Adults’ motivation for learning foreign languages: communicative approach
The teaching foreign languages to adults in practical classes through the prism of communicative and personal-activity approaches. The importance of the unity of the motivational and emotional component for the formation of foreign language competence.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.11.2023 |
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Adults' motivation for learning foreign languages: communicative approach
Olena Shcherbyna,
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associated Professor, Associated Professor at the Foreign Languages Department Yevheniy Bereznyak Military Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Senior Lecturer at the Foreign Languages Department Yevheniy Bereznyak Military Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Senior Lecturer at the Foreign Languages Department Yevheniy Bereznyak Military Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine)
The article identifies the main features of teaching foreign languages to adults, analyzes teaching roles in practical classes through the prism of communicative and personal-activity approaches, and studies the importance of the unity of the motivational and emotional component for the formation of effective foreign language competence. The role of the teacher as a keyfactor in the educational process, approaches to assessing adult knowledge and achievements, the role of motivation in the formation of foreign language communicative competence, in particular, learning motivation and its importance are considered. The authors recommend caution when assessing the learner's progress as it may have severe influence on motivation and the progress. Therefore, such key elements should be considered: highlighting learner's successes in fulfilling communicative tasks, limited approach to working on mistakes, selection of an appropriate grading system (eliminating usage ofthe outdated 5-point scale), placing emphasis on using alternative assessment methods such as testing (placement tests for initial distribution of learners into groups as well as progress and achievement tests for monitoring their learning outcomes). Long-term learner's progress can only be based on a teaching strategy centered on boosting internal motivation of the students which in turn requires defining the learner's key objectives and motives. After providing a comprehensive account of the existing research of the subject the current article states that efficient usage of a foreign language in professional activities and securing the foundation for further self-education can be ensured by a system of exercises based on the material of socio-political audio or video stories, construction of communicative tasks with modeling of quasi-professional activities. Such system involves the inclusion of the learners ' motivational and emotional sphere through the implementation of a personal-activity approach to teaching foreign languages, gradual overcoming of difficulties in understanding the message, studying authentic lexical material for adaptation to professionally oriented vocabulary. language competence motivation
Key words: professional orientation, speech skills and language abilities, mechanism of speech activity formation, communicative approach techniques, internal motivation, teaching strategy.
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Воєнної академії імені Євгенія Березняка (Київ, Україна)
старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Воєнної академії імені Євгенія Березняка (Київ, Україна)
Мар'яна ПОЛОДЮК,
старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Воєнної академії імені Євгенія Березняка (Київ, Україна)
У статті розглянуто підходи до навчання іноземних мов дорослим. Проаналізовано роль викладача як ключового фактору навчального процесу, підходи в оцінюванні знань та досягнень дорослих, навчальні ролі на практичних заняттях крізь призму комунікативного і особистісно-діяльнісного підходу, види та роль мотивації навчання дорослих з урахуванням їх характерних особливостей та життєвого досвіду.
З'ясовано значення єдності мотиваційно-емоційного компоненту для формування ефективної іншомовної компетентності.
Надано рекомендації щодо ефективних підходів в оцінюванні результатів навчання, що сприяє активності під час навчання та формуванню стійкої та усвідомленої мотивації дорослих та є важливою умовою для подальшої ефективної професійної діяльності. Запропоновані такі підходи в оцінювані,, як підхід «зеленої ручки», який орієнтований на аналіз помилок та надання аргументованих пояснень. Перелічені можливі варіанти вхідного, проміжного та фінального тестування, які сприяють усвідомленню дорослими результатів навчання. Встановлено, що головним завданням викладача на заняттях іноземної мови є забезпечення взаємозв'язку мотиваційної, емоційної та інтелектуальної сфер дорослих слухачів під час роботи у групі. Через призму комунікативного підходу надані рекомендації по вибору педагогічної техніки з врахуванням типів особистості учасників навчального процесу згідно полюсів темпераменту (інтроверти та екстраверти). Авторами статті розглянуті такі навчальні техніки, як "Інформаційна прогалина" тощо, які стимулюють пізнавальні процеси слухачів та заохочують до колективної роботи в групі.
