Definition of categories in the field of intellectual property in criminal legal understanding

Criminal legal terms and concepts that define the scope of intellectual property. The specifics of the phenomenon, the qualification of the crime and the conditions for its commission. Elimination of double interpretation in the definition of a crime.

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Дата добавления 02.03.2021
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Regional Prosecutor's offices of Kiev region

Definition of categories in the field of intellectual property in criminal legal understanding

Topchiy V.V., prosecutor

сandidate of law sciences


The article analyses the use of terms and concepts used in the criminal legal characterization of the sphere of intellectual property and analyzes the state in modern science of the situation when reference to actual material cannot solve disputes regarding the definition and application of concepts. It is noted that in this case it is necessary to look at the analysis of the categorical structure of scientific thinking, to find out whether categories are used correctly, they are used to solve the class of tasks, corresponds to their nature, is not introduced into the understanding of their relationship of such ratios as they are inherent, which makes it difficult to qualify for criminal law.

It is noted that the definition of the term of the concept is a rather important but too complex process. The main point in the problem of the concept is precisely to find out its specificity as a form of reflection of the world and thus to realize its role in the process of knowledge, as well as in the formation, understanding and learning of language. It is necessary to agree that the meaning contents of names, first of all common to this concept, but it is necessary to explain what these meaning contents are and how they are formed.

The article states that the basic rules for defining concepts in criminal law science are considered to be clarity; one of the most important rules for the formation of concepts is also the “law of identity”; it is argued that there should be no double interpretation in the definition, which is found in the defining part, the subject is such that only this form of activity of consciousness answers it, that only by this method can be reproduced, reflected in the understanding of criminal law science; understanding the phenomenon means finding out its place and role in a particular system of phenomena, interacting in which it is carried out with necessity, and finding out exactly the characteristics by which this phenomenon can only play a role in the whole presentation of a criminal offence; to understand the phenomenon is to find out the way it occurs, objective and subjective, to analyze the very conditions of the crime as a phenomenon.

Key words: intellectual property, concept, category, terminology, protection, phenomenon, subject, law, crime.


Топчій В.В. Визначення категорій у сфері інтелектуальної власностів кримінально-правовому розумінні

У статті проаналізовано використання термінів та понять, що застосовуються у кримінально-правовій характеристиці сфери інтелектуальної власності, та проаналізовано стан ситуації у сучасній науці, коли посилання на фактичний матеріал не може вирішити суперечки щодо визначення та застосування понять. Зазначається, що в цьому разі потрібно переглянути аналіз категоріальної структури наукового мислення, з'ясувати, чи правильно використовуються категорії, чи використовуються вони для вирішення класу завдань, відповідають їх природі, не вводиться в розуміння співвідношень, які їм притаманні, що ускладнює право на кримінальне право.

Зазначається, що визначення терміна є досить важливим, але занадто складним процесом. Основним моментом проблеми концепції є саме з'ясування її специфіки як форми відображення світу і тим самим усвідомлення його ролі в процесі пізнання, а також у формуванні, розумінні та вивченні мови. Потрібно погодитись, що змістовний зміст імен, насамперед загальний для цього поняття, але слід пояснити, що таке змістовний зміст і як він утворюється.

У статті зазначено, що основними правилами визначення понять у кримінально-правовій науці вважаються ясність; одним із найважливіших правил формування понять є також «закон тотожності»; стверджується, що у визначенні, яке знаходиться у визначальній частині, не повинно бути подвійного тлумачення, предмет є таким, що відповідає лише цій формі діяльності свідомості, що лише цим методом можна відтворити, що відображається в розумінні кримінально-правової науки; розуміти явище - означає з'ясувати його місце та роль у певній системі явищ, взаємодіючи в яких воно здійснюється з необхідністю, і з'ясувати саме ті характеристики, за якими це явище може відігравати лише роль у всьому представленні кримінального правопорушення; розуміти явище - це з'ясувати спосіб його виникнення, об'єктивний та суб'єктивний, проаналізувати самі умови злочину як явища.

Ключові слова: інтелектуальна власність, об'єкти права інтелектуальної власності, термінологія, захист, явища, предмет, право, кримінальне правопорушення.

Actuality of theme

The modern state of development of society and specially scientific theory of knowledge of complex social and legal phenomena is characterized by high dynamics and gives an opportunity to argue that one of the important tasks of knowledge is the definition of a conceptual-categorical apparatus - a scientific problem, has not lost its relevance in modern conditions.

