Дослідження особливостей digital креативів як інструменту інформаційного спротиву в умовах війни. Вивчення айдентики єдності як виду інформаційної зброї проти військової агресії Росії. Тенденції розвитку сучасної державної інформаційної політики.
Обзор проблем, связанных с распространением информационно-коммуникативной среды и интеграцией её в социокультурное пространство детства. Анализ мифов, которые существуют в обществе в связи с проблемой digital-детей. Изменения в когнитивной деятельности.
Получение потребителем нужной, полезной и актуальной информации о табачных изделиях. Успешность продвижения нового товара или услуги на рынок и его дальнейший бизнес оборот с применением Digital-коммуникаций. Новые технологии в табачной отрасли.
Визначено предмет правового регулювання ІТ-права та обґрунтовано його відмінність від предмету правового регулювання інформаційного права. Зазначено, що відносини у сфері інформаційних технологій регулюються не тільки нормами національного законодавства.
Необхідність мобілізації внутрішніх ресурсів людей для їх самореалізації. Розкриття креативного потенціалу digital-технологій для творчої самореалізації особи в умовах духовної кризи. Психологічний вплив цифрового мистецтва на прояви творчої уяви.
Інноваційний підхід у діяльності підприємств та його роль в розвитку економіки України. Впровадження новітнього обладнання для вирішення ресурсних, технологічних і управлінських проблем. Використання сучасних digital-технологій в управлінні підприємством.
Современное осознание туризма как социального феномена, которое трансформируется в век информационных технологий. Развитие образовательного туризма с применением технологий дополненной реальности, виртуальные путешествия для маломобильных граждан.
The topic of digitalisation in the post-covid and military environment of the educational sphere of Ukraine, as well as modern methods of digitajisation of the educational environment. the expediency of introducing the latest digital methods of teaching.
In the process of digitalization of the educational process, there is a transition from the organization of activities to the organization of the processes of designing and mastering individual educational routes. Solving modern educational tasks.
The impact of digital technologies on students and teachers as the main participants in the educational process. Changes in the requirements for the qualifications of modern teachers in connection with the organization of education in higher education.
Intensively developing digital technologies are transforming the processes studied by the didactics of higher education: ways of the teacher-student interrelated activity; the student and the knowledge, skills, and competencies intended to be gained.
To assess the effectiveness of such software solutions, the authors critically evaluate existing approaches to determining the qualitative indicators that are expected to be obtained after the introduction of software innovations, propose to supplement.
Prospects for the development of Ukraine’s economy taking into account the potential of social processes and business digitalization. The priorities of development for small and medium businesses of Ukraine under the conditions of the pandemic.
The digitalization of education as a part of IT education is studied. Problems of formation of digital competence of students are described. It is shown that the unevenness of digitalization is due to the inequality of children's access to the Internet.
Digital innovations in health care during 2017-2020 in Ukraine. Creation of an eHealth system based on the latest information technologies. Remote interaction of participants in medical legal relations without the risk of transmission of infection.
Research of the main concepts and trends related to digitalization and transformation of the investment landscape. Development of fintech startups and digital technologies in Ukraine. Assessment of cyber security, volatility and financial fraud risks.
- 287. Digitalization of social contacts - risks for women seeking a spouse through dating sites and apps
The problem of risks of digitalization of social contacts (fraud; sexual harassment; stalking) when searching for marriage partners through dating sites. Addiction occurrence of negative psychological consequences on the personal characteristics of women.
Analysis of the Russian legislation on the contract system in the field of digitalization of closed procurement for the defense and security of the state. Optimization of legislative regulation and increasing the variability of closed procurement.
Study of the essence of the institutional regulatory environment of the digital ecosystem. The impact of the digitalization process on the institutional structure of the world monetary system and its transformation into the use of digital technologies.
State of the digital education system in the EU, problems. Strategic priorities for promotion at the EU level: promoting the development of a highly effective digital education ecosystem, improving skills and competencies for digital transformation.
Анализ концепта "человеческое достоинство" в контексте философской и правовой экзистенции. Рассмотрение взглядов современных философов и юристов на природу и роль достоинства по отношению к правам человека. Критический рационализм и правовой реализм.
A widely usage of multicomponent film systems as a sensitive elements - a characteristic feature of multifunctional sensors. Influence of the phase composition, the structure of components on the mechanical properties of three-layer nickel films.
Analyzing multi-dimensional data with complex geometry and to identify low-dimensional "principal objects" that relate to the optimal projection while losing the least amount of information. The methods for dimensionality reduction of microarray data.
- 294. Dimensions of poetics and genealogy of alternative history as a phenomenon of the literary process
It is determined how genre complexes and stylistic markers forming the metagenre of alternative history are identified as subgenres of the metagenre of alternative history in the Ukrainian and American literary dimensions. Characteristics of subgenres.
Analysis of dominance in character speech in English-language prose works for children and younger teenagers. Consideration of the utterances of the characters from the point of view of the meaning of diminutives and the intentions of the speakers.
Study of the "Byzantine Commonwealth" and its influence on the Eastern European Slavic peoples in works of D.D. Obolensky. The changes in works by Obolensky in the context of the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union, democratization.
Carbon nanotube diodes as part of nanotechnology and a key component of the nanotechnology revolution, which could have major implications for the future. Nanotechnology is a discipline that deals with the design, production and manipulation of materials.
The structure of diplomatic discourse is considered from the point of view of its organization, the specifics of the agent, the client, and the purpose of this discursive practice. An analysis of diplomatic and political discourses was carried out.
The research is the possibilities of conflict resolution between the countries through diplomacy. The consideration of the Ghana’s experience in peacemaking activities, as well as the importance and the problem of peacemaking in its foreign policy.
- 300. Diplomatic relations between Ukraine and North Korea: history and specific features of development
Investigation of the causes and prerequisites for severing diplomatic ties between Ukraine and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea against the background of geopolitical changes. Aspects of cooperation between Ukraine and the DPRK during 1992-2022.