Technological and economic directions of organization and management of public and private cooperation

Development and implementation of economic policy of Azerbaijan in new conditions. Search for ways to maintain macroeconomic stability in the country. Ensuring free competition. Restoration and reconstruction of the territories of Karabakh and Zangezur.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

Technological and economic directions of organization and management of public and private cooperation

Makhabbat Ashir Mammadov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Shukur Ilqar Aliyev, Doctoral Student


In modem times, the emergence and development of economic relations between the public and private sectors can be characterized as laying the foundation for partnership between them. In the modern economic system, public-private partnership is an economic policy that creates ample opportunities for the full use of the existing potential in both sectors, as well as the coordination of innovation resources and their results. can be seen as an effective tool.

In the new economic conditions, the implementation of the economic policy of independent Azerbaijan within the framework of large-scale reforms has determined the preservation of macroeconomic stability in our country, the diversification of the economy, the acceleration of the balanced development of the non-oil sector and regions, and the further improvement of the social welfare of the population.

Strengthening of state support for entrepreneurial activity has led to the creation of free competition and a favorable investment environment for the development of the private sector. In addition to these, the dynamic progress observed in all areas has created conditions for the successful implementation of the works defined within the framework of the four State Programs on socio-economic development of regions in our Republic.

Objectives of the article. Subsidies to innovative structures of the state and private sector in the projects implemented in the direction of reconstruction and development of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions and territories freed from occupation of Azerbaijan,it has an important role as an important process in providing loans and guarantees.

In the perspective, it should be taken into account to ensure mutual reinvestment of income generated by innovations used for the purpose of implementing innovative projects [1]. Not only with the mutual provision of unique objects (including rent, leasing, etc.) that have high value for use for public and private cooperation in the development of material and technical resources of innovation activity, but also with mutual provision, at the same time, it is aimed to create a joint material and technical base for effective innovative activity, especially to form an innovative and technological infrastructure it's true.

Research of existing experiments shows that innovative activities in the organization and management of effective activities of public and private cooperation, centers for joint use of scientific and technical equipment, experimental - test bureaus, structures, experimental objects, business incubators, etc. such areas of activity should be formed and their joint use should be ensured.

At the same time, in the direction of this activity, the process of improving information and communication technologies, creation and systematization of national and global information resources, the development of the mechanism for their effective use is a joint effective function of public-private cooperation in the field of using the experience available in the world in this field it is one of the priority directions for the organization, management and implementation of the organization.

At the same time, world experience shows that ensuring the joint use of the achievements of the participants of public and private cooperation in the field of intellectual property as an indicator of the high efficiency of the activities of partnerships begrinded and this is the special of the partner participants, integration of general and practical knowledge it is also important.

So, the state pays constant attention to the formation of the necessary mechanism in the direction of ensuring the regularities of the innovation activity of this cooperation, international and national traditions of the development of science and technology, the legal basis of the implementation of innovations and other information.

In this process, it is public-private cooperation to coordinate the knowledge and habits of employees and entrepreneurs operating in state groups in their educational and practical activities a is an important factor in the effective implementation of all planned activities. The laws of the innovation process arise as the leading determinant of the intended segment of the joint activity of public-private partnership, and one of the peculiarities of this partnership requires its research from various aspects.

Thus, as a result of the study of this activity, it was determined that the technological aspect of public and private cooperation consists of the following:

- creation and expansion of opportunities to use innovative production technologies for entrepreneurial activity;

- organization of joint production of production technologies necessary for employees activities;

- creation of opportunities for joint use of innovative technologies of high quality and value for innovative business activities within the framework of cooperation;

- stimulation of using international and national experiences in the joint acitivities of partners from innovative technical experiences;

- exchange of innovative international and national experiences in coordinating the areas of the technologically advanced economy according to the modern standards of the economy;

- standardization, certification, quality regulation and systematization of innovative products;

- the emerging negative effects of innovative technological processes identification and obtaining the mixture;

- strengthening information and communication support for public-private partnerships [2].

The economic side of partnership in the areas of joint activity of public and private cooperation to characterizing directions purposeful spending on innovation in the directions of activity identification and provision of use in this direction; certain e achieving desired goals three necessary resource support; partners directions of action effective coordination of economic interests and concessions; cooperation f action initiatives of the relevant regulator of the state with normative-legal documents ensuring direct and indirect integration; formation of national markets of innovative products and services through public procurement structures; innovative projects increasing the competitiveness of relevant sectors of the economy the role of in is appreciated method and methodology processing; insurance mechanisms that regulate innovation risks that may arise in partnership activity can be attributed.