Визначено, що для виконання професійних завдань на високому рівні та успішного формування іншомовної професійно орієнтованої компетентності дорослих необхідна побудова комунікативних задач з моделюванням квазіпрофесійної діяльності, включення мотиваційно-емоційної сфери слухачів через реалізацію особистісно- діяльнісного підходу до навчання іноземних мов та врахування їхньої професійної діяльності.
Ключові слова: фахова орієнтованість, мовленнєві навички і мовленнєві уміння, механізм формування мовленнєвої діяльності, техніки комунікативного підходу, внутрішня мотивація, стратегія викладання.
Statement of the problem. One of the signs of modem life is aging of knowledge due to the extremely high pace of scientific and technological progress, constant flow of new information, and globalization. This creates incentives for continuous learning worldwide. And the need for education systems to actively adapt in the face of such challenges. Professional training is particularly affected as certain specialties are simply disappearing, while others need further improvement due to new technologies, approaches, and emerging theories. In such circumstances, how can middle-aged people compete with young professionals if their experience has become irrelevant? They have not mastered new techniques, do not possess technical means and frequently cannot use foreign language sources of information. Moreover, many specialists do not have the opportunity to do internships abroad because their level of foreign language skills is insufficient. They need to engage in self-education, attend professional development courses and foreign language courses, all at the same time. The skills and abilities acquired by a specialist make it possible to increase competitiveness, improve the quality of professional tasks and services, and, as a result, the level of remuneration.
Analysis of research. Ukrainian and foreign scholars have studied the problems of learning, formulated the philosophical foundations of education in the twenty-first century (I. A. Ziaziun), studied aspects of adult education in a civilizational context (Т. М. Dzyuba, О. G. ^valento, I. O. Kolesnikova,M. Lytovchenko, O. I. Ogienko, V. G. Onushkin,N. O. Toskina); substantiated the theoretical and methodological foundations of adult education (J. Reis- chmann, M. Bron, L. B. Lukianova, O. V. Anishchenko, L. E. Sigayeva, O. I. Shcherbak). However, teaching foreign languages to adults through the prism of effective communication in the context of professional activities remains an urgent issue.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of adult learning through the prism of a communicative approach to teaching foreign languages with a focus on the motivational and emotional sphere.
Presentation of the main material. The relevance of language courses for adults is hard to overestimate. Teachers need to create psychologically comfortable conditions in the classroom while taking into account the personal, professional and age-related deformities of students. The challenges of the environment in which this learning process takes place, such as martial law, anxiety, information overload, memory impairment, interrupted learning due to emergency circumstances, sleep disorders, and exhaustion, are added to the already mentioned features of adult learning. In addition to the physical environment, there are other variables that also have an impact on the effectiveness of language learning, such as the abilities and motivation of the students, the linguistic and communicative competence of the teacher, and the educational material presented. These factors play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of a particular method of teaching English. The most commonly preferred methods are those that emphasize a learner-centered rather than a teacher-centered approach.
In the field of English language teaching, there are several methods and approaches, including the grammar-translation method (GTM), audio-linguistic method (ALM), total physical response method (TPR), communicative language teaching (CLT), natural approach/direct method (DM), bilingual approach, English-only policy (EOP), computer-assisted language learning (CALL) (Abdullah Noori, 2018: 4).
Prior to the emergence of the communicative approach to language teaching, some of these techniques were used much more widely in the field of foreign/second language teaching and learning. However, over time, it became clear that repetition and memorization of forms were not enough, and the emphasis was shifted to developing the ability to use the language for practical purposes. In modern conditions, traditional methods have given way to the communicative approach (Asassfeh, S: 5, p. 1050). The characteristic practices of teaching English according to the communicative approach, which, in our opinion, helps develop the language competence of adult learners, are:
emphasis on teaching to communicate through the target language;
introducing authentic materials into the practice of teaching and learning a foreign language;
providing students with the opportunity to focus on their learning practice;
improving the students' experience in the classroom as an important element that contributes to the improvement of language proficiency;
combining foreign language learning with language activities outside the classroom.
However, communicative approach to teaching English, like all other methods, has certain disadvantages. This approach places increased demands on the teacher's language proficiency, since in case of insufficient level of teacher's training, using all the techniques of the approach will be problematic.
