The analysis of the concepts of motive and motivation in modern researches

The feature of attracting as many needs as possible to increase the level of activity motivation. Analysis of the research of the human motivational sphere from the point of view of its development through the use of breadth, flexibility and hierarchy.

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The formulation of the research problem. The problem of the motivation in modern psychology is widely studied (S. Rubinstein, A. Leontiev, L. Bozhovych, H. Kostiuk, P. Jacobson, H. Heckhausen, Y. Ilin, M. Matiukhina, A. Markova, T. Hordieieva, M. Boryshevskyi, Y. Hilbukh, S. Maksymenko, V. Semychenko, Y. Shvalb and others). However, despite of the considerable amount of scientific papers on the phenomenon of motivation, it cannot be completely solved.

The questions of academic motivation and motivational sphere characteristics depending on the level of educational progress are not enough studied. In the field of psychology well-known studies are ones of the problems of motivation in pupils' learning (M. Aleksieieva, 0. Skrypchenko, M. Dryhus, N. Zubaliy, S. Drozdenko, N. Prorok and others).

Psychological studies of motivation ontogenesis (T. Mariutina, S. Moskvychov, L. Bozhovych, Y. Ilin, V. Shadrykov) made it possible to distinguish groups of motives underlying the implementation of pupils' educational activities.

The formation of learning motivation through the activity organization has become the subject of the study in line with the researches under the direction of P. Halperin, V. Davydov, N. Talyzina, D. Elkonin.

The origin of the phenomenon of «motivational vacuum» at the end of primary school have appeared in the works of M. Aleksieieva, 0. Dusavytskyi, 0. Kyrychuk, M. Matiukhina, A. Markova, V. Merlin, V. Morhun.

The purpose of this article is the theoretical study of the concepts of motive and motivation in modern psychology.

The basic material research. The term «motive» is derived from the French «motif», that literally means «inducement». Therefore, the motive is understood as everything that motivates people to action. But there are a significant number of such motives that include external influence (external stimuli), impulse may the influence on the internal organs of the body (internal stimuli), for example, the reason may be the physiological processes in the body: overstrain may be a cause of irritating word or rough action. The concept of «motive» has acquired different meanings in different authors owing to the variety of reasons affecting human actions. But, despite of this, they all agree on one thing: the motive is meant as one particular psychological phenomenon. Most psychologists are grouped around the following views on the motive: as the excitement, need, purpose, intent, personality features, states.

The interpretation of the motives of activities in the work of psychologists has a wide meaning. H. Heckhausen examines the motives as needs, desires, impulses, and K. Platonov considers them as mental processes, states, properties of the personality.

In the psychological literature there is not certain definition concerning the correlation between needs and motives. S. Chkhartishvili identifies needs and motives, and V. Selivanov observed time differences between the motive and need. In his view, the need as the system of conscious and unconscious drives is characterized by relative stability, while the motives may often be temporary. According to the scientist, many motives are not connected with the available human needs. For example, demand, order or other influences, being reflected in mind, may be become motives, despite of the current needs of the personality [18].

We consider interesting the interpretation where the motive is defined as a subject of the need. 0. Leontiev considered the motive in the following way. He notes, «We consider motive as the subject of the need, material or ideal, which is sensibly persieved or given only in the imagination, in mental terms» [8]. In his opinion, the motive is an object that matches a particular need, and which, in one or another form being reflected by the subject leads it to the activity.

But most researchers interpret the motive much wider. Thus, S. Rubinstein, describing motive as a conscious stimulus, believes that it is formed in its specific meaningfulness as a human takes into account, estimates, weighs the circumstances, and understands the arising purpose [14 p. 564]. The similar opinion is developed by M. Jacobson, who believes that the motive of the action is «a stimulus that leads to its conclusion» [17]. V. Viliunas, directing his attention to the problem, considers the motive [in the broad sense] as a stimulus to activity that contains both a cognitive element [object of the need] and affective coming out of the need [3].

In contrast, K. Obukhivskyi believes that the range of the word «motive» is limited to the factors that contribute to the social implementation of the action [4, p. 122]. According to him, the motive is not the driving factor. It is the cause of action in the sense in which, for example, click can be considered the cause of the rocket launch. D. Uznadze understood the motive as a complex psychological entity that is the result of multi-stage process of motivation [15].