The main material of the study

Implementation of regular measures and relevant regulations in the mentioned directions is important and important in the creation and effective activity of state and private cooperation in the territories freed from occupation it will have an important role.

Organizational and institutional nature of public and private cooperation and it is characterized by the following directions: determining the optimal and effective legal mechanism of cooperation and improvement; mutual use of the experiences of partners in the areas of activity; co-ownership, management and production areas creation of objects; regular provision of participation in various innovation processes within the framework of cooperation; country, regions and fields level ensure coordination of cooperation in doer creation of structures according to the directions of activity.

Currently, the multifaceted development paradigms of Azerbaijan and the special place of entrepreneurship development in this context are accompanied by the private sector having a very high share in the socio-economic development of our country and the increasing role of entrepreneurs here. It should be noted that the center of gravity in the development of the private sector is, first of all, the concessions made by the state to the country's entrepreneurs. In 2021, the implementation of 1,152 investment projects within the framework of support for entrepreneurs allowed the opening of about 1,800 new jobs. 60.9 million manat concessional loans were given to finance these investment projects.

The creation of high-level infrastructure occupies an important place among the factors that determine the increase in activity in the private sector in our country. It should be noted that the creation of modern infrastructure is only one direction of measures aimed at increasing economic activity and stimulating the activity of business entities in our country. Thus, increasing the special weight of the private sector in our national economy and further optimizing the business environment further expands the scope of the implemented measures.

Creating a favorable business environment in Azerbaijan, strengthening state support for the development of entrepreneurship, continuously improving the entrepreneurship environment, increasing financial support for entrepreneurship and other factors make important contributions to the development of the non-oil sector and the country's economy as a whole. In general, providing comprehensive support to the development of entrepreneurship by the state promotes the development of the national economy. Today, the Azerbaijan Business Development Fund and the Small and Medium Business Development Agency continue to support the country's entrepreneurs.The Agency works towards increasing the role and competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized business entities in the country's economy, expanding their access to financial resources and improving institutional support mechanisms, strengthening the legal protection of entrepreneurship and creating favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the regions, attracting local and foreign investments in this field. On the initiative of the agency, 51 internal market studies were conducted taking into account the requests of entrepreneurs and their needs.

In addition to these, the results of joint activity of public and private cooperation are social strategic application and the evaluation of the results should be carried out constantly as a part of the partnership, and it is necessary to develop appropriate measures in order to improve its efficiency.Public interests and social problems should be investigated, in order to effectively organize this direction of activity, society and schemes that ensure the creation of appropriate relations between government structures should be developed, regularly improved and implemented.Within the framework of the implemented partnership, the improvement of the social status of the innovation activities of public and private cooperation should be ensured.

At the same time, enterprises and organizations participating in this cooperation in the effective organization and management of public private cooperation, application of progressive methods and methodologies developed by business entities based on theoretical knowledge and practical innovations of modern science in the state and private sector of the economy, regular mutual exchange, the creation of an information bank on the laws of the field is of particular importance in organizing effective cooperation of joint activities of partners and in improving it and ensuring its prospective development.

In the creation of public-private cooperation in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions and at the same time in the surrounding territories freed from occupation, the measures and works carried out in the mentioned directions, taking into account the joint efficient operation of partners can ultimately ensure the efficient and rapid integration of the economy of these regions into the country's economy. The main result of the creation of public private cooperation and the organization of their joint activity can be accepted and evaluated as an important means of action in improving the living conditions of society, performing production and regulatory functions based on innovations.

Another effective result of the joint activity of public private cooperation is the creation of favorable conditions for the increase of the amount of resources allocated for innovative development and the improvement of the scientific, technological and innovative potential of its direct participants, as well as related structures. economic azerbaijan karabakh competition

One of the priorities of this cooperation is the creation and improvement of mechanisms that take into account the characteristics of the infrastructure projects implemented in the direction of the restoration and reconstruction of the territories of Karabakh and East Zangezur economic regions in the efficient distribution of financial and intellectual results directed at specific areas of activity [3].

At the same time, it is necessary to avoid turning public-private partnership into a goal as a direction of action [5]. The investigated problem should be seen as a joint evolution of public and private cooperation mechanisms, which are a priority in national innovation systems. In countries where private business efforts dominate the innovation process, entrepreneurial partnership models prevail. States that control a significant part of national resources for innovative development pay special attention to the types of activities that support public private cooperation. If the public-private partnership in the countries that are leaders in the global innovation process is aimed at improving the already established innovation systems, currently state programs in Azerbaijan, development concepts and strategies are carried out in scientific-research and practical work aimed at the effective organization and management of state and private cooperation in accordance with the measures envisaged in this direction, appropriate mechanisms are developed and regularly improved taking into account international practices.

