Justification of the need to study the specifics of the conceptualization of the opposition "one's own - another's". The impact of this opposition on relations between people within the same language community and on intercultural relations in general.
Definition and justification of the process of implementation of a tax on paper documents. Characteristics of the range of subjects of taxation, procedure of calculation of financial calculation. Analysis of the implications of the introduction.
Survey of how a literary concept of a prominent ukrainian german studies expert Oguy has been developing on the pages of a scientific journal "Problems of Literary Criticism" from 1993 till 2013. Development of post-non-classical methodological strategy.
Identification of features of the interpretation of primitivist tendencies in the work of D. Lawrence "Lovers". The representation of primitivism through the naturalness, purity, sincerity and authenticity of the relationship between a man and a woman.
The professionally oriented communicative training concept of future civil protection service officers in the education institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is substantiated. The pedagogical concept is built on a certain theoretical.
Conducting a comprehensive study of the concept of sacred praise in magical realism: based on the work entitled "The Unfinished Manuscript" written by Kamal Abdullah. Definition of magical realism, the period of its formation. The work of Borges and Eco.
Concepts, signs, types, means of economic and commercial activity. The essence of self-regulation, its types. Justification of the effectiveness of the functioning of self-regulation based on the legislative practice of the European Union countries.
Analysis of functions, values, components of sports management. Elucidation of sport as an educational phenomenon and conditions for the formation of a healthy and active personality. An overview of sports management as a type of sports education.
The ethnocultural competence manifests itself in a certain manner of behaviour in relation to the native culture or culture in the habitats of any ethnic group, helps individuals to be adequate. Analysis of the ethnocultural competence of students.
Manifestation of ethnocultural competence in a certain manner of behavior in relation to the native culture or the culture in the places of residence of any ethnic group. Basic consideration of adaptability to intercultural interaction and tolerance.
The peculiarity of preserving the full life of an elderly person, as the most vulnerable category of the population in times of armed conflicts. Consideration of the main potential and something limitations of the modern concept of successful aging.
Formulation based on methodological pluralism of a new understanding of the doctrine of administrative law as a complex, multidimensional systemic phenomenon to denote a set of legal and scientific judgments about the administrative and legal space.
Actualization of the concept of a flower in the novel "Lady Chatterley's Lover". The concept of a flower in the author's picture of the world. Flower utopia as a reflection of human aspirations. Characterization of heroes in the light of floral images.
The importance the formation of soft skills and emotional intelligence in the context of studying at a higher education institution. Soft skills and emotional intelligence have been found to be important for students as they relate to career development.
The comparison of Wittgenstein’s and Heidegger’s views on the world picture. Analysis of the initial approaches to the next concept. The value of the picture of the world for cognitive research and its role in the formation of the knowledge system.
The study of certain English monolingual dictionaries to reveal the fixed definitions of the concept soul in various lexicographic sources and find out the cognitive features of the concept that is under research. The structure of the concept soul.
Analysis of the essence of entrepreneurship, the theoretical and practical importance of studying its social affect. The need to create opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship and family business, the properties of this area of the economy.
Study of the idea of the complex structure of the human physical body, the multidimensionality of his mind and consciousness. Characteristics of Eastern and Western esoteric schools. Analysis of concepts of subtle bodies in ancient spiritual traditions.
- 379. The conceptual framework of brand managnent and its influence on Tourist destination development
Analyzation and systematization of the leading conceptual framework of brand management as well as in additional investigations of its influence on tourist destination development. To increase the value of a brand as main aim of the brand management.
Analysis of activity of collective accommodation facilities, problems of effective hotel business functioning in Ukraine. Increasing of productivity of hotel enterprises and competitiveness by implementing effective organization and management methods.
The competitive society reflects Darwin’s theory about survival on a higher level. The problem of a war is the urgent problem nowadays due to the invention of new high technological weapons and weapons of mass destruction. Basic forms of military drill.
Determination of physical parameters of geomaterials in high thermobaric conditions. Establishing relationships between physical parameters and chemical components of rocks in thermobaric conditions close to the conditions in the Earth's interior.
Implications of domestic violence against women. Syndrom tyranej zeny. The Stockholm Syndrome. Model strategy aimed at eliminating violence against women in the field of crime prevention and judicial justice. Nadvlada muzh. The isolation of victims;
- 384. The consequences of electromagnetic field exposure on the spermatogenesis process in rat's testes
Determine the effects of the electromagnetic field of high voltage and low frequency on the genitals of male rats. Study the number of degenerative forms of spermatozoa forming as a result of mitotic and meiotic disorders at the stage of late spermatids.
Signing of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty between the Ukrainian Central Council and Germany and Austria-Hungary. Circumstances of concluding a military convention with the Fourth Union. Changes in the country after the conclusion of the contract.
Revision of the main conditions of the signed Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty between the Ukrainian Central Council and Germany and Austria-Hungary. Circumstances that pushed the Ukrainian leadership to ask for help from the Fourth Union in February 1918.
- 387. The constitutional complaint as an efficient tool to secure the effectiveness of the rule of law
Analysis of the institute of constitutional complaint and its existence in European countries. The necessity of constitutional complaint for the providence of the principle of the rule of law in the country. Steps for practical realization in Ukraine.
Question of modern constitutional system of board and constitutional justice. Idea of a priority of certain fundamental legal laws. The constitution in modern sense of this concept. The idea of constitutionalism. Basic fundamental legal principles.
The study of subjective professional well-being, which is one of the key conditions for professional health and longevity of a modern person. Determination and analysis of the need to take into account the component of social and professional relevance.
A differential object marking - the grammatical way of drawing the listener’s attention to the non-canonical mapping of argument positions of a transitive construction. The structure role of the discourse status of the object referent in the sentence.