In the studies V. Merlin insists on the fact that «we must understand motives only as the incentives that affect purposeful action» [10]. The same definitions are given in other textbooks of psychology, in particular Y. Ilin emphasizes, «the motive is called that is reflected in the human mind, induces activity and directs it to meet the specific needs» [4].

In his studies H. Kostiuk considered the motive as that makes human desire for the certain but not for any other purpose. Motives may be called the needs, feelings, interests, beliefs and other motives to human activity caused by the requirements of life [13]. A. Kovaliov agrees that from the psychological point of view the motive means human inducement to activities. Motives may be knowledge, feelings, needs, forcing people to strive for the goal. This view is held by M. Aleksieieva and B. Baiev, indicating that the term «motive» means «the incentive of human actions and deeds» [1].

The analysis of existing psychological and pedagogical dictionaries suggests the identical trend in the definition of motive. So, in Short Psychological Dictionary, edited by V. Voitko, «... the incentive of human actions and deeds (that is pushing for action)» is suggested to be the motive. The motive is an important component in the structure of human activity, it is impossible to reveal the mental nature without it. The basis for the motives of human activities is his or her various needs. Because of understanding and experience of primary (natural) and secondary (material and spiritual) human needs, certain incentives to actions appear. According to the form of display of the needs meaning the motives can serve «the feelings, notions, thoughts, concepts, ideas, moral ideals, interests, experiences» [12].

Researchers A. Petrovskyi and M. Yaroshevskyi dismember the concept of «motive»: firstly, it is incentive to activities related to meeting the needs of the subject, a set of external and internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine its orientation; secondly, it is inducing and determining choice of activity direction to the object (material or ideal), for which it is made; thirdly, it is understood reason underlying the choice of the personality's actions and deeds [6]. In contrast, M. Kondakov and A. Vyshniakov appeal to the inner sphere of the personality. In their opinion, «motive is internal incentive of human actions and deeds». If the purpose determines what to do, the motive reveals the motive for which action is being done or is done [5, p. 136].

In the psychological encyclopedia by 0. Stepanov the motive is defined as a cause that stimulates to activities directed to meet specific needs. The needs are specified, and they not only define it, but they themselves are changed and enriched as a result of objects broadening. If a primary form of the motive existence covers real objects by which a person meets their needs, at a later stage they may be thoughts, feelings, dreams, ideas, interests, and so on. Human activities are polimotivated.

Considered views on the concept of «motive» are applied to the definition of «motivation». According to S. Rubinstein, the term of «motivation» in human includes all kinds of incentives: motives, needs, interests, aspirations, goals, hobbies, motivational installations or dispositions, values and so on. In a broader sense the motivation sometimes is referred to as determination, which is implemented through the psyche [14, p. 167-168]. Pointing to the fact that our actions are not largely determined, 0. Leontiev emphasizes that control over them is carried out by mental motivational phenomena. However, the concept of «motivation» can be seen widely, including almost all the phenomena responsible for the initiation and orientation of actions [8, p. 35].

Revealing the reasons that explain one or another person's behavior, his actions and deeds, we will analyze a set of motives that conditioned behavior. For example, the scientists M. Aleksieieva, B. Baiev, H. Kostiuk agree that «motivation is a system of motives that is relevant to a particular person» [1, p. 7; 55, p. 89-90; 54, p. 428].

The same definition is given in Short Psychological Dictionary, edited by V. Voitko, «Motivation is a system of motives, which defines specific forms of human activities or behavior» [12, p. 97]. The authors of the pedagogical vocabulary confirm that «motivation is a system of interconnected and subordinated motives of the personality activities, that consciously define a line of conduct» [11, p. 137].

In contrast, A. Petrovskyi and M. Yaroshevskyi note that «motivation is an incentive that causes the activity of the organism and determines its direction». The term is broadly used in all areas of psychology, exploring the causes and mechanisms of purposeful human behavior [3, p. 190].