Provide these directions of activity in order to do this, from the initial stage of the innovation system, relevant state programs and development strategies are developed for the purpose of effective organization of public and private cooperation in Azerbaijan, and state and business entities are defined as executors for their implementation, and this measures are implemented according to the implementation period.

At the same time, in these programs and development concepts and strategies, along with other measures, in order to control the state of execution of works in the mentioned directions by the specified executors and in this process to evaluate the activities of state - private subjects Relevant structures have been established in ministries, committees and organizations in Azerbaijan.

The main task of these structures is to investigate, evaluate the implementation status of the measures envisaged in state programs and development strategies, and other directions for the programs and strategies prepared for the new era, as well as the framework of public and private cooperation it consists of working on the measures that are a priority to be implemented and presenting them to the relevant groups.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to territorial and spatial factors in the effective implementation of public and private cooperation in the preparation and implementation of these processes. Examining international experience shows that despite the formation of global innovation structures, radical innovations, in particular, in high-tech industries, it was a necessary factor to create optimal relations in a number of directions of partnership activities of public and private subjects at the micro and macro levels, combination in the directions of activity is required. In addition to these, it should be specially shown that the joint activity of regional structures along with the central production and non-production structures of the country can ensure quite innovative richness of the development of the country's economy. Effective organization and diversification of public and private cooperation as an economic reality is related to the socio-economic development indicators of the regions.

Four state programs covering the years 2004-2023 on the social economic development of the regions aimed at the development of the sectors of the country's economy and the formation of the cooperation of the public and private sector in ensuring the development of the regions in the relevant field state programs certain measures are implemented, so in Azerbaijan, where in most countries of the world, during the years of independence, the decisive role of the state in the organization and management of the economy is gradually abandoned and special attention is paid to the creation of public private cooperation.


It should also be noted that there is no unifield approach approach in the countries of the world regarding which specific form of cooperation between the state and business structures should be attributed to the cooperation of the public and private sectors. At this time, in the process of implementation of public and private cooperation, not only the state's participation in business projects, but also the mechanism of involvement in the preparation and implementation of socio-economic projects by the state in the sector of entrepreneurial activity is taken into account ("Opportunities of State-Business cooperation in the Republic of Azerbaijan". Economic Research Center. Baku 2014).

At the modern stage of the development of the country's economy, the essence and content of public-private partnership is considered as the relationship created between state and entrepreneurial structures in the implementation of national, local and international projects. However, it should be taken into account that this relationship is temporary, that is, this alliance is created for a specific period of time for the implementation of any project, and this activity is completed after the project is implemented.

The analysis of the developed countries of the world shows that this form of public-private cooperation is widely applied and successfully operates mainly in the transport, utility, and social infrastructure sectors.

In the years of independence, the experiences of developed countries in the field of public-private cooperation with the aim of creating effective cooperation of public-private partnership in the fields of Azerbaijan's economy and ensuring its development, in order to formulate and improve the relevant existing normative legal framework (experiences of private cooperation), trends, forms and methods emerging in the world in this field are constantly studied and applied taking into account the characteristics, potentials and possibilities of the areas of the country's economy. "Great Return I State program, Azerbaijan 2030: National priorities for socio-economic development, the economy of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions and surrounding areas, which were freed from occupation according to the measures envisaged in the development strategy of 2022-2026 on socio-economic development, is primarily transport, communal, housing, housing, creation of public and private cooperation in household fields taking into account world experience and development of its mechanism of action and at the same time preparation of the State Program" for public-private cooperation in territories freed from occupation, the development of the economy of these areas by providing it, it will be of special importance in its effective reintegration into the country's economy.


1. State on the Great Return to the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan Program (November 17, 2022).

2. Partnerships: features of PPP. Av. at: /news/ ekonomika/ 2018-10-23/771233-partnerskie- otnosheniyaosobennosti-gchp-vraznyih -stranah-mira/

3. Mammadov M. A., Ganiyev K. I. (2021) The organizational-management mechanism of the recovery and development of the liberated territories in the post-conflict period. Poltava: Bulding innovations.

4. Socio-economic development of the republic 2019-2023. State program.

5. Opportunities of State-business cooperation in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Center for Economic Studies. Baku, 2014.

6. Maier T. An 8-point plan for closing the infrastrю gap. Av. at: https:// www. an-8-point-plan-for-closing-the-infrastructure-gap

7. Abasova A. 0., Mammadova K. M. (2023) Creative industry of cities and regijns: main features. Economics of the transport complex. Jurnal of collekted. Papers, vol. 42.

