Directions of social policy of the Polish state in the field of personal safety of elderly people, the role of police formations in preventing crimes to the detriment of this group. The importance of state policy on the problems of older people in Poland.
Studying price discovery process in the US Dollar /Russian Ruble (USD/RUB) currency pair market. The choice of the asset is motivate by the significant change of the USD/RUB market conditions. The most liquid instruments of this market at Moscow Exchange.
The production capacity of the international fertiliser industry is concentrated and located in few countries. Market structure of the Russian export market for potash fertilizer. Relationships between the estimated parameters and the market situation.
Смисл уведеного філософом і теологом Високого Середньовіччя Д. Скотом терміна "haecceitas", його місце в метафізиці схоласта і вплив на становлення європейського індивідуалізованого мислення. Аналіз модерного права особистості на вільне самовизначення.
- 635. Primary tuberculosis
Primary and post-primary forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Pathological, radiological features, lymphadenopathy of primary tuberculosis. Complications caused by nodal pressure and erosion into adjacent structures. Features of diagnostics of tuberculosis.
An introduction to basic principles of molecular genetics pertaining to the genome project. Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome. Model Organism Research. Informatics: Collection and Storing Data and Interpretation. Impact of the Human Genome Project.
Chernihiv Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Investigation of the history of princely strife in 1195. The estates of Monomashich – Kiev, Smolensk. Negotiations with Yaroslav Rostislavich. The struggle of Ol'govich and Monomashich for the Kyiv princely.
- 638. Princess Diana
The main characteristics of the biography of Lady Spencer and her engagement to Charles. The peculiarity of the family tree of the Princess of Wales. Diana’s favorite composes and singers. Reading, dancing and music, as the basic queen of hearts hobby.
Adoption of the model of the three-level factor system of urban mega-economic leadership. Initiation of the index of the development of the creativity of the megacity. The influence of globalization and accumulation on original functions in metropolises.
Study of issues of state housing policy, clarification of its legal nature, identification of features and provision of proposals aimed at updating legislation in the housing sector. Regulation of the procedure for providing housing to the population.
The article considers the main trends in the use of the principles of andragogy for master’s students as the priority of independent learning, joint activities, taking into account individual experience, individualization of learning, systematic learning.
The sensitivity analysis and break even project. The essence of the Monte Carlo. The principles for establishing the decision tree. Characteristic features of the options to reduce and going out of business, replicating the experience and development.
Of the criminal process and its difference from other branches of legal activity. It was established that the publicity of the criminal process is based on the procedural and official activity of the subjects who carry out the criminal proceedings.
Consideration disciplinary liability as generic notion, and general and special disciplinary liability. The principles of legality, validity, expediency, justice, proportionality, inevitability with the mandatory securing the rate of its occurrence.
Principles of formation of individual features of style in project graphics. The place of manual and computer graphics as a creative and technical process in project activity. Peculiarities of execution of entourage and staffing with various of graphics.
The lexical meaning of a word is a complex structure determined by its semantics, pragmatics and syntax. In the semantic sense, the symbolic and denotative aspects are distinguished in the structure of the lexical meaning. Study systematic organization.
Consideration of the essence of the theoretical, practical principles of the functioning of financial institutions in the stock market as a tool for regulating economic development in the context of institutional transformations of the financial system.
The operation cycle of a gas turbine. A schematic of a turbojet. An axial flow compressor (stators omitted for clarity). A multiple combustion chamber. A high-pressure turbine stage from a CFM56 turbofan engine. Reciprocating engine operating principles.
The principles of economics. The scientific method: observation, theory. Interdependence and the gains from trade. The market forces of supply and demand. The consumer price index. Economic growth around the world. Unemployment and its natural rate.
Definition of marketing, its objectives and model of process. Product, price, promotion, place. Consumer behavior, market research. Segmentation, targeting and positioning. Brands, price strategies, direct mail and email, digital media, social networks.
Analysis of the theory of conceptual integration of J. Foconier and M. Turner, its effect on examples of metaphor-artifacts in Ukrainian and English. Connection of elements of structures of mental spaces on the basis of identity, similarity, analogy.
Meta-design activities as the basis for the formation of the mechanism of appropriation of "cultural meanings". The implementation of the principles of student activity. The specifics of the semantic orientation of a high level of generalization.
The theoretical and practical aspects of the principles of soft skills formation among students of higher education institutions. Innovative processes are taking place today in almost all areas of human activity. In particular, this applies to education.
Determination of characteristics, directions of teacher professional development, which corresponds to the conceptual provisions of the paradigmatic document of the New Ukrainian School. The principles of training of the basic competencies in a teacher.
Analysis of the principles of using multimedia teaching aids in the professional foreign language training of future philologists. The integration of Ukraine into the world community requires the optimization of the humanitarian education system.
The history and influence of certain editions and studies the Biblioteka Akademii Nauk copies with respect to their provenance, their use by the readers, their significance in the history of reading and education. Hebrew Bibles of the sixteenth century.
The article analyzes the main prospective plans for the development of the Chinese economy. The sources and measures taken for intensive economic development have been investigated. The development of bilateral economic relations between Russia and China.
A study of the economic nature of the world commodity market. The definition of modern trends of its functioning. The analysis of phenomena the interaction of which forms the priorities for the development of trade flows in the context of globalization.
Ensuring continuous education in Uzbekistan, improving the higher education system, meeting the needs of society for highly qualified specialists and teachers, expanding the range of professional interests, as one of the priority areas of state policy.
The presence of gas in a section of coal-bearing rocks in the Donetsk basin - factor, which influencing the possibility of methane production from tight rocks within regional structural-tectonic units. Analysis of the geological history of the Donbas.