Thus, «the motivation» is a broader concept than «the motive». The word «motivation» in modern psychology used in a double sense: firstly, it is a set of impulses that causes human activity and determines his activity, i. e. the system of factors, determining behavior [it includes: needs, motives, goals, intentions, aspirations etc.]; and secondly, it is a process of motives formation, characteristics of the process that stimulates and supports behavioral activity at a certain level.

Thus, motivation is a process of conscious motive formation as the first degree of volitional act. The concepts of motivation arise when trying to explain rather than describe the behavior. This is the search for the answer to questions like «Why?», «What for?», «Wherefore?», «For what purpose?», «What's the point?». Identification and description of the reasons of sustainable behavior change is the answer to the question concerning the motivation of actions.

Motive, unlike motivation, is a complex integral psychological unity that stimulates people to conscious actions, deeds and acts foundation for them. It includes many factors: needs, purpose, excitement, intent.

The limits of the motive are determined, on the one hand, by the needs which are a state of aspiration of organism, individual, personality in some way necessary for its normal existence and development; on the other hand, it is the motive to achieve real goals. The psychological formations, providing human conscious choice of the subject and the way of meeting needs, are located between them. These psychological formations are called motivational determinants (motivators) and the process of motive formation is called motivation. Motivators (motivational determinants) are psychological formations, influencing decision-making and forming of the reason as the basis for action or activity.

So motive is a product of motivation, i. e. mental activity, whose ultimate goal is the formation of human activity and incentive to achieve the chosen goal. Motivation is a combination of forcing factors that determine the activity of the personality; they are all the motives, needs, incentives, situational factors that motivate human behavior.

Motives are relatively stable traits (manifestations, attributes) of the personality. When we argue that a cognitive motive is inherent to a particular person, it means that in many situations a person is interested in the content and process of the activities, or cognitive motivation.

However, the motivation is not only the motives, but also situational factors (impact of different people, and the specifics of the activities and situation, etc.). Situational factors are quite dynamic, variable, creating significant opportunities of impact on them and the activity as a whole. The intensity of the actual motivation depends on the motive power and intensity of situational determinants of motivation (requirements and influence of others, tasks complexity, etc.).

For example, the motivation of the activities and activity of the employee are conditioned by not only the intensity of motives (stable personal formations that occur in different circumstances), but also the requirements, instructions of the head and other situational factors.

In a specific period of time the motivation of the student's achievement (e. g., during the test) depends not only on his motives, but on many situational factors (instructions of experimenter, presence of friends of influence and preliminary impact of other people).

Thus, motivation is a combination of all factors (both personal and situational), which lead the person to the activity (activities). Scientists distinguish procedural and effective components of the motivation.

The meaning of human activities is not only to get results; the meaning of the activities is in the very activities, in the normal course of activities, in order to detect physical and intellectual activity. Just as physical activity, mental activity itself brings pleasure and is a specific need. When the subject is induced by the process of activities, rather than the result, it indicates the procedural component of motivation.

Procedural component of motivation is particularly important in the game. The motive of the game is in the very process rather than the result. For example, when a child plays, builds a house out of blocks, the motive of the game is not to create something, but in the course of the game, in the creation of anything that is in the content of the activities. The general formula of the game motivation is not to win but play. However, the games also have effective component. As any other activities, the game shows a combination of procedural and effective components of motivation.

The procedural component takes a powerful place in the learning. The desire to overcome the difficulties in training activities, test the strength and abilities may be personally meaningful motive.

The effective motivation component, on the one hand, is associated with distant long-term goals, on the other - with the adoption of human goals and objectives into the activities. Effective motivational setting plays a leading role in the determination of the activities, especially if its procedural component (i. e. the process of activities) causes negative emotions. In this case the fore ground is taken by objectives, intentions that determine the final and intermediate objectives of activities which in turn mobilize the energy of the person. The powerful motivational factor is setting goals and intermediate objectives.

The success in any activities depends not only on skills and knowledge, but also on motivation (i. e. the desire to self-affirm, to achieve good results, follow idols, etc.). The higher level of motivation, the more factors (reasons) induce people to activities, the more efforts persons tend to make.