When choosing an approach to structuring and presenting foreign language teaching material for adult learning, it is necessary to take into account certain aspects, and first of all, the fact that the role of the teacher changes: from a single source of knowledge, he/she turns into a tutor and advisor. This is a key factor in the learning process, which transforms subject-subject pedagogical interaction into a partnership that weakens criticism, because the purpose of learning is not to evaluate, but to help. Students become active participants in the educational process, taking responsibility for the quality and quantity of the material they learn, for their own motivation and progress. Taking up studying as an adult requires recognizing the need for further self-development and self-improvement, critically evaluating one's own capabilities, skills and aptitudes.
At the start of the educational process, students need to be provided with support, approval, and help in creating a learning strategy. After attending a few classes, the learner needs to make sure that the decision they have made is correct, that everything will work out, and that no one is laughing at their mistakes or criticizing them. Changing the usual roles in teaching adults a foreign language is an important point. The teacher should prepare for this especially carefully, as it is necessary to take into account both the professional inertia of the teacher and the learning experience of the learners (usually quite rich, but not always effective). The main components of successful mastery of the educational material involving the development of foreign language communication skills include proficient skills of independent work, intellectual activity, active interest in the classroom as well as in the learning process in general in addition to awareness of one's own role and responsibility for the result in learning a foreign language. The teacher's task is to ensure the interconnection of the students' motivational, emotional and intellectual spheres during group work. The psychological burden on the individual as well as personal, social, professional and financial responsibility, is significant and sometimes excessive. This should be taken into account when building relationships in the group. Therefore, motivation to perform tasks will be more effective if the driving motives are identified. A clear definition of the task and the expected trigger the mechanism of internal responsibility and self-actualization of the trainee making the learning process more personally meaningful, while praise and support are key aspects of the approach.
Adults are often much more afraid of making mistakes, of losing credibility, of appearing incompetent, which is normally less of a concern with lower age learners. Criticism, ridicule, fear of being punished, losing respect, fear of making a mistake are the main enemies in learning a foreign language. It is suggested to use the "green pen" approach, to highlight what is correct, to analyze mistakes carefully, and not to use the five-point grading system, as it has only three positive marks and two negative ones. It is advisable to use the points awarded for statements (oral and written) that have achieved the communicative goal (which do not reflect the teacher's attitude to the student - good or bad, but show the number of successful attempts at dealing with the task). Another alternative option for assessing students is to conduct the following types of tests - placement test to determine the level of language proficiency for the purpose of dividing students into groups (if there are 2 or more groups); - progress test to determine the level of learning achievement in mastering the learning materials; - achievement test to assess learning achievement. Using this approach to assessing knowledge and achievements, the student can independently see and evaluate their progress and achievements, understanding the objectivity of the final result, which is certainly a motivating factor.
Learning a foreign language in adulthood requires learners to apply their developed integrative intellectual skills. In practice however, the situation looks quite complicated, as students, being fully formed individuals, often do not possess many of the necessary intellectual skills, i.e. building cause-and-effect relationships during the task, the ability to select, analyze, compare, summarize information, and draw conclusions are sometimes a significant stumbling block. Thus, the formulation of instructions for performing exercises should indicate how to perform a particular task, what exactly should be done, in what sequence, which undoubtedly simplifies the acquisition of skills.
The relationship between the emotional and intellectual spheres requires special attention. The main intellectual feeling is the joy of learning, so classes filled with such "discoveries", where novelty, surprise, and joy of acquiring new knowledge stimulate the brain, the process of memorizing, and the creation of positive, lasting associations. Therefore, the format of classes should be revised in favor of search, problem, project, creative, communicative, or personal-activity classes, as the simple demonstration of knowledge or information has completely lost its meaning in our time, because any information, including foreign languages, has become so accessible that spending an hour and a half retelling theoretical information from textbooks or manuals is not relevant. In working with a group of adults, the teacher acts as a conductor who can and should, using his or her methodological skills, psychological training, all available communication tools, transform each task, each training exercise in such a way that it effectively engages students in learning activities, taking into account the driving forces that motivate them to be active.
