Describes how public service innovations on population and civil registration services in East Java, Indonesia

Describe innovation of population services and public services in East Java Province by taking locations in major cities. There are criteria in population services: process, method innovation, product innovation, conceptual and technological innovation.

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Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN)

Describes how public service innovations on population and civil registration services in East Java, Indonesia

Asih Widi Lestari

Trimurti Ningtyas

Firman Firdausi

Kediri, East Java, Indonesia

Malang, East Java, Indonesia

This article aims to describe the innovation of population services and public services in East Java Province by taking locations in two major cities in East Java Province. Try to identify and explain determine innovations in population services and civil registration in East Java by taking the focus of the object of two cities, namely Surabaya City and Malang City, East Java, Indonesia. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using three stages, namely observation, interview and documentation. Observations were made by observing the process of population services and civil registration in both cities, while interviews were conducted with officers and stakeholders related to population service innovations and civil registration. documentation is done by collecting data from supporting reports from the service of population and civil registration as well as literature related to the topic. The results have been found that the City of Surabaya and the City of Malang have made innovations in the management of population services and civil registration. The strategy used is almost the same, namely by facilitating services to the community, so that people get easy and fast services in the field of population and civil registration. There are five innovation criteria in population services, namely process innovation, method innovation, product innovation, conceptual innovation and technological innovation.

Key words: management public, innovation, population and civil registration services.


Asih Widi Lestari, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Маланг, Східна Ява, Індонезія. Trimurti Ningtyas, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN), Кедірі, Східна Ява, Індонезія. Firman Firdausi, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Маланг, Східна Ява, Індонезія.

Стаття присвячена інноваційям у сфері обслуговування населення та комунальних послуг у провінції Східна Ява, що розміщена у двох великих містах провінції Східна Ява. Автори роблять спробу визначити та пояснити, що означає нововведення у сфері обслуговування населення та реєстрації актів цивільного стану на Східній Яві, сфокусувавши увагу на об 'єкті двох міст, а саме Сурабаї та Маланг, Східна Ява, Індонезія. Метод, використаний у цьому дослідженні, є описовим та якісним, використовуючи три етапи, а саме спостереження, інтерв'ю та документацію.

Спостереження проводились шляхом спостереження за процесом обслуговування населення та реєстрації актів цивільного стану в обох містах, в той час як співбесіди проводились із співробітниками та зацікавленими сторонами щодо нововведень служб населення та реєстрації актів цивільного стану, документація здійснюється шляхом збору даних із супровідних звітів служби у справах населення та реєстрації актів цивільного стану, а також літератури, що стосується даної теми, Результати виявили, що місто Сурабая та місто Маланг внесли нововведення в управління службами населення та реєстрацію актів цивільного стану. Використовувана стратегія майже однакова, а саме шляхом сприяння послугам громади, щоб люди отримували легкі та швидкі послуги у сфері реєстрації населення та реєстрації актів цивільного стану. Існує п 'ять критеріїв інновацій у сфері обслуговування населення, а саме інновації процесів, інновації методів, інновації продуктів, концептуальні інновації та технологічні інновації.

Ключові слова: управління громадськістю, інновації, населення та служби реєстрації актів цивільного стану.


Administration in a broad sense is defined by Siagian (2008) the entire process of collaboration between two or more human beings to achieve predetermined goals based on certain rationalities. Public administration, according to Dimock, Dimock, and Fox in Keban (2008), is the production of goods and services that are designed to meet the needs of people. Public service (public service) is one of the manifestations of the function of the state apparatus as an expert in society, public service is intended for the welfare of society or citizens. Professional public service is public service characterized by accountability and responsibility from service providers (government officials). It cannot be denied that organizations must continue to change, along with changing environments and societies. Bureaucratic reform does not only change the organizational environment but also society, either as part of the people served or as public servants. (Ningtyas, et al, 2020). Improving public services is a form of long-term policy to create a true bureaucracy that is desired by the community. (Ningtyas, 2017). Basically, every society in a country is the main holder of the right to be served. Every human being basically needs service, it can be said that service cannot be separated from human life. People still expect quality public services from bureaucrats, even though these expectations are often not satisfied because empirically, the public services that have been provided thus far are still convoluted, slow, costly, and exhausting to people. Dissatisfaction with the services provided by the government can be seen from the complaints received by organizations for the services provided. Figure 1 below can be seen by the agencies with the most number of complaints during the 2016-2020 period.

