Directions of state influence on the development of domestic agricultural production in the future. Development of agrarian science and the introduction of new technologies for the production of agricultural products and tillage systems into production.
Benefits and implications for privacy for users of mobile devices such as cell phones and PDAs. The procedure for collecting, storing, using and disclosing location information. Geographic positioning systems. Freedom of movement and rights to privacy.
The experience of privat-associate professors’ activity at the School of Physics and Mathematics and the School of History and Philology at Kharkiv University. Role of institution of privat-associate professorship in the scientific and pedagogical work.
Specificity of the application of conflict of laws rules, the recognition of decisions of foreign courts and arbitrations on the territory of individual states. Operation of mechanisms of international private law in relation to intellectual property.
The objectives of the change of state property. The features of the process of transferring it into private hands, the consequences for citizens and the country. Privatization denationalization provides the State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The analyze the political economy context and the key developments of the privatization in Serbia. The institutional history of the privatization process during the last 20 years. The economy aspects of privatization, as disappointing in the performance.
Создание у читателя ощущения запредельного масштаба личности Сталина. Образ "кремлевского властелина" в романе Л. Леонова "Пирамида". Идея легендарного равенства и братства путем нивелирования личности. Сталин в художественной интерпретации Л. Леонова.
Статья посвящена разным аспектам деятельности Монтескье – философа, писателя, ученого, истинного представителя эпохи Просвещения со свойственным для нее стремлением к охвату всеобщего, к энциклопедизму. В статье представлена структура антологии.
Determination and analysis of possible mechanism of action of specialized pro-permissive mediators in the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Study and characterization of specific features of active resolution of inflammation.
Analysis of to understanding the nature of the enterprise according to legislation of Ukraine. Research of problems in law enforcement practice related to the lack of systematization in the presentation of provisions on subjects of economic relations.
Pro/MESH – модуль, который обеспечивает конструктору возможность создания сетки конечных элементов для моделей, полученных в Pro/Engineer. Моделирование для анализа методов конечных элементов. Методы моделирования поверхностей для сложных конструкций.
Assessment of the drilling tool wear depending on the time of boring, drill solids and construction material. Characteristics of reliability bits and cutters of refusal in connection with the achievement of limiting wear during piercing of a rock.
- 673. Probabilistic graphical models in customer analytics: comparison with classical predictive models
This paper presents the application of different methods in order to have a complex vision on customers’ churn problem. It detects which algorithms can be used not only for churn prediction but also for churn prevention issues. Churn prevention analysis.
Learning bayesian networks from complete data. A casual view of multi-layer perceptrons as probability models. Motivation and background on phylogenetic trees. Recombination in bacteria. Statistical methods in microarray gene expression data analysis.
A probation center is one of the educational measures provided in Polish law for socially maladjusted youth. It is a non-isolation form of social rehabilitation. The potential that Polish probation centers have for realizing the idea of children's rights.
- 676. Probing into native and nonnative students' mental lexicon: a case of word association comparison
The structure of the mental vocabulary of the English language of British native speakers and Iranians studying English as a foreign language. Types of combinations of dictionary associations, syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections used by groups.
Scientific novelty is that the author carried out a thorough analysis of the legal aspect of the translation of judgments of the ECHR in Ukraine, which is poorly researched in legal science. It should be stated that there is a rather small number.
Concept acute ocular hipotonia. Pathophysiological and topographical changes in the eye tissues. General characteristics of deformation of ocular tissues. Modern methods of prevention and treatment of complications connected with acute ocular hypotonia.
Contemporary discourse concerning the examination of history of Russian philosophy. Issues of intellectual doubles in context of the Russian Narodism, problematization of this phenomenon on the basis of examination the N. Mikhailovsky’s creative legacy.
The peculiarity of determining the problem of formation the sexual culture of youth as an innovative concept of modern education. The main influence of reproductive upbringing and genital training on the formation of a venereal cultivation of youth.
Analysis of collections of scientific works that actualized culturally oriented issues. The process of deploying arguments regarding the specifics of the interaction of various humanitarian sciences in the field of cultural studies has been reproduced.
Reflection of the authors' experience of teaching English using problem-based learning (PBL) instructions. PBL principles and its application as a method of creating motivation and team-work skills. The importance English in problem-solving activities.
The concept, signs and grounds of reviewing court decisions under newly discovered or exceptional circumstances, formulating a proposal for improving the institution of reviewing court decisions under newly discovered or exceptional circumstances.
- 684. Problems and perspectives of environmental innovations implementation in an agricultural enterprise
Problems and prospects for the implementation of ecological innovations at agricultural enterprises. Factors that motivate agribusiness to implement eco-innovations. Guidelines of European countries regarding the greening of agricultural enterprises.
A significant crisis of electoral procedures. Development of new ways of extracting and processing information about the behavior of individuals. Prospects for the development of public opinion in the light of growing problems of representativeness.
Research and analyzes the role and importance of the rehabilitation system in the development and reformation of the health care system in Ukraine. Definition and characterization of necessity of the formation of new mechanisms of public administration.
The analyzes the energy potential of such the partner countries of the EU’s Eastern Partnership initiative as Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The key mechanisms of cooperation between the EU and the countries of the EaP region.
- 688. Problems and prospects in diagnosing of industrial organisation socio-economic potential development
The science-based scheme of socio-economic potential diagnostics. Research is focus on disclosing the essence of concepts included in proposed terminological system, on creating particular technologies for socio-economic potential development diagnostics.
The use of business evaluation approaches in Russia as a mandatory component of the legal transaction. The problem of the irresponsibility of appraisers and the loss of the image of the profession. The choice of an appraiser for public procurement.
The need to improve the quality of education as a key factor determining innovative models of society development and achieving sustainable development goals. Relationship between the quality of education in Ukraine and the pace of economic development.