It should be noted that assessment in foreign language classes can have an impact on the formation of a learner's motivation. Traditional verbal assessments should be well-balanced and contain encouragement, motivation for further actions and achievements, and in no way involve comparing the achievements of different students with each other, since the process of acquiring new knowledge, developing skills and abilities is purely individual and depends on personality traits, psycho-physiological data of a person. However, the vast majority of students have experience of studying in conditions where the motivation of achievement almost completely replaced the intrinsic motivation, and the main motivation for action was to do no worse than someone else, not to be different, to be like everyone else, and therefore maturity as an integrative psychological formation, as the ability to respond to changes in the conditions of social life and successfully adapt to them; responsibility for one's subjectivity; transition from receiving support from others to self-support - according to research by contemporary authors (Alla Kyrda-Omelian, 2022: 1; Mahmoud Itmeizeh, M., Ibnian, S., 2022: 3) does not coincide with the physiological and psychological characteristics of the individual. Accordingly, it is worth paying special attention to building an intrinsic motivational learning strategy for students. A person who is able to experience the joy of learning, experiencing intellectual emotions, is more active in the learning process. In addition, the general psychological background of communication changes in the context of active intellectual search, the pleasure of new knowledge increases the positive impetus, gives a charge of a positive attitude to life, and increases self-esteem. Shifting the emphasis from learning a foreign language to pass a test to acquiring new knowledge, skills, and abilities for personal development and improvement, moving away from formalizing the learning process is a rather difficult path, as it is, in fact, the embodiment of the eternal philosophical question: to be or to appear? It is this question that sets the strategy of life, the path of self-improvement, the motives of actions, and determines the driving forces of the individual. So, it is during retraining, when obtaining a second higher education or taking special courses, when working on improving one's own skills and for the sake of professional growth that a psychologically mature person has to answer this dialectically opposite postulate for himself or herself. This is crucial for building a motivational strategy in teaching a foreign language. If you have an answer to the question "why?", then you can look for an answer to the next question "how?". Answering the question "how?", one should understand the role of motivation, the difference between types of motivation, and what is the driving force for conscious foreign language learning.
It should be noted that the role of motivation in the formation of foreign language communicative competence is one ofthe most important. Learning motivation is determined by a number of factors: psychological characteristics of the learner's personality, professionalism of the teacher and his/her methodological skills, peculiarities (complexity) of the foreign language, learner's understanding of the ultimate goal of learning as well as their interest in the subject, etc. Learning motivation is divided into external and internal.
If the motivation fulfills a cognitive need and is closely related to the knowledge and activities being learned (which, in turn, coincides with the ultimate goal of learning), then it is intrinsic. It is intrinsic motivation that is the driving force behind conscious foreign language learning. Learners acquire intrinsic motivation under the influence of their own thoughts, aspirations, needs, and emotional experiences. This results in a conscious internal need for certain activities and achievement of specific results. This type of motivation is directly related to the subject matter itself and is accompanied by positive thoughts and emotions. Intrinsic motivation includes the following types of motives: moral satisfaction from learning a foreign language (the desire to learn new words and phrases, to apply them in practice), improving cultural level and self-development (the desire to read in a foreign language in free time, to apply knowledge of a foreign language outside of class (communication during vacation, reading scientific literature, watching movies, listening to songs in a foreign language, etc.)
Any activity, including speaking (regardless of the language), is psychologically organized in the same way. What is the difference between speaking a foreign language and speaking your native language? Firstly, it has its own so-called reference element. To build a speech utterance, speakers of different languages have to analyze different situations, goals, communication conditions, etc. For example, in order to construct an utterance, a Japanese speaker must take into account much more information about the age, social status, and other characteristics of the interlocutor than a European speaker. Secondly, the operational composition of this utterance (speech action) - those speech operations that the speaker must perform in order to construct an utterance with the same meaning and the same direction. These speech operations, like any operations, can be formed in two ways. Firstly, by imitation and/or by "trial and error", i.e., search activity, during which operations are "adjusted" to the conditions of activity and its purpose. Secondly, by consciously and arbitrarily performing this operation at the level of actual awareness (i.e., as an act of activity) with subsequent automation and inclusion in a more complex action. What is called an operation and an action in general psychology is called a skill and an ability in educational psychology, didactics and methodology. So, in language acquisition, these are speech skills and speech abilities. A speech skill is a speech operation performed under optimal parameters. Such parameters are unconsciousness, complete automaticity, compliance with the language norm, normal pace (speed) of performance and stability. Speech skill is a speech action, also performed under optimal parameters. To form a speech skill means to ensure that a student correctly constructs and realizes an utterance. For full-fledged communication, it is necessary that the speaker, firstly, be able to use speech skills to express his or her thoughts, intentions, and feelings independently. Otherwise, speech activity is only partially formed. Secondly, it is necessary that the speaker can arbitrarily and consciously vary the choice and combination of speech operations (skills) depending on the purpose, situation, and interlocutor of communication. If a person can do all of this, we say that he or she has developed the appropriate speech (communicative, communicative-speech) skill. From the psycholinguistic point of view, the transition from the native language to a foreign language is a change in the rules of transition from the program of expression to its realization. This change cannot, of course, be made immediately, like switching from old rules to new ones. A person cannot immediately speak a new language; he or she must go through a stage of indirect foreign language proficiency. The link that mediates this process is the "native" system of rules for implementing the program. Later on, this system of rules is increasingly reduced. The final link in this process of reduction (and at the same time automation of the "new" rules) is the establishment of a direct link between the program and the foreign language rule system, which corresponds to relatively fluent proficiency in a foreign language.