Highly motivated individuals work more and usually achieve better results in business. It often happens that the less capable but more motivated student (athlete, worker) achieves higher success in activities than his gifted friend (colleague). This is not surprising, because people with high levels of motivation work hard and achieves better results. Thus, the motivation is one of the most important factors (along with abilities, knowledge and skills) that ensure success in activities. need motivation flexibility hierarchy

Motives have different functions. Firstly there were separated the exciting and restrictive function. The first one reflects the motive power, the second - focuses this energy direction to a specific object, certain activity. M. Mahomet-Eminov and other psychologists find that it is not enough to have exciting and restrictive functions of the motive to explain the determination of the activities, and they determine the regulatory function, which is central in the processes of motivation. The similar to this function is the controlling function determined by Y. Ilin, since the latter includes planning actions (result and means), while the regulation is a part of management and is aimed at stabilizing the functioning system by monitoring [4]. A. Zaporozhets mentioned the controlling function, noting that it is carried out not directly but through the mechanism of «emotional correction». This function is similar to the function of content forming one that 0. Leontiev determined, based on the personal meaning [7].

Scientists consider the reflecting function of the motive. This is the reflection of needs and goals, means of achieving opportunities, the consequences for themselves and moral health in the mind of human. The structure and content of the motivational sphere of the personality are formed depending on it. N. Yeroshyna, S. Holovakha and other scientists define explaining function of the motive, which refers to the personality's conscious formulation of sources of behavior. The definition of the function is appropriate, because the motive is the ground for act or action [5, p.99].

Recent years many psychologists consider that activities and human behavior are conditioned by many motives (L. Bozhovych, V. Viliunas, V. Kovaliov, 0. Leontiev, V. Petrenko, M. Filipov). Not only the same need can be implemented in different objects, but the variety of needs interacting between themselves can be implemented in the same object. For example, assessment as a learning motive may embody the need in teacher's approval, and the need to be equal with the own self-esteem, and the desire to gain the friends' authority (L. Bozhovych [2]).

Thus, any activities and behavior are polimotivated, i. e. they are induced by not one motive, but several or sometimes many reasons. Polimotivation is caused by the fact that human actions are determined by the relation to the objective world, to people, to society and to himself.

A. Maslow argued that any behavior shows a tendency to the determination with the help of several or even all basic needs at the same time. The attraction of a large variety of needs (the actualization of a greater amount of motivating factors) increases the level of motivation of activities. We believe that all psychological formations which are impulse of activities form a dynamic motivational complex of a personality; the analysis of this complex will determine the factors of personality life choices as a guarantee of personal development [9].

Thus, the motive is an important element in explaining the human behavior, which incorporated social and social and historical definition, conditioning of behavior, human psychology, and its psychophysical integrity. The combination of different motives that determine the orientation of behavior and activities is the motivational sphere of the personality. The motivational sphere of a man can be appraised according to the following parameters: latitude, flexibility and hierarchy.

The conclusion. There have been implemented the theoretical analysis of the problem of motive and motivation in the conceptual approaches of modern foreign and domestic scientists. The motive is stated to be an important link in the explanation of human behavior, which carries social and socio-historical determination, conditioning of behavior, human psychology, and its psychophysical integrity. The set of different inducements determining the direction of behavior and activities constitutes the motivational sphere of the personality. The motivation is emphasized to be one of the basic concepts in psychology; it is used to explain the driving forces of behavior, human activities. In the current researches different approaches to understanding the phenomenon of motivation are examined. There have been identified and summarized the different approaches to the notion of the phenomenon of motivation - classification, phenomenological and structural, which, having its own specificity, are complementary and interpenetrating. One of the trends in modern psychology is the study of motives on the basis of their interaction.