In Figure 1 above, it can be seen that the local government ranks first with the most concerns by the public regarding the implementation of public services. Laing (in Purwanto, 2006) states that there are three characteristics that can define public services: First, public services are not just an effort to provide services but also an effort to provide broader social benefits based on justice. Second, public services place service users more as citizens than as mere service users (customers). Third, users of more complex and multidimensional public services can be individuals, families, or communities. This fact requires the government to continue to improve its ability to provide better forms of service.

Figure 1 Reported Agency according to Public Complaints Source: 2016-2020 RI Ombudsman Annual Report

The increase and demands that citizens want for effective and efficient and satisfying public services from government employees as public servants are increasingly popular. This occurs because of the ever- increasing needs, wants and hopes of the community, which citizens as the subject of services feel that the service is still convoluted and is at risk due to the long chain. Because basically public satisfaction is the most important thing to pay attention to, so that people can get their rights properly they have the right to all forms of services in their country. (Ningtyas, 2013; Lestari & Wicaksono, 2019). So that there needs to be an effort to improve services, one of which is the service innovation. Innovation in public administration is a hot issue, especially in our country because it has been regulated in Government Regulation Number 38 of 2017 concerning Regional Innovation, which in this regulation the government in this case has guaranteed that every government agency can make various reforms in its implementation so that it can support the achievement of services.

While the focus of the study in this research is innovation on population administration services. Population Administration is a series of structuring and controlling activities in the issuance of Population Data and documents through Population Registration, Civil Registration, management of Population Administration information and the utilization of the results for public services and development of other sectors. Population services are one of the services provided by the Regional Government which shows the most responses from the community, both positive and negative. Java Surabaya City and Malang City as big cities in East Java have made innovations in population services and civil registration to make it easier for their citizens. This study aims to determine innovations in population services and civil registration in East Java, which took samples in two major cities in East Java, namely Surabaya City and Malang City, Indonesia. The results of this study are expected to have a positive impact on local governments throughout East Java Province in particular and in Indonesia in general so that innovations in the field of population services can be implemented more broadly.

Analysis of recent research and publications. As mentioned in the background above, this study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to extract data according to the actual situation. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Observations were made by looking at the conditions and processes of population services in the City of Surabaya and the City of Malang. The interview process was conducted with staff who are responsible for population services and civil registration in the City of Surabaya and Malang City. Meanwhile, documentation is done by collecting documents about population services in the City of Surabaya and Malang City. The data validity test was also carried out using source triangulation, triangulation which was carried out by comparing the results of the observations with the results of the interviews, then comparing the results of the interviews with documents, either documents from the Population and Civil Registry Office or from books. Books are considered as a source of data to be processed and analyzed, as has been done by many historians, literature and language experts (Daniel A.R, 2009). Books and documents are used for validation of the data that has been obtained during the observation and interview process.


Innovation Management of Population and Civil Registration Services in the Surabaya City Islamy (2000) stated that the public management paradigm criticizes the values of public administration which are considered fundamental by emphasizing several things, namely 1)The bureaucracy is not the only provider of public goods and services because in accordance with the principles of flexible generic management, the private sector has long been a pioneer in providing goods and services needed by society; 2) the flexible self-management system can be implemented or adopted by the public sector; 3) the long-standing dual role of the public sector in politics and administration can be more manifested in a new paradigm, public management, 4) public accountability can be realized more clearly. In 2014, the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, read the problems in the Dispendukcapil as a challenge that must be faced. She considered, the development of communication and information technology should be used to optimize bureaucratic reform. The Mayor gathered a lot of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) which have a relationship in overcoming this problem, there are Department of Population and Civil Registration Services, Department of Communication and Information Technology (Diskominfo), the Government Administration & Regional Autonomy Section, and the Equipment Administration Section as the party that facilitates all the equipment needs of this innovation program.