Recognition is one of the main factors influencing the successful professional fulfillment of an individual. And since in the context of globalization, the borders of a country are no longer a deterrent, we can talk about the existence of a huge network of opportunities for people looking for proving themselves, finding their place and receiving professional recognition. Knowledge of a foreign language is a prerequisite. Ukraine's international contacts and relations with foreign partner countries shape the orientation of modern methods of teaching foreign languages, taking into account the real conditions of communication. Therefore, foreign language learning groups that are professionally oriented have an advantage. As mentioned above, if we already know "why?", the question "how?" arises. Considering language as a tool of communication, one can find a vector for structuring the learning material that lies on the surface: communication.
Through the prism of the communicative approach to learning foreign languages it is possible to build the learning process in accordance with the required levels of language skills and in accordance with the areas of use as well as conditions of real professional communication so that the tasks are as close as possible to real life, which involves the selection of lexical items, grammatical structures, dialogic and monologic situations.
It is the combination of the above aspects, namely: changing roles in the subject-subject pedagogical process, the appearance of a tutor, support for students, ethical assessment, consideration of age and professional deformities, emphasizing intrinsic motivation, and minimizing the distance between learning and real-world conditions through professional orientation and a communicative approach to teaching a foreign language, that has a comprehensive positive impact on learning success.
The communicative approach to learning foreign languages requires a friendly and relaxing environment that stimulates motivation. Most of the exercises are done cooperatively, involving most of the learners' senses. The use of funny commands and humorous skits makes language learning fun and enjoyable, and motivates learners to continue learning.
For example, by using the storytelling technique in the communicative approach, all participants in the learning process focus their attention and get motivated to find out whether their predictions are correct or not. The "Information Gap" technique motivates students to negotiate and come to an agreement in an interactive mode, because the information that one student has is not available to another. So, they are forced to interact with each other to get the full picture. In general, the practice of using this approach coincides with the findings of studies and shows that learners are comfortable using the communicative approach in an educational institution, and that the use of their native language can reduce anxiety among adult learners when they feel unsure of the classroom environment.
Learners should not be asked to speak until they are ready to do so. This principle creates a "safe zone" that significantly reduces shyness and stress. In a communicative approach, all attendees should be encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings, including about the material being presented. This way, the teacher can increase the feeling that listeners have something to share with others and increase their self-confidence. This method emphasizes the fact that English teachers are facilitators and are no longer the ones who know everything, while students are the empty vessels that need to be filled with knowledge.
Learners can be divided by personality type into introverts and extroverts, and since the communicative approach minimizes individual responses to questioning, it is easier for introverted learners to participate actively in such a stress-free environment. For example, when they make mistakes, the instructor can gently correct them, reducing the number of situations in which adult learners are embarrassed or feel awkward and by doing so gradually eliminate their shyness.
One of the fundamental aspects of the communication approach to working with confidence is a tolerant attitude toward mistakes. Corrections are made wisely, as early mistakes are a sign of learning and progress, and working on small details can be confusing. Such work should be postponed until learners are more confident in their language and communication skills.
