Plans for a war in Iraq carried out unilaterally by America and its allies - in effect, the US-United Kingdom coalition. Extending The US administration's concerns to Northeast Asia, the world's most dynamic economic region, with ample resources.
Investigation of investment instruments, structure and operating mechanism of Islamic exchange-traded funds. Assessing the profitability of the Saudi Arabian financial market. Stimulating trade development, searching for ways to grow the Gulf economy.
- 213. Japan Intervention
Background intervention in the far East of Russia. Japanese intervention in the far East. Policy "allies" against the Bolsheviks and Russia. The evaluation of the events based on the theory of international relations: realism, liberalism, constructivism.
Analysis of the progress of Jordan in its regional international politics in the period 2011-2015. Violation of the strategic balance of power during the revolutionary events in the region. The exploration of the ethnosocial diversity of the kingdom.
- 215. Korea in focus
In the past two decades Korea has been one of the fastest developing nations in the world - both in economic and social terms. A people and history in harmony. Trends of major economic indicators. External policies for greater international cooperation.
Structural reforms in the Kyrgyz Republic to obtain WTO membership. Creation of competitive conditions for access to the markets for goods and services. Attracting foreign direct investment and implementing WTO-related laws, rules and regulations.
The characteristics of landlocked developing countries. The export structure. Examined the constraint of landlockedness in the effectiveness of foreign direct investment on export diversification in developing countries during the period of 1996-2018.
A refugee camp is a temporary settlement built to receive refugees. The refugees of concern to UNHCR are spread around the world. CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty, who place special focus on working alongside poor women.
The social relations relevant to consideration by Russian courts of disputes related to a foreign state’s property. The jurisdictional immunity of a foreign state and its property. The innovations in the Russian legislation on jurisdictional immunity.
The study of the phenomenon of terrorism in the style of "Lone wolf" - a very dangerous phenomenon, which is a challenge for public services. To determine the consequences of these crimes on a global scale and methods of controlling such activities.
Analysis of the publication of "A Mortifying Disclosure" in the British newspaper "The Times" on August 24, 1917, with criticism of British foreign policy towards the Ottoman Empire, the actions of Louis Mallet, the British ambassador in Constantinople.
Definition of the concept and essence of macroeconomic indicators. Analysis of the impact of the crisis of 2008-09 on the economy, the state of the labor market and budget deficit in France. Carrying out structural reforms in order to combat unemployment.
The study of "geopolitical shifts" as factors that caused global turbulence and macro-oscillations of the transitional international system. Characteristics of the main participants of the hybrid war: the army, terrorists, guerrillas and rebels.
In the article, the author carried out the phenomenology of the "international system", critically arranged its features and types. The transitive type and character of the modern planetary system of "imbalance and mutual balancing" are substantiated.
The historical aspect of the trade, economic and diplomatic relations between Russia and South Korea. The main priorities in the trade and economic relations of both countries. Recent principal features of the Russian - Korean economic relations.
The post-communist development of the Mediterranean countries. The position of the countries of the Arab and Asian regions on the environment of the countries of South-Eastern Europe. The emergence of a whole new geopolitical and social reality.
Analysis the current development trends of the microbusiness in France, including its sectorial and regional specifics. estimate the contribution of microenterprises to the economic and social development of the country and the system of state support.
Analysis of the problem of separation of labor migrants as subjects of public diplomacy of Ukraine and their role in shaping the image of the country and the development of effective and mutually beneficial foreign relations between Ukraine and Italy.
The stages of the standard operation of information and psychological war. The terminology used to describe the stages of the information psychological operation. Technologies of maintenance of voluntary subordination of mass and individual consciousness.
Comparative legal characteristics the models of the organization of the self-governing bodies of the bar in the countries of the European Union and Central Asia from the point of view of compliance with international standards of independence of the bar.
Analysis of modern challenges to international security and the impact of these factors on the observance of human rights in Ukraine using methods of international law and classical legal methodology, studying the role of the ombudsman in this process.
Study of the features of the transnationalization of international business. Modern dominants in the development of transnational corporations. The market capitalization and income. Division of transnational corporations by production specialization.
A multinational corporation as an enterprise that engages in foreign direct investment and owns or controls value adding activities in more than one country. ExxonMobil as successfully ranked the world's largest refiner and marketer of petroleum.
The influence of the value of trading partner countries, increasing the distance between them on the level of trade. Transport costs, tariffs as constraints of trade between countries. The modelling of trade flows and the paradox of the "border puzzle".
- 235. New Frontiers of Sustainable Human’s Activities: Challenges for Legal Order of Space Mining Economy
The exponential development of space activities associated with plans to expand space activities on the Moon and other celestial bodies. Legal challenges to be solved in the future. Creation of a legal framework for the future economy of space productio
Building solid foundations for cooperation between China and Russia. Opening joint ventures, introducing innovative technologies. Analysis of the work of Chinese entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation. Assessment of the Russian market and its potential.
An investigation into the downward trend in global stock markets: a case study of the Nigerian stock market. The history of stock trading and trading associations. Stock markets, market crash, financial crisis in emerging markets and the results.
Статья посвящена рассмотрению вопроса участия выходцев из стран Центрально-Азиатского региона в террористической деятельности как на территории России, так и в целом в мире. Изучены сведения об организаторах и исполнителях ряда террористических актов.
Вoccтaнoвлeниe экoнoмики Япoнии в пocлeвoeнный пepиoд, анализ ее современного состояния и дальнейшие перспективы, исследование динамики. Внeшнeэкoнoмичecкaя cтpaтeгия исследуемого государства. Poccийcкo-япoнcкoe тopгoвo-экoнoмичecкoe coтpудничecтвo.
The current religious situation in the countries of Central Asia. Description of the level of influence of Islamic countries on the religious situation in the region. Cultural and historical division of Iran with the countries of the Central Asian region.