Department of Communication and Information Technology (Diskominfo) was given the task of making a representative online application that can be used for registration and verification according to the needs of the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services. A website page was created, with the address lampid.surabaya. The Equipment Administration Section was asked to carry out the procurement of supporting tools. This is because the mayor wants all the equipment for this innovation program to be provided by the city government. This means that citizen who do not have internet access at their office or home can still experience this innovation. innovation population service java

The equipment in question is the provision of a Broadband Learning Center (BLC) containing free internet access devices, and e-Kios, a special tool that can access a number of Surabaya City Government programs with a touch screen and internet-based model. Currently, BLCs and e-Kios (which are equipped with a scanner) have been placed in village office, sub-district office and Puskesmas offices. Those who experience problems can consult directly with village officer / subdistrict officers or employees.

Citizens only have to upload or upload files online thanks to this invention. In the village office, verification for birth and death certificate services is adequate. Meanwhile, at the sub-district office, verification for moving in and out mail services is adequate. Marriage and divorce services must also be verified through the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services. They used to have to come at least three times for registration, verification, and certificate collection; now, they only have to come twice for marriage (verification and deed take the certificate) and once for divorce (during verification, they can immediately take the certificate).

All of the prerequisites are the same. People can, even, do it from home thanks to this 6 in 1 or e-Lampid invention. Verification can be done at the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services, which is not far away. The services that were supplied at the start of this innovation, in 2014, were the management of birth certificates, death certificates, and moving in and out certificates. Marriage and divorce services have been added in 2016.

Since 2017, the public can get birth certificates for newborns, along with changes to the Family Card (KK) directly from the hospital / health facility / midwife that has collaborated with the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services. They don't need to register online. Simply by submitting both parents' ID cards and marriage certificates, birth certificate services and changes in Family Card can be done in a day. The family can bring a new birth certificate and Family Card when they return from the health service center. In general, this program also uses online media, although it is a hospital / puskesmas / midwife who has collaborated with the City Government to process the arrangement. This service has become known as PAHE or Package Savings.

This PAHE (birth certificate + KK) can also be done online, if the birth is not done at a health facility that has collaborated with the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services, by uploading the requirements that have been determined and can be accessed through the page

In addition, the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services also launched PAHE 2, namely, service for death certificates as well as changes to Family Card. In principle, this online service changes the management model in the past, where citizen first applied for birth certificates or death certificates, then returned to the village office. Subdistrict office to take changed family card.

A. Innovation Management of Population and Civil Registration Services in the Malang City.

The Department of Population and Civil Registration Services in Malang City is one of the department that provides administrative services to the population that should be effective, efficient, responsive and accountable. . In Keban (2008), Barton and Chappel define public administration as “government work” or “government work.” Public administration, according to Nicholas Henry, is a complex combination of theory and practice aimed at improving understanding of government's role in society and encouraging public policy to be more responsive to social needs. Public administration seeks to institutionalize management practices to better suit the values of effectiveness, efficiency and fulfillment of community needs. Meanwhile, Waldo in Pasolong (2008) defines “Public administration is the management and organization of people and their equipment in order to achieve government goals.”. Public management is an interdisciplinary study of organizational fundamentals. It combines management's planning, coordinating, and managing functions with human, environmental, physical, information, and political resource management. (Overman on Keban, 2008). Essentially, public management can be defined as an interdisciplinary study of the general aspects of an organization. Is a set of management functions that includes the planning, coordinating, and managing of human, environmental, physical, and political resources.