8. Abasova A. 0., Mammadova K. M., 0lakbarova L. A. (2023) Classification of costs and methods of their management in the system of strategic control. Economics and Region, no. 1(88). Available at: eir/issue/view/101

9. Mammadova K. M., Mammadova D. S. (2023) Theoretical foundations of the innovative management process. Scientific and practical journal "Сonstruction economics and management", no. 2.

10. Abasova A. A., Askerov S. Sh. (2023) Security of sustainability and economic valuation problems and development of innovation economy. Scientific and practical journal "Сonstruction economics and management", no. 1.


Technological and economic directions of organization and management of public and private cooperation

Makhabbat Ashir Mammadov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.

Shukur Ilqar Aliyev, Doctoral Student, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

In the article, the essence of the formation of public-private sector cooperation was explained, the directions and compliance of the innovative activity of cooperation with the law, cooperation mechanism and factors were determined. At the same time, the directions that characterize the technological and institutional nature of public-private cooperation were investigated, defined and systematized. The formation and regular improvement of the mechanism for the implementation of infrastructure projects aimed at the restoration and reconstruction of the territories of Karabagh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions was considered as a priority of cooperation. In the new economic conditions, the implementation of the economic policy of independent Azerbaijan within the framework of large- scale reforms has determined the preservation of macroeconomic stability in our country, the diversification of the economy, the acceleration of the balanced development of the non-oil sector and regions, and the further improvement of the social welfare of the population. Strengthening of state support for entrepreneurial activity has led to the creation of free competition and a favorable investment environment for the development of the private sector. In addition to these, the dynamic progress observed in all areas has created conditions for the successful implementation of the works defined within the framework of the four State Programs on socio-economic development of regions in our Republic. Research of existing experiments shows that innovative activities in the organization and management of effective activities of public and private cooperation, centers for joint use of scientific and technical equipment, experimental - test bureaus, structures, experimental objects, business incubators, etc. such areas of activity should be formed and their joint use should be ensured. At the same time, in the direction of this activity, the process of improving information and communication technologies, creation and systematization of national and global information resources, the development of the mechanism for their effective use is a joint effective function of public-private cooperation in the field of using the experience available in the world in this field it is one of the priority directions for the organization, management and implementation of the organization.

Key words: innovation, public, private, partnership, economic, technological, liberated territories, program, strategy.


Технологические и экономические направления организации и управления государственно-частным сотрудничеством

Махбуб Ашир Мамедов, доктор экономических наук, профессор.

Шукур Илькар Алиев, докторант Азербайджанского университета архитектуры и строительства

В статье была раскрыта сущность формирования государственно-частного партнерства, определены направления и соответствие инновационной деятельности сотрудничеству с законодательством, механизм сотрудничества и факторы. В то же время были исследованы, определены и систематизированы направления, характеризующие технологическую и институциональную природу государственно-частного партнерства. В качестве приоритета сотрудничества было рассмотрено формирование и регулярное совершенствование механизма реализации инфраструктурных проектов, направленных на восстановление и реконструкцию территорий экономических регионов Карабаха и Восточного Зангезура.

В новых экономических условиях реализация экономической политики независимого Азербайджана в рамках широкомасштабных реформ обеспечила сохранение макроэкономической стабильности в нашей стране, диверсификацию экономики, ускорение сбалансированного развития ненефтяного сектора и регионов, а также дальнейшее повышение уровня социального обеспечения населения. Усиление государственной поддержки предпринимательской деятельности привело к созданию свободной конкуренции и благоприятной инвестиционной среды для развития частного сектора. Кроме того, динамичный прогресс, наблюдаемый во всех областях, создал условия для успешной реализации работ, определенных в рамках четырех государственных программ социально-экономического развития регионов нашей республики. Исследование существующих экспериментов показывает, что инновационная деятельность в области организации и управления эффективной деятельностью государственного и частного сотрудничества, центров совместного использования научно-технического оборудования, опытно-испытательных бюро, структур, экспериментальных объектов, бизнес-инкубаторов и т. д. должна быть сформирована в таких областях деятельности и обеспечено их совместное использование. В то же время в направлении этой деятельности процесс совершенствования информационно-коммуникационных технологий, создания и систематизации национальных и глобальных информационных ресурсов, разработки механизма их эффективного использования является совместной эффективной функцией государственно-частного сотрудничества в области использования имеющегося в мире опыта в этой сфере, что является одним из приоритетных направлений организации, управления и реализации деятельности организации.

Ключевые слова: инновации, государственное, частное, партнерство, экономическое, технологическое, освобожденные территории, программа, стратегия.

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