, opportunities and prospects in the process of implementing the basic principles of electronic logistics. Deepening the relationship between national economies, the formation of logistics
Анализ процесса создания и отправки сообщений электронной почты, хранения на сервере, организации нескольких учетных записей и групп новостей. Характеристика использования шаблона с исходящими сообщениями, форматирования текста, создания адресной книги.
Основні тенденції і проблеми формування в Україні інформаційного суспільства та включення держави до загальносвітових процесів побудови Глобального інформаційного простору, поточні й стратегічні завдання, досягнення й перепони на шляху інформатизації.
Regulatory Support for E-Waste Management in Ukraine and its Compliance with European Union Legislation in this Area. Stakeholders in the EWM System. Matrix of stakeholders and veto players. International organisations in solving environmental problems.
- 14. E-джихад. інформаційна боротьба Аль-Каїди й ісламської держави на "Стежці бога": вибрані приклади
Аналіз питання е-джихаду як ведення джихаду з використанням інформаційних засобів. Зазначено, що мовна обсерваторія Варшавського університету зареєструвала слово "кіберджихад" у 2016 р. Аналіз діяльності Ісламської держави та Аль-Каїди в Інтернеті.
Simple models describing dipole radiative strength functions in medium and heavy nuclei. Basic parameters of the giant dipole resonances and their error. Phenomenological model to describe the kind of asymmetric dipole radiative strength functions.
- 16. Early America
The arrival of native Americans and Europeans to the continent. Evidence of ancient life in America. Examination of ancient culture. The history of the European colonization of America; the formation of the British colonies, the institution of slavery.
American literature begins with the orally transmitted myths, legends, tales, and lyrics (songs) of Indian cultures. There was no written literature among the more than 500 different Indian languages and tribal cultures that existed in North America.
Analysis of the prevalence of helmets on the territory of the Kolochinskaya and Penkovo cultures. Study of the origin of Baldenheim-type helmets, their comparison with analogues from Western Europe, the Balkan-Danube region and the Mediterranean.
Development of innovative minimally invasive methods for treating obesity. Prevention of complications of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Investigation the results of using early enteral nutrition after operations on the human gastrointestinal tract.
The monograph by Dmytro Vyrsky covers the Early Modern period in Ukraine in the context of global history. To analyse the course of events on the Ukrainian lands beyond over-engaged concepts of state (imperial and national) modern historiographies.
Characteristic of quintets of Luigi Boccherini as an object symbol of the Italo-French line of chamber instrumentalism, including among piano works. Crossing of the early Romantic and Biedermeier stylistic trends in the genre model Luigi Bockerini.
Analyses the trends and determinants, which culminate in the student's rejecting, or being rejected by, the school in Bulgaria. Discussed of the results of the empirical study of students' opinion, related to the phenomenon of the early school leaving.
Characterization of the behavior of the board in respect of income which is a key issue to each shareholder. Analysis of management on the main features: quality earnings and revenues, income instability, discretionary charges and cases of fraud.
Interest of East Asia to natural resources, transportation routes and new fishing grounds Arctic region. The lack of unity within the Asian Arctic rehionudlya achieve common goals. Perspectives of Asian cooperation with members of Arctic council.
Analysis of the foreign policy strategy of East Prussia. The ways in which tried to overcome political and economic problems, to restore previous trade relations with the regions of the former Russian Empire. Reasons for the collapse of the negotiations.
Principles of structural and functional structure, perspectives for the disclosure of sanogenic-therapeutic means of communication, mechanisms for achieving spiritual health and perfection of soul’s smart power in the ideological system of anthropology.
Sanogenical interrelation and perspective of practical explanation of components of cogitative soul power were shown. Particularly, semantic features of their sanogenical reproduction from the standpoint of disclosure of essential and dynamic principle.
The peculiarities of the overthrow of the hetman's authorities and the beginning of the institutions of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the eastern part of the Podilska province in the second half of November - beginning of December 1918.
Interpreting the composition and dynamics of presettlement forests. Inferred about pre- settlement pine density from land surveys and lumber statistics, based on new evidence and analyses. Statistics of growth and income of white pine-tree of lumber.
The processing of information into the memory. The retention of encoded information over time. Process of getting information out of memory. Ebbinghaus’ Retention Curve. Beneficial effects of distributed practice for repetitions. Types of Encoding.