This is especially important for criminal law.

The basis for this conclusion is the uncertainty of terminology used by scientists and practitioners in scientific and educational publications on criminal law disciplines on intellectual property, which leads to an ambiguous understanding of the essential and meaningful characteristics of the phenomena of modern practice. The relevance of this issue is confirmed by the works of author's collectives working on dictionaries, materials of scientific and practical conferences, educational publications, theses on the definition of «protection...» and articles on terminological certainty of legal categories of protection and protection of intellectual property.

Analysis of separate researches. Some issues in the field of intellectual property in terms of definitions were investigated: A.P. Zakalyuk, A.F. Zelinsky, K.E. Igoshev, S.M. Inshakov, O.G. Kalman, M.V Karchevsky, O.M. Kostenko, O.E. Koristin, N.F. Kuznetsova, A.G. Kulyk, O.M. Litvinov, A.A. Lomakina, S.Y. Likhova, V.V. Lunyev, M.I. Melnyk, O.V. Negodchenko, O.V. Novikov, VI. Osadchiy, A.V Savchenko, N.K. Usta- yeva, V.B. Kharchenko, V.V. Cherney, S.S. Chernyavsky, V.I. Shakun and others.

The provisions formulated by these authors in the field of criminal law, criminology and criminal psychology are of important scientific and practical importance.

Non-directed discussions among scientists do not contribute to the introduction of science-based and balanced terminology into practical activities. So, in theoretical developments generally there are no definitions of concepts protection, protection, providing, maintenance in their various combinations that leads to usual substitutions of terms with each other at implementation of characteristic of intellectual property that complicates criminal understanding and definiteness at qualification.

The task of the article

To attempt to explore basic rules for the formation of concepts to implement the correct criminal characteristics of intellectual property crimes.

Using the methodological potential of scientific works, it can be argued that in order to study any phenomenon, it is necessary to define the essential and meaningful characteristics of concepts, the method of defining the main categories and concepts, will give grounds for formulating general rules on which concepts in the field of intellectual property are defined for proper use in criminal law characteristics.

Statement of the main material

In modern science, there is a situation where recourse to actual material cannot solve disputes, regarding the definition and application of concepts. In this case, it is necessary to look at the analysis of the categorical structure of scientific thinking, to find out whether categories are used correctly, they are used to solve that class of problems, corresponds to their nature, is not introduced into the understanding of their relationship of such ratios, which are alien to them, etc. [1, p. 5].

The problem of unity, sustainability and variability of scientific concepts is central to the dialectical concept of development and movement of concepts. This is undoubtedly one of the most difficult questions on which philosophical thought works [2, p. 230].

The development of scientific concepts, means deep knowledge of their content, basic, essential features, replacement of old classical concepts with new ones, fundamentally differ in their content from old concepts is a complex qualitative change of all essential features in the concept, develops. However, and it is natural that all historical changes in society take place before they are reflected in the system of concepts [3, p. 14-15].

Thus, in the monographs of E.V. Ilenkova “Dialectic of abstract and specific in scientific-theoretical thinking” and E.K. Voischvillo “Concept as a form of thinking: logical-gnoseological analysis” the understanding of the “concept” using different methodological approaches is justified, each author understands concepts through his own system of argument.

Thus, E.V. Ilenkova explores the patterns of theoretical thinking in the context of the logic of the development of elements of scientific knowledge. The subject of the latter he considers to be the historism of categorical characteristics of thinking. The most important features of the scientific method of study are directly expressed in the analysis of concepts of abstract and specific like.

E.K. Voishvillo explores the specifics of the concept as forms of thinking, its role in cognition, possible logical structures, types of relations between concepts, basic operations with them. Shows the possibilities of using modern logic to analyze relations between concepts and to solve some controversial issues of concept theory.

Agreeing in general with the authors' proposals and conclusions on the unresolved issues of the theory of the concept and ways to solve them, the author considers it appropriate to express his views on the most important methodological aspects of the problem from the point of view of criminal law science.

Naturally, the only logical form in which a person can realize objective specificity is not abstraction, reflects only “general” in phenomena, but only the unity of the system of definitions - the system of abstractions, is the only possible form of existence of understanding of the surrounding world in the consciousness of man. The latter justifies the provision that scientific knowledge can only exist in the form of a system of categories. At the same time, each of the categories in its objective content is a reflection of the subject - but only its unilateral reflection.