Classical teaching methods promote memorization and rote learning. In this way, information is stored in short-term memory, but is forgotten in a short period of time and cannot be easily retrieved, especially in the face of large amounts of new information that require the attention of adult learners daily. The techniques of the communicative approach to language learning are aimed at long-term memory, as they radically change the roles of language learners from passive to active. The material learned in the process of studying by completing tasks is retained for a longer period of time, and when the need arises, it will be easy to recall, as there is an association with practical and authentic experiences that were gained in a relaxed atmosphere.
As already mentioned, organizing classes in a format that emphasizes the connection between the emotional and intellectual spheres of learners' activity leads to stable positive associations. The communicative approach to foreign language teaching offers many techniques that increase students' sense of achievement and joy in acquiring new knowledge. Problem solving, role-playing, picture storytelling, information gap, and pair work are just some of the techniques that provide a good chance to practice the language interactively in real-life situations. The larger part the group is actively involved in the learning process, the better the results will be for everyone. They will perform as active players in practice, which helps to reduce the number of demotivated participants in the learning process greatly.
Another aspect of foreign language training that should be covered is the authenticity of the learning material, since for both professional and everyday communication, speech perception plays an exceptional role, during which the listener, through the mechanism of internal speaking, transforms sound (and, if he or she is watching the interlocutor, visual) images into articulatory ones. One of the most important mechanisms of listening, the mechanism of working memory, keeps the perceived words and phrases in the listener's mind for a long time.
The individual psychological characteristics of listeners have a great influence on the success of learning: the level of development of auditory differential sensitivity, the mechanism of probable prediction, auditory memory, level of concentration, intelligence, ability to listen and quickly respond to signals of oral speech communication (pauses, logical accents, rhetorical questions, linking phrases, etc.), the ability to switch from one mental operation to another, quickly grasp the topic of the message, and relate it to the broader context. These general skills are developed in the process of learning many subjects, mostly at school age.
Language difficulties, unlike individual psychological characteristics of listeners, are determined by objective parameters, namely the level of understanding of the information in the text (full understanding of information, understanding of important ideas, purposeful selection of information); type of text (description, narration, message; monologue, dialogue); subject/topic; volume (number of words in it). Logical emphasis is of great importance for adequate understanding: it carries the main semantic load. Vocabulary difficulties arise not only when the vocabulary material increases in quantity and variety, but also when words are used in a figurative sense, when there are words that do not have a large information load, when amorphous, unmotivated words and phrases are used. However, the appropriate structuring of the learning material from simple to complex, while being based on authentic language sources, will allow students to cope with the tasks, feel their own strength, track their own progress and development of their skills, which is undoubtedly very important in connection with the formation of sustainable internal motivation.
Summarizing the above, it can be stated that the general psychological background of communication changes in the conditions of active intellectual search, the pleasure of new knowledge increases a positive impetus, gives a charge of a positive attitude to life, and increases self-esteem. A system of exercises based on the material of socio-political audio or video stories, construction of communicative tasks with modeling of quasi-professional activities involves triggers for both motivational and emotional sphere of the listener through the implementation of a personal-activity approach to teaching foreign languages, gradual overcoming of difficulties in understanding the message, studying authentic lexical material for adaptation to professionally oriented vocabulary will contribute to building up foreign language professional competence of adults, taking into account the nature of their responsibilities. This, in turn, will allow students to perform their tasks at a high professional level and create the conceptual foundations of continuous self-education.
Today, the issue of ensuring the integrity of teaching all types of speech activities in relation to the communicative model remains open. Undoubtedly, the declared communicative and personal-activity approaches to teaching foreign languages to adults based on the peculiarities of their professional activity and social role require further research, specification and adapting to a variety of real-world conditions. In order to successfully shape adults' foreign language professional competence it is necessary to improve teaching and learning materials in accordance with the topics, which involve a certain set of communicative situations that reflect the peculiarities of students' professional activities.
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Cheng, W A case study of action research on communicative language teaching. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2015, 18(6), pp. 705-717. URL:
Alla Kyrda-Omelian, Oleksandr Pashkov, Andrei Pashkov, Oleh Furs, Olena Shcherbyna, Lesia Viktorova, Oleksandr Lahodynskyi, Ihor Bloshchynskyi. Foreign Language for Future Diplomats: What Integrated Education Approach Is Better? World Journal of English Language, 2022, 12(1), pp. 177-184. URL:
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Cheng, W. A case study of action research on communicative language teaching. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2015, 18(6), pp. 705-717. URL:
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