Malang City Government through Department of Population and Civil Registration Services Malang City provides new breakthroughs for public services, especially in the population administration department. Where the innovation is called Gesit, Aktif dan Meraknyatnya (Easy, Active, and Society) (GAMPIL) from Department of Population and Civil Registration Services Malang City GAMPIL Innovation is a Department of Population and Civil Registration Services Malang City program in the field of population services and civil records that coordinates with the field of information related to the application to be implemented. This program aims to facilitate and expedite the management process of identity card, family card and the birth and death certificate. GAMPIL is an IT (Online) based service innovation that uses online systems in 57 sub-districts in 5 districts.

This GAMPIL service cuts the bureaucratic system of population administration management. Where with this program, the problem of population administration can be resolved up to the village only and the community does not need to go to the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services Malang City Office. Usually, people will take care of the Resident Identity Card (KTP), Family Card (KK) and birth certificate must be willing through conventional mechanisms. However, with this service, the community can save time and energy because there is no need to come to the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services Malang City Office. This is a ball picking program, because society is more time-saving and does not need to go far to take care of the population service. This online service also decides on the duration of population services, all of which are free.

In the implementation of GAMPIL innovation, a Quick Reaction Team was formed as the leading in solving all problems through various methods of service that are directly closer to the citizen. The innovations that implemented by the Department of Population and Civil Registration Services Malang City Office, among others:

1. PaHe Service (Savings Package), a continuation program of population documents by attaching the requirements for one type of document but obtaining other resident documents so that there is no need to take care of the document from the beginning. There are PaHe I (Family Card & Identity Card), PaHe II (Birth Card & Family Card), PaHe III (Birth Card & Identity Card), PaHe IV (Birth Card, Family Card, & Identity Card), PaHe V (Dead Card & Family Card), PaHe VI (Dead Card, Family Card, & Identity Card), PaHe VII (Divorce Card, Family Card & Identity Card).

2. Information Technology (IT) -based Services, Use ofthe JITSI application in all sub-district in Malang City. The application functions as a teleconference media between officers and the community in 57 sub-districts, with a verifier in Department of Population and Civil Registration Services Malang City Office to provide quick, accurate, and real time solutions related to population administration and civil registration problems faced. This application automatically cuts distance and time obstacles. Only office is an application to monitor the running of files. Until where the file process runs, making it easier to monitor the course of the file according to the target set in standard operational procedures. WhatsAct is an application to directly monitor the performance of all officers in the sub-district by using a webcam on the computer device used by each officer. Dear Diary, Daily Performance Report of Department of Population and Civil Registration Services Malang City Office version. Where each officer is required to record all work performed on that day into the dear diary application.

3. The pick-up and delivery method is a service carried out by officers by means of taking files and submitting population documents with a clear time duration prioritizing people who experience limitations so that they are unable to report such as severe illness, marginalized residents and the elderly.

4. Mobile e-KTP Recording, recording of electronic Identity Card on location by officers for the citizens in public places.

5. SimPLE (Direct and Effective Service System), cutting bureaucracy by simplifying requirements and procedures through establishing new Service Standards (SP) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP);

6. Service Promise is a form of service commitment to service users in accordance with established Standard Operating Procedures. If there is a mismatch caused by the officer, the population document must be sent to the domicile of the service user.

The Innovation in 2017 is involving the Department of Religious Affairs (KUA) and several other places of worship. Where this innovation is a package of marriage management services for both Muslim and nonMuslim, where in the development of this innovation there are 2 types of innovation, namely:

A. PAHE SI AKAD (saving package after marriage contract) (For Muslim), this saving package service is to provide convenience to the community when the bride and groom have finished the marriage contract, so in addition to receiving a marriage book they also receive a family card (KK) and electronic identity cards (KTP-el) with changes status from unmarried to married.

B. PAHE SI APIL (saving package completed civil marriage) (For Non-Muslim), this saving package service is to provide convenience to the community when the bride and groom are married, so in addition to receiving a marriage book they also receive a Family Card (KK) and electronic Identity Card (KTP-el) with a change in status from unmarried to married.