Список використаних джерел

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Spysok vykorystanyh dzherel

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In the article there have been implemented the theoretical analysis of the problem of motive and motivation in the conceptual approaches of modern foreign and domestic scientists. The motive is stated to be an important link in the explanation of human behavior, which carries social and socio-historical determination, conditioning of behavior, human psychology, and its psychophysical integrity. The set of different inducements determining the direction of behavior and activities constitutes the motivational sphere of the personality. The motivation is emphasized to be one of the basic concepts in psychology; it is used to explain the driving forces of behavior, human activities. In the current researches different approaches to understanding the phenomenon of motivation are examined. There have been identified and summarized the different approaches to the notion of the phenomenon of motivation - classification, phenomenological and structural, which, having its own specificity, are complementary and interpenetrating. One of the trends in modern psychology is the study of motives on the basis of their interaction. It is established that any activity and behavior are polymotivated, i. e. they are prompted by not the only motive, but several, sometimes many reasons. The polymotivation is confirmed to be conditioned by the fact that human actions are determined by their relation to the objective world, to people, to society, to themselves. It is concluded that involving as much needs as possible (actualization of more motivating factors) increases the level of activities motivation, and the motivational sphere of a man in terms of its development can be appraised according to the following parameters: latitude, flexibility and hierarchy.

Keywords: motive, motivation, motivational sphere, human being, behavior, activities, state, need, goal, personality.

Осуществлён теоретический анализ проблемы мотива и мотивации в концептуальных подходах современных зарубежных и отечественных ученых.

Выделены и обобщены различные подходы к пониманию феномена мотивации - классификационный, феноменологический и структурный, которые, имея свою специфику, являются взаимодополняющими и взаимопроникающими. Сделан вывод, что привлечение как можно большего количества потребностей (актуализация большего количества побудительных факторов) повышает уровень мотивации деятельности, а мотивационную сферу человека с точки зрения ее развитости можно оценивать по следующим параметрам: широта, гибкость и иерархичность.

Ключевые слова: мотив, мотивация, мотивационная сфера, человек, поведение, деятельность, состояние, потребность, цель, личность.

Здійснено теоретичний аналіз проблеми мотиву та мотивації у концептуальних підходах сучасних зарубіжних і вітчизняних учених. Виділено й узагальнено різні підходи до розуміння феномену мотивації - класифікаційний, феноменологічний і структурний, які, маючи свою специфіку, є взаємодоповнювальними і взаємопро- никаючими.

Зроблено висновок, що залучення якомога більшої кількості потреб (актуалізація більшої кількості спонукальних чинників) підвищує рівень мотивації діяльності, а мотиваційну сферу людини з погляду її розвиненості можна оцінювати за наступними параметрами: широта, гнучкість та ієрархічність.

Ключові слова: мотив, мотивація, мотиваційна сфера, людина, поведінка, діяльність, стан, потреба, мета, особистість.

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    шпаргалка [33,9 K], добавлен 14.06.2010

  • The main theories in the field of human origin, their basic content and direction of research. Basic stages of human development from the primitive to the modern form of the form. Character change erectus skeleton human time frame of the process.

    презентация [614,1 K], добавлен 26.09.2014

  • From the history of notion and definition of neologism. Neologisms as markers of culture in contemporary system of language and speech. Using of the neologisms in different spheres of human activity. Analysis of computer neologisms in modern English.

    научная работа [72,8 K], добавлен 13.08.2012

  • Kil'ske of association of researches of European political parties is the first similar research group in Great Britain. Analysis of evropeizacii, party and party systems. An evaluation of influence of ES is on a national policy and political tactic.

    отчет по практике [54,3 K], добавлен 08.09.2011

  • Business situations. Company's Activities. Increase in use of the Internet. The analysis of requirements of buyers. Kinds of activity of campaign. Manufacturers of the goods, suppliers of the goods and services. Commercial services also are direct.

    лекция [11,4 K], добавлен 31.03.2009

  • The corporate development history and current situation strategy of the Computacenter. Opportunities and threats for Computacenter on the analysis of IT-industry and macro-environmental analysis. The recommendations for the future strategic direction.

    контрольная работа [27,5 K], добавлен 17.02.2011

  • The morphological structure of a word. Morphemes. Types of morphemes. Allomorphs. Structural types of words. Principles of morphemic analysis. Derivational level of analysis. Stems. Types of stems. Derivational types of words.

    реферат [11,3 K], добавлен 11.01.2004

  • An analysis of homonyms is in Modern English. Lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical, distinctions of homonyms in a language. Modern methods of research of homonyms. Practical approach is in the study of homonyms. Prospects of work of qualification.

    дипломная работа [55,3 K], добавлен 10.07.2009

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