Very often the concept of “at the domestic level” is smarter than the interpretation of categories in philosophical teachings. Often people with no idea of the subtleties of philosophy and logic have a more sensible idea of things than face has studied these subtleties. But it is these minor details and subtleties that play a big role in criminal law.

The identification of the scientific characteristics of the “concept” as “cells” of thinking with the characteristics of a word, a term in the history of philosophy is quite a living tradition. The real basis for such abstract identification is that thinking always flows in the form of language, and the concept is expressed through word, term, name. Therefore, for the scientific definition of the concept, it is not enough to say that the concept is recorded in the word of display “general”, repeatedly repeated in a number of phenomena.

Every concept is realized through term, every theoretical judgment through expression. But not every term includes the “concept” not every expression implements a theoretical judgment, an act of thinking in concepts that are used in characterizing intellectual property. Such uncertainty of concepts makes criminal law understanding difficult.

So, the process of formation of abstraction in general, which coincides with the process of formation of a general term, word, name, is only a prerequisite of the process of creation and development of the concept. Therefore, the laws of abstraction education, the laws of general term education cannot be taken as laws of concept education. criminal legal crime intellectual property

For the first time clearly established a distinction between the concept and the general representations expressed in the word, Hegel. Behind it, the original is not an abstract individual, but a social-historical subject, an individual, knows things in the forms developed by the social process. Thinking should cover all representations in motion, and for this purpose it should be dialectical [4, p. 209].

This indicates that the concept is something more than expressed in the word abstract-general, repeatedly repeated sensually perceived similarity. Therefore the question which the person asks logic concerns more difficult task: how to develop such abstraction which would express objective essence of a thing, fact, phenomenon, the law of its existence?

So, the question of the universality of the concept is transferred to the study of the real process of development. Therefore, the concept should reflect not abstract- universal, but a general one that includes a variety of special and separate ones and is a specific general one in the characterization of a criminal offence.

To understand a thing is to consider in it such qualities, characterizing it as an element of a given, specifically historical system of things, interact; to see in it such properties that only it can perform exactly a certain role in a given interaction system.

Every single and special phenomenon, thing, subject, event is understood through its interaction with other things, phenomena, processes, in each single concept abstractly stands out the side to which it owes exactly to this system. This refers to this unit only as an element of a “given integer” and cannot occur in it outside of a “given integer”. Therefore, the concept (as opposed to the general representation) not only equates one thing to another, but also extinguishes all its specific differences.

In the concept, a single object is reflected precisely on the side of its feature, by which it is a necessary element of a certain integer, a “single” expression of a particular integer. After all, each element of the “whole” expresses the common nature of this whole precisely by its difference from other elements, “constituent parts”, and not at all by its abstract similarity with them.

Therefore, the “specific-general” nature of the “unit” does not coincide with the abstract identity of all phenomena to each other, but with the expression of the objective role of the unit in the whole under study, with the expression of the feature of the “unit”, by which it plays such rather than another role in the understanding of criminal law when it comes to the sphere of intellectual property.

An important rule for the formation of concepts is the “law of identity”. Don't call the same thing two different names and don't call two different things the same name otherwise an argument is impossible. Therefore, every person in a dispute with another has the right to demand from that other that she call the subject a corresponding word, to denote the reality that the dispute is about, defined by the name in the law of a different branch of law.

From the above it is necessary to conclude: neither in dialectical nor in formal logic it is unacceptable to divide concepts and class of abstract and specific ones without appeal [5, p. 153]. But that claim is debatable enough for criminal law.

For further purposes it is also necessary to consider the definition of the concept by other authors, most of whom consider in their monograph E.V Ilenkova Category - the most general concept. It is formed as the last result of abstraction from objects of their special features [6, p. 481].

K.H. Momjian notes that the basic principles of categorical organization are the method of climbing from abstract to concrete. At the same time, the source of difficulties and contradictions was and remains insufficient system of sociological thinking of scientists, in which the methodological requirement that each concept is in a known relation, in a known connection with all others is violated, so that the condition of their understanding is the understanding of the relationship of dependence of all concepts, their transitions from one to another [7, p. 40].

A.D. Shershunov believes that categories should be disclosed as successive links of knowledge of the social whole, and the understanding of the content of each category depends on its place and role in the common chain of interaction of categories [8, p. 3]. According to the definition of P.V Kopnina: “The concept is a judgment, the predicate of which is the opinion on the general in the phenomenon” [9, p. 45]. P.S. Popov believes that the concept in the scientific sense of the word is judgment, in the predicate of which the essence of a certain subject (conceivable in the subject ofjudgment) is revealed [10, p. 73].

As can be seen from these examples of term definition, the concept is quite an important but too complex process. The main point in the problem of the concept is precisely to find out its specificity as a form of reflection of the world and thus to realize its role in the process of knowledge, as well as in the formation, understanding and learning of language. It is necessary to agree that the meaning contents of names, first of all common to this concept, but it is necessary to explain what these meaning contents are and how they are formed.

Summing up the above, it is appropriate to agree with E.K. Voischvillo that the concept as a form of thought, or as an imaginary entity, is the result of generalizing the subjects of a certain class and imaginative allocation of that class itself by a certain set of features common to the subjects of that class - from a set of different features for them [11, p. 91].

The main methods of formation of concepts are: analysis of subjects that are in the imagination of decomposition of them into separate signs, detection of their ties and relations with other subjects; synthesis - reproduction of objects dismembered in the process of analysis into separate features, represents them as a system of selected properties and relations; comparisons - identification of similarities and differences between subjects and generalization - combining in one thought under one iconic form of multiple subjects by their similar traits.

It is believed that scientific concepts, contrary to the law of inverse relations, are such generalizations of objects and phenomena, in which the special and individual features of objects are preserved in the concept, are generalized [12, p. 262]. After all, the role of the common is that it is the necessary basis of knowledge of the special and separate, as all special, as well as separate, is known in the stage of thinking no other than through the common.

The author believes that the concept, as a system of knowledge, is a collection of both basic and derived features known to us, perceived in the concept of objects, as well as knowledge of what specific forms these objects actually exist in, are summarized in the concept.

The distinction between types of concepts is mainly based on three grounds:

1) on some characteristics of the scope of concepts;

2) by the nature of the features constituting the species difference of conceivable objects in the concept and, more precisely, by the nature of the predicate, which expresses this species difference;

3) by the nature of the subjects, are summarized in the concept.

There are also empty concepts. Single there is a concept which volume covers a single class, and the general concepts have the class consisting more than of one subject as volume. The concept is the general if within its volume some types of objects can be allocated.

Among the general concepts a specific place is held by universal concepts and collective concepts. Also it is necessary to distinguish empirical and theoretical concepts.

In variety of types of concepts the active and difficult nature of reflection of the world in thinking, the corresponding complexity and versatility of reality is expressed, by us it is learned.

Concept can also be comparable or incomparable. Among incomparable concepts there are no relations. In a set of couples of comparable concepts are allocated - compatible and incompatible concepts.

In a set of couples of compatible concepts three versions differ: equivalent concepts; a concept, being in the relations of logical submission; cross concepts. The concept with wider volume is called such which subordinates, and others - subordinates.

The main operations with concepts include: generalization and limitation of concepts and distribution of concepts. A particular type of distribution classification.

The distribution is correct if it satisfies five conditions, called in theory the concept of separation rules: separation must take place on one defined basis; the concepts obtained during the separation must be pairwise incompatible; division members as classes must exhaust the scope of the original concept, meaning that combining them must be equal to that scope; no division member must be an empty class; distribution must be continuous, that is, all its members are the nearest types of volume of the original concept, highlighted by the selected base. The theory also identifies nominal and real definitions, explicit and implicit [11, p. 146].


Therefore, in view of the above, the basic rules for defining concepts in criminal law science are that the definition should be clear; one of the most important rules for the formation of concepts is also “the law of identity” - do not call the same thing two different names and do not call two different things the same name; there should be no circle in the definition - the term found in the defining part should not be defined after a specified time; the subject matter is such that only this form of consciousness activity answers to it, that only by means of this method can be reproduced, reflected in the understanding of criminal law science; understanding the phenomenon means finding out its place and role in a particular system of phenomena, interacting in which it is carried out with necessity, and finding out exactly the characteristics by which this phenomenon can only play a role in the whole presentation of a criminal offence; to understand the phenomenon is to find out the way it occurs, objective and subjective, to analyze the very conditions of the crime as a phenomenon. Therefore, the scientific problem of the certainty of concepts in criminal law is not far-fetched and requires an immediate solution both in all science and in the field of intellectual property in particular.


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