B. Criteria Of Innovation On Population And Civil Registration Service.

Population service innovation in two cities, namely the City of Surabaya and the City of Malang, can be identified as having five criteria for innovation in population services and civil registration. Sedarmayanti (2009) states that innovation includes the creation of something that does not exist today and can be in the form of a small creation or something monumental. Fuglsang & Pedersen in Wicaksono (2018) states that at least innovation is related to two things, namely: (1) doing something new and (2) developing something new that can run according to the context. The success of an innovation is indicated by a significant increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of the service. The definition of innovation in the field of public services (Kurniasari, 2018) is a creative idea of technology or new ways in service technology or updating existing ones in the field of service technology or creating breakthroughs or simplifications in the field of rules, approaches, procedures, methods, or service organizational structures the benefits of the results have added value both in terms of quantity and quality of service. Suripto et al (2014), develop an innovation approach in the public sector with several criteria, namely: process innovation, method innovation, product innovation, conceptual innovation, technology innovation, organizational structure innovation, relationship innovation, HR development innovation. Table 1 below illustrates the criteria and innovations generated in the two cities.

Table 1 Population and Civil Registration Service Innovations


Surabaya City

Malang City

Process innovation

• The use of technology in the population administration process makes it easier for residents, that is, they only need to upload or upload files online.

• Verification of birth and death certificate services is sufficient at the village office.

• Verification of postal service in and out is sufficient at the kecamatan office.

• The requirements are all the same. This 6 in 1 or e-Lampid innovation allows people to do it from the comfort of their own homes. Verification is possible at the nearby Department of Population and Civil Registration Services. The management of birth certificates, death certificates, and moving in and out certificates were among the services provided at the start of this innovation, in 2014. In 2016, marriage and divorce services were added.

• S i m P L E (Direct and Effective Service System), cuts bureaucracy through the establishment of new Service Standards (SP) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

• File pick-up and delivery methods for those who have limitations so they cannot report such as serious illness, marginalized residents and the elderly.

Method innovation

The community would benefit from the use of online-based technology and services.

The community would benefit from the use of online- based technology and services.

Product innovation

• Provision of a Broadband Learning Center (BLC) which contains free internet access devices

• Provision of e-Kios, which is a special tool that can access a number of Surabaya City Government programs with a touch screen and internet-based model.

There is an Innovative

Program called

Agile, Active and Populist (Easy, Active, and Community)

(GAMPIL) from the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Malang City.



Collaborative-based services that involve various related agencies to create an efficient population service design. Related agencies are the Department of Population and Civil Registration, the Office of Communication and Information Technology (Diskominfo), the Division of Governance & Regional Autonomy, and the Division of Equipment Administration.

Service Promise is a form of service commitment to service users in accordance with established Standard Operating Procedures.


Today's innovation in public service management is needed by placing services and services in a true sense. Services that should be intended for the benefit of the general public, but sometimes on the contrary are services to the State. Therefore, innovation is needed in the management of public services. The City of Surabaya and the City of Malang have made innovations in the management of population services and civil registration. The strategy used is almost the same, namely by facilitating services to the community, so that people get easy and fast services in the field of population and civil registration. There are five criteria for service innovation carried out, namely process innovation, method innovation, product innovation, conceptual innovation and technological innovation. Process innovation by presenting a more efficient and effective service process as well as facilitating the community. Method innovation that community would benefit from the use of online-based technology and services. Product innovation that is, institutions provide innovation with technology developed to facilitate services. Conceptual innovation is a form of framework that is structured to facilitate the service process with the concept that it carries must be in line with the vision and mission of the organization. Technological innovation namely by producing a product in the form of applications and programs as a tool to present an effective, efficient and fast service process as expected by the community.


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  • The concept and characteristics of the transaction. System of the rules operating social relations in the field of civil movement. Classification of transactions of various types. The validity of the transaction is recognized for it as a legal fact.

    реферат [19,5 K], добавлен 24.03.2009

  • Constitutionalism as political and legal theory and practice of development of the constitutional democratic state and civil society. Principles of modern constitutional system of board. Role of society in the course of formation of municipal authority.

    реферат [18,5 K], добавлен 